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« Disasterpieces »

Slipknot "Disasterpieces" Год



Video / DVD

Nu Metal

Roadrunner Records




N Название
3Left Behind
9My Plague
10New Abortion
11The Heretic Anthem
12Spit It Out
13Wait And Bleed
Music videos
1Spit It Out
2Wait And Bleed
3Wait And Bleed (Animated)
4Left Behind (Director's Cut)
5My Plague (New Abuse Mix)
6Purity (Audio only)
Special features
V.I.P - During "Left Behind", Sid Solo, Joey Solo, "It Begins", "Surfacing" (twice).
Multi-Angle - Use remote to change the angle during "Disasterpiece".
Maggot Edits - Use remote to view the individual band member mask cams during "People = Shit" and "The Heretic Anthem".
Состав группы->
Corey Taylor - lead vocals
Chris Fehn - percussion, vocals
Shawn Crahan - percussion, vocals
James Root - guitars
Mick Thompson - guitars
Craig Jones - media, samples
Sid Wilson - turntables
Paul Grey - bass
Joey Jordison - drums
Easter egg
On the first disc, watch the credits all the way through, and it will take you back to the main menu. Now, you can see maggots crawling on the screen. This can only work for the first time watching it, however.
On the main menu for the first or second discs, if you press the number 9 on the remote it will bring up a Slipknot calculator.
On the main menu for the second disc, if you go to "Maggot Edits" then go back to the main menu, there will be maggots crawling on the screen as well.
Depending on what section you select, when you go back to the main menu, occasionally a lone maggot will appear crawling on the screen.

Sid's selection if you go to the menu on Disasterpieces,you'll see the star with little photos of the members and their numbers at every section. There is a section with every member execpt Sid #0. To get into his section,go to "Concert Selection" where Paul's pic is. When you're in Concert Selection don't press anything,wait until the "Here comes the pain!" sample kicks in (note: not the 2nd sample here comes the pain,the first one)' when that happens press enter on your dvd player remote and then you'll get into Sid's little mini section....Also if you press enter from there you'll get the calculator screen!


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Просто отличное шоу. Все очень красочно и красиво.
А вот говоря о музыкальной стороне, стоит сделать небольшую оговорку: гроул Кори и вживую звучит великолепно, буквально точь-в-точь с записями... А вот с чистым вокалом у него явные проблемы, звучит это - не очень. Не знаю, то ли он действительно так поет чистым, то ли просто пьяным пел)).
Не идеально конечно, но очень и очень неплохо..
ArchEnemy8/108/108/108/108/108/108/108/108/108/10 1 апр 2008


просмотров: 26963    


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