2 дек 2024 : Новое видео SERAINA TELLI
"I'm Not Sorry" feat. Clementine Delauney (Visions Of Atlantis), новое видео SERAINA TELLI, доступно для просмотра ниже. Этот трек взят из нового релиза Black 'n' White, выпущенного 15 ноября:
"Black ‘n’ White"
"Addicted to Color"
"Wish You Well"
"I'm Not Sorry"
"Not One Of Your Kind"
"Left Behind"
"Song For The Girls"
"Harder Way"
"Hit Shit"
"Take Care"
"My Way"
"Black ‘n’ White" feat. Anna Murphy (ex Eluveitie, Cellar Darling)
"Addicted to Color" feat. Britta Görtz (HiRaes)
"Wish You Well" feat. Chris Boltendahl (Grave Digger)
"I'm Not Sorry" feat. Clementine Delauney (Visions Of Atlantis)
"Not One Of Your Kind" feat. Deer Park Avenue
"Left Behind" feat. Rapture Boy
"Dreamer" feat. Kärbholz
"Song For The Girls" feat. Lee Aaron
"Remedy" feat. Marc Amacher
"Harder Way" feat. Alexander “Lex” Wohnhaas (Megaherz)
"Medusa" feat. Calico Cooper
"Hit Shit" feat. Violet Greens & One Man Rocks
"Take Care" feat. Tete Novoa (Saratoga)
"Think!" feat. Ohrenfeindt
"My Way" feat. John Diva and the Rockets of Love