Cradle of Filth
« Peace Through Superior Firepower »
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| "Satyriasis"
 | 1 | Gilded Cunt
 | 2 | Nemisis
 | 3 | Mannequin
 | 4 | The Black Goddess Rises
 | 5 | A Gothic Romance
 | 6 | Her Ghost in the Fog
 | 7 | Nymphetamine
 | 8 | Tortured Soul Asylum
 | 9 | The Forest Whispers My Name
 | | "A Bruise Upon the Silent Moon"
 | 10 | The Promise of Fever
 | 11 | 13 Autumns and a Widow
 | 12 | Mother of Abominations
 | | "Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette"
 | 13 | From the Cradle to Enslave
 | | Band Documentary:
 | 2 | "Reinforments"
 | | I: Postcards from Vulgaria - A Shockumentary (it just shows the band pulling
 | | pranks and stuff while they are recording)
 | | II: Virgin on the Stupid (shows them at a signing in Virgin Records)
 | | Also includes interviews with the band, 6 music videos and band photo gallery.
 | | "Extra Rounds: Video Propoganda" (Music videos)
 | 1 | Her Ghost in the Fog
 | 2 | No Time to Cry
 | 3 | Babylon A.D.
 | 4 | Mannequin
 | 5 | The Promise of Fever
 | 6 | Nymphetamine |
   Dani - vocals
Paul A - guitars
James Mcilroy - guitars
Martin - keyboards
Dave Pybus - bass
Adrian - drums
Sarah - backing vocals |
Live Show in Paris (April 2nd 2005)
 | 1.Satyriasis
Glory and praise to thee in all the steeps
Of Heaven where thou didst reign, and in the deeps
Of Hell where fallen thy dream, silently.
[From "Les Litanies de Satan"]
2.Gilded Cunt
Your misery is worn as a veil
To hide bewitchment of the ugliest kind
In place of eve a  |
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 Оговорюсь сразу, фэнам - 100% бежать за этим кругляшом, так как здесь уйма интересного: сам концерт в парижском клубе 2 апреля 2005, с программой "Nymphetamine" и другими старыми хитами. Самое интересное находиться в бонусах - клипы группы, как делалась запись альбома "Nymphetamine", закулисные и просто съемки из жизни группы, сделаны в виде шоу-программы, которую ведет Дэни (на самом деле, довольно таки смешно все это смотрится, и улыбаться приходиться не раз); презентация альбома в каком-то мажорном музыкальном магазине с автографсессией; ссылка на Интернет страничку и небольшая галерея фоток, а точнее фоток рисунков. Имея все эти плюсы, присутствует один большой минус - отсутствие каких-либо субтитров вообще. Если говорить о концертной картинке, то она немного пережата, но терпима и можно насладиться очередным шоу Крейдлов, без комментариев оставлю я работу музыкантов на сцене. При всем при этом прекрасно анимированное меню, простое и непринужденное дает свободу перехода к составляющим DVD, возможности звука которого 5.1. Если говорить об этом релизе как коллекционном издании для фэнов, то оценка его 9 баллов, а если оценивать его со стороны как профессионального и подготовленного DVD, то 6, ну а средним арифметическим будет 7 с хвостиком, что собственно и является знаменателем для этого релиза от английских упырей. |
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Всё-таки DVD - отличная штука, иногда отдельным представителям человечества удаётся изобрести что-то действительно стоящее (например: антибиотики, рентгеновский аппарат, хлебоуборочный комбайн, DVD..., хеви-метал, наконец :-) ), а не какую нибудь мерзость, типа атомной бомбы. Вот,формат DVD открыл новое, большое поле для деятельности музыкантов. Да и для нас, простых крестьян, тоже благо - страна у нас такая спесфисская, особливая, "фирмачей" редко к нам в село заносит (сейчас, конечно, чаще, но всё равно редко), так теперь хоть в "ящике" можно посмотреть/послушать как за бугром забугорные же трубадуры с этими, как их... о! - менестрелями зажигают и народ на их концертах оттягивается. DVD Крэдлов - очень стоящая вещь. Основа его - парижский концерт, датированый апрелем 2005 года. На выступлении создана отличная, "тематическая" обстановка, иногда кажется (при просмотре), что сейчас не 21-й век, а далёкое средневековье. Шоу очень оригинальное - с цирковыми номерами, подчас весьма рисковыми, и соответсвующими декорациями. Качество звука и исполнительское мастерство музыкантов на высочайшем уровне, тут даже говорить нечего.В качестве бонусов видеоклипы, балансирующие между триллером и фарсом, много архивных съёмок, сделаных во впремя тура и записи "Nymphetamine", демонстрирующих склонность Крэдлов к пиромании и взрывному делу. Из существенных недостатков этого релиза можно отметить довольно поганенькое изображение записи концерта (оно очень сжато - видать хотели впихнуть максимум материала на одну болванку, по мне, лучше бы архивных съёмок не было бы, зато без ущерба для качества изображения) и исполненая не полная, длинная версия песни "Nymphetamine", а её урезаный сингловый вариант. Жаль. Но если сложить все плюсы и минусы становится понятно, что "Peace Through Superior Firepower" - всё равно, очень хороший релиз. |
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Купил этот концерт сразу после релиза. И ни капли не сомневался, что это будет шедевр, так и оказалось. Рассказывать о впечатлениях не стану, так как предыдущие авторы сделали это вполне подробно. Хоть и на рецензию выложил этот DVD я, но все что то руки не доходили. Далеко не каждой группе удается так изящно играть музыку и при этом запечатывать в столь красивые упаковки. На протяжении вот уже 13 лет (со дня их первого полноформатного альбома) Cradle Of Filth изобрели нечто вроде культа, нечестивого, кровавого, но столь притягивающего. Признаюсь, это был первый увиденный мной DVD этой группы (за исключением нескольких пираток VHS формата), хоть и являюсь их фанатом вот уже 8 лет. |
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Как-то не очень принято ругать концертники, но в данном случае у меня просто нет выбора.
Для начала оговорюсь, что сравнивать буду в основном с концертником "Chaos Ridden Years" детишек озера Бодом (который для меня лично является практически идеалом концертников), но без этого сравнения постараюсь изложить свою точку зрения как можно яснее...
Итак, начало не предвещает ничего плохого... Отличная обложка, полностью в стиле группы, смотришь на обратную сторону, и радуешься... как много всего интересного должно быть...
Не подводит и меню диска... Очень красиво...
Единственное, что порадовало, так это, пожалуй, наличие клипов. Хоть тут все как надо..
А вот дальше... Не трогая концертной части диска, стоит сказать пару слов... Сначала о той вещи, названной громким словом "A Shockumentary". Вместо каких-то внятных интервью с участниками группы, их взглядов на прошлое, настоящее и будущее группы(как в том же "Chaos Ridden Years") , какие-то не совсем понятные забавы ребят во время работы в студии и во время турне.
Касательно самого живого выступления... Плохо. Прежде всего, я имею ввиду, что плохо спето. Не знаю, как это объяснить словами, но, тот, кто услышит, поймет сразу... (И снова вспоминется "Chaos Ridden Years" с практическим безупречным вокалом вживую). Насчет цирковых номеров... Не знаю, как кто, а мне к тому моменту времени было уже все равно, потому что дальше напрягать уши, пытаясь услышать хоть что-то похожее на студийную запись, поверьте, непросто. (На этом фоне шуточи Алекси, а так же гитарные и барабанные соло смотрятся куда выгоднее, хоть и не было чего-то сверхнеобычного во время концерта в Стокгольме на все том же "Chaos Ridden Years").
Ну вот, пожалуй, и все. Увы, но я сам был разочарован. Информации вроде и много, но толку... Посредственная вещь... |
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просмотров: 19914 |
Daggers from the swagger
Of a sodomite's concubine
Bine (Bine)
Gilded cunt
Oh, you gilded cunt
Your thin pretence overstretched and sickly
Feigns love and light a long time laid in the grave
My preference leans to killing you quickly
Scissored in the gizzard
That a heart no more maintains
But I am tied
To the labyrinth and the beast
The one-way track of eyes
Black and grey like panzers
Loose your shell
Shoot the mouth
The gates of hell
Have often dropped their jaws about
Satan's agents were perversion to bear
Side to side with their diversions
You use to guide my fingers there
Dirty little gold digger
Dirty little gold digger
Dirty little gold digger
Dirty little gold digger
Dirty little gold digger
Dirty little gold digger
Cunt (Cunt)
Gilded cunt
Oh, you gilded cunt
Nothing is above you save a boreal light
That halo paid for by a consummated ring of ice
And below you, will I see you tonight
Glower from your tower
Built of ivory and spite?
For I am torn
Between the sheets that keep me borne
And the teeth of a storm
They reap then rape my stanzas
Click your heels
Three times six
The stars are fixed
May I climb and get you one?
The palace at Versailles never held your tongue
Nor did heaven ever weather
The crosses that you came upon
Dirty little soul frigger
Dirty little soul frigger
Dirty little soul frigger
Dirty little soul frigger
Dirty little soul frigger
Dirty little soul frigger
Cunt (Cunt)
Gilded cunt
Oh, you gilded cunt
Tonight is the night
The empowering wind that draws breath from despite
Roars 'neath my wings as I soar with the end in sight
Choirs ignite
A swansong for Leda
Deathknells for Troy
Tragedy blooms from one act
I am nemesis
Poured in my arms
When my daughter's eyelids closed
I swore to slaughter those
Who stole my ray of moonlight
So strike up the skies
The diction of thunder
God-given rites
No fiction can deafen the fact
I am nemesis
Cowled in the utter grief
I am the priest of a new disorder
Whose flag unfurled
Bears a hatred for the western world
The is no compromise
No piped lament
To stay the blind
Just a shrike cacophony of war
Ashes ember, fires rise
No longer am I paralysed
Now I drown in a loss worth fighting for
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Tonight is the night
The city sweats fever, the filth in her womb
Shifts like the season's unease at the hands of doom
Restless inside
Her split underbelly
Suitored with flies
Martial bowels now contract
I am nemesis
Poured in my arms
When my daughter's eyelids closed
I swore to slaughter those
Who stole my ray of moonlight
Never again
Our enemies entertained
I toy at the clasp of her chain
And remember the fight
Cowled in utter grief
I am the priest of a new disorder
Whose flag unfurled
Bears a hatred for the western world
There is no compromise
No piped lament to stay the blind
Just a shrike cacophony of war
Ashes ember, fires rise
No longer am I Palestined
Now I drown in a loss worth fighting for
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
Black is my heart
I am nemesis
Burning flesh,
Dripping sweat,
Using them all,
like the paralyzing snake,
Charmed and enchanted by the babylon whore.
Led to other worlds
By the girls she curled within
I took their skins to see Her
Be my mannequin
Be my mannequin
I cannot remember
How it was that we first met
Curve of moon and haunted shore
The stars were not those Heaven sent
Did we come together
At masked palatial Balls
In silks and flesh and leather
Or did we come at all?
I dreamt a midnight castle
The eerie song of wolves
And eyes that danced with fire
As they have forever more
Our rites of sin
Have long fathered a hymn
To burden Him
Whom by slip of after whim
At genesis
Dressed Her like the wind
In Autumn gowns
That pinned Her down
To be my mannequin
Be my mannequin
Always poised on winter
But never would She break
My lovecraft and black witch heart
That pounded in Her wake
We kissed on distant balconies
A law unto Her own
Thirteenth dark commandment
Of figures pressed to stone
Turning cream with fantasies
That God alone would know
We graced vomitorium
With the sweet excess of Rome
Flagrant in the past
Our names were deeply carved On the tree of life in long dead languages
Led to other worlds
By the girls she curled within
I took their skins to see Her
Be my mannequin
Be my mannequin
I tongued the nuns at Louviers
But not one word possessed
Her divine right, an archetype
For mortal Goddesses...
5.The Black Goddess Rises
Thee I invoke, bornless one
All woman, pure predator
Wherein conspiracy and impulse dwell
Like a seething fall from grace
Thee I worship...
Thou art darkest Gabrielle
Lilith who rode the steed
Thou art pale Hecate
Rising from Thessaly
Crush their unworthy idols
No church shall bar our path
Seductive Evil, drink your fill
Of the bleeding christ in your arms
You are in my dreams
The darkness in my eyes
The rapture in my screams
Black Goddess arise
Nothing will keep us apart
We could kill them all
If our desire tore free
Our union is one, sweet, sinful Eve
And the night draws in beside her
As we embrace the dark side by side
I pour my soul to those eyes full of fire
To harvest the seed ploughed inside her
Archangel, snare the flesh
Suck dry the ebbing wound
Leave them lifeless and broken
My beloved...
Oh, how I craved for you
You so pure and other-worldly with your scent of Winter
Am I to bleed myself dry to see your delight?
And the fear retreats forever
(Come to me... Black Goddess arise)
When my secrets are buried in thine
(Come to me... Black Goddess arise)
Under seven stars we came together
(Come to me... Black Goddess arise)
To plot the new age's decline
(Come to me... ARISE!)
Ishtar my Queen
Come forth to me
And help me seize
My future from the House of Death
That in the release of immortality
I should slay their fucking nazarene
Ah... the lies... the jew... I kill for you
Hidden lusts will break the gates and swarm
As love secretes the thrill for war
The virgin raped shall seek to whore
She-wolf bare your snarling jaw
"Caught in thy net of shadows,
What dreams hast thou to show?
Who treads the silent meadows,
To worship thee below?"
6.A Gothic Romance
Evening minuetto in a castle by the sea
A jewel more radiant than the moon
Lowered Her mask to me
The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire
Would marvel at making their Queen
Infusing the air with Her fragrant desire
And my heart reeled with grave poetry....
From grace I fell in love with Her
Scent and feline lure
And jade woodland eyes that ushered in the impurest
"Erotic, laden fantasies amid this warm Autumn night
She lulled me away from the rich masquerade
And together we clung in the bloodletting moonlight"
Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me?
Her icy kiss fervoured my neck
Like whispering waves 'pon Acheron's beach
In a whirl of sweet voices and statues
That phantomed the dying trees
This debauched seductress in black, took me....
In a pale azured dawn like Ligeia reborn
I tore free of my sleep - sepulchre
On the sea misted lawn where stone figures, forlorn
Lamented the spectre of Her
Bewildered and weak, yet with passion replete
I hungered for past overtures
The curse of unrest and her ardent caress
Came much more than my soul could endure....
I, at once endeavoured to see Her again
Stirring from midnight's inertia
Knowing not even her name
On a thin precipice over carnal abyss
I danced like a blind acolyte
Drunk on red wine, her dead lips on mine
Suffused with the perfume of night
For hours I scoured the surrounding grounds
In vain that we might meet
When storm clouds broke, ashened, fatigued
I sought refuge in a cemeterty
Sleep, usher dreams
Taint to nightmares from a sunless nether
Mistress of the dark
I now know what thou art
Screams haunt my sleep
Dragged from nightmares thou hast wed together
Lamia and Lemures
Spawned thee leche
To snare my flesh
Portrait of the Dead Countess
Deep stained pain that I had dreamt
Flaunted demise, life's punishment
Leaving little strength to seal this wretched tomb....
But poised nectar within my stirs
Up feverous desire and morbid purpose to search
Through cobwebbed drapery to where she swoons
Goddess of the graveyard, of the tempest and moon
In flawless fatal beauty her very visage compels
Glimpses of a heaven where ghost companies fell
To mourning the loss of god in blackest velvet
Enrobed in their downfall like a swift silhouette
"Fleeting, enshadowed
Thou art privy to my sin
Secrets dead, wouldst thou inflict
The cruel daylights upon my skin?
Dost thou not want to worship me
With crimson sacrifice
So my cunt may twitch against thy kiss
And weep with new-found life?"
Red roses for the Devil's whore....
Dark angels taste my tears
And whisper haunting requiems
Softly to mine ear
Need-fires have lured abominations here....
Nocturnal pulse
My veins spill forth their waters
Rent by lips I cherish most
Awash on her perfidious shores
Where drowning umbra o'er the stars
Ebon's graves where lovers whore
Like seraphim and Nahemah
Pluck out mine eyes, hasten, attest
Blind reason against thee, Enchantress
For I must know, art thou not death?
My heart echoes bloodless and incensed....
Doth temptation prowl night in vulvic revelry
Did not the Queen of Heaven come as Devil to me?
On that fatal Hallow's Eve when we fled company
As the music swept around us in the crisp, fated leaves
UNder horned Diana where her bloodline was sewn
In a graveyard of Angels rent in cool marbled stone
I am grieving the loss of life in sombre velvet
Enrobed in Death's shadow like a swifter
7.Her Ghost In The Fog
"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But on, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
As We shall see..."
She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snos
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...
She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World
That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An imquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon
Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog
They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog
Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer
She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"
Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"
And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...
The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
Their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice
A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...
She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin
And so for Her...
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement that their bible construed...
Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog
And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog
Her ghost in the fog
se)Evanescent like the scent of decay
I was fading from the race
When in despair, my darkest days
Ran amok and forged her face
From the fairest of handmaidens to
A slick perverted wraith
Heaving midst narcissus
On a maledict blanket of stars
She was all three wishes
Sex, sex, sex
A lover hung on her death row
I was hooked on her disease
Highly strung like Cupid's bow
Whose arrows hungered meat
And the blinding flare of passion
In the shade of narrow streets
Where their poison never rationed
All the tips they left in me
Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind
Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind
In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide
Lead to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A 'V'' of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones
Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl
Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt
Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance her to the moon
As we did in those golden days
Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your holiness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better
Nymphetamine (Nymphetamine)
None better
Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind
Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind
In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide
9.Tortured Soul Asylum
"Oh, sweet Midian,
I burn for thee at heart.
Don't despair me.
Come bare me on wings of graveyard robbed leather
To where pleasure rings deep secrets
In spurts, after dark..." *
Under full moons waxing lyrically:
Death's poetry floods the soul,
Like the freezing seed of a demon freed
To curse the stars with vertigo.
And in their dance, in trance I've prised wide
Slick rifts twixt obsidian thighs,
Hymeneal gates to darker sides.
A glimpse of plinths where Midian lies.
Haunted by this portent,
This obsession in my mind.
With a city sunk below,
Tall cedar groves and graves sublime
Sporting their importance,
Marble wings spread to the skies.
A vale of dreams that it would seem,
The daylights race to leave behind.
These visions struck like a furious fuck
Nailing wet lips to cold cemetery walls.
Flashes of lust to dust
Splashed across my psychic pall,
As hybrid lovers reached their cusp
With final thrusts I saw it all.
Forbidden Midian,
A long fabled Judecca.
A sanctuary for sin...
You rival Heaven
Above Heaven's tragic wreck
(Though the only Angels in repose
Were those with ivy strangled necks)
Small mercies in vistas of dolmen and vault.
Gaunt, haunched edifices
Midst lightfingered mists,
From whence more awful shadows
Drew back rusted bolts
And dared a threshold.
The searing Sun had knelt to kiss.
Shades of dusk, cruelty and myth,
The Tribes of Christ will not forgive -
And shall not suffer their kind to live!
For I, mesmerized, started not from tombs,
Or their waltz so sibilant
Through the gathering gloom!
But from flumes of the moon in bloom,
Baring each a face effaced,
And raped in the womb!
In hidden Midian,
A vatican lying in state,
For the sanctity of sin...
To rival Heaven
Free of Heaven's tragic wreck
(Though the only Angels that arose
Were those who fell to most requests)
Small mercies in vistas where dolmen and vault
Caught twisted whispers where fisted sisters
Haunched, flaunted orifice
Midst lighter fingered mists.
Whilst I watched without revolt,
Carnalities few beasts permit.
Between the dog and wolf,
Bared fangs met in intercourse.
A nightly rite of teeth and cunt,
For those below who rose to hunt.
Sor sights that preyed on Me for days,
And in laudenum's haze
I painted them all...
The slew of sith and kin
I drew in blood, my veins in thrall
To Deathugees at peace within
Crotesques and wolves in women's skins
The raven winged and missing limb
Suicides and split thighed Seraphim.
And marble stairs
Stargrazers dare
Ascend like prayer
(As smoke or ghost or lithe nightmares)
Under full moons waxing lyrically:
Death's poetry floods the soul,
Like the freezing seed of a demon freed
To curse the star with vertigo.
And in their dance, in trance I've prised wide
Slick rifts twixt obsidian thighs,
Hymeneal gates to other sides.
A glimpse of plinths where Midian lies.
I know I've seen
Through the black backed mirrors in sanity:
Lucent prides amassed in last retreat,
Prurient souls but no more freaks
Than those leashing dreams at harm's length from Me.
And just like grim ascension prophecies,
My revenge, carved deep, will be
A grisly plot that reads,
Like my filthy white ward spattered with their screams.
When My Deviliverers come from fog for Me...
... Please come for me...
Exhuming the moon,
Through the bars in My room.
The sooner the bitter pills swallowed are through.
But no Genotypes, Aphrodites, Demon archetypes,
No Cenobites rise to clame me from you!
No! No! No!
Don't leave here in this storm weathered cell!
No! No! No!
With prophets and losses,
And dead men from crosses,
My fate is a preview of derelict Hell!
10.The Forest Whispers My Name
Black candles dance to an overture
But I am drawn past their flickering lure
To the breathing forest that surrounds the room
Where the vigilant trees push out of the womb
I sip the blood-red wine
My thoughts weigh heavy with the burden of time
From knowledge drunk from the fountain of life
From Chaos born out of love and the scythe
The forest beckons with her nocturnal call
To pull me close amid the baying of wolves
Where the bindings of christ are down-trodden with scorn
In the dark, odiferous earth
We embrace like two lovers at death
A monument to the trapping of breath
As restriction is bled from the veins of my neck
To drop roses on my marbled breast
I lust for the wind and the flurry of leaves
And the perfume of flesh on the murderous breeze
To learn from the dark and the voices between
This is my will...
The forest whispers my name... again and again
When the moon is full
We shall assemble to adore
The potent spirit of your Queen,
My mother great Diana.
She who fain would learn all sorcery
Yet has not won its deepest secrets,
Then my mother will
Teach her, in truth
All things as yet unknown
I walk the path
To the land of the Dark Immortals
Where the hungry ones will carry my soul
As the wild hunt careers through the boughs
Come to me, my Pale Enchantress
In the moon of the woods we kiss
Artemis be near me
In the arms of the ancient oak
Where daylight hangs by a lunar noose
And the horned, hidden one is re-invoked
The principle of Evil
Evolution has been recalled
Beneath the spread of a Magickal Aeon
I stand enthralled
...In the whispering forest
"Pale, beyond porch and portal,
Crowned with leaves, she stands,
Who gathers all things mortal,
With cold immortal hands,
Her languid lips are sweeter,
Than love's who fears to greet her,
To men that mix and meet her,
From many times and lands."
11.A Bruise Upon The Silent Moon
"And the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."
12. The Promise Of Fever
In the beginning
Rimmed with wind and storm
A great black wrath of infinite math
Spat snarling into form
And there was Heaven
Lit up with precious stones
Each one could fall but for the rule
Of Faith and love and stronger thrones
And therein rose vast wonders
Affections to be seen
Fathered from the plundered
Reflections of a dream
Fogging into nightmare
For him whose place was set
With wayward stars that absent, marred
All creation with their theft
In the beginning
Bewinged and ringed with dawn
This favoured Avatar, enthralled
Swansongs from those that thronged this shore
With Gabriel and Michael
He shone with fierce intent
For loyalty, their joy to see
Him spur the hymns to heaven (sent)
For sculptured lips of seraphim
Whom fate then cruelly rent
(With sleight fingered strains of harmony)
Each note to grim portent
As grinning nimbus gathered
Over spires arabesque
For Him that blazed with holy praise
That for a jealous God was meant
Shining Feriluce
Lustrous scourge of fallen spirits
Basked in glory, flew
To lakes in sacred altitudes
Sweet haunting music swathed the breeze
With curling tongues that lapped the lead
As through thick mountain mist (with thoughts adrift)
Until at last, past grasping trees
He paused to draught forbidden streams
That whispered siren promises
To drown his thirst (for sports amiss)
These waters held secrets
Like raped Russian dolls
Wherein evil and good
Tore his soul for control
And drunk with the verse of desire's first words
The weight of the universe
Slunk in rehearsed
Horror in numbers too great to discern
The rotting of worlds to the conqueror worm
And love a rare orchid so fragile in bloom
Espied gasping breath under dark sheeted moons
Shining Feriluce
Reflected in jaded mirror
Climbing from the noose
Of time in divine servitude
And thus a strange new melody
Of will and wanton fantasies
Whetted by the veiled, seen
Danced from his ashen lips
In red dawn scores, the silver scream
Of truth and her deleted scenes
Was taken up as far, it seemed
As God his words eclipsed
(Those waters hid visions
Like butchers in war
Perverting the course
Of life's blood evermore...)
In the beginning
Skinned well with gibbous tones
Of countenance and ignorance
In equal measures sewn
A marbled arc of Angels
Sworn to the morningstar
Shared His pride and deep inside
Felt Chill Shadows sweep their cards
13.Thirteen Autumns And A Widow
Spawned wanton like blight on an auspicious night
Her eyes betrayed spells of the moon's eerie light
A disquieting gaze forever ghosting far seas
Bled white and dead, Her true mother was fed
To the ravenous wolves that the elements led
From crag-jagged mountains that seemingly grew in unease
Through the maw of the woods, a black carriage was drawn
Flanked by barbed lightning that hissed of the storm
(Gilded in crests of Carpathian breed)
Bringing slaves to the sodomite for the new-born
On that eve when the Countess' own came deformed
A tragedy crept to the name Bathory
Elizabeth christened, no paler a rose
Grew so dark as this sylph
None more cold in repose
Yet Her beauty spun webs
Round hearts a glance would betroth
She feared the light
So when She fell like a sinner to vice
Under austere, puritanical rule
She sacrificed...
Mandragora like virgins to rats in the wall
But after whipangels licked prisoners, thralled
Never were Her dreams so maniacally cruel
(And possessed of such delights)
For ravens winged Her nightly flights
Of erotica
Half spurned from the pulpit
Torments to occur
Half learnt from the cabal of demons
In Her
Her walk went to voodoo
To see Her own shadow adored
At mass without flaw
Though inwards She abhored
Not Her coven of suitors
But the stare of their Lord
"I must avert mine eyes to hymns
For His gaze brings dogmas to my skin
He knows that I dreamt of carnal rites
With Him undead for three long nights"
Elizabeth listened
No sermons intoned
Dragged such guilt to Her door
Tombed Her soul with such stone
For She swore the Priest sighed
When She knelt down to atone...
She feared the light
So when She fell
Like a sinner to vice
Under austere, puritanical rule
She sacrificed
Her decorum as chaste
To this wolf of the cloth
Pouncing to haunt
Her confessional box
Forgiveness would come
When Her sins were washed off
By rebaptism in white....
The looking glass cast Belladonna wreaths
'Pon the grave of Her innocence
Her hidden face spat murder
From a whisper to a scream
All sleep seemed cursed
In Faustian verse
But there in orgiastic Hell
No horrors were worse
Than the mirrored revelation
The She kissed the Devil's phallus
By Her own decree...
So with windows flung wide to the menstrual sky
Solstice Eve She fled the castle in secret
A daughter of the storm, astride Her favourite nightmare
On winds without prayer
Stigmata still wept between Her legs
A cold bloodedness which impressed new hatreds
She sought the Sorceress
Through the snow and dank woods to the sodomite's lair
Nine twisted fates threw hewn bone die
For the throat of Elizabeth
Damnation won and urged the moon
In soliloquy to gleam
Twixt the trees in shafts
To ghost a path
Past the howl of buggered nymphs
In the sodomite's grasp
To the forest's vulva
Where the witch scholared Her
In even darker themes
"Amongst philtres and melissas
Midst the grease of strangled men
And eldritch truths, elder ill-omen
Elizabeth came to life again"
And under lacerations of dawn She returned
Like a flame unto a deathshead
With a promise to burn
Secrets brooded as She rode
Through mist and marsh to where they showed
Her castle walls wherein the restless
Counted carrion crows
She awoke from a fable to mourning
Church bells wringing Her madly from sleep
Tolled by a priest, self castrated and hung
Like a crimson bat 'neath the belfry
The biblical prattled their mantras
Hexes six-tripled their fees
But Elizabeth laughed, thirteen Autumns had passed
And She was a widow from god and His wrath, finally...
14.Mother Of Abominations
Mother of abominations
Our Lady Overkill
Smothering the congregation
Grips the cosmic wheel
A lover of acceleration
No mercy or brakes applied
I see dead stars collide
In her cold unflinching powerslide
Comets tear the skies
Gushing from a shattered silence
Never so alive
Like the rush of cum on nymphetamines
Minds desanitized
Nightchords rung on a ladder of violence
Darkness fantasised
Sleek and polished black
Instrumental in stripping Gods
To neuter and mute their staves
Her laughter
Shalt sound aloft their future graves
Heavens above
Fear the Gorgon eyes of a new moon rising
Except no love
When she enters your golden halls
Millennial the whore
Riding wide astride the horns of madness
Clarions forth the war
Spilling the wine of her fornication
Perrenial the gore
Filling the lines between split nations
Seeping under doors
In time tides force a wider crack
Mother of abominations
Our Lady Overkill
Smothering the congregation
Licks the royal milk
The scourge hangs at her girdle
Death slathers near her heel
Seeking blood to curdle
When the gathered clouds reveal
Her roared abortive labour
Thighs slick with molten steel
Dripping into sabres
For Vulcan spawn to wield
Instrumental in stripping Gods
To neuter and lash her slaves
Her laughter
Shalt sound aloft the crashing waves
Heveans above
Fear the gorgon eyes of a new caste rising
Expect no love
When they enter your golden halls
On sanguine floods
Hear the foregone cries of the last surviving
Skewered like doves
Outside the wailing wallsMother of abominations
Our Lady Overkill
Smothering the congregation
Grips the cosmic wheel
A lover of acceleration
No mercy or brakes applied
I see dead stars collide
In her cold unflinching powerslide
Comets tear the skies
Gushing from a shattered silence
Never so alive
Like the rush of cum on nymphetamines
Minds desanitized
Nightchords rung on a ladder of violence
Darkness fantasised
Sleek and polished black
Instrumental in stripping Gods
To neuter and mute their staves
Her laughter
Shalt sound aloft their future graves
Heavens above
Fear the Gorgon eyes of a new moon rising
Except no love
When she enters your golden halls
Millennial the whore
Riding wide astride the horns of madness
Clarions forth the war
Spilling the wine of her fornication
Perrenial the gore
Filling the lines between split nations
Seeping under doors
In time tides force a wider crack
Mother of abominations
Our Lady Overkill
Smothering the congregation
Licks the royal milk
The scourge hangs at her girdle
Death slathers near her heel
Seeking blood to curdle
When the gathered clouds reveal
Her roared abortive labour
Thighs slick with molten steel
Dripping into sabres
For Vulcan spawn to wield
Instrumental in stripping Gods
To neuter and lash her slaves
Her laughter
Shalt sound aloft the crashing waves
Heveans above
Fear the gorgon eyes of a new caste rising
Expect no love
When they enter your golden halls
On sanguine floods
Hear the foregone cries of the last surviving
Skewered like doves
Outside the wailing walls
15.Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette
16.From The Cradle To Enslave
Two thousand fattened years like maniacs
Have despoiled our common grave
Now what necrophagous Second Coming backs
From the cradle to enslave?
Sickle constellations
Stud the belts that welt the sky
Whilst the bitter winter moon
Prowls the cloud, dead-eyed
Like shifting parent flesh
Under silk matricide...
Watchful as she was upon Eden
Where every rose arbour and orchard she swept
Hid the hissing of a serpent Libido
In an ancient tryst with catastrophe
Soon the be kept
Hear that hissing now on the breeze
As through the plundered groves of the carnal garden
A fresh horror blows but ten billion souls
Are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees
This is the theme to a better Armageddon
Nightchords rake the heavens
And what use are prayers to that god?
As devils bay concensus for the space to piss
On your smouldering faith
And the mouldering face
Of this world long a paradise lost
This is the end of everything
Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring
Danse macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac
Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate
What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black?
The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back...
I see the serpentine in your eyes
The nature of the beast as revelations arrive
Our screams shall trail to Angels
For those damned in flames repay
All sinners lose their lot on Judgement Day
We should have cut our looses as at Calvary
But our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain belief
Salvation, like a promised nation
Gleamed a claim away...
This is the end of everything you have ever known
Buried like vanquished reason
Death is season
Drive like the drifting snow
Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising war
On our knees or another f**ker's shore
Heiling new flesh
Read, then roared
To a crooked cross and a Holy Cause
What else be whipped to frenzy for?
This is the end of everything
Rear the tragedies
That the Seraphim shall sing
Old adversaries
Next to Eve
Now they're clawing back
I smell their cumming
As through webbed panes of meat
Led by hoary Death
They never left
Dreaming sodomies
To impress on human failure
When we've bled upon our knees
Tablatures of gravel law
Shall see Gehennah paved
When empires fall
And nightmares crawl
From the cradle to enslave....
This is the end of everything