« The Game »
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1 | Play the Game 3:32
 | 2 | Dragon Attack 4:15
 | 3 | Another One Bites the Dust 3:03
 | 4 | Need Your Loving Tonight 2:48
 | 5 | Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2:44
 | 6 | Rock It (Prime Jive) 4:32
 | 7 | Don't Try Suicide 3:52
 | 8 | Sail Away Sweet Sister 3:32
 | 9 | Coming Soon 2:49
 | 10 | Save Me 3:42
 | | Total playing time: 35:09 |
   Freddie Mercury - lead vocals, piano, organ, synths, acoustic & electric guitars
Brian May - acoustic & electric guitars, vocals, lead vocals on track 8, piano on track 10
John Deacon - bass, acoustic & electric guitars, piano on track 3
Roger Taylor - drums, vocals, lead vocals on tracks 6, 9, rhythm guitars & bass on track 6
Additional musicians:
Mack - additional synths |
 | Play the game
Open up your mind and let me step inside
Rest your weary head and let your heart decide
It's so easy when you know the rules
It's so easy, all you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
When you're feeling down and your resist |
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 На мой взгляд, "Игра" - один из самых сильных альбомов у Queen.
Кто сказал, что тут они опопсели? Я думаю, что диско и рок-н-ролл не имеют отношения к попсе. Разберемся с этим подробнее.
"Play The Game" - песня, в стиле ранних, "рояльных" работ группы, таких как "Killer Queen", "Somebody To Love", "Jealousy" и т. д. Я бы назвал этот стиль глэмом. "Dragon Attack" и "Another One Bites The Dust" - это ведь чистое диско, особенно вторая вещь. "Need Your Loving Tonight" - это хорошо замаскированный рок-н-ролл, там даже аккорды рок-н-ролльные (ми, ля и си мажор). "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" также представляет собой рок-н-ролльную вещь с блюзовым соло. "Rock It" - песня Тэйлора, представляющая собой также видоизмененный рок-н-ролл. Провалы на альбоме, конечно, есть - "Don't Try Suicide" - полуджазовая, полублюзовая вещица, которую тоже нельзя назвать попсой. "Sail Away Sweet Sister" - гениальная вещь Мэя, похожая чем-то на "All Dead, All Dead" и "Teo Torriate". Где вы увидели в ней поп? "Coming Soon" - глэм с примесью рок-н-ролла. "Save Me" - хорошая глэмовая баллада.
Так что, нет в этом альбоме попсы, просто некоторые люди считают, что если группа использует не рок-орган а-ля Deep Purple, а более мягкие клавишные, и играют на гитаре без примочек, значит стиль их музыки - попса. Но это не так. Я бы сказал, что стиль этой пластинки - арт-рок, а не поп-рок. |
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Группа QUEEN – уникальное явление мировой сцены. Вряд ли в мире рока и «поп-рока» найдется еще один такой коллектив, который бы поспорил с ней за звание самого яркого, экстравагантного, эклектичного, местами вульгарного, и при этом необычайно гениального. Необычайная разнообразность материала и неизменно высокий уровень – это особенности почти каждого их студийного альбома. Стиль группы узнаваем как, наверное, никакой иной. И вместе с этим их творческий путь явно делится на два четко обозначенных периода, совпавших с декадами – 70-х и 80-х. годов.
Если в 70-е гг. группа играла 100-процентно живой рок, музыканты принципиально не использовали синтезаторов и всяких электронных прибамбасов свойственных поп-музыке, то в 80-х годах группа занялась почти исключительно популярной музыкой. Причем именно поп-музыкой с элементами рока, а не наоборот!
Так вот именно альбом “The Game” вышедший в июне 1980 года, ознаменовал смену имиджа и стиля. Причем, смена музыкальной стилистики была «подчеркнута» сменой имиджа самих музыкантов: все члены группы за исключением Мэя коротко постриглись, а Фредди отрастил свои знаменитые впоследствии усы! Подобные события никогда не проходят гладко (достаточно вспомнить Металликовский “Load”…), поэтому нет ничего удивительного, что многим такой поворот пришелся не по вкусу. Однако потенциал группы был настолько значителен, что он с успехом реализовался и вне рамок рока. И многие потрясающие поп-песни этого и последующих альбомов – ярчайшее тому подтверждение. А что касается конкретно этого альбома, то, несмотря ни на что, он так же очень хорошо раскупался и стал золотым вскоре после выхода.
С другой стороны, хотя альбом и знаменовал смену имиджа, однако на нем пока еще присутствует материал в прежнем «живом» стиле. К примеру, открывающая альбом композиция Меркьюри “Play The Game” именно такой и является. Песня вышла явно одной из лучших на альбоме, она отличается отличным вокальным исполнением и мелодиями. Примерно то же самое можно сказать и о завершающей альбом балладе Мэя “Save Me”, которая впрочем, более прямолинейна. Обе вещи надолго вошли в концертную программу группы. А вот все что помещено между первой и десятой песнями – это материал, чье отношение к року исчисляется, как правило, полным нулем. Однако он довольно разнообразен по настроению, темпу и используемым инструментам. По большей части все эти песни танцевальные, местами, на мой взгляд, примитивные и пошловатые (как будто для школьного выпускного), как правило, лишенные какого бы то ни было инструментального исполнительства, но зато напичканные электронными ударными и синтезаторами. Из всего этого мне хотелось бы выделить (а иначе кстати и нельзя!) вещь Дикона “Another One Bites The Dust”, по праву являющуюся главным хитом диска. Песня абсолютно не роковая, с простым до примитива, но жутко цепляющим, ведущим басовым рифом и самыми тупыми на альбоме электронными ударными. Вещь стала невероятно популярной в Америке сразу в нескольких стилистических номинациях, в том числе и в стиле соул.
Альбом чрезвычайно разнообразен, но ориентирован главным образом на дискотеку, а не на рок-концерт. Сложно сказать, насколько он хорош (ну не спец я по попсе! – все эти тупые электронные заменители живого исполнения не могут не резать слух). Представляется так, что он один из самых разнообразных по музыкальному содержанию и, безусловно, самый противоречивый в творчестве группы. Так же, на мой взгляд, в нем представлены крайне неравноценные вещи – от очевидных сильных хитов (включая стопроцентно попсовую “Another One Bites The Dust”) до средненьких пошленьких смазливых песенок. Короче, на мой взгляд, одна из худших работ группы. Альбом еле-еле дотягивает до хорошего среднего уровня за счет трех-четырех композиций. |
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просмотров: 40114 |
Light another cigarette and let yourself go
This is your life, don't play hard to get
It's a free world, all you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
My game of love has just begun
Love runs from head down to my toes
My love is pumping through my veins
Play the game, driving me insane
Come, come, come, come
Come play the game
Play the game, play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
This is your life
Don't play hard to get
It's a free free world
All you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Play the game of love
Your life
Don't play hard to get
It's a free free world
All you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
Dragon attack
Take me to the room where the red's all red
Take me out of my head's, what I said?
Take me to the room where the green's all green
And from what I've seen it's hot, it's mean
Gonna use my stack
It's gotta be Mack
Gonna get me on the track
Got a dragon on my back
Take me to the room where the beat's all round
Gonna eat that sound, yeah, yeah, yeah
Take me to the room where the black's all white
And the white's are black, take me back to the shack, shack
She don't take no prisoners
She gonna give me the business
Got a dragon on my back
Hey, it's a dragon attack
Low down - she don't take no prisoners
Go down - she gonna give me the business
No time - chained to the rack
Show time - got a dragon on my back
Show down - go find another customer
Slow down - I gotta make my way
Another one bites the dust
Steve walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go
Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey! I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
How do you think I'm going to get along
Without you when you're gone?
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own
Are you happy? Are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey! I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him when he's down
But I'm ready, yes, I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating to the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey! I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Need your loving tonight
No, I'll never look back in anger
No, I'll never find me an answer
You promised me you'd keep in touch
I read your letter and it hurt me so much
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I don't wanna feel like a stranger
'Cause I'd rather stay out of danger
I read your letter so many times
I got your meaning between the lines
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I must be strong so she won't know how much I miss her
I only hope as time goes on I'll forget her
My body's aching, can't sleep at night
I'm too exhausted to start a fight
And if I see her with another guy
I'll eat my heart out 'cause I love, love, love, love her
Come on, baby, let's get together
I'll love you baby, I'll love you forever
I'm trying hard to stay away
What made you change? What did I say?
Ooh, I need your loving tonight
Ooh, I need your loving
Ooh, I need your loving
Ooh, I need your loving tonight
Ooh, I need your loving tonight
No, I'll never look back in anger
No, I'll never find me an answer
Gave me no warning, how could I guess?
I'll have to learn to forgive and forget
Ooh, I need your loving
Ooh, I need your loving
Ooh, I need your loving tonight
Crazy little thing called love
This thing called love
I just can't handle it
This thing called love
I must get 'round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
This thing, this thing called love, called love
It cries like a baby in a cradle all night
It swings, it jives
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love
There goes my baby, she knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat
I gotta be cool, relax
Get hip, get on my tracks
Take a back seat, hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love
I gotta be cool relax
Get hip, get on my tracks
Take a back seat, hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready, ready, Freddie?
Crazy little thing called love
This thing called love
I just can't handle it
This thing called love
I must get 'round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Rock it (prime jive)
When I hear that rock 'n' roll
It gets down to my soul
When it's real rock 'n' roll
Oh, rock 'n' roll
When I hear that rock 'n' roll
It gets down to my soul
When it's real rock 'n' roll
Oh, rock 'n' roll
You really think they like to rock in space?
Well, I don't know
What do you know? What do you hear?
On the radio, coming through the air
I said: "Mama, I ain't crazy"
I'm alright, alright
Hey, come on, baby, said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said: "Shoot and get your suit
And come along with me"
I said: "Come on, baby, down come
And rock with me, I said yeah"
What do you do
To get to feel alive?
You go downtown
And get some of that prime jive
I said: "Mama, I ain't crazy"
I'm alright, alright
Hey, come on, baby, said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said: "Shoot and get your suit
And come along with me"
I said: "Come on, baby, down come
And rock with me, I said yeah"
We're gonna rock it
Hey, come on, baby, said it's alright
To rock 'n' roll on a Saturday night
I said: "Shoot and get your suit
And come along with me"
I said: "Come on, baby, down come
And rock with me, I said yeah"
We're gonna rock it tonight
We want some prime jive
We want some prime jive
We want some prime jive - we're gonna rock it tonight
We want some prime jive
We want some prime jive - come on, honey
We want some prime jive
We want some prime jive - we're gonna rock it tonight
We want some prime jive
Don't try suicide
Don't do it - don't you try it, baby
Don't do that - don't, don't, don't
Don't do that - you've got a good thing going now
Don't do it - don't do it, don't
Don't try suicide - nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide - nobody cares
Don't try suicide - just gonna hate it
Don't try suicide - nobody gives a damn
So you think it's the easy way out
Think you're gonna slash your wrists
This time, baby, when you do it
All you do is get on my tits
Don't do that - try, try, try baby
Don't do that - you got a good thing going now
Don't do it
Don't do it - don't
Don't try suicide - nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide - nobody cares
Don't try suicide - just gonna hate it
Don't try suicide - nobody gives a damn
You need help, look at yourself - you need help
You need life so don't hang yourself
It's ok, ok, ok, ok
You just can't be a prick teaser all of the time
A little bit attention - you got it
Need some affection - you got it
Suicide, suicide, suicide bid
Suicide, suicide, suicide bid
Don't do it, don't do it
Don't do it, babe
Don't do it, don't do it
Don't do it
Don't put your neck on the line
Don't drown on me, babe
Blow your brains out
Don't do that
Don't do that - you've got a good thing going, baby
Don't do it - no
Don't do it - no, don't
Don't try suicide - nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide - nobody cares
Don't try suicide - you're just gonna hate it
Don't try suicide - nobody gives
Nobody gives
Nobody gives a damn
Sail away sweet sister
Hey, little babe, you're changing
Babe, are you feeling sore?
Ain't no use in pretending
You don't wanna play no more
It's plain that you ain't no baby
What would your mother say?
You're all dressed up like a lady
How come you behave this way?
Sail away sweet sister
Sail across the sea
Maybe you find somebody
Who loves you half as much as me
My heart is always with you
No matter what you do
Sail away sweet sister
I'll always be in love with you
Forgive me for what I told you
My heart makes a fool of me
You know I'll never hold you
I know that you gotta be free
Sail away sweet sister
Sail across the sea
Maybe you find somebody
Who loves you half as much as me
Take it the way you want it
But when they let you down, my friend
Sail away sweet sister
Back to my arms again
Hot child, don't you know you're young?
You've got your whole life ahead of you
You can throw it away too soon
Way too soon
Sail away sweet sister
Sail across the sea
Maybe you find somebody
Gonna loves you half as much as me
My heart is always with you
No matter what you do
Sail away sweet sister
I'll always be in love with you
Coming soon
I get some headaches when I hit the heights
Like in the morning after crazy nights
Like some mother in law in her nylon tights
They're always
They're always
They're always
They're always coming soon
Coming soon on the outside of the tracks
You take'em!
The same old babies with the same old toys
The neighbours screaming when the noise annoys
Somebody naggin' you when you're out with the boys
They're always
They're always
They're always
They're always coming soon
Coming soon on the outside of the track
Watch me now!
They're always
They're always
They're always
They're always
Coming soon
Coming soon on the outside of the track
Coming soon
Coming soon on the outside of the track
Save me
It started off so well
They said we made a perfect pair
I clothed myself in your glory and your love
How I loved you, how I cried
The years of care and loyalty
Were nothing but a shame it seems
The years belie we lived a lie
I'll love you 'till I die
Save me, save me, save me
I can't face this life alone
Save me, save me, save me
I'm naked and I'm far from home
The slate will soon be clean
I'll erase the memories
To start again with somebody new
Was it all wasted, all that love?
I hang my head and I advertise
A soul for sale or rent
I have no heart, I'm cold inside
I have no real intent
Save me, save me, save me
I can't face this life alone
Save me, save me
I'm naked and I'm far from home
Each night I cry, I still believe the lie
I'll love you 'till I die
Save me, save me, save me
Don't let me face this life alone
Save me, save me
I'm naked and I'm far from home