20 янв 2025 : Гитарист AUTOGRAPH готовит биографию
STEVE LYNCH 18 января отпраздновал 70-летие и сообщил, что в мае состоится релиз его автобиографии Confessions Of A Rock Guitarist
«Всем привет! Сегодня мне исполняется 70 лет! И я должен сказать — я чувствую себя лучше, чем когда-либо!
На этом этапе жизни я не только вспоминаю, но и заглядываю в будущее, представляя, какие новые приключения ждут меня впереди... и поверьте, их еще много! Разница в том, что теперь у меня есть 70-летняя мудрость, которая поможет мне сориентироваться в этих новых событиях.
Оглядываясь назад, я вижу огромные изменения, произошедшие за мою жизнь. Например, когда я родился в январе 1955 года, было всего 48 штатов, а когда мне исполнилось 4 года в 1959 году, к ним добавились Гавайи и Аляска. В мире было 2,8 миллиарда человек, а сейчас их более 8 миллиардов. Я видел, как убили Джона Кеннеди, а в следующем году наблюдал за выступлением The Beatles на шоу Эда Салливана. Я был свидетелем войны во Вьетнаме от начала до конца, и меня чуть не призвали в армию. Я видел, как были убиты Мартин Лютер Кинг и Роберт Ф. Кеннеди. Я был свидетелем движения за освобождение женщин, расцвета «Детей цветов», поп-культуры Энди Уорхола, «Бит-поколения» Аллена Гинзберга. Я также дважды видел выступления Джими Хендрикса, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin и The Doors, а также многих других. А если заглянуть в прошлое, то можно увидеть, как все кардинально изменилось благодаря информационным технологиям и искусственному интеллекту — и это потрясающе!
Мне невероятно повезло, что я жил в эту эпоху. Такого еще не было, и никогда не будет. Мне не терпится увидеть, что ждет нас впереди. Я дорожу этим, потому что я живу историей, как и все мы. Я обсуждаю эти темы в своей предстоящей книге «Confessions Of A Rock Guitarist» (выход в мае) и рассказываю о том, что я чувствовал во время этих событий, как они повлияли на меня позже в жизни и помогли вдохновить меня на моем музыкальном пути.
Сейчас я чувствую себя очень счастливым и довольным - рядом со мной любовь всей моей жизни Сюзанна, у меня есть любящая семья и друзья, у меня есть здоровье, мудрость, музыка, воспоминания... и моя гитара. Посмотрим, какое волшебство произойдет дальше!
В честь своего знаменательного дня рождения я решил сделать свою первую татуировку. Это будет мое имя и адрес, так что если кто-то найдет меня блуждающим, он будет знать, кто я и куда меня вести. ЛОЛ! Шучу... (вроде как).
Любви и мира вам всем! Будьте здоровы!»
They have toured with Motley Crue, Heart, Aerosmith, Ronnie James Dio, Van Halen, Bryan Adams, and Whitesnake.
Autograph began in late 1983 originally as a solo project for singer-songwriter/guitarist Steve Plunkett (also known as "Plunk"), who had recently left the band Silver Condor, due to his frustration with their lack of interest in recording his songs. Plunkett then began playing and recording his own material with a group of his musician friends, most of whom had previously played with him in other bands.
On lead guitar was Steve Lynch who had played with Plunkett in the band Looker, and who has a distinctive two-handed, fretboard-tapping technique, which eventually won him the "Guitar Solo of the Year" award from Guitar Player magazine for his work on Autograph's signature song, "Turn Up The Radio." Bassist Randy Rand knew Plunkett from their days together in Wolfgang, a prominent club band in Los Angeles, which has been described as a local legend and of which Kevin Dubrow (lead singer of Quiet Riot) said, "They smoked us all....They got a better response than us and Van Halen"[2]. Steve Isham, keyboard player and longtime friend of Plunkett's, had earlier played with Holly Penfield, and on drums, Plunkett called on Keni Richards, his bandmate from John Doe, and whose friendship with Van Halen lead singer David Lee Roth led to Autograph's big break.
Quickly, this group of musicians recording together took the form of an actual band. Plunkett chose the name "Autograph" for the band, having been inspired by hearing Def Leppard's similarly-titled song, "Photograph," on the radio. They recorded their first rough demos in late 1983, but played them only for a few close friends. One of these friends, Andy Johns, a famous record producer, invited the band to re-record and upgrade those demos at the world-famous Record Plant studios - for free under his guidance. Keni Richards then played that new demo for David Lee Roth of Van Halen, who subsequently invited the band to open for them in their 1984 tour.
The band rose to prominence opening for Van Halen on their 1984 tour, ultimately playing 48 shows, an act of distinction for an unsigned band. Autograph signed a contract with RCA Records following a performance at Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1984.
The band’s debut album, Sign in Please, was completed and released in October of that year, but did not make an appearance on any record charts until January 1985. Sign in Please contains the band’s only major hit and signature song, "Turn Up the Radio." Interestingly, according to Autograph's Turn Up the Web website, the tune was one of the last songs recorded for the album, and the band members were initially very lukewarm toward it. The song became a top-30 hit, pushing album sales past the gold mark (500,000 copies sold). The album later went platinum. "Turn Up The Radio" was featured in an episode of Miami Vice entitled "Little Prince" and numerous other films.
The band also recorded a song titled "You Can't Hide From the Beast Inside" for the film Fright Night.
A second album, That’s the Stuff, was released in the fall of 1985, and the group went on tour in support of several other bands, including Mötley Crüe and Heart.[citation needed] Although record sales were disappointing in comparison to their first album, it still achieved near gold status (supported by the single, "Blondes in Black Cars" and the title track, a minor-hit), and eventually peaked at #92 on the Billboard album charts.[citation needed]
The band then recorded a song titled "Winning Is Everything" for the film Youngblood.
Autograph remained at RCA to record a third album which took longer to record than the other two. Loud and Clear was released in the spring of 1987 and was produced by their friend Andy Johns. The title song "Loud and Clear" featured a music video with Ozzy Osbourne and Vince Neil of Mötley Crüe as extras. The band also made three appearances on Headbangers Ball in 1987. In October of the same year, the band made a cameo in the Dudley Moore, Kirk Cameron movie Like Father Like Son about a father and son switching bodies. The first song featured was "Dance all Night" which played briefly, and the song they were prominently shown performing was "She Never Looked That Good for Me," both of these songs being from the Loud and Clear album. Despite the three songs being released as singles, the album was not a big success and did not bring the band much more success than they had before, mostly due to lackluster support from RCA.
The band left RCA in early 1988 and not long after RCA coincidentally went defunct. Steve Isham left the band to pursue other options but was not replaced, as the band felt they no longer needed keyboards and wanted to take a newer and heavier direction. The remaining members began recording a new album in 1988, which they hoped to release the following year, but never did. Recordings for this album would later surface on the Missing Pieces album (see below). They once again hit the road for a short tour, with new drummer Eddie Cross and continued to record. The band would eventually find a new deal with Epic in 1989, but it fell through at the last minute, and the members called it quits towards the end of December of that year. Frontman Steve Plunkett recorded a solo album " My Attitude" shortly after the breakup that was released in 1991, while drummer Keni Richards went on to work with Dirty White Boy. Keyboardist Steve Isham joined up with Gary Moon, who later replaced Jack Blades in Night Ranger, to form The Pack, and he later went on to tour with Vince Neil during his solo era. Lead guitarist Steve Lynch formed another band, Network 23.
Though the group had disbanded, a few of their music videos, most commonly "Turn Up the Radio" from their debut, continued to be played on channels and programs such as MTV and Headbangers Ball for several years afterward. As that genre of music was still widely popular, every now and then a video from the first two albums Sign in Please and That's the Stuff would appear on MTV, while videos from the then more modern Loud and Clear appeared frequently on Headbangers Ball between 1988 and 1990. However, with the explosion of Grunge around 1991-92, older videos in the pop metal/hard rock genre were neglected altogether in favor of the newer style of rock music. Thanks to the recent advent of channels such as VH1 Classic, several classic Autograph music videos can once again be seen on television today.
[edit] More Recent Activities
In 1997, Steve Plunkett released an album of previously unreleased Autograph material from 1988-1989 titled Missing Pieces. Also included on the album was a demo version of "Turn Up the Radio" recorded in 1984 prior to their debut album, featuring a slightly different chorus. This CD was well received by fans. Plunkett would resurrect the name Autograph with a new lineup (v 2.02) in 2002, and the group would release a new album, Buzz, the following spring.
When the original group disbanded in 1989, Plunkett became a staff writer and producer for All Nations Music, where he had over 170 of his songs released, including over 40 in movies like Rock Star, "Brave New Girl" (Britney Spears penned movie for ABC Family) and Gods and Monsters. Many artists have recorded his songs including Vixen, The Go-Go's, and Marc Anthony and Edgar Winter. He has also produced artists such as Cyndi Lauper, Loretta Lynn, Graham Nash and En Vogue. He wrote and performed the theme song for the WB television series 7th Heaven, as well as several other theme songs for shows such as Summerland and Kojak and Queen of Swords which featured "Behind the Mask" performed by Jose Feliciano. Steve has had his original songs in hundreds of TV shows like "Beverly Hills 90210", Melrose Place", "Sex and the City" and "The Simpsons". He continues to work on music based projects in Los Angeles and with his own publishing company Plunksongs(www.Plunksongs.com).
Original Lead guitarist Steve Lynch has now been a guitar teacher for several years, schooling students in his virtuosic signature 8-finger "hammer-on" guitar technique. He has also published several books on his guitar styles as well as an instructional video that has been a top seller worldwide. He has conducted 325 clinics in 18 countries throughout his teaching career. The Network 23 album he released in 2004 has been re-mastered and is now available on cdbaby.com and through his personal web-site stevelynch.info. He currently owns a music school in the Seattle area and has just completed a new teaching web-site called lynchlicks.com that will be on-line by the beginning of April 2009. Steve is currently working on a new solo cd that will be released in the late summer/early fall of 2009. It will be almost entirely an instrumental album.
Bassist Randy Rand began a career in leathermaking, establishing a shop that sells his own hand-crafted leather products and even working with Harley Davidson for a time.[3] According to Autograph's now-defunct "Turn Up the Web!" website, one of his daughters, Sterling Knight, has become a relatively well-known model in Italy.
Drummer Keni Richards later left the music business as well due to a chronic back problem he had had for several years. He has kept continuing his passion for art and craft.
Keyboardist Steve Isham passed away in December 9, 2008 after battling liver cancer at the age of 56.
"Turn Up the Radio" appeared in the 2002 video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (and "All I'm Gonna Take" in t