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Metalcamp 2011



Tolmin (Словения)

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Metalcamp 2011
* *

На концерт собираются (2):

OfflineNeoVision Offlinesanek_baa
Пройдет с 11-16.07.2011

Metalcamp 11 Lineup:Accept
Arch Enemy
Ava Inferi
Blind Guardian
Cold Snap
Death Angel

The Metalcamp festival area is sutuated at the confluence of Soca and Tolminka rivers – cca. 1 km from the city Tolmin.


You can buy your tickets, parking tickets and other Metalcamp merchandise in our shop.

Please, follow the "Metalcamp" parking signs in Tolmin. Parking and camping is only permitted only on foreseen places, so please follow the instructions of the parking security personnel.The parking ticket price is 20 EUR for the complete festival and 15 EUR for 3- day visitors. Price is for 1 vehicle, regardless of the number of passengers. You can buy your parking sticker HERE . Please not that the parking sticker should be placed onto the INNER LEFT SIDE of your vehicle's windshield!

Camping is for free, but subject to possession of a valid festival-ticket! Camping is at one´s own risk, the management accepts no responsibility in any case! We are offering you the advanced group camping booking for minimum 20 persons per group. Please note that camping & parking areas are divided in 2 different sections: parking&camping areas and camping only areas. You can check the detailed area map HERE.
PLEASE NOTE! Camping for visitors with 3-day and 1-day ticket is also for free, but possible only until the next day after the validity of the ticket - 3-day and 1-day visitors will need to leave the camping area until 11 a.m!

Early arrival
Because of the major logistic effort and the low demands in the last year, it won't be possible to arrive already on Saturday and Sunday. Please switch to the numerous public campgrounds in Tolmin region.
The official arrival day is July 11th , 2011 - again starting at 00.00 am. If you still think about arriving earlier, we give you the opportunity to use an extra stated and primed area for camping, but this requires an extra fee of 25,-€ on July 9th, 2011 for each person and 15,-€ on July 10th, 2011 until 12:00 p.m. for each person.

First Aid
The First Aid Point is open 24 hours a day throughout the festival.

Food & Drinks
You will be provided with various selection of food and drinks of good quality at a big number of stands, adequate in quantity and pricing. Same for vegetarians!!! At the festival area you can buy the MC food & drinks coupons at the Coupon office stands. No cash is accepted at the festival area!

Garbage & Garbage bins
Please really try to keep the festival area and the surroundings clean! Use the garbage bins that will be placed throughout the festival area and take note of the marked recycle bins also.

Impaired people - Wheelchair users
Wheelchair users or other physically handicapped people, who rely on support, can bring their escorting person to the festival area for free. They are allowed to use the VIP camping grounds, which enable an easier passage to the festival area. Handicapped accessible restrooms will be available. Please note that an official medical certificate will be demanded upon your arrival!

Information, Lost and Found
The info point personnel will provide you with the following info: shuttle transport, running order, your favourite band's session hours and all other festival-related news. You can also deposit things that you have found or leave a note if you have lost something.

There will be a limited edition of MC festival shirts and other MC merchandise available at the official MC merchandise stand.

Dogs and other animals are NOT permitted to the festival area!

Photographing for your personal use by means of pocket cameras permitted only. Surely, you do understand that due to contractual obligations, no use of professional photo equipment with objectives, video cameras and alike, is allowed on the festival area. There is no chance that the security personnel will take them into safekeeping! People who will be caught with such equipment will be have to leave the festival area. All the recorded data will be taken by our security personnel, with no "return" option.

Prohibited Objects
At the festival area it is prohibited to bring: cans, bottles, hard drugs, objects that can be used as projectiles, knifes, and of course any kind of weapons and other objects that can be used as such. Leave those things at home; you won't be able - at any case - to get into the festival area with them!

Risk of participation
Every visitor participates on the festival at his own risk. Besides, every visitor is obliged to take action for the warranty of his own safety. The visitor is also responsible for his property, which he brings along. The organizer is not liable for any lost or damaged property! The organizer is not liable for violations of the Slovenian law, thievery, injuries or damages by third parties that happen in course of the festival.

Running Order
You find the schedule of the bands' performances at the PROGRAM section.

Sanitary Facilities
Please keep the toilet and shower facilities clean so also other people can use them conveniently after you did! On the camping area toilets and showers will also be available, of course.

The instructions of the security personnel are NOT to be followed voluntarily but obligatory! Please, avoid senseless annoying actions so everybody will feel comfortable!

Shuttle Service
From the train station in Most na Soci, a shuttle bus will transfer you to the METALCAMP area and back for a symbolic price.

Swimming and other sports are at everyone's own risk!


Will the METALCAMP 2011 be sold out?

There is a very good chance Metal Camp 2011 will be sold out, so to be certain of getting your ticket make sure to order as soon as possible.

Do I need separate tickets for camping and parking?
Camping is included in the price of the tickets. For parking you need a parking-ticket, which can be ordered at the MC web-store or bought directly at the festival area.

May I camp at the METALCAMP 2011 without visiting the festival?
No, camping and parking is subject to a valid festival ticket!

Is it possible to park the vehicles directly next to the tent?
Vehicles are permitted on some parts of the camping area. Take a look at the area map for a detailed camping & parking plan.

Are there any specific entry requirements for Slovenia?
Slovenia is part of the EU, so there are no specific documents required for the EU countries visitors. We recommend that visitors from non EU countries check their local embassy to avoid complications at the border.

Which currency do I need in Slovenia?
Since the 1st of January 2007, Slovenian sole currency is Euro.

Do children get free admittance to the festival?
Yes, children under the age of 12 will get free entrance. Please not that children can enter the festival only if escorted by one of their parents or other authorized adult caretaker!

Can underage visitors enter the festival?
Yes, but only if escorted by one of their parents or other authorized adult caretaker!

Are dogs and animals allowed on the festival and camping area?
NO! Dogs and any other pets are strictly prohibited at all festival and camping areas. We are sure you understand that a festival is not the right place for pets.

Are campfires allowed at the camping area?
Open campfires are strictly prohibited. Making grills is permitted, but only if you use the authentic and safe grill equipment.

Is it permitted to bring glass bottles and glass containers to the festival and camping area?
NO! Any kind of glass bottles, tins or other glass containers are explicitly forbidden at all the festival area.

Are there any cash dispensers at the festival area?
No, unfortunately not. But you can find a bank in Tolmin.

Where can I buy METALCAMP 2010 merchandise?
Metalcamp festival shirts and other MC merchandise will be available at the MC merchandise stand.

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5 апр 2011, 23:38
Едем во второй раз, если у кого есть вопросы насчет организации и прочего, с радостью отвечу


30 апр 2011, 20:52
Я собираюсь поехать, но не знаю, как :))) Интересует всё-от покупки билета, проезда-группой или самому, проживания в и т.д. Лучше напиши мне на . Я из твоего города и ты меня знаешь - Katatonia 2009 Moscow вместе были.


15 май 2011, 03:13
Я поздно узнал про етот фест =( с удовольствием поехал бы , но у меня отпусков нету уже и так на 4 феста еду этим летом... вот в след году поеду точно )


9 июн 2011, 17:12
Уважаемый НеоВизион, у меня есть масса вопросов касаемо стоимости, проживания и прочего, если не затруднительно, напиши мне на мыло


10 июл 2011, 21:23
Ох, как же хорошо тем, кто и в этом году там) Лучшего места для отдыха просто нет. Была там в прошлом году, и когда-нибудь ещё обязательно выберусь. Горы Словении просто обалденное место, независимо от состава феста;)

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