2 янв 2022 : Новое видео DIAMORTE
"Where The Light Grows Cold", новое видео группы DIAMORTE, доступно для просмотра ниже.
Performed by:
Budapest Scoring – Live Orchestra and Choir Performance
Drake Mefestta – Lacroix, Guttural Vocalist
James Dorton – Dorian, Guttural/Bass Vocalist
Colin Parks – Majin, The Betrayer, Baritone Vocalist
Mordian – Fayte, Alto Vocalist
Rachl Quinn – Cordelia, High Soprano Vocalist
Drew Hurst – Guitars
Special Guests:
James Stewart – Drums
Mike LePond - Bass
James Stephenson – Guitars
Jon Phipps – Pre-Production/Sound Design
Spencer Creaghan – Virtual Orchestration
A stage show honed and crafted over six years time complete with choirs, players, special fx, and various performers whose presences conclude the experience, DiAmorte is as much an opera as it is a metal show.
It is the philosophy that for a band that to simply enter on stage and play songs as they were on the album without anything further is to simply listen to the album itself. Music provokes visualization and demands it to complete it in entirety.
This is DiAmorte...