 Первый альбом группы. Единственное слово, которое приходит в голову во время прослушивания – это «ужас». Как можно было выпустить столь отвратную работу, я даже ума не приложу. Да, есть много металкоровых команд, у многих есть слабые дебюты, но это даже слабым дебютом назвать трудно. Понимаете, когда я слушаю какой-либо альбом, неважно какой группы, то всегда выделяю для себя несколько самых хороших песен, которые действительно запоминаются. Но у меня ни разу не было такого, чтобы я затруднялся назвать хотя бы одну композицию!!! Да и согласитесь, трудно воспринимать всерьёз альбом, треки которого в среднем не превышают трёх минут – всего получается 11 треков на 25 минут! И состоят они отнюдь не из техничных соло и хитовых мелодий, наоборот, это среднетемповые тяжелые однообразные треки, которые даже фоном слушать не удаётся. Единственным приятным моментом является более или менее плотный звук... Но хороший саунд не нужен, если музыка ничего собой не представляет. В общем, “Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes” – крайне неудачная работа, даже для дебюта. Удивительно, как после такого позора музыканты выпустили такой сильный альбом, как “Frail Words Collapse”… |
It is this pain that brings me likely do
2. Torn Within
Through this pain I refine
Tearing me from within
Screaming to be released but held fast by Your love
Hold me here
Break me until my face breathes upon this ground
Outstretched with my head to the floor
Spent of all my strength
Relying on Yours
3. Forced To Die
Exhausted beyond repair
Stripped of all I had
Forced to die inside
Nw Ibreathe a renewed Life
I is now I see without my eyes
If this is what it takes
To bring me to my knees
Then feed me pain until
I realize I am but a slave
Remind me of my need for You
Remind me of who I am
4. A Breath In The Eyes Of Eternity
Emptiness running through me
Taking all that i am
Leaving me this blinding mask
Grasping for the wind
Everything I've done
Everything I've gained
It all means nothing
A mere breath has passed away
Sadness I embrace
Left with empty promises
I look at myself and see the scars
That are brought to me by this life
Then I ask myself
Is that all this world has to give
The chase is over I am finished
Stripped of every reason I cry out to You
From my knees I scream
5. Blood Turned To Tears
This blood turned into tears
A broken heart runs my body
Dripping forth until I give my life
I have become a sacrifice
It hurts me just to think of you
I void the pain that is unbarring
(To know that I take these sufferings from you)
6. The Voices That Betray Me
Shatter my emotions
Take them all away
Left alone to face You
Now You know my heart
Left only to speak what is true
See through this plague of flesh
With truth I say that I love You
Yet my heart betrays me
Be not far from me
For these voices
They must soon cease
Despite their betrayal
You died for me
7. When This World Fades
You meant the world to me
All I have now is memories
Your love brought joy to my heart
You meant the world to me
Tears of sorrow stream from my broken soul
But I will see you again
When this world fades away
I will see you again
8. A Long March
Only You know my pain inside
You've been there when no one else could be
When tears fall from my eyes
I know that You are always there
No matter what's in my heart
You are the One who cares
When I doubt, You stand by me
So I'm not ashamed to say the way I feel
I love You, You are my Everything
9. Surrounded
Take me home
Imitations surround me
You are all I want to see
So why do I turn
To embrace what will never last
All my life I've tried
All my life I've failed
And one day I will see
Surrounded on every side
10. Refined By Your Embrace
I cannot make it without You
All my efforts have failed
So that I will cry out in the need of You
Restore the strength of my Dependence
Send me through the fire
Make me pure again
Everything I am
I give it all to You
In Your arms I wait
I lay down my life
I am nothing without You
11. The Innocence Spilled
For so long I was deceived
Enslaved by these chains
Blinded to Your forgiveness
If only I knew Your love
Giving Your life to save me from this pain
Broken and bleeding I turned You away
Now I have seen the scars inflicted by my hands
The Innocence spilled to save me
Reaching to the hand that brought You this pain
And now I am on my knees
Crying the way You wept for me
Crying, crying tears of shame
Dying, dying to take away their pain
I hear the screams of those who call from the grave
Dying for me to take their pain