« Fabulous Disaster »
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1 | The Last Act of Defiance 04:43
 | 2 | Fabulous Disaster 04:55
 | 3 | The Toxic Waltz 04:53
 | 4 | Low Rider (War cover) 02:47
 | 5 | Cajun Hell 06:06
 | 6 | Like Father, Like Son 08:10
 | 7 | Corruption 05:47
 | 8 | Verbal Razors 04:06
 | 9 | Open Season 03:53
 | 10 | Overdose (AC/DC cover) 05:30
 | | Total playing time: 50:50 |
   Steve "Zetro" Souza - vocals
Gary Holt - guitars
Rick Hunolt - guitars
Rob McKillop - bass
Tom Hunting - drums |
 | 1. The Last Act Of Defiance
The prison system, inherently unjust and inhumane
Is the ultimate expression of injustice
and inhumanity in the society at large.
Those of us on the outside do not like
to think of wardens and guards as our surrogates, yet they are.
And they are intimately locked  |
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 Наслушавшись множества "комплиментов" за не самый удачный как в плане агрессии, так и в плане записи, альбом "Pleasures Of The Flesh" музыканты Exodus входили в студию для записи своего третьего диска изрядно разозленными. А, как известно, разозлить настоящих трэшеров - это верный путь к созданию брызжущего яростью и энергетикой произведения! В случае с "Fabolous Disaster" так оно и вышло, здесь ребята исправили абсолютно все недостатки своей предыдущей пластинки. Качество записи возросло в разы, и с ветерком обходит оба ранних диска Exodus, хотя до идеала и не дотягивает. Да и с другой стороны - разве такому жанру как трэш нужен чистый звук? По-моему, совершенно необязателен, в чем вы можете самолично убедиться прослушав сей диск, хоть и грешащий в некоторых местах техническими огрехами, но с лихвой компенсирующий это совершенно запредельным уровнем энергетики и настоящего металического угара. Ну а здешние песни не дадут расслабиться любому поклоннику качественного трэш-искусства. Первые три трека с альбома практически сразу вошли в золотой фонд жанра и с удовольствием исполняются музыкантами на концертах по сей день. Сумасшедший по агрессии боевик "The Last Act Of Defiance", посвященный реальному случаю далеко не мирного бунта в одной американской тюрьме, словно перемалывает все содержимое головы слушателя, проносясь сквозь нее как многотонный локомотив. Подхватывает эстафету одна из самых лучших композиций когда-либо созданных группой - супер-мелодичный и скоростной заглавный номер "Fabulous Disaster", украшенный весьма пессимистичным текстом о нашем с вами ближайшем будущем в этом загаженном мире. И полный хаос начинается с первыми аккордами величайшего гимна всех любителей слэма и постоянных посетителей мош-пита - это, конечно же, знаменитый "The Toxic Waltz". В очередной раз хотелось бы отметить лирику песни - это потрясный юморной стеб! Да и вообще - Гэри Холт, как основной сочинитель стихов в группе, уже значительно продвинулся вперед от очаровательных трэшевых стандартов - насилия, кровищи и трупов. Теперь его лирика все чаще посвящена политическим вопросам и другим социальным проблемам. Эта черта стала очередной визитной карточкой Exodus, наравне с пронзительно скоростными соло и абсолютно нигилистическим, хрипящим голосом Стива Соузы, который получил возможность оправдаться перед фэнами за "Pleasures Of The Flesh" и использовал этот шанс на сто процентов - вокал на "Fabulous Disaster" великолепен. Впрочем, как и весь альбом в целом. Помимо трех открывающих шедевров, несомненно стоит вспомнить мрачный восьмиминутный эпик "Like Father, Like Son", романтический рассказ о ночных прогулках с крокодилами "Kajun Hell", и запредельно яростный гимн насилию "Verbal Razors". Единственный балл я справедливо снимаю за совершенно непонятно зачем впихнутые на альбом два серых кавера, без них "Fabolous Disaster" смотрелся бы намного лучше. Впрочем, он и так бесспорно является одним из лучших дисков Exodus за всю их карьеру. Такого великолепия от группы мы уже не услышим вплоть до начала нового тысячелетия. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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После предыдущего посредственного релиза Exodus нам предоставили ТАКОЕ, чего от них, я думаю, и не ждали.
А именно - 50 минут забойного трэша со скоростными гитарными партиями, техничными соло. Что еще для счастья трэшера надо? Качество записи, по сравнению с предыдущими релизами возросло в разы и стало очень даже хорошим, в этом плане придирок нет. В музыкальном плане тоже все на высшем уровне: ребята рубают «истинный» трэш без соплей, баллад и прочей чепухи. Скорость на альбоме - наивысшая, как и на классическом диске 1985. Хочется снять кепку, трясти башкой и прыгать, как бешенный, до потери пульса, т.к. музыка безумно энергичная, интересная и разнообразная. Из песен хочу отметить сверхскоростную «The Toxic Waltz» (3), которая исполняется на концертах до сих пор (и не зря, между прочим) и «Cajun Hell» (5), которая начинается с проигрыша, сделанного в стиле кантри с акустической гитарой и губной гармошкой, который очень плавно перетекает в забойный трэш, звучит прикольно, надо сказать. К минусам сего релиза можно отнести разве что два абсолютно не интересных и скучных кавера. Дело в том, что Зетро пытается петь, а получается у него это погано, складывается впечатление, что он хочет орать и рубить трэш, а его кто-то контролирует и приходится сдерживаться. Но это мелочь по сравнению с остальным материалом. В общем, этот альбом - единственный из дисков Exodus-a 80-х, что может конкурировать с «Bonded by Blood». |
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Спасибо предыдущим рецензентам за свои рецензии (прошу прощения за тавтологию), плюс от меня лично - за то, что избавили от необходимости вновь и вновь перечислять многочисленные достоинства данного альбома. Потому что, скажем так, если задуматься, как можно было бы сделать этот альбом еще лучше, чем он есть, в голову не приходит ровным счетом ничего. «Fabulous Disaster» - квинтэссенция исполнительского мастерства, композиционной гениальности и первоклассной техники в плане записи.
Скажу лишь две вещи. Первое - на мой взгляд, данный альбом является одним из самых значимых релизов в истории такого направления как трэш. Его смело можно ставить в один ряд с шедеврами иных классиков жанра, ярчайшими работами таких исполнителей как Metallica, Testament, Slayer и др. Сочетая в себе лучшие качества трэша (это уже субъективная оценка), скорость, агрессию, мелодику, «Fabulous Disaster» при всем этом абсолютно оригинален, здесь нет никаких затасканных и использованных всеми подряд риффов, пассажей, скажем так - никаких клише.
И второе. Когда в сет-лист альбома ставятся каверы, причем, не куда-нибудь в конец, бонусным треком, а в самую его середину... знаете, на мой взгляд, это говорит об их значимости в плане композиции альбома и его целостности. Так, Exodus совершенно оправдывают свой "Low Rider" (а точнее, не свой, а группы War). Если кому-то он не понравился - что ж, на вкус и цвет, как говорится. Но учтем, что сделан он, как и все остальное, на высшем уровне, плюс обработка композиции вышла весьма любопытной и очень даже трэшевой. Так что общее впечатление она совсем не портит, и даже наоборот. |
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просмотров: 47789 |
with their human captives behind prison walls.
By extension, so are we.
The terrible double meaning is thus imparted
to the original question of human ethics
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
The second of February, 1980
Began three days of misery
A scene of retaliation
Epitomizing violence, horror, and vindication
Thieves, murderers, and rapists
Inundated their prison like homicidal sadists
Guards and convicts alike would pay the price
To them the electric chair would look like paradise
Only degradation, torture, and cremation would suffice
A sea of agony rolled in like the coming of the tide
The more fortunate escaped the insanity through suicide
The screams of the dying would haunt the living to the grave
Survivors of the riot relive the nightmare every day
The last act of defiance
With a never-ending appetite
Barbiturates set them off like dynamite
Eradicating informants
Acetylene torches dealt the punishment
Melted from skin to bone
The fire silenced their screams to moans
Smoke filled the air from bodies set aflame
Begging for mercy, but their words were spoken in vain
They weren't allowed to perish until they cherished all the pain
Guards they had taken hostage
Were to blame for pushing them over the edge
Their brutality would be their demise
Like sharks in a frenzy they lashed out at their prize
When the madness had ended
The gore was too intense to be comprehended
No one explained the real reason why
For cruelty of a few, so many should die
They knew of the flaws, but still insist the cause was justified
2. Fabulous Disaster
When the missiles are falling, and the reaper comes calling
You had better kiss your ass goodbye
Atomic detonation, mass immolation
Without a warning, all your memories will die
So try to relax, face up to the facts
You'll either die or the fallout will rot you in your tracks
There'll be no tomorrow, only pain and sorrow
'Cause our futures in the hands of a raving madman
They spend all their time building missiles so people die
What kind of life do you expect for us to live?
We're angered by fear, because the time is near
When some lunatic will finally pull the plug
And forever after, you can hear the laughter
World's being plastered by an evil bastard
Exterminating faster, devastating plaster
Fabulous disaster
Now you can see, what this all means to me
When the bomb
Comes falling
Now the reaper has called, but do you have the balls
To sit there or stand up and fight?
Try to make a note, it's your right to vote
To keep these fucking assholes in line
It will always be the same 'cause they lie in their campaigns
Promise through their teeth for total world peace
So we know it's not the truth, they should call Dr.Ruth
On how to give the people the real big screw
They spend all their time building missiles so people die
What kind of life do you expect for us to live?
We're angered by fear, because the time is near
When some lunatic will finally pull the plug
And forever after, you can hear the laughter
World's being plastered by an evil bastard
Exterminating faster, devastating plaster
Fabulous disaster
Now you can see, what this all means to me
When the bomb
Comes falling
Fall Down
3. The Toxic Waltz
Here's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz and it's causing devastation
You're jumping up and down like a psycho circus clown
Slamming with waltzers all the way around
You get caught up in the whip
You're thrown into a flip
You aim for someone's head
To stain the floor red
Give someone a kick
To prove you're truly sick
Bounce back from some blows
And blood runs out your nose
Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!
Used to do the monkey, but now it's not cool
The twist and mash potato are no exception to the rule
So don't be a dunce and dance like a runt
Just throw your elbows with good friendly violent fun
Don't start to cry
If you get a black eye
Just dive back in
And give another try
But too much action
May leave you in traction
So you better get insurance
No matter your endurance!
Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!
Get up on your feet
Don't look so obsolete
And thrash like an athlete!
Don't sit there on your ass
Don't look like you've got too much class
You'll be harassed!
You know we guarantee
This is the key
So rage or get the third degree!
You begin frontal assaults
And start your somersaults
And do the toxic waltz!
Do the toxic waltz!
4. Low Rider
[Originally performed by War]
All my friends
Own a low rider
Low rider
Is a little higher
Low rider
Drives a little slower
Low rider
Is a little lower
Low rider
Don't use no gas now
Low rider
Don't drive too fast
Take a little trip and see
Take a little trip with me
5. Cajun Hell
Down in the bayou where the alligators roam
Live some people, you leave them alone
Getting lost may be your last mistake
Unfriendly strangers, unkindly they take
Living off the fat of the land
They hold their justice in the palm of their hand
Lay down your gun and surrender quiet
Or there's gonna be a Cajun riot
Danger in the swamp, that waits for you
There's nothing left that you can do
Better watch your back, for the vicious attack
'Cause they'll be looking for you
Playing with your life, for your life is too short
Pain is too good for you
Your last breath, is all you have left
Take it before you're doomed
Cajun hell
Before you're doomed
Raising hell, and they're ready for fighting
Huntin' gators and drinking white lightning
Brewin' moonshine at a still in the swamp
Playing Creole from dusk until dawn
Protect their own is the law of the land
Mess with their law it will get out of hand
Keep it in mind if you're ever down there
It might be fatal, you better beware
6. Like Father, Like Son
Spare the rod, spoil the child
Daddy's boy's been too wild
His discipline's taught with a strap
No sweet song on father's lap
He always said that men don't cry
But burns and bruises seldom lie
Dad learned his lesson well
Spitting image of a man in hell
Brought up in a home where love's replaced by pain
And when he's on his own he's sure to do the same
Expressing his feelings not with love but with his fists
The pattern of hurting began generations before
Like father, like son
Another life has begun
The punishing ways that you choose
You were always born to lose
Like father, like son
A war you've never won
Please Daddy, no more...
Please Daddy, no more!
The circle continues of violence passed down
All there is hope for is a tear from a clown
Hoping someday that this torture will end
To prison or death I hope you will be sent
Now do you feel like your life is on hold?
Maybe you've come to the end of your road
Admitting your sins may be your sacrifice
To stop all this pain to your son and your wife
7. Corruption
The lowest form of life that's crawling in our streets
From seedy dope pushers to the politicians we meet
The sorry religious vomit that infests in our TVs
The weapons that we sell to the trash in the middle east
Murderous drug smugglers pay their way to pass
They look the other way when they take the kickback
We've got to put a stop to this senseless bullshit
Take all these people and throw them in the pit
Let us know - where our tax dollars are spent
Tell us how - how much it costs to repent
Time has come - for us to take a stand
Let us know - when you meet our demands
You can take this all to hell
Shove it up your ass where the sun ain't shining
We know now what it takes to defend
If disaster strikes then they'll be hiding
You can take this all to hell
Shove it up your ass where the sun ain't shining
We know now what it takes to defend
If disaster strikes, then they'll be hiding
From laundering money to hookers on the make
There's always a scandal, someone's on the take
They payoff for secrets, sell plans to a spy
They cover their asses and say it's a lie
Society cries when the vermin go free
When they're done, what's left for me?
This social disorder that's causing us pain
Indecent disease, it's they who are to blame
8. Verbal Razors
Every time I see your grinning face
I realize you're a pitiful disgrace
So many fingers pointing down at you
Talking behind your back and you don't have a clue
Parading around like you think you're god
You're just a cheap imitation, a complete and total fraud
I'm sick of hearing all your bragging and your lies
A real born loser and that's no surprise
You said your father died in Vietnam
But you're a bastard son with a whore for a mom
Mirror magnet, smelling like a rose
You plastic motherfucker, all you do is pose
Conceited, self-righteous, and arrogant
Your head is so hollow there's enough room to rent
Little big man, so full of shit
Just shut up, you damn hypocrite
Verbal razors - cut you down to size
I'm sick of wading through your bullshit
I see through your disguise
Verbal razors - slice you to the bone
You've been abandoned
And now you're all alone
You lost your job because you're incompetent
Everybody hates you, your friends all came and went
The facade is getting old, we're hip to your charade
You mother has disowned you, your wife's out getting laid
Evicted from your condo, now you're living in a shack
Sitting on your ass shooting up and smoking crack
Now look in the mirror, and tell me what you see
A strung-out junkie with a college degree!
Nobody cares if you're alive or dead
We've had enough of being used and misled
You've pissed on everyone you've ever met
Now you're digging through the trash looking for a cigarette
No one's there to lend you a hand
You better help yourself, 'cause I hope you understand
Self-centered, back-stabbing egotist
Don't fuckin' ask for favors, 'cause you're on my blacklist
9. Open Season
Feelings cold as ice, I never, never think twice
Hunting down my prey - they die
Cross my line of death and there's nothing else left
Any way you choose - you lose
Architect of pain, deadly is my middle name
And I'm living proof - crime pays
I'm a psychopath and I create the aftermath
That sets the sun forever - on you
Haven't you figured out it open season?
I'll track you down and kill you for no apparent reason
Running like a frightened little rabbit would run
I won't be satisfied
Until you're nullified
Before my eyes
It's open season on you
Calling the police and I'm gonna pull my piece
Your heart's gonna cease - to beat
Just look in my eye, black as pitch to horrify
You can scream and cry - goodbye
It may never last and I blame it on the past
Being told to kill - at will
Shivers down my spine when the victim is all mine
You begin to beg - for help
Haven't you figured out it open season?
I'll track you down and kill you for no apparent reason
Running like a frightened little rabbit would run
I won't be satisfied
Until you're nullified before my eyes
Intoxicating, invigorating
It's open season on you
Go ahead and run, the chase is always fun
But the kill is the icing on the cake
A curtain of red from my hailstorms of lead
Will rain on you as you die
Your face will be spewing chunks of bloody ruin
Your baby face will be a gory mask
My personal crusade is to see that you are flayed
And my hunting knife will complete the task
10. Overdose
[Originally performed by AC/DC]
I never smoked with no cigarettes
I never drank much booze
But I'm only a man, don't you understand
And a man can sometimes lose
You gave me something I never had
Pulled me down with you
Pulled me up, think I'm in love
Hope you can pull me through
I overdosed on you
I overdosed on you
Crazy but it's true
Ain't nothing I can do
I overdosed on you
Oh woman you give to me
More than I can take
But listen honey, I don't mind
You're a habit I don't want to break
Don't want none of that hard stuff
Don't need it anymore
I'm in love, and I'm sinking fast
And I don't need no cure
Gee I was happy as a man could be
To far gone to escape
Power of love, don't pull me off
Just write on my grave: