 Это полноценный альбом Vader. Вы скажете, и дураку понятно, что полноценный. А вот не все так просто. Полноценный кавер-альбом. Это сегодня металл накрыла волна каверомании. Каждая третья группа считает своим долгом выпустить альбом кавер-версий. А в 1996 году? Да еще и в жанре Death Metal? Сильно многих вспомните? Вот, то-то же! Посему "Future Of The Past" ценен вдвойне.
Судя по всему, выпустив сногсшибательный "De Profundis", группа решила передохнуть и поностальгировать. В принципе, прослушав данный альбом можно проследить весь генезис становления Vader. Никого не стесняясь, группа показала, откуда у нее ноги растут (а скорее рога и копыта). Довольно неожиданным звук, правда, получился. После резкого и буквально режущего звучанием предшественника, "Future Of The Past" звучит несколько приглушенно да еще и со странно прописанным «шлепающим» рабочим барабаном, что несколько портит впечатление при прослушивании. Но, данный релиз как новый прорыв и не задумывался, так что ничего смертельного в подобном качестве реализации нет. Может даже в чем то свой шарм есть.
Итак, открывает альбом Sodom’овская «Outbreak Of Evil», в исполнении Vader ставшая еще более жуткой и стремительной. Далее идет не менее классическая «Flag Of Hate» из раннего творчества Kreator, не претерпевшая особых изменений. После сногсшибательной «Storm Of Stress», принадлежащей перу Terrorizer, идет сильнейшая «Death Metal» знаковых Possessed. Далее вновь следует номер авторства Terrorizer «Fear Of Napalm». Dark Angel’овская «Merciless Death» также обедню не испортила, поддержав славный дух 80-х. Далее «Dethroned Emperor» Celtic Frost (ну куда ж без них?). А это то, чего все и так ждали – Slayer «Silent Scream». Странно только, учитывая стиль Vader, что творчество Slayer представлено лишь единожды. В общем, тот еще набор. Практически, все самое замогильное и нечестивое, что было в металле в период 80-х. За бортом, пожалуй, остались только Venom и Bathory. А дальше нас ждут сюрпризы. Это какая-то панковская «We Are The League» (Anti-Nowhere League) и, черт возьми, сногсшибательный кавер на Depeche Mode! Вот ведь как! Пожалуй, Depeche Mode вскоре будут признаны самой влиятельной группой в металле! А на закуску мы услышим «Black Sabbath», ранее изданную на ЕР "Sothis". Что и говорить, что данная вещь в исполнении Vader стала совершенно замогильной и гнетущей.
Да и вообще, стоит отметить, что все представленные песни звучат очень последовательно и очень «по-Вейдеровски»! Фирменный стиль Vader нашел воплощение в каждой представленной композиции. Правда, вновь и вновь прослушивая "Future Of The Past", я не могу отделаться от ощущения, что нынешняя волна экстремальных групп двигается в каком-то странном направлении, имеющем мало общего с представленной на данном альбоме классике. А зря. Но, это так... Мысли вслух...
Да, еще! Альбом обладает классной обложкой. Даже столь избитый всеми образ как череп, на "Future Of The Past" смотрится очень убедительно и даже в чем-то гротескно и загадочно. В общем, "Future Of The Past" – во всех отношениях добротный релиз, подтвердивший высокий уровень. группы! |
In a massacre
They feel the hot smart
None can survive
People will destroy
Souls like hell
Where devils make a toy
2. Flag Of Hate
[Originally performed by Kreator]
[Music: Robert Fioretti / Lyrics: Mille Petrozza]
Dark Shadows lie over the city
Tonight someone will die, you can hear
Some painful scream the air is full of flies
The mayhemic legions are ready to steal the human souls
Come into my vault and do what you have been told
I'll eat your intestines no matter if you pray or please
I'll bring you down to your knees
Tonight you're gonna meet your fate you'll try to run but it's too
Late I am here to liquidate
Time to raise your flag of hate
Destroy the world is our only aim
To strike them down is the only way to make'em dead
And make'em pay
The gallow of the underground shippers on the sea of blood
All what we want is to crucify your God
The posers on this earth have no right to live
We gonna split their brains torture is what we give
3. Storm Of Stress
[Originally performed by Terrorizer]
[Music: Terrorizer / Lyrics: Oscar Garcia]
Can't escape all your worries
Endless sorrow, pain and suffer
Can't escape your emotions
Enslavement be the world you choose
You work so hard, all for nothing
Your dreams are shattered
Your goals destroyed
No-one listens to what we stand for
So why even try do you really care
The struggle continues as the cries of pain
Peace can no longer rest in your mind
The world you choose is fucked already
So stop dreaming and face reality
4. Death Metal
[Originally performed by Possessed]
[Music: Mike Torrao / Lyrics: Jeff Beccera]
Arise from the dead and attack from the grave
The killing won't stop until first light
We'll bring you to hell because we want to enslave
Soul will be frozen with fright
We'll break through the crust, leave from our crypts
Protected by eternal life
Lay down the laws from our satanic scripts
Bringing you nothing but strife
Death metal
Kill them pigs
Ruling you cities, controlling your towns
Entrapped in your worst nightmare
Piercing your ears with the horrible sound
Casting my exclusive stare
Lucifer laughs, his needs are fulfilled
The flames are now burning hot
Bodies are burning, the people are killed
Torture reason we fought
Death metal
Kill them pigs
Now we take over and rule by death metal
Enjoy our long wanted reign
Blood's what we want and we won't settle
Until we drive you insane
Attacking the young and killing the old
Pleeding with every heart beat
Darkness has fallen and your soul is sold
Claws will dig into your meat
When the sun doesn't rise and the day is like night
Know that your life is at its end
Rendered helpless so scream out fright
Death metal came in the wind
Death metal
5. Fear Of Napalm
[Originally performed by Terrorizer]
[Music: Terrorizer / Lyrics: Oscar Garcia]
From the sky
You'll see it fall
Nowhere else
left to hide
People screaming
Burn to ash
Fear of dying
Guess who's lost
Pray to live
No more hope
Day of doom
Scorching flesh
Lost control
Bust to war
Outbreak hate
6. Merciless Death
[Originally performed by Dark Angel]
[Music: Jim Durkin / Lyrics: Jim Durkin, Don Doty]
You fall before us, shattered in vain
You thrash about us, screaming in pain
Tortured and flaming, you're on your knees
you fucking whores, it's us you must please
We'll give you merciless
We'll give you merciless
We'll give you merciless
We'll give you merciless... death!!!
Stand up and bang, till you fall the floor
The sound is so deafening, it can't be ignored
The place is burning, your minds are destroyed
Devastated and helpless, you're left here to die
The angels has landed - judgement has come
Your death has arrived, faster than some
The darkness descending upon heaven's gates
Your soul is now promised and you know that
We'll wait!!!
We'll give you...
7. Dethroned Emperor
[Originally performed by Celtic Frost]
[Music: Tom Warrior / Lyrics: Tom Warrior]
See the portal, gate to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame
Deny extraction - thirst for disgrace
Watch his break - the emperor's killed
Light of the day - shadow from beyond
Scaffold of steel - the throne has gone
Dethroned emperor
(The) foot of the stairs, dimension in might
The king sits, (his) eyes are glass
Growing of the small - the laughter's fall
Can you deny - remaining cries?
Descent of the lords - into te trap
Existence and hate - unseen gate
8. Silent Scream
[Originally performed by Slayer]
[Music: Jeff Hanneman, Kerry King / Lyrics: Tom Araya]
Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death
Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest
Guidance, it means nothing
In a world of brutal time
Electric, circus, wild
Deep in the infant's mind
Silent scream
Bury the unwanted child
Beaten and torn
Sacrifice the unborn
Shattered, adolescent
Bearer of no name
Restrained, insane games
Suffer the children condemned
Scattered, remnants of life
Murder a time to die
Pain, sufferaged toyed
Life's little fragments destroyed
Silent scream,
Crucify the bastard son
Beaten and torn
Sanctify lives of scorn
Life preordained
Humanity maintained
Extraction termination
Pains agonizing stain
Embryonic death
Embedded in your brain
Suffocation, strangulation
Death is fucking you insane
Nightmare, the persecution
A childs dream of death
Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest
Innocence withdrawn in fear
Fires burning can you hear
Cries in the night
9. We Are The League
[Originally performed by Anti-Nowhere League]
[Music: Anti-Nowhere League / Lyrics: Piotr Wiwczarek]
Another bloody night
Another damned place
My head is fucked up
I've got another face
Too many bites
I feel like on high
But the hunger's still growing
So - do you wanna die?
We are the league
We're extraneous to you
We are the league
We are the anti-man
Without being seen
(So) don't play with me, fool!
We're league of the hell
And we are the strong
We are the league
We are the league
We are the league
The anti-christian league
When the moon is round
We're feeling the pain
Leaving the crypts
They are our domain
Blood suckin' race
Madness living in the eyes
No fuckin' mercy
You won't find it in us
We are the league
And we are the sin
We are the league
And we do always win
A fuckin' noise
You don't even know
A mighty ways
(Still) out of the law
We are giving a bliss
We are giving extasy
Eternal live
No ending fantasy
Joy on the earth
Joy in the hell
Unite with the league
we're unholy spell
We are the league
And we are insane
We are the league
And we have not the name
Without the souls
Our bodies supreme
I'm coming to bite
You know, what does it mean
10. I.F.Y.
[Originally performed by Depeche Mode]
[Music: Depeche Mode / Lyrics: Piotr Wiwczarek]
I feel you
Your son is dead
I feel you
Within my mind
You're fearing me
Still fearing me
My kingdom comes
You tried to do
To lead me through eternity
But this is the morning of our law
And this is the dawning of our law
I hear you
Your fadin' voice
I feel you
Die on the cross
The joy it brings
When heaven burns
Your golden gates
Don't try to do
'Cause I'll kill you eternally
This is the dawning of fallen one
And this is is the fall of your nailed son
I kill you
Your holy soul
And I kill more
I feel you
Your suffer-son
My kingdom comes
I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
What for you wait
Where angels sing
I spread my wings
See my rebirth
I'll take you down
To glory's throne
Don't ask me... why?
11. Black Sabbath
[Originally performed by Black Sabbath]
[Music: Black Sabbath / Lyrics: Ozzy Osbourne]
What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh nooooo!
Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan's sitting there, he's smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please help me!
Is it the end my friend?
Satan's coming 'round the bend
People running 'cause they're scared
The people better go and beware!
No, no, please no!
12. Oracle (Wyrocznia)