16 авг 2015 : Новая песня SERIAL BUTCHER
“Sadistic Spare Parts Surgery”, новая песня SERIAL BUTCHER, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Этот трек взят из нового альбома "Brute Force Lobotomy", выход которого намечен на 18 сентября на Unique Leader Records.
The band is getting rave reviews in fanzines,being called a more brutal version of Cannibal Corpse,
and playing an average of 2-3 shows per month all over the country,
opening for international acts such as Loudblast,Natron,Suffocation,Aborted,...
Wich resulted in recording 2 more demo cd's "Exhumed Rotting" in 1998 and "Butchers Forever" in 2001,
whom where self released and limited to a few hundred copy's that where sold out in almost no time!
January 2003 sees the band signing a one album record deal to American label "Deepsend records",releasing the EP "Genocide Landscape",
recorded at CCR Recordings by Kris Belaen(Aborted,In-Quest,...),
selling cd's all over the world,and leaving their mark upon the underground scene.
A period of line-up problems had occured in the past years,
but where quickly resolved by recruting Belgiums Finest musicians to continue the ravage the band had left behind,
providing a more punishing sound than ever before..
The progression of the bandmembers today,took them to the next level of recording a full album,
entitled "A Crash Course In Cranium Crushing" at the end of 2008.
After 2 weeks of recording and mixing at the famed "Berno Studio" in Sweden with producer Henrik Larsson(The Haunted,Amon Amarth,Vomitory,...)
9 brutal tracks where finished of wich a 3 track promo cd was send out to the world,
including the sick art of the allmighty "Tony Koehl" (Malignancy,The Black Dahlia Murder,Devourment,Putrid Pile,...)
and quickly draw the attention of many labels,proving that SERIAL BUTCHER is back on track!
which resulted in signing a 2 album deal with todays leading Deathmetal label "UNIQUE LEADER RECORDS",
housing international top acts like Vile,Deeds Of Flesh,Hour Of penance,and many more...
In a few words:"Preparing for the attack",that's what Serial Butcher has been up to!
Beware,for those who left themselves unprepared,the ravage will be bigger this
time and you will shit yourselves in awe when this relentless sonic madness of
pummeling grooves and fast paced artillery passes through your town,leaving
a devastating track!
So look out for an album called "A Crash Course In Cranium Crushing" before it gets you!