 Странно, что нет рецензий на такой отличный альбом такой отличной группы. Попробую быть первым, тем более что являюсь беззаветным поклонником данной формации с самого выхода ее дебютного полноформатника.
На альбоме присутствуют все фирменные признаки его рукотворцев: невероятная качевость материала вкупе с плотным и жирным звуком, замешанные традиционно на трэшевой основе, красивые и запоминающиеся риффы и соло. Данный диск немного схож с релизом «Litany» в плане звучания и хитовости композиций. На мой взгляд, первые шесть вещей - стопроцентные хиты, они не сливаются в одно полотно, сразу запоминаются, под них можно пританцовывать и мотать башкой и т. д.
Конечно, здесь не стоит говорить о гипер-техничности и каких-то инновациях, все довольно традиционно, местами даже незатейливо, но, на мой взгляд, настолько качественно, что просто замечательно. Здесь не надо напрягаться и вслушиваться, вся мелодика плавает на поверхности. Это как беседа со старым товарищем - вы понимаете друг друга с полуслова. Выделять какие-то отдельные композиции и обсуждать мастерство музыкантов не вижу смысла, альбом надо слушать и наслаждаться!
На мой взгляд, альбом настолько великолепен, что может некоторыми быть признан лучшим у группы, но для меня пока нет ничего лучше «Testimony of the Ancients», так как я на нем вырос, это как первая любовь. |
Free my soul!
Give me back my wings!
Hear me now! Hear me now!
Out of the deep...
[Lead: Mauser]
Blinded lady and her still hungry blade
The dead infected by its blaze
Oh, eons! Strenghthen me!
After all that can't be our final act...
[Lead: Peter / Mauser]
Hear me calling!
Hear me crying!
Hear me yelling!
Out of the deep...
World is your foe
World is your curse
Seed infected by the golden blaze
3. Dark Transmission
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
Strings of the universe vibrate
Sending black messages ahead
Mutant waves across the world
Chaos is on the air
Wild static fills the ether
Noise raging around
Hacking brains with feedback
Chaos is on the air
Dark transmission
Open all channels now
Dark transmission
Blistering your ears
Void reverberates with echos
Tides of zeros and ones flood
Interference whipping your ears
Dark transmission
On the air
Trance, dark mission
Waves fill the brains
Dark mission
Dark mission...
4. Firebringer
[Lyrics: Piotr Wiwczarek]
Pointed towers
Crowned with signs of death
A night wraps the altar
Spectators made of stone
Shadow holding shadow
Creeping tongues and stare of horror
Words never spoken
A secret sealed with fear
But my fire cleans those rooms
My fire cleans that filth
Firebringer - I'm a watcher in disguise
Firebringer - call me so
[Lead: Mauser]
Slimy worms with teeth of gold
Words roar on the air
Kneeling crowd in terror
Blank human souls
Stammered prayer
For any hope
But my fire cleans the halls
My fire cleans that all
[Lead: Peter / Mauser]
Four riders
Poisoned wounded flesh
Armoured power
All ideas left to die
Shield of lies
Protectors with no face
Sword pointed on all of us...
But my fire cleans those fields
My fire cleans the earth
Firebringer - I'm a warrior in disguise
Firebringer - so call me now
5. The Sea Came In At Last
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
A massive blue calendar
Charting the age of apocalypse
The occupant marks the nodes
Maps the lines of terror
Across the city that keeps shifting
Spectral bicycles speed and ride
The fog devours and spits
New geography of the mind
Prostitution in memories
Secret desires without redemption
The past implodes on itself
The return to the womb begins
The sea came in at last
To claim all that is hers
The sea came in at last
To flood all sorrow and pain
6. Stranger In The Mirror
[Lead: Peter]
Forthcoming transformation
Of endless being
Fortitude is not enough
Ominous face and twisted body
Everything upside down
Calamitous coincidence
And now i'm half-life,half-dead...
[Lead: Mauser]
In the search through the ruins
Among weird kingdoms
We found our death
Cocoon of thoughts
Downtrodden in the maze of pain
Creatures which were formed
From sin and wounds
No one give credence
Of nightmare inside
No one give credence
What happened last rite
[Lead: Mauser]
Now when everything passed away
I'm wondering
Where i was and who am i
This stranger in the mirror
In the mist of winter breath
Looking for the flesh
Found spiritual dimensions
Where he lost his path
7. I Shall Prevail
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
Resistance of matter, mind and time
Hardness of custom, code and law
Stifling curtains of the past
The realm of inertia sprawling around
I shall prevail
By any means necessary
I shall attain
By any means
Constriction of language in me
Dominance of whimper over bang
Tyranny of habit and fear
The yoke of the future on me
I shall prevail
By any means necessary
I shall transcend
By any means
[Lead: Mauser / Peter / Mauser / Peter]
Distrust of all those inside
The gasp of the center with no hold
The barbarian in the garden of eden
I am coming to claim what is mine
Constriction of language in me
Dominance of whimper over bang
Tyranny of habit and fear
The yoke of the future on me
I shall prevail
I shall attain
I shall transcend
By any means
8. The Zone
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
The zone is within
The zone is without
Let us go naked for a sign
Through the world of illusions
Operation mindfuck begins
[Lead: Mauser]
Post-shamans gather round
New exorcists of the thrall
The muftis of chaos rise hands
To work their memes on us
Secret mental utopias to spring
In chaos infected hearts and minds
Heretics of all world unite
And build their own zones for us
[Lead: Mauser]
Wild pagan children now dance
In lobbies of all world banks
[Lead: Mauser]
Nothing is true
Everything is permitted...
The zone is here
The zone is here
Let us go naked for a sign
Through the world of illusion
Operation mindfuck has begun....
9. Insomnia
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
This is my love song
My great and secret show
My pornographic confession
Emblems of the season of fury
Flash and wobble and jar
I toss and scream
I shake and yell
I weep and curse
Like a madman
I can't sleep
I strip myself naked of my words
I lay them bare for all of you to see
More whimper then fury
For the world to listen, watch and laugh
I toss and scream...
I mumble the words
I do not understand
Figures appear at go at no will
I toss and scream...
I'm still in control of my mind
[Lead: Mauser]
So many voices
In my head
None of them can replace yours
I toss and scream...
Fever drums the war song in my brain
Perfect memory of time and place is a curse
Savage god raises his hand
In the fields of rape in my head
10. Apopheniac
[Lyrics: Pawel Frelik]
The cities of the brain are vast
No map charts to urge
To find the nexus of it all
The lines converge, my vision clears
Now I think I can finally see
The world for what it's always been
Torrent of signals, storm of date
Pattern recognition floods
The wall of noise to breach
Revelation trembling on my lips
The godhead eludes me at all times
[Lead: Peter]
Messages assault the senses
Decoding is a futile task
A hieroglyphic world in sight
[Lead: Peter]
I wish some semiology of madness
Could explain all this to me
As more new connections emerge
My life in the maze...
The web grows and tightens
The word seems to take shape
Frightful lucidity is mine
I am an apopheniac
The lines converge, my vision clears
Now I think I can finally see
The world for what it's always been
11. Choices
[Lyrics: Lukasz Szurminski]
You are someone
You would not like to be
Wandering the way to illumination
Sinking in bizarre rituals
Whole life studying lines and signs
You take pains to chase
Shadows of yourself...
Shadows of yourself
Things, you are thinking are right
Just must have imagined as that
Myths of all systems
And never written book
Or book written thousands of times
No matter where and how
Your move is your start...
[Lead: Mauser / Peter]
Like freely river of perceptions
Consciousness, private library
Of everything anti and pro
Life, choice, death
Despite circumstances
There is always your way