 Ого! Это первая реакция. Вторая – хм... Старики Destruction сделали, в принципе, то же, что делают в это время многие заслуженные банды: отполировывают былые успешные номера, переиздают их, рубят бабки. Не так оригинально, как это сделали Anthrax на "The Greater Of Two Evils", но всё же возникает желание заглянуть в дедовскую коробку с граммофонными пластинками и проверить, а не завалялось ли там какого старинного винила Разрушения. Destruction просто переиграли старые боевики с новым звуком, сделав их ещё более убойными. Представлен, собственно, смак: песни с альбомов "Mad Butcher" (1987), "Infernal Overkill" (1985), "Eternal Devastation" (1986), "Sentence Of Death" (1984), "Cracked Brain" (1990) и "Release From Agony" (1988)! Кто бы мог подумать, что это может ТАК звучать?! И хорошо, что они просто переиграли то, что и сами уже давно не играли, и не подпустили к пульту никаких модных деятелей, которые могли бы нашлёпать ремиксов и запороть всё. И сыграно с огоньком, за что отдельный респект, это вам не прокатиться по миру с альбомом двадцатилетней давности! Хотя ближе к концу становится скучновато: высококачественное и высокоскоростное рубилово-молотилово таки приедается. Так и начинаешь жалеть, что мужики не пустились в эксперименты. Было бы веселее, но с неизвестным исходом. Они же предпочли скормить ещё раз всем своё the best of, потому и «хм»... Но совсем без «бонусов» обойтись не могло, это немцам было ясно: альбом содержит две новые песни – "Profanity" и "Deposition (Your Heads Will Roll)". Ну, Destruction как Destruction. Удачный альбом, отлично cыгранный и записанный. На радость всем фэнам немецкой трэш-сцены. Остальным, я думаю, покажется скучноватым. |
hell storms ,rush over the earth
Bestial Invasion
your time is out, obsession spreads
death rules, satans law is in command
jesus christ exists no longer
you better pray to the new lord
cause heґs almighty obey him
Release from Agony
I am caught in a dream
and I am trying to pass through.
Something insane is on the prowl
uncertainty is frightening me.
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
This nightmare surrounds me
I am prepared for the worst
Captured timeless in the darkness
one second seems like eternity
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
Getting in state of panic
this can't be just imagination
Iam praying to be awake
I don't want to face this vicious circle
I know this nightmare will revert
it is driving me to despair
My refuge will be reality
Release from Agony!
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
Mad Butcher
Mad Butcher
A fire is burning in his eyes
his brain is in war and the evil will rise
his blood is black, itґs scalding hot
now he's got to ramble,
he knows that's his lot
Through the Blackstreets of the town
his steps are clanging
now he's wanton, oh he's panting
in his hand a blade of solid steel
now it's the time you got to feel
Mad Butcher
He feels his driving, satifaction he needs
he's watching you pussy, he will get his food
and when he arises you think it's a lover
but he likes strange pratices, you'll discover
You lie on your bed, your view real seems great
but instead of his prick
he's drawing his blade
oh he's so tender, when he makes love to you
that you couldn't stand it,
it's a pity for you.
Reject Emotions
Every night the same old game
After the show you are looking for something
You're on the road for much too long
Your love has grown between your legs
Don't need a love romance
All you want is something to ride
Princess you wanna open your legs
It is time to show you my way of love
Reject emotions - satisfiy your feelings
Victim of lust - trapped in lunatic possession
Reject emotions - too horny to be alone
Reject emotions
Too shy maiden with innocent eyes
No chance for you to strike tonight
They don't realize your game of love
Love is a lie - a wasted business
Death Trap
Midnight, on a forgotten cemetary
No stars, just a black sky
The moon shines red
Terrible sounds in the night it is sabbath
why are you here?
You've disturbed the sabbath
You know the punishment
There's only one solution....DEATH!!
Wolves howl, witches dance around the stake
Serene holy hell, preachers pray
They pray to satan, his majesty is here
why are you here?
You've disturbed the sabbath
You know the punishment
There's only one solution....DEATH!!
You look confused, and i know why
Now you see sacrfices, feel the flames, feel the fear
Now its too late, you cant escape
Your fear builds up, look at your death,
wheres your God now??
Why did you come?
The ceremony has ended
You know the punishment
Cracked Brain
Nothing to say, to be honest
Got no idea what to talk about now
Speaking my mind is so useless
Can't think of words that suit the stale I'm in
Don't know at all what it's all about
All day long I'm smoking
Always a thrill butI'm not getting high
I'm not excited
I don't feel like it
I've got a cracked brain, cracked brain
Feel too lazy to get up
Just stay in bed and rest my mind
Nowhere to go - no one's waiting
All I want is to get passed this day
Stare at a box with moving pictures
Lie on a rug and let the time pass by
Clouds of smoke inside my bedroom
Floating away and leave reality behind
I'm not excited...
Life without Sense
you were born but you donґt know why youґre existing
you are unabled why is it you and not me
your parents theyґre shocked but still they love you
you are their flesh and blood whatelse could they do
not even modern medicine can help your tortured body
hospitals are your world, doctors your friends
to keep your dreadful life
other people never treat you like a normal human being
they often think you shouldnґt be a part of their sick society
they smile at you but deep inside they think you shouldnґt be here
because they never ever realize, you got a heart and feelings too
people turn their heads
whenever you walk by
because they believe
you live a life without sense
life without sense
life without sense
If iґd be you, i might to commit suicide
but youґre strong enough to live on
because itґs you and not me
If iґd be you, i might to commit suicide
but youґre strong enough to live on
because itґs you and not me
people turn their heads
whenever you walk by
because they believe
you live a life without sense
life without sense
life without sense
Total Desaster
I was born in a dark winter night
Thunder and lightning greeted me
Now itґs the time to begin to fight
Kingdom of heaven, I canґt see
My home is the bloody hell
At the place where Satan rules
The world is now like a big shell
The fire of hell will destroy the fools
I can never trust the virgin preacher
I can never believe in Jesus Christ
Itґs all right ґcoz Satan is my teacher
People hidden them when we arised
I command and you get down on your knees
We sacrifice infants on Satanґs order
Come taste blood, our living grease
Headless bodies found, one is your daughter
Invincible Force
Iґm an invincible force of evil
my eternal hatred is destructive
thereґs no chance to survive
I incarnate the end of mankind
Iґm in crest of human flesh
and I agonize in a pool of blood
donґt try to escape or resist
cause christ wonґt help you tonight
Invincible Force
Invincible Force
you break down in the morass
turn and see them blood stained claws
now i tear the shreds out of your face
now you will curse your day of birth
you agonize in a pool of blood
you scream out and begg for mercy
donґt try to escape or resist
cause christ wonґt help you tonight
Sign of Fear
Gettin'scared by every chance to love
look careful which people you meet!
Almost being caught when you cheat
Why do people call it sign of the gods?
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
It's getting on a bigger stage
spreading like the black pest
When you've realized it, there's no time left
No way to pass through
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
Unfair punishment of free lifestyle?
Will we return to the middle-ages?
You? ll get distrustful of your friends
Carelessness and indiference will lead to death
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
A little boy played strange games
no toy he ever touched
but when nobody looked
his body cooked - in his soul where burninґ flames
Oh my son I see your talent
waitinґ for such guys like you
satanґs in his throne
in his dark damned doom
his help heґll shurly sent!
Refrain I:
Oh little mouse - where is your head
do you want something instead
now little bird you see my blade
now you see I know my trade
He the master in his own four walls
lifeґs an life in fun
cause his only joy
is an livinґtoy
- somebody to cut off -
Refrain II:
Oh bloody body - whereґs your head
canґt find it in this mess
missused life i canґt stand it
but Iґll have success!
Not finished - under construction!!!
Unconscious Ruins
All the faces, all the voices
seem to fade in the crowd
Neurotic minds realize the danger
expect their destiny, fear the future
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
The mor they know, the less they talk
one day apprehensions will com true
Human beings blown out like candles
Mankind executed by itself
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
It's not too late to realize
why people fake ignorance
inside they are scared to death
but too weak to react.
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
Death is knocking at your backdoor
don't turn your back
in this the fall of humanity
nuclear holocaust our imminent fate?
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
Curse the Gods
Allah, Buddha, Jesus Christ
whatever your god may be
forget those idols let me tell you
they're tales of morbid brains
everybody thinks he's right
that his gods are the only truth
fanatic faith, fanatic deeds
join my religion or die
jews killed jesus, christs slaughtered jews
millions die for their faith
each religion prays that killing is a sin
how stupid logic can be
curse the gods
too many people have died
curse the gods
that fools have died for a lie
beware of those fools that keep telling you
god loves you, for you his son died
fuck them- believe in yourself
gods reality is just a lie
curse the gods
too many people have died
curse the gods
that fools have died for a lie