16 фев 2018 : Новое видео SCUMPULSE
"Rotten", новое видео группы SCUMPULSE, доступно для просмотра ниже. Эта песня взята из альбома "Rotten", выходящего 23 февраля на Gore House Productions:
"Alba Gu Bràth"
"Broken Reflection"
"Gnawed By Pigs"
"King Of Dogshit"
"Pure Jakebawlocaust"
"Wage Decay"
"Sand And Dust"
They sing about the important issues, but without the lyric sheet you would never know.
Hailing from the East Coast of Scotland and born from the slimy remnants of Fifteen Dead and Tower of Flies - it wasn’t long before the filth took hold. Over copious beers, fast drugs and a mutual loathing of work - they developed a sound akin to waking up in a freezing puddle of your own piss at the foot of a shared stairwell, just as the methadone has worn off.
A twice pressed EP, “By Design”, was first released DIY in May of 2014 and supported by several UK tours. “Rotten”, their first full length LP is complete and ready to upset anybody that cares to listen.
They have shat in the bags of weaker bands, eaten meat pies in front of vegetarians, spewed Buckfast on straight-edgers and destroyed a perfectly innocent urinal in Portsmouth.