 Мне трудно сказать, какое место занимают DYING WISH на национальной венгерской сцене, но по этому альбому можно сделать вывод, что примерно такое же, что и FORGIVE-ME-NOT на российской. Уж очень много схожего в музыке этих двух групп, хотя, возможно, что друг о друге они даже не слышали. И тем не менее... Love-gothic metal этой венгерской группы (плоть от плоти финских апологетов этого стиля) больше всего напоминает не о TO/DIE/FOR или, там, CHARON с SENTENCED (хотя, с последними сложнее), а именно о их тульских невольных единомышленниках. На "NEVER-ENDING ROAD" мы слышим этакий приятный во всех отношениях несколько меланхоличный, но драйвовый, гитарный рок'н'ролл с довольно четко выраженными соло Лайоша Паппа, аккуратным и очень "удобным" для слуха вокалом Дьёрдя Монори и несколько однообразными мелодиями, в конечном итоге сливающимися в одну большую песню. Единственным отличием является небольшое присутствие в вокальных партиях гроулинга, но он задвинут так далеко на задний план, что внимание на нем практически не акцентируется, даже когда он солирует, как, например, в "Struggle Inside". Похоже, что он стал неким пережитком, доставшимся группе от прежних времен. В-общем, все бы хорошо, если бы на альбоме было чуточку больше хитов, но, кроме уже упомянутого "Struggle Inside", который выделяется за счет не совсем свойственной альбому оркестровки (еще раз ее можно услышать в финальной "The Mirror", но там этот прием уже не так успешен), все остальные композиции хороши только по одиночке. А вот когда слушаешь альбом целиком - приходится удивляться - неужели ребята сами не слышали, насколько одинаково у них все звучит. В связи с этим не без гордости осознаешь тот факт, что у FORGIVE-ME-NOT вплоть до последнего альбома дело обстояло куда веселее. Впрочем, некоторую монотонность своей работы венгры попробовали (и не без успеха) компенсировать оригинальной мультимедиа-секцией, помещенной на диск. Если слушать его на компьютере, то можно одновременно читать тексты, смотреть фотографии, изучать биографию группы, а помимо этого познакомиться с их ранним творчеством, посмотреть клип на песню с предыдущего альбома и репортаж из студии. При этом оформлено все очень красиво, и с эстетической точки зрения этот дизайн оставляет гораздо больше положительных чувств, чем собственно музыка. Конечно, так быть не должно, но... не мытьем, так катаньем. Впрочем, клип снят настолько бездарно и примитивно (картинки бесцельно бегающего по лесу человека сменяются статично стоящей на сцене группой), что способен убить последние положительные эмоции. Впрочем, не могу не отметить весьма профессиональное продюсирование и грамотную работу музыкантов, которым просто не хватило хороших сонграйтеров, чтобы сделать свой альбом чем-то большим, нежели средством скоротать сорок пять минут в городском транспорте - для другого эта музыка, к сожалению, вряд ли пригодна, а компьютерные ухищрения способны заставить послушать альбом не более одного раза. |
The wind embraces me
While slowly rocking me to sleep
Tells me in a soft voice
A story about endless time
Tell me more!
Don't let this miracle come to an end!
Tell me more!
I've got short time, don't let me go!
Purple rays of the autumn twilight
Paint the past onto my face
Teh past that is still alive
Under the wrinkles of many years
Sometime I still soar
Free as a bird
Sometimes I still soar
Free as an angel
3. Land Of Sorrow
A cruel place, watered with my blood
A terrile vision I see in my dream
The sky in the net of evil eyes
Spreads its embodied rage over me
A silent scream from the deep
Of my mind, throws the gates open...
Welcome to the land of sorrow
Where your hope will be destroyed
Your fate is written in blood
I set out on the river of souls
A burnt raft on the night rivers
The sorrowful voice of the riverside trees:
The roaring wind, the anger of gods
A silent scream from the deep
Of my mind, throws the gates open...
Welcome to the land of sorrow
Where your hope will be destroyed
Your fate is written in blood
The darkness hides the agonising voices of my soul
On the edge of the outside world
Long years under the black sun
A thousand years of pain is the eternal remorse
My life is the gift of death,
A velvet veil over my face...
4. Struggle Inside
I've been building walls around me
Through which you'll never see
What hides inside this lonely man
Who was born to live for eternity.
I've been wearing a mask to hide
All my feelings fighting inside.
I never let anyone too close
Cause I feared the pain would be gross.
I've had enough, I want to change
Even if it sounds too strange
I want to get out this rusty cage.
You cannot change till "I" say so.
But I will never let you go.
This fearful voice rulesover me.
Now through the walls I cannot see.
I am a slave to the Evil's will
But I think I've already paid my bill.
I'll pull up now and be strong
I know all my life I have been wrong.
It is high time to get things straight
I have no more time to wait.
Life has been a desperate struggle.
The difference from Hell would be subtle.
Concealing what you should show
Makes the sorrow inside you grow.
Brick by brick I'll pull down the walls
And I don't care if the Evil's calls.
Brick by brick I'm getting stronger
I'm no one's slave any longer.
5. Fragments Of The Past
This world we live in
Ain't what it used to be
The roads I have walked
Still mean so much to me
I don't want to forget
Any milestone of the past
I do want remember
Every minute of the past.
I'm beginning of realise
I haven't been alone
Many influenced me,
People I've always known.
The past determines
Who I am today.
It's the soil of my existence,
I can't throw it away.
The past is like my mother,
It has brought me up.
How could I forget
The way to the top,
The road to the valley
Cause I've been there, too.
Sometimes I was happy
Sometimes I felt blue.
The walls of the future
They will fall down fast
If they are not built
From the fragments of the past.
Ignoring what has happenend
Won't take us anywhere.
"History repeats itself"
To doubt it I wouldn't dare.
We should learn from the mistakes
We have already made.
And to make changes
We should never be afraid.
6. The Last Journey
There is a place in your dreams
Full of magic and mystery.
It comes to life every night
Till it's time for the last journey.
Everything's so peaceful
The land is so calm,
Soft breeze caressing you
Like some odorous balm.
The only sound you hear:
The whirr of wings in the air,
Falling leaves and flowing creeks.
It's a place beyond compare.
The magic ghost world
Is calling you again.
A path of light shows the way,
Suddenly, you feel no pain.
Everything's so peaceful
The land is so calm.
You can't believe your eyes
Falling a prey to its charm.
The beauty of the view
Takes your breath away.
It's all in front of you
But can't be yours anyway.
Every minutes, every hour
You are getting ever farther
Losing all your strength and power.
7. Ancient Lands
Cold silence of never-ending space
Green distance of mountains
Steps into the unknown
Dark depth oceans
Old sanctuary of mother earth
I'm looking for the land of miracles
Cradle of every secret
Eternal peace of paradise
Where memories never die
The wind dancing on the trees
Heavenly music of wanderers
I'm looking for the land of miracles
The road that nobody has walked on
The land that nodody has seen
T'm taken away by the endless horizon
The gates are open and in a glance
And the secrets of the past are closed in this land
Ancient signs
Forgotten ages
A silent idol
Fight and tears
Sorrow and hope
Fables written in blood
Purplse shine of sunset
A star on the black sky
Show me the way
I'm looking for the land of miracles
8. Wanderer Of The Sky
It brought us the sign, death and torture
Waking up te sleeping fire of our fears
Or the hope that was waiting for the divine sign
Shaking and bried deep.
Lights makes your silver eyes blind,
But in the night you will see again.
Immortal wanderer of the sky,
The Earth is just a grain of sand on your infinite way
It will send us to the depths of Hell
On black horses of dark angels
Or it will take us to the garden of Eden
Where our sins will be forgiven.
Light makes your silver eyes blind,
But in the night you will see again.
Immortal wanderer of the sky,
The Eatrh is just a grain of sand on your infinite way.
It's chaos in my faith
The spark of doubt
It came with a thousand questions,
But didn't give me an answer.
It's chaos in my heart
Reality suffocates me,
It's the deadly embrace
Of this untrue world.
Why don't I understand it?
Why can't I feel it, either?
If you're here in my soul.
If you're here in my mind.
Give me strength or take everything.
'Cause your dumbness confuses me.
9. The Mirror
Something has changed
The air seems to be vibrating.
The evil is coming from the ancient walls.
I can feel its breath, I'm shaking
I can't turn back anymore.
The crumbling mortar,
The cracked floor,
All the details are so vivid,
And the mirror on the wall...
My face still glitters in it.
Dust swallows my steps
But deep inside my mind
The echoes of my steps are deafening.
My fear makes me blind
The room is cursed perhaps.
The crumbling mortar,
The cracked floor,
All the details are so vivid,
And the mirror on the wall...
My face still glittes in it.
Memories are coming back
The ones I tried to bury...deep.
They've always painted my dreams black
Now I'm facing them indeed.
I see myself as a child,
I can see my brother too.
"It" possessed him and he went wild.
I see him embrace our mother.
She didn't seem to have a clule.
But Death reflected in her eyes of blue.
I've been a fugitive all my life,
But "It" always found me and now
I'm facing the mirror again somehow.
"Come and join us on the other side."
Burning eyes are watching me
Invisible hands are taking.
"You belong here already."
"We are your family."
The tiny fragments of mirror
Cut deep into my face.
I can't feel the pain any more.
I'm just standing there shivering
And suddenly I feel
That something evil revives in me.