« The Arockalypse »
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1 | SCG3 Special Report 03:46
 | 2 | Bringing Back The Balls To Rock 03:31
 | 3 | The Deadnite Girls Gone Wild 03:45
 | 4 | The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead 04:07
 | 5 | It Snows In Hell 03:37
 | 6 | Who's Your Daddy 03:38
 | 7 | Hard Rock Hallelujah 04:07
 | 8 | They Only Come Out At Night 03:49
 | 9 | Chainsaw Buffet 03:47
 | 10 | Good To Be Bad 03:31
 | 11 | The Night Of The Loving Dead 03:09
 | 12 | Supermonstars 04:04
 | | Total playing time: 44:51 |
   Mr. Lordi - vocals
Amen - guitars
Awa - keyboards
Ox - bass
Kita - drums |
 | 1. SCG3 Special Report
This is an SCG3 Special Report with Sam Romero.
"Good evening, I'm Sam Romero. We continue our special rapport now on the so-called monster invasion. As of eleven AM today, the president has declared the nation to be under Marshall law. Reports coming in now indicate tha |
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 Итак, что это было?! Собственно, это были финские монстры, по какому то нелепому стечению обстояиельств попавшие на Eвровидиние... По видимому комерческий трюк превзошел все ожидания. Хотите того или нет, "The Arockalypse" должен стать золотым, платиновым, еще каким то там... Конечно, соседство на одной сцене с Димой, прости Господи, Биланом, еще не делало чести ни одной металической банде. Но, думаю, подобные сентименты не для них. Вполне комерческая музыка: хард-н-хеви старого покроя, правда немного утяжеленный по сравнению с "Get Heavy". Примечательной особеносьтью даного альбома является то, что для работы над ним было привлечено немало авторитетного народу: начиная от бывшего гитариста KISS Брюса Кулика ("It Snows in Hell"), заканчивая не менее авторитетным Удо Диркшнайдером ("They Only Come Out at Night"). Звук и мастеринг - здесь все сделано на высоком уровне. Четкие сочные, немного глэм-роковые риффы, вокал, пытающийся подражать местами Удо, местами Брюсу Диккинсону... Все это обильно разбавлено клавишами. Причем везде к месту.
Композиции очень мелодичны, особенно цепляют среднетемповая "It Snows in Hell", наполненая, я бы даже сказал, блэковым духом; "The Night of the Loving Dead" - пафосная песенка с неплохим клавишным фоном и гитарными соло. Ну и конечно же новый гимн (какой уж там у нас по счету?) металлистов "Hard Rock Hallelujah"! :) Мастхэв и точка. Минус один балл за то что все это мы уже проходили, плюс один за продвигание культуры в массы. Итого 10 :)) |
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Позволю себе не согласится с предыдущими мнениями - мне кажется, что это самый сильный альбом страшных дяденек из Финляндии во главе с мистером Лорди, который на обложке этого альбома получился, пожалуй, самым внушительным, да и вообще, с костюмами ребята в этот раз поработали на все сто. Ударник Кита стал действительно страшным и похожим на орка, как и должно быть (по данным официального сайта), Гитарюга Амен снял, наконец, свои драные ошмётки и теперь сильно напоминает айронмейдэновского Эдди. А дальше идут новые музыканты. Итак, приветствуем - вместо мертвеца в цилиндре Кальмы бас теперь ведёт бычара Окс, клавишницу, валькирию Энари, заменила одержимая Ава с вертикальными зрачками. Но это что касательно внешнего имиджа. В музыкальном же плане, на мой взгляд, сплошной прогресс - у песен остался чисто лордиевский задор, но ушла попсовость первого и излишняя глэмовость второго альбомов. Теперь каждая песня имеет свою неповторимую "фишку", по которой вы легко их отличите, несмотря на то что они, конечно, все более или менее схожи. Весь альбом продуман также очень хорошо - интересное (для тех, кто знает английский) и в меру длинное интро, затем нехилый ломовик, точно в середине - незабвенный трек "Hard Rock Hallelujah"; присутствуют даже баллады - "It Snows In Hell" и "Supermonstars" - пусть не совсем баллада, но нотки у неё уж больно печальные. Такие вещи очень красят альбом, а "Supermonstars" также является отличной "закрывашкой". Надо сказать, известные звёзды старого рока очень тепло относятся к монстрам - в альбоме им помогают Ди Снайдер из Twisted Sister, Удо Диркшнайдер и др. И что в итоге? Не знаю, так или нет, но, по-моему, Лорди вышли на новый уровень, и, может, для какой-нибудь другой группы это и не очень сильный альбом, но для Лорди - это уж точно не меньше 9-ти. |
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Триумфаторы недавнего "Евроведения", отъявленные шоумены и могучие монстры хард'н'хэви - группа Lordi, сделали ещё один виток в своём творчестве, записав свой третий лонгплэй 'The Arockalypse'. Нельзя сказать, что получилась уж очень выдающаяся штука, зато с довольно хорошим (новомодным финским) звучанием и добротными гитарными риффами. Приятно слушать пластинку ещё и из-за вокала мистера Лорди, который, как и всегда, не слишком-то обыденен среди всех этих хардовых пищалок и мяукалок. А в дуэте с клавишницей получаются довольно забавные, но очень хорошо запоминающиеся припевы, которые и делают честь любому альбому Lordi. Всё это, конечно, замечательно, но вот от некоторого однообразия и своей же заштампованности группа оказалась не застрахована, поэтому до высшего балла им пока далеко. Как и далеко до уровня их самобытного дебюта 'Get Heavy'. |
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Третий альбом Лорди в какой-то мере продолжает предыдущий. Можно сказать, что музыка достаточно однообразная и посредственная. Мелодичные вставочки и переходы стали примитивнее и шаблоннее. Кроме того, вокал и клавиши утратили свою яркость и теперь находятся чуть ли не на втором плане. Лорди стал петь как-то чересчур рявкающее и тихо – мало ярости и выразительности в вокальных партиях, а ведь это была одна из изюминок в дебютном альбоме музыкантов. Говоря о стиле, нужно отметить, что он не отклонился от стилистических рамок – это все тот же хард’н’хэви. Причем замечу, что звук хоть и не такой яркий, но все же отдает старыми добрыми 80-ми. Это еще заметно в таких вещах, как «Good to Be Bad», которая отличается особой выразительностью партий, в том числе и клавиш. Также очень неплохи боевички «The Kids Who Wanna Play with the Dead» и «They Only Come Out at Night», которые напоминают отголоски первого альбома. Именно в этих вещах имеется мощная ритм-секция, плюс выразительная мелодика и классные припевы. В остальных вещах это можно отметить только местами. В итоге, имеем продолжение неплохого, хоть и вторичного метала 80-х, который сейчас встретить тяжело. Отмечу, что после нескольких прослушиваний альбом воспринимается намного теплее, и если его не сравнивать с дебютником, то картина не так плоха, как кажется на первый взгляд. В то же время эту музыку тянет слушать реже, чем первый альбом. Несмотря на нелестные отзывы о данном релизе, поклонникам группы все же советую послушать.
P.S. Поздравляю ребят с победой на Евровидении! |
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Альбом не так плох, как "The Monsterican Dream", но и ни одного хита уровня "Get Heavy" не имеет. Все песни, скроенные по одному шаблону, вышли бесцветными и мало отличимыми друг от друга, несмотря на общую приемлемость итогового результата. Честно говоря, такой хард-н-хэви в исполнении финских монстров уже порядком поднадоел. |
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просмотров: 25465 |
[Sam:] Will?...
[William:] Sam! We're here hovering over down-town where the monsters are litterly swarming the city! The freeways are glocked... There is absolutely no way out of down-town. These creatures, they are incredibly strong. A few minutes ago we saw one actually pick up an SUV and throw it in a clump of people. And then... Zoom in on that, yeah. Are we getting that? It's actually looking at us! It's, it's climbing. It's... No, pull up, pull up, pull up!! [explosion]
[White noise]
[Sam:] Will? Ehm, we seem to be suffering from technical difficulties. We'll get back to William Tracy as soon as we get the sattelite feed repaired. Hm... In the meantime, we now go live to Joan Carr at the Hellbender Plaza. Joan?...
[Joan:] Sam! I'm standing here with thousands of citizens. The first thing that greeted us when we drove up was the smell of decomposing flesh! The dead are litterly walking the streets! Aah... Eventhough the people know about the curfew, there is absolutely no trace of police or the millitary yet. It's understandable that the people feel the urge to get out of their homes and go look for their loved-ones. They don't know what to do and how to cope with all of this. Aah... Something is happening. Eehmm... Oh my God! RUN!!!
[White noise]
[Sam:] We ehm... seem to be experiencing some more technical difficulties with Joan as well, so... Ehm... I'm just being told that someone is infiltrating our broadcasts. Eh... Are we going off the air?..
[Strange monstervoice / Dee Snider:] Good evening, you puny little humans. Don't try to adjust your sat's, we control the transmission. Your deminion of the earth has gone on far too long. You've had your chances, you've blown them all! Now it's time to cut the bullshit. You are a plague! We are forced to take disciplinary action. Behold the sounds that will grind your insides, the sights that will make you blind. Your walls of iron will bend and the seas will run red with your blood. The earth will quake and open its fuming maw swallowing all the heretics and fools on the wide path to hell. The skies will open with a thunderous raw! My little pets will fly out in swarms that will block the sun. They will kiss the flesh off the bones of those who still choose to follow the false prophets. Join us or forever drown in the pit of despair. The Scartic Circle Gathering is now. This is the day of reckoning. This is...
The Arockalypse
2. Bringing Back The Balls To Rock
Attention class! - Here we come
We kick your ass - That's lesson one
I know you've been living in heresy
Correction's what you need
Less isn't more - less is less
The more, the better - the most, the best
You gotta turn up the amps past overload
Eardrums will explode
We are what we want to be
Monsters of rock, we are for real
Stand up for what you believe (and shout!)
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Bringing back the balls, bringing back the balls to rock
Breathing fire, spitting blood
Biting off the heads of bats and doves
Dragon boots and guillotines
That's what I want to see
We're the SMF with metal hearts
Got love machines, we're breaking the law
We've got the looks that kill
We're the youth gone wild
We're the creatures of the night
We are what we want to be
Monsters of rock, we are for real
Stand up for what you believe (and shout!)
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Hail in the name of rock and roll
Bringing back the balls, bringing back the balls to rock
Big drums, leather and chains
Loud guitars, grimace and flames
The two-finger signs
Raised fists up high
3. The Deadite Girls Gone Wild
She lures you in with intention
Looks like the girl next door
But it's blood and sticky floors
That really turn her on
She's got a body to die for
You touch it and you will
She's got a face of an angel
And an urge to kill
She's sanctified by death
Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild
Have casket will travel
She's the best of the worst
She'll chew on your neckbone
To quench her thirst
The black widow entraps you
Oh boy, you're in for a treat
She's the queen of beasts
She's a demon in heat
She's sanctified by death
Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild
No, don't thank heaven for little girls, no
When their eyes turn white as pearls
You wanna put it inside
You're gonna lose it, she bites
Then she'll suck you dry
Then she'll suck you dry...
Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild
4. The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead
Was it already there in the woumb?
Were we pulled out way too soon?
Were we quiet too long? Were we too small?
Or were we dropped on the floor?
Could it be something we ate?
Did they let us stay up too late?
Were there not enough rules?
Did we get too much love?
Was it something they taught us in school?
'Cause inside something bad's awakened
The evil opens it's eyes
The temper's rising and the house is shaking
To get out is no longer an option
These are the deeds of the beast
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
We must have lost our minds
'cause we might lose our heads
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
See us, pretty brides, and the evil we wed
Oh Lord, we play with the dead
Was it something we saw on TV?
The films that were gross and obscene?
Is it the clothes and the black-dyed hair,
Or were we just not aware?
There must have been some dangerous toys
And the music sings of murderous ploys
It's not like we did not have a choice
Backward masking gives the devil a boice
'Cause inside something bad's awakened
The evil opens it's eyes
The temper's rising and the house is shaking
To get out is no longer an option
These are the deeds of the beast
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
We must have lost our minds
'cause we might lose our heads
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
See us, pretty brides, and the evil we wed
Oh Lord, we play with the dead
To get out is no longer an option
These are the deeds of the beast
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
We must have lost our minds
'cause we might lose our heads
We're the kids who wanna play with the dead
See us, pretty brides, and the evil we wed
Oh Lord
Now we wanna play with the dead
We lose our heads
Oh Lord, now we play with the dead
We lose our heads
Oh Lord
Oh Lord
Oh Lord, now we play with the dead
5. It Snows In Hell
You did the trick
I didn't see it coming
I did not hear a sound
Though you were quick
I will not be forgiving
You won't be waiting for my return
I promise baby - You'll burn
Now it snows in hell
This is the day foretold till death do us apart
Now it snows in hell
I've gone away but I've got you in my heart
All frozen and scarred
Your life goes on
And it's infuriating
How did you not get caught
Your deed will spawn
A fate beyond your making
You won't be waiting for my return
I promise baby - You'll burn
Now it snows in hell - We're done masquerading
This is the day foretold till death do us apart
Now it snows in hell - No you won't be waiting
I've gone away but I've got you in my heart
All frozen and scarred
You shouldn't visit me at my grave
My hands will grab you through the dirt
I giveth - I taketh away
Witness my rebirth from the devils churn
Hell - We're done masquerading
This is the day foretold till death do us apart
Now it snows in hell - No you won't be waiting
I've gone away but I've got you in my heart
All frozen and scarred
Hell - We're done masquerading
This is the day foretold till death do us apart
Now it snows in hell - No you won't be waiting
I've gone away but I've got you in my heart
All frozen and scarred
6. Who's Your Daddy?
Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All the vixens stand in line
Waiting for my fright night
Be the new flesh for the sacrifice
Screaming out the mating call
I've become the lord of love
I break your will
I'll break your will for good
I treat you like a brute
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who puts you in your place?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Surrender and obey, who's your daddy?
Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
She's a battle-ax in pinstripes
Get ready for your prime time
Max out the triple-X-drive
Screaming out the mating call
I've become the lord of love
I break your will
I'll break your will for good
I treat you like a brute
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who puts you in your place?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Surrender and obey, who's your daddy?
Get down, get down
Lay down, lay down
Stay down, stay down
For daddy
Get down, get down
Lay down, lay down
Stay down, stay down
Uh! Uh!
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy,
Girl, who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Who keeps you in line?
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy,
Girl, who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Who keeps you in line?
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who puts you in your place?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Surrender and obey, who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy,
Say, who's your daddy?
Who puts you in your place?
Who's your daddy,
Bitch, who's your daddy?
Surrender and obey, who's your daddy?
7. Hard Rock Hallelujah
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
The saints are crippled
On this sinners' night
Lost are the lambs with no guiding light
The walls come down like thunder
The rocks about to roll
It's The Arockalypse
Now bare your soul
All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of false
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high
The true believers
Thou shall be saved
Brothers and sisters keep strong in the faith
On the day of Rockoning
It's who dares, wins
You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings
All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of false
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high
Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high
8. They Only Come Out At Night
You know you saw them but no-one ever listens
They'll be long gone by the time the sun has risen
You feel 'em lurking, hear 'em howling in the shadows
Wreaking haboc on your perfect world
They are the tricking trolls
They got the bell that tolls
Flash at the edge of your sight
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
The shadows breathe with a venom like no other
A silent evil where there shouln't be another, no no
I feel 'em lurking, hear 'em howling in the shadows
Wreaking haboc on your perfect world
They are the tricking trolls
They got the bell that tolls
Flash at the edge of your sight
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
Don't know what's at stake
I think they're right beside me
I gotta stay awake
And keep them all from biting
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
They only come out at night
9. The Chainsaw Buffet
You got your invitation
A family dinner, and tonite you will meet
No need for hesitation, sugar
We're gonna love you and it's all we can eat
The steaks ala carte mama makes from the heart
And my pa's such a gourmet for gore
Jammed eyes, bleeding herbs
Banquet dining is worth dying for
At the chainsaw - chainsaw buffet
The secret ingredient screams
You're my main course
At the chainsaw buffet
Feed on man-eaters's cuisine
At the chainsaw - chainsaw buffet
Mother said that you were a sweet chic
Called upon your folks, and they'll join us for brunch
Nice day for a picnic
They'll be delighted, only they are the lunch
The steaks ala carte mama makes from the heart
And my pa's such a gourmet for gore
Jammed eyes, bleeding herbs
Banquet dining is worth dying for
At the chainsaw - chainsaw buffet
The secret ingredient screams
You're my main course
At the chainsaw buffet
Feed on man-eaters's cuisine
(Boiling your blood 'till it steams)
At the chainsaw - chainsaw buffet
10. Good To Be Bad
The cutest smiles
But it's all delusion
The sweetest eyes
It's just a grand illusion
When they're bad
They just get better
Like saints full of sin
And again the constrictor queens
Will shed their skin
All the naugty lordi girls
They know it's good to be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad
In a girl disguise
You'll fall into confusion
Now they might
Play it nice
But you're heading for an execution
When they're bad
They just get better
Like saints full of sin
And again the constrictor queens
Will shed their skin
All the naugty lordi girls
They know it's good to be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
All the naugty lordi girls
They know it's good
They know it's good
All the naugty lordi girls
They know it's good to be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad
All the naugty lordi girls
They know it's good to be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad
11. The Night Of The Loving Dead
Now beware the streets tonite
Lay low till the sunrise
The undead casanovas hunt for love
(You may)
Look the doors, drop the blinds
Keep quiet and stay inside
But nothing helps when push comes to shove
Bequeth thy loving - My body's cold
I take you in my coffin where you can kiss my bones
On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
The Night of the loving dead
Dressing sharp, au naturel
Looking drop dead gorgeous
Sins of the rotten flesh for you to hold
My caress is terminal
'cause my touch is torture
There's no way in hell I'll let you go
Bequeth thy loving - My body's cold
I take you in my coffin where you can kiss my bones
On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
The Night of the loving dead
Six feet underground
If I had a heart you would make it pound
You make the dead come alive
On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
The Night of the loving dead
12. Supermonstars
You've been pushed around
Until you mumble
Beaten to the ground
But you won't crumble
They strike you dumb
They bring you down
They keep you on the losing end
They tell your right is wrong
Your high is low
So give 'em hell
Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
Like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none
They can't make you out
That makes you bogus
They think they know
What we're about
But they just don't know us
They strike you dumb
They bring you down
They keep you on the losing end
They tell your right is wrong
Your high is low
So give 'em hell
Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
Like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none
Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
Like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none
Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
Like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none