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  Продам фирменные CD. От Brutal Death до Funeral Doom
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Зарегистрирован: Вс 26.08.2012, 12:31
Сообщения: 53
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По 800р.

ATARAXIE - Slow Transcending Agony (Weird Truth Prod)
CATAFALQUE - Unique (Poem Productions)
EXCRUCIATION - Angels To Some, Demons To Others (Non Stop Music Records)
EYES OF LIGEIA - A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever (Paragon Records)
FALL OF EMPYREAN - A Darkness Remembered (Oak Knoll Productions)
FUNEREUM - Reflections In Metaphysica (Nocturnal Music)
LACRIMA - Old Man's Hands (8merch / Radio Panteon)
NECROPHAGIA - Cannibal Holocaust (Digipack) (Season Of Mist)
NECROPHAGIA - Goblins Be Thine (Digipack) (Red Stream)
PANTHEIST - The Pains Of Sleep (Serpent's Lair Productions)
PIK - The Heritage Of Past Gods (Mighty Music)
PIK - The Rotten Fruit Of Mercy (Self-released)
QUERCUS - Verferum (MFL Records)
REACTION ECSTASY TRANCE (Czechia) - In Love With Blood (Crystal Productions)
SEAL OF BELETH - Seal Of Beleth (Patologian Laboratorio)
SHUB NIGGURATH - Evilness And Darkness Prevails (Digipack) (Guttural Records)
ZATOKREV - Bury The Ashes (Firebox)

По 1000р.

ACEDIA - Winter's End & Whisper Rains (Digipack 2CD) (GS Productions)
AFTER RAIN - Hammered To The Ice (InMotion Agency)
ATROCITY - Okkult (Digipack) (Napalm Records) SEALED
CYNIC - Traced In Air (Season Of Mist)
DE PROFUNDIS - A Bleak Reflection (Kolony Records)
DOOMSILLA - Join The Cult (2CD) (Morbid Generation Records)
DORMANT INFERNO / DIONYSUS - Beyond Forgotten Shores (2CD) (Transcending Obscurity)
FAERGHAIL - Where Angels Dwell No More (LSP Company)
JUPITERIAN - Archaic: Process Of Fossilization (Cold Art Industry / Wolfblasphemer Distro)
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION - The June Frost (Weird Truth Prod) (1st press)
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION - The Monad of Creation (Weird Truth Prod) (1st press)
MOURNING BELOVETH - A Murderous Circus (Grau)
NILE - Those Whom The Gods Detest (Digipack) (Nuclear Blast)
OPETH - Ghost Reveries (Roadrunner Records)
PATHOLOGY - Age Of Onset (Comatose Music)
QUERCUS - Postvorta (Deserted Factory)
SYMPTOM - Beneath The Ossuary (Craneo Negro)
SYMPTOM - Opulent Atrocity (Memento Mori)
THERION - Deggial (Nuclear Blast America)
VADER - Revelations (Digipack) (Metal Blade)
WORSHIP - Last CD Before Doomsday (Weird Truth)

По 1200р.

ABORTED - Goremageddon: The Saw And The Carnage Done (Digipack) (Listenable Records)
ABYSMAL TORMENT - Epoch Of Methodic Carnage (Brutal Bands)
ABYSMAL TORMENT - Omnicide (Brutal Bands)
ANHEDONIST - Netherwards (Dark Descent)
APOTHEOSIS - Black And Blue Reality (MDD)
AUTOPSY - Macabre Eternal (Peaceville)
BEFORE THE DAWN - Rise Of The Phoenix (Nuclear Blast)
CELESTIAL SEASON - Solar Lovers (Displeased Records)
DAYLIGHT DIES - Dismantling Devotion (Candlelight Records)
DEMONICAL - Darkness Unbound (Metal Blade)
DRACONIAN - Arcane Rain Fell (Napalm Records)
FIRESPAWN - Shadow Realms (Digipack) (Century Media)
HAGGARD - And Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer (Serenades)
KRISIUN - Southern Storm (Century Media)
KRISIUN - The Great Execution (Digipack) (Century Media)
KRISIUN - Works Of Carnage (BLACK CD) (Century Media)
LOSS - Despond (Profound Lore)
MISCHIEVOUS AUGURY - Immortal Land (From The Grave Productions)
NAPALM DEATH - From Enslavement To Obliteration (Digipack) (Earache)
ORIGIN - Antithesis (Relapse Records)
ORIGIN - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas (Relapse Records)
ORIGIN - Origin (Relapse Records)
PANTHEIST - Amartia (Firedoom Music)
PATHOLOGY - Awaken To The Suffering (Victory Records)
PATHOLOGY - Legacy Of The Ancients (Victory Records)
PATHOLOGY - The Time Of Great Purification (Victory Records)
SCRIPTORIS IRAE - Black Sun Shining (Mighty Legends)
SILENT STREAM OF GODLESS ELEGY - Behind The Shadows (full booklet) (punchholes on inlay) (Redblack)
SUFFOCATION - Blood Oath (Nuclear Blast)
SUFFOCATION - ...Of The Dark Light (Nuclear Blast)

По 1300р.

CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER - Money Talks (Relapse Records)
FUNERAL - From These Wounds (Tabu Recordings)
MOURNING BELOVETH - Formless (2CD) (Grau Records)
LOST SOUL - Scream Of The Mourning Star (Relapse Records)
ORIGIN - Entity (Digipack CD/DVD) (Nuclear Blast)
PATHOLOGY - Surgically Hacked (Amputated Vein Records)
SWALLOW THE SUN - Hope (Candlelight)
UNLEASHED - As Yggdrasil Trembles (Digipack) (Nuclear Blast)

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