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23 июн 2018

Новая песня REBEL WIZARD
"The prophecy came and it was soaked with the common fools forboding", новая песня группы REBEL WIZARD, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Этот трек взят из альбома Voluptuous Worship Of Rapture And Response, выход которого запланирован на 17 августа на Prosthetic Records:
"Persisting as it does"
"The prophecy came and it was soaked with the common fools forboding"
"High mastery of the woeful arts"
"Drunk on the wizdom of unicorn semen"
"The poor and ridiculous alchemy of Christ and Lucifer and us all"
"Mother Nature, oh my sweet mistress, showed me the other worlds and it was just fallacy"
"Majestic mystical burdens"
"Healing the chakras with heavy negative wizard metal"
"Voluptuous Worship Of Rapture And Response"
"Exhaustive glory"
![=]](/img/news-bord-shr.gif) |
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