Vicious Crusade
« The Unbroken »
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1 | Theodore's Song 06:29
 | 2 | Land Of Lakes 03:56
 | 3 | Vicious Circle 04:14
 | 4 | The Unbroken 03:42
 | 5 | Final Chapter 06:01
 | 6 | Polka 04:40
 | 7 | Masquerade Of Piety 04:42
 | 8 | Dogs Of Justice 03:51
 | 9 | Who Are These Men? 05:09
 | 10 | Patriot Games 04:52
 | 11 | Exalted Liar 03:35
 | | Total playing time 51:11 |
 | 1. Maquerade Of Piety
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik, Alex Vertel]
Saint with holly stings
Halo and angel wings.
Light! The masquerade begins.
You are ideal hailed
The code that has prevailed,
The judge to blame me of my sins.
Why do you chase me?
Why d'you disgrace me?
Why want to see me hur |
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 Эта белорусская команда играет очень интересную музыку, на мой взгляд, это хеви пополам с трешем, с гроулом и довольно приятным женским вокалом (на этом альбоме он мне нравится намного больше, чем на "Forbidden Tunes"), которых здесь примерно поровну, плюс присутствует достаточное количество народных мелодий. Видимо по этой причине данный диск и был включен на mp3 сборник "Pagan Black Metal", который и был куплен мной при случае. Хочется отметить именно необычную по стилистике музыку, очень мелодичную и в то же время достаточно тяжелую и жесткую. Большая часть песен - быстрые боевики, в которых гроул очень гармонично дополняется женским вокалом, но есть и тройка протяжных эпических вещей - "Vicious Circle", "Final Chapter" и красивейшая последняя 13-я вещь, которая на мр3 никак не озаглавлена, просто "Bonus" :-( Единственная вещь, которую я не понимаю для чего влкючили в альбом - "Polka (Proud Child)", нечто на подобе залихватской кабацкой песенки, которая сильно выпадает из всего диска. В общем, этот альбом должен понравиться всем любителям мелодичной тяжести. |
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Очень достойный альбом от «Вишесов»! Стиль определить проблематично, да и это, наверное, и не нужно. Качество записи при желании можно списать на СНГ-шное, но мне очень покатило: не люблю «вылизанных» релизов. Теперь непосредственно к самому материалу. Все песни звучат очень энергично, живо, что ли. Чувствуется неимоверный драйв и энергия, причем не в убыток сильнейшему мелодизму. Такой прифолькованный трэш. А слова тестов повествуют о борьбе за свободу, о патриотизме, а если учесть, что группа Белорусская, то те, кто знают о политической ситуации в этой стране, для них слова песен более чем конкретны. |
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просмотров: 10438 |
Or you see in me your mockingbird?
You are the one who is always on right side,
You are the one who is always the wise guide,
You are the judge who has right to accuse me,
You are the god to behold and excuse me
Ready to blame everything but your old sins,
Blaming my words but ignoring your own stings,
Putting me wise as if you know the right way,
You spit in my eyes as you see that just like me
[You're] sinner under mask of saint!
Saint! The righteous man,
You play your game again,
You slake denunciation thirst.
See mote - no beam descry,
Fault's bigger in brother's eye,
Why not you sweep you porch clean first?
What I Must, what I May,
What's to hail, to dismay,-
What should I think, what should I say -
You "put me wise" and I obey,
Your turn to crucify,
Next time it will be mine.
You're sinner just like me
On masquerade of piety...
2. The Unbroken
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik, Alex Vertel]
Beat me - I will stand,
Burn me - I'll survive,
I fight for my land -
One won't stop my strive!
Standing hand in hand,
Led by fathers' faith,
We fight for our land
That won't stand disgrace!
I have seen the hordes
Conquering my land.
Saw how my home burnt - I did.
Felt the shackles' weight
Bow me to the ground.
Heard the moan of death
Trying to fright me.
See me lie in dirt
See me on my knees,
But won't see me lose
My faith!
Kill me but my land
Won't kneel in disgrace.
You can't stop the fight -
Fight for homeland!
3. Dogs Of Justice
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
Unleashed the dogs of state,
Time to decide the fates.
Order's barked - come on the track,
Teeth barred for attack...
Arm of the law, he is order's seal.
Be humble to his just will.
Don't contradict, don't say a word -
You're nothing and he's mighty god!
I am the law, I am the whore,
I'm servant to the one who pays me more.
I am the judge, I am the god,
So don't contradict to the dogs of justice!
The hero of the street.
The stamp of truncheon's treat.
The system's faceless worm.
Mad dog in uniform!
So brave to shoot at armless crowd -
Ain't it good reason to be proud?
To beat a child won't flinch the hand -
You are so strong! The real man!
I am the law, I am the whore,
I'm servant to the one who pays me more.
I am the judge, I am the god,
So don't contradict to the dogs of justice!
Unleashed the hunt - so run aside -
Here come defenders of the human rights,
Here rules the law, the truncheon's law,
So fawn upon the king and his dogs of justice!
"They serve the justice", you believe -
Don't be so artless so naive,
The crimes of state they'll never see,
They guard the state from you and me!
No - we don't need these laws!
No - we don't need these dogs!
No - we don't need this state!
That turns us into slaves!
4. Land Of Lakes
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
Here I am uncount and wild
Here I am tolerant and mild
Look at me, you neglected child,
My hard-hearted Land of Lakes.
You gave me birth but drained my soul,
You cut my wings and let me fall,
Where are you, can't you hear my call,
Oh my callous Land of Lakes?
You breaved my heart, shut up in jail,
You took my home to put up for sale,
Where is your love, will it prevail
In my cruel Land of Lakes?
You never showed you needed me,
You never loved and will never be,
You've killed your child can't you see,
My dear mother, my Land of Lakes?
Hey-ho, burn to be your child,
Hey-ho, living through the aches,
Hey-ho, burn to be your child,
I hail you Land of Lakes!
5. Vicious Circle
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik & Alex Vertel]
I can see nothing through my blurried sight...
Just hear the pain growling from inside...
I feel the needle tapping my vein...
I try to drop it but hear it calls again!
And I am master, ruler in my own world,
I am the judge and jury, I reign and behold,
No one to chase me, sue me, hunt for my soul
In perfect world of mine...
What is that shadow crawling to me from the mist?
Or is it mirror, my reflection turned to beast?
What are these voices turning to the chilling scream?
Is it reality or is it just a dream?
They say they will cure it.
They say "he'll endure it"
They've done it thousand times before.
Locked up - no temptation, kept in isolation,
They say "The beast will come no more!"
But someday doors are opened,
Someday [he'll] cherish hope and
Someday he'll resist no more.
And drop licks the needle,
Veins burn in fiddle -
He's gone to rule his "perfect" world.
And it rolls...
And it calls...
Now it's closed -
Vicious Circle...
I can see nothing through my blurried sight...
Just hear the pain growling from inside...
I feel the needle tapping my vein...
I try to drop it but hear it calls again...
6. Exalted Liar
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
Hypocrite, Public cheat,
The one for seat, Votes' hunter.
Nose to the wind I please them all, stay afloat.
I'm your friend until you fall-your defeat's my gloat.
Ignore the moral and betray the vows you made,
Fair is the faul play it makes the grade.
Lie is every word you say,
Lie-your guide on vile way,
Lie-success of your career,
Lie, so barefaced so clear.
Rancour's while, The endless guide,
Bloody style, Brawl for power.
Vote for me, trust my lie blind defender,
I'll send your sons on war to die for my grandeur.
Sow dissension in the nation, despondency,
Make you hunger in privation, misery,
Raped the trust, Eyes in dust,
Time of lust, Liars' elections.
Choice is made, you vote for lie, exaltation,
See you proudly glority his domination,
Cheated by his scurry show, weak-willed fool,
Bow bondservant to your fee, be proud he rules.
7. Theodore's Song
[Lyrics Dmitry Basik, Alex Vertel]
In cold ground here I lay,
Here for hundreds years I stayed,
In black raven lived my soul,
And in streams my blood did flow.
I'm the warrior, I died
For the proud land of mine,
I'm the spirit of the past
Which my scions turned to dust...
Oh, let my spirit rise!
Let it rise high to heaven.
Oh, let my spirit fly!
Let it fly free as raven!
Oh, let my spirit raise
Raise nation from its chains,
Oh, let my nation praise
Roots that it now disdains!
And my children turned to slaves,
Born for glory - kept in caves,
Long forgotten is father's faith,
Outlandish yoke they praised!
Is that what we struggled for,
Gave our lives and shed our gore?
How that enslaved land I see
Calls itself mighty and free?!
Wake me, wake me!
Raise me, raise me!
Free me, free me!
Can't you hear me?
8. Who Are These Men?
[Lyrics Dmitry Basik]
Who are these men marching on streets
Under the flags of my land?
Confronting the state, the state of the jails,
Standing for freedom's defend?
Clenched are the fists, resist in the minds
And flame in the heart burns bright.
Nothing will stop these men on the streets -
For nation, for freedom, for homeland they fight!
Raised from the ashes,
Born by years of grief,
Brought up by pain,
And the true belief.
Forged in the jails,
Firmed by truncheons' beats,
We are the men revolting on the streets!
Who are these men hunted by law,
Standing the truncheons' beats rain?
Putting at stake their fates and their lives,
Despising the bites of the pain?
Who are these men marching on streets
With flags of the glory and grace?
No man will forbid, no truncheon defeat
The men of unshakable faith!
9. Patriot Games
[Lyrics by M. Schur, Dmitry Basik, Alex Vertel]
Mi rival, хqui©n eres tк que me has hecho tu blanco?
хQui©r llenг tu espritu de este rencor a tu hermano?
Eres un carnvoro perro feroz de tus amos
Querra es, su inter©s, que tк y yo detestamos.
Lofty aims... humanity...
Hypocritical fighting for seat.
Empowered nonenties,
How sweet your insolent deceit!
(Mean deceit)
Benefactors with swears' bait,
Stuck on the hook of civil war.
Spawn of vipers, sowing hate,
Your power bought by nation's gore.
Patriot games - what are they for?
Patriot games - I want them no more!
Ttere de imb©ciles, tк quemaste la casa.
хQu© te diг tu ciego dios por comenzar esta caza?
Voy a ser tu vctima, puede ser tк serЎs ma,
El final serЎ igual: una mortal agona...
Patriot games - what are they for?
Patriot games - I don't need no more!
10. Polka
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
Look at me decrepit old man,
Bent by hundred years weight,
Beaten many times by whims of fate.
>From the dawn until the sunset
Worked like dog for daily bread -
Crust and water were all that I had!
And I am hey-hough child of this land.
And I will hey-hough live here all my life.
And I am hey-hough child of this land.
And I will hey-hough live here till I die!
Greedy priests and cruel landlords
Tried to make me knuckle down,
Tried to bend me to the cold ground.
But I still stand though bent by years
Like I've been standing all my life -
Proud child I am still alive!
They tried to make me knuckle down,
They tried to bend me to the ground,
They beat and chased me all my life,
But I'm still standing still alive!
11. Final Chapter
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
What is my life?
The gift of god?
Or is it curse, the endless rod?
What is my faith?
The light ahead
Or is it ravings of the mad?
Now cold night's embracing me,
My bleeding eyes won't see,
And mist will never set me free -
Or where are you to stand by me?
What is my strive?
Oh, will I win?
Or will I lose in everything?
What is the strap
I proudly hale?
Will I survive or will I fail?
Where is my love, my only one?
Oh, who's to tell me why it's gone?
Where are my friends?
They didn't stay,
They took my soul then did betray...
Take me, hold me, help me -
Tell me who I am!
Touch me, hold me, save me -
Tell me where I am!
Hold me - oh, hold me tight!
Help me - I can't see the light!
Take me - and set me free!
Save me - please stand by me!
12. Verge Of Extinction
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik & Alex Gladysh]
The voices of riots, overloading with hate,
Returning to life tell the truth,
The tongues of indictment,
Nailed to history's gate,
Revenge for inflicted abuse.
The mutinous souls, once refused to submit,
Find peace and release,
And cut off throats of the prophets accreate,
Appealing to prognies.
Marching on the verge of extinction,
Marching on the arms of revolt.
The heroes of the senseless massacres
Get to the dump of time,
And the masters of the human circus
Encourage another crime.
Through the centuries of the affliction and pain
Rises rage breaking chains on its way,
And the crucified dream, reviving again,
Calls fevered minds to tray.
13. Pariah
[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik]
With dismay you meet the rising dawn,
Tired of the endless roam,
You've lost your way and there is no return
To the place you long ago called home.
With a burnt out soul and broken will,
After years of pain you've suffered through,
With every freedom-loving breath they'd kill,
There's nothing left of the real you
Blind to your pain, deaf to all the words you say,
Never even cared to take you as you are,
Crippling your life, treated you like nasty stray,
Refused to be their slave, you're labeled pariah.
Life has past, and all is gone,
And bleeding mind no longer cares,
And only labeled heart and crown of thorns
Still bring you back in your nightmares...
Living in the hell they proudly call society,
Burning with the hate they've sown in your heart,
Trying to retain your life grain of sanity,
Which let you be your self which stamps you pariah.
I've got no heart, I've got no thoughts, I've got no face,
I suffocate, I can't tear out from your embrace,
And day by day, through all my life I obey your will,
I'm just the one among the crowd you slowly kill.