« Psychedelicatessen »
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1 | Sunseeker 08:16
 | 2 | A Tension Of Souls 07:11
 | 3 | Into The Light 10:02
 | 4 | Will To Give 05:01
 | 5 | Under The Sun 03:06
 | 6 | Babylon Rising 04:32
 | 7 | He Is I Am 05:53
 | 8 | Innocent 04:38
 | 9 | Devoted 07:44 |
   Glynn Morgan - vocals
Karl Groom - guitars
Nick Midson - guitars
Richard West - keyboards
Jon Jeary - bass
Nick Harradence - drums |
Label: Giant Electric Pea |
 | 1. Sunseeker
i've spread my wings i've cut the strings
my puppet days have died
i've prayed until i have free will i've shut out all the lies
i can't make sense of fate's portents on patterns i've relied
i've given in my demon twin lies dying by my side
the future is a mystery now the stars  |
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 Новый альбом и новый вокалист. Нездоровая тенденция, особенно если учитывать, что этот альбом - второй. Многие артисты страдают болезнью "второго альбома". То есть после удачного дебюта второй альбом часто оказывается полным, не побоюсь этого слова, говном, а в лучшем случае находится на одном уровне с этим самым дебютом. Что плохо, ибо прогресс - вещь полезная и широкими народными массами любимая.
К счастью, эта болезнь все же обошла Threshold стороной. Группа двинулась по пути утяжеления и усложнения собственного саунда, то есть в стагнации пребывать не стала и шагов назад не сделала. В свете всего этого, смена вокалиста (и барабанщика тоже, но это не столь важно) пошла даже на пользу, поскольку вокал стал заметно грубее и агрессивнее и к музыке подходит гораздо больше.
Звук улучшился, соло ускорились. Проходного материала на альбоме практически нет, но особенно хочется отметить открывающий альбом ураганный боевик 'Sunseeker', навороченные и пафосные 'A tension of souls', 'Into the light' и 'Devoted', а также тяжеленную 'Babylon rising', похожую на 'Days of dearth' с предыдущего альбома, и мрачную полубалладу 'Innocent'.
Что мы имеем в итоге? Хороший альбом. Шаг вперед. Но лучшим творениям группы он всё же уступает. Поэтому только восемь баллов. |
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Вот этот релиз я люблю не меньше чем “Subsurface”. Хотя он чуть сыроват, но лицо группы на нем уже можно четко разглядеть. Качество звука – хорошее, но не такое, как на последних альбомах, точнее, дело не в качестве, а в самом особенном звучании альбомов, мощном и красивом. Вокалист силный. Клавиши также играют важную роль, только вот весь замес на трэше.
Немного сыровато.
Любимый трэк – “Devoted”. Есть в нём один нюанс, заключающийся в том, что когда Glynn Morgan поет в первом и втором куплетах: “closer to the light, closer to the light”, он произносит второй раз фразу шепотом, а постоянно ожидаешь чего-то более мощного! И так, за счет ожидания, не посмев не дослушать до середины композицию, встречаешь красивейшее отступление от основной музыкальной темы.
Проходной трэк – “He Is I Am”. |
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просмотров: 19052 |
my freedom rests on knowing how to think and do and say
sun-sign believers enlightenment achievers
you strange deceivers you are not my kind
sun-sign believers speaking tongue receivers
tarot card faith healers the blind leading the blind
''do what thou wilt'' the blood was spilt an ego thus caressed
accepting none but only one is where my freedom rests
presenting now the sacred cow ''you cannot trust free will''
they stand in line of their birth signs their emptiness is shrill
their clockwise universe is ticking out their lives
an orgy of pre-destiny held by threads of time
sun-sign believers enlightenment achievers
you strange deceivers you are not my kind
sun-sign believers speaking tongue receivers
tarot card faith healers the blind leading the blind
we must invent again ourselves
become the sum total of our perceptions
do not react as you did yesterday
don't you become a slave to your memories
sun-sign believers enlightenment achievers
you strange deceivers you are not my kind
sun-sign believers speaking tongue receivers
tarot card faith healers the blind leading the blind
2. A Tension Of Souls
i have lost the unobtainable i am faithless and afraid
my emotions are unstable control is hanging by a thread
and the misery of the world
is weighing heavy on my shoulders
my belief has not unfurled and i'm not getting any older
no i'm not getting any older and the world is turning colder
there's a gathering storm eating up the night
there's a tension of souls can you feel it bite?
it is because we're not living on our own terms
swept on a wave branded with society's burns
we're not happy with this unnatural law
we've moved into check into a corner of flames
half of us staled in a late mating game
we're just trying just crying for
the right to give / fail / fall / live / have feelings
the right to see / be / need / feed / give meanings
the right to love / care / share / sow / show the right signals
the right to fight / spite / do / lose / find the right answers
i am nailed to the cross of my own pernicious anguish
collapsing at a loss into some kind of selfish languish
bribed by irresistible strangled by the air
blind and still equivocal dispossessed by heir
i have no faith i have no unbelief
there is no neutral ground there is no relief
i didn't get what i expected to receive
don't let them tell you what they want you to believe
and i'm searching for some space in my life
while people all around me multiplying just like flies
the whispering millions, their hunger it is loud
a silent frustration breeds in every crowd
i have no faith i have no unbelief
there is no neutral ground there is no relief
i didn't get what i expected to receive
don't let them tell you what they want you to believe
and i'm drowning in a sea of my own futility
3. Into The Light
i'm lost in the half world where the heart and mind collide
on the shores of my dispassion with all feelings locked inside
who made the promise that the key of life is here
who drew the symbols for the mind that will appear
and i continue down the road i will not tread
and i will fear no evil from the words i have not said
who made the promise that the way of life is clear
who drew the symbols for the man that will appear
colder than starlight older than the sun
straight lines converging collapsing into one vast soul
a voice that has not spoken for 2000 years
a jealous benefactor and a yardstick full of fears
motivate your mystery i'm young enough to try
quantify your influence i'm old enough to die
signify your energy i'm tired of asking why
resolve your dichotomy i am both truth and lies
a merciful forgiveness a judgement absolute
a sacred separation or a prophecy of doom
no recollection (i don't recall) of what has gone before
no precognition (no sign at all) of what i have in store
motivate your mystery i'm young enough to try
quantify your influence i'm old enough to die
signify your energy i'm tired of asking why
resolve your dichotomy i am both truth and lies
too late your nemesis is coming for you
awakened from your sleep by what you must do
the mocking eyes of he who would devour your soul
staring through your thoughts and he is laughing at your goal
this way is easy it is logical and cruel
you can be powerful and make up your own rules
don't you see? it don't matter, what you believe
your whole existence is the reason for my fun
your weak resistance is an indulgence i've become
i was there at the beginning i will be there at the end
i'm your secret enemy and your fair weather friend
help yourself to all my gifts and my seductive charms
sign your name in blood give me all your love
with me or against me i still have no need of faith
ignorance is no excuse not one of you is safe
i control the selfishness that keeps you all in line
your running out of time i control your minds
don't you see? it don't matter, what you believe
motivate your mystery i'm young enough to try
quantify your influence i'm old enough to die
signify your energy i'm tired of asking why
resolve your dichotomy i am both truth and lies
4. Will To Give
i thought you weren't contagious i thought i owned my inner-self
you offer, now i forget the reason i can't have
as you try hard to please me this need turns to greed down inside
i touch the hand of my sickness and feel my faith divide
if i said i would, would you care? would you take me there?
and feed my desire with your will to give
a distant storm and the lightning strikes the pouring rain feels warm tonight
thunder echoes and the lesson begins as one more time you take me in
but i look back at you and think of all the things i should have said and done
but i can't talk no i can't talk i try to hide myself from shame
and try to share the blame for what i've done what have i done?
now i said i would, do you care as you take me there
i taste my first time and now i can't turn away
i lie to myself like a man trying to understand
as you change my life with your will to give
i see disgrace and it's looking back at me
blame my desire for lies i live and breathe
begin again though the hardest part to take
behind my eyes you still remain
i thought you'd understand when you took me there
the hardest part to take you still remain
5. Under The Sun
what do you gain from all that you've done
everything comes to an end
ages will go and ages will come
and who will remember you then
all that has been it will be again
what has been done will be done
clouds will return at the end of the rain
and nothing is new, nothing under the sun
what if i build you a house or a park
what if i bought you a slave
silver and gold and the treasure of kings
with satin to line your grave
as sure as the dust will return to the ground
your knowledge will soon be gone
as sure as a man should enjoy what he does
nothing is new, nothing under the sun
so everything is meaningless and so we carry on
until we face the consequence of everything we've done
6. Babylon Rising
gather round you sinners who don't believe in peace
you can all be winners if you let your soul fly free
don't be afraid the threat's not for real
be very afraid you've made your last deal
business men and money spinners rape the earth for gain
they don't like my ideas they label me insane
don't be afraid the threat's not for real
be very afraid you've made your last deal
two thousand years of looking for utopia
two thousand years of babylon rising
don't be afraid the threat's not for real
be very afraid you've made your last deal
7. He Is I Am
do you feel that your life is in a rut
that the modern world is all too much
do you want to remove the pain
do you want to begin again
and if you need it we can re-arrange your life
take away the misery the trouble and the strife
coming from the darkness he is standing at the door
we can feed your inner needs get you back to where you are
he is i am we are, too late you've come this far
he is i am we be, give us your individuality
and if you need it we will cultivate your mind
saturate your character with doctrines so divine
a generous contribution will secure your earthly bed
grow with us in commune you'll have nothing in your head
he is i am we are, too late you've come this far
he is i am we be, you've lost your individuality
don't want to, i can't feel you
just leave me be, don't need you
and i wandered far away couldn't hear their thoughts no more
i was swept on a tidal wave and was cast to a distant shore
it was the desert of my own desires i was burnt in the searing heat
my hedonism stoking up the fires of my own spiritual defeat
and if you look in the mirror boy don't be ashamed of what you see
i went looking for him all alone but all i found was a piece of me
8. Innocent
picture time as before where you slept through it all
they believe you were there why deny what i said?
vicious lies being heard you stand there how absurd
and with hate in your mind convict me
take my life away or give back the answer you hold
and stand unashamed of what you have done
don't just walk away unlock the chains from your heart
prove my innocence cause i did no wrong
empty words lies from the start? we stood strong never apart
had it all in our hands we had it all, yes you and me
now the tables have turned all i gave you return
makes it hard to believe what you've done to me
don't call me your friend, won't you understand I don't need
take my life away or give back the answer you hold
and stand unashamed of what you have done
don't just walk away unlock the chains from your heart
prove my innocence cause i did no wrong
9. Devoted
we fear the void like some dark temptation
(calling you under)
pulling us off course
just as we are beginning to get closer
closer to the light, closer to the light
and it gets harder to concentrate
and it gets harder to concentrate
and it gets harder to concentrate
and we must keep our faces pointing
straight into the light
and upwards into his domain
we can have help as we are getting closer
closer to the light, closer to the light
and it gets harder to compensate
and it gets harder to compensate
and it gets harder to compensate
i can see you, you're not there fog of existence fills the air
i can't matter now i've found art of freedom, safe and sound
when i feel that hope is lost only the devoted know the cost
10. Lost
i'm walking a tight-rope stretched twixt truth and illusion
sometimes it's real but my life just seems to melt
into helpless confusion i just can't deal with the
lust for acceptance and the pain of rejection
my heart won't heal as i circle it round with a
wall of protection
i'm hiding all the pain and i can't accept the blame and i'm
so alone in a world of love with no-one meant for me
i'm missing the point of a life in the fast lane
i'm missing the signals of love
i can't understand of time's subtle landscape and
i'm looking for reasons to live
my love is real while i circle it round
with a wall of fantasy
i'm hiding all the pain
and i can't accept the blame and i'm
so alone in a world of love with no-one meant for me
don't want to feel this way again
don't want to feel this way again
11. Intervention
I was driving through the fens in a peaceful English scene
Paid for by my grandfather the original gunners dream
I was taking life for granted though I was born to die
It's been a long time since a bomb dropped from the expansive Norfolk sky
I was listening to the radio and the talk was all of war
Freed themselves from Tito settling old scores
I was far from Sarejevo it seemed irrelevant to me
If it was U.N. troops or diplomats that had to intervene
We are impotent in our power do we dare to fight again
Must we always kill for freedom what will intervention gain?
It's a symptom of repression and a people held at bay
No freedom of expression waiting for this day
If we impose our standards on a people newly freed
We will be the opressors and the curse of war will breed on
Don't let it breed on
Don't let it breed on
But her cries went right through me
Gripped my heart till I thought that I would die
That little child on the operating table
I had to stop to wipe the tears from my eyes
They had no drugs to comfort her to dull away the pain
As they removed the bloody legacy a cruel shrapnel rain
That had destroyed the lives of the ones she loved
That would shake your faith in the Lord above
And the eyes of the world they are turning away
She had no natural resources to protect her in her play
And the backstreets of her home town
they are burning down in flames
She is part of a new crystal nacht an ethnic cleansing day
We are ignorant we are partisan
We are ignorant we are partisan