« Crucify My Heart »
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1 | Alright Tonight 03:25
 | 2 | Crucify My Heart 03:42
 | 3 | Don't Touch the Flame 03:40
 | 4 | Every Single Day 03:37
 | 5 | Pitch Black Emotions 03:19
 | 6 | Unchain 05:25
 | 7 | Nothing to Lose 03:45
 | 8 | Heart of Darkness 04:07
 | 9 | This Time 03:27
 | 10 | Over Me 04:19
 | 11 | Better Days 04:16
 | | Total playing time 43:06 |
   Tanja Lainio - vocals
Sami Vauhkonen - guitars
Sauli Kivilahti - guitars
Heavy - bass
Jukka Outinen - drums
Additional musicicans:
Jameye - keyboards |
 | 1. Alright Tonight
When I am in your heart tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
They can never separate us
Bever tear us apart, oh no no no
And I'll promise you I'll never break
Never break your heart, oh no no no
So if craving for you is wrong
I don't even want to be right  |
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 Альбом этой неизвестной мне доселе финской группы напоминает какую-то смесь HIM и The Gathering с явным альтернативным ню-металлическим оттенком. За простеньким буклетом скрывается такая же простенькая, я бы даже сказал довольно примитивная музыка. Все песни построены по принципу "куплет-припев-куплет-припев-примитивный соляк-припев". Но в общем-то ничего, слушать вполне можно. По сути, здесь каждая вторая песня - хит, вполне годящийся для ротации какого-нить радио "Ультра", а то и MTV. В то время как HIM меня дико бесит, этот диск я слушаю с удовольствием. Особенно хочу выделить песенку Don't Touch The Flame - так и хочется плясать, прыгать и трясти под нее башкой. Но с другой стороны, в этом диске есть явно попсовая черта, а именно навязчивость и , если можно так выразиться, раздражаемость. раздражает главным образом вокал Тани - не могу сказать, чтобы она пела плохо, но у нее какой-то уж очень звонкий и громкий тембр голоса. В общем, слушать или не слушать - решать вам. Приобрел я этот диск где-то пару дней назад, и пока он мне нравится, но боюсь, что где-то через месяц я его заброшу - такая музыка долго не живет... |
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Приальтернативненный лав-метал. На данном альбоме поет уже другая вокалистка, но разницу можно вовсе и не заметить. При более внимательном прослушивании сравнение выходит не в пользу нынешней фронтвуменшы. Сам по себе вокал вроде и неплох, но вот когда мисс начинает голосить, да еще с надрывом, становится как-то не по себе. Музыка достаточно забойная, тяжеленькая, в меру хитовая. Продюсирование отличное. Неплохой альбом, но его вполне можно обойти вниманием. |
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Lullacry – финская хэви/лав металл банда с девчачьим, хулиганистым вокалом. Мелодичные, простенькие, шустрые риффы и солячки, песенки с нормальной ритм-секцией и иногда вставленными балладками. Вроде все неплохо, и запись, и сведение, и работа музыкантов не вызывает нареканий, музыка ложится на слух и легко запоминается, но диск застревает в проигрывателе только на пару дней, а потом не попадает туда совсем. И так со всеми работами этой команды, почему так происходит - никто не знает ответа. 7/10 |
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Первый альбом группы, с которого началось моё знакомство с творчеством этого замечательного коллектива. Он является дебютным для новой вокалистки с именем, практически, как у прежней, только пишется иначе – для нас оно будет, наверное, так же звучать – Таня (люди, не слышавшие ранние альбомы, вряд ли заметят «подмену») :) С чем мы сталкиваемся, вставляя этот диск в плеер и разглядывая довольно простенькую обложку? Ответ – просто финский melodic metal с «капризным» женским вокалом и текстами, вьющимися вокруг темы любви. Тяжелые (местами даже резковатые) гитарки и заводной (в основном) женский рок-вокал.
Минус этой работы: несмотря на простоту строения песен, после первого прослушивания они сливаются в голове в общее «месиво». Иными словами, песни в пределах альбома довольно однообразны, но при неоднократном прослушивании вы «не пройдёте мимо» таких интересных моментов, как зажигательные и запоминающиеся «Don't Touch the Flame», «Alright Tonight», «This Time», более медленная, но не менее классная «Over Me», недурная балладка «Crucify My Heart», ну и красивая финальная среднетемповая, богатая на симфонию «Better Days». А иногда вам захочется переслушать «Every Single Day» (тоже заводная песенка) и «Unchain», начинающуюся тихо-мирно, а потом… =)
Тем не менее, песням не хватает хитовости и доработки. И сократить бы наполовину использование «голой» бас-гитары в куплетах, т.е. дополнить бы большинство таких куплетов электрогитарами или клавишами!
Для дебютного альбома эта работа была бы просто отличной, а так…
(если к тому же сравнить с красотами «Be My God»)
P.S. Был момент, когда я сказал сам себе: всё с этой группой ясно, другие работы можно, наверное, и не слушать – ничего не потеряю…
А потерял бы! ;) |
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просмотров: 7385 |
I'll promise you we'll make it somehow
When I am in your heart tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
When I am in your heart tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
Just tonight
Just tonight
Just tonight
I'll promise you we'll make it somehow
Nake it somehow
When I am in your heart tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
When I am in your heart tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
Alright tonight
Alright tonight
Just tonight
2. Crucify My Heart
My hopes were running high
Left me like a morning tide
Everything I do is up to you
How can I still pretend
All good things must end
Emotions are so easy to crush
Like a junkie I traded everything for love
You were all I ever wanted
Right from the start
You were all I ever needed
Crucify my heart
The tide has turned
See my dreams drown
Nothing new under this hollow sun
The stillness of the night
Only thing holding me tight
Emotions are so easy to crush
Like a junkie I traded everything for love
You were all I ever wanted
Right from the start
You were all I ever needed
But you crucified my heart
Crucify my heart
Crucify my heart
Like a junkie I traded everything for love
You were all I ever wanted
Right from the start
You were all I ever needed
But you crucified my heart
You were all I ever wanted
Right from the start
You were all I ever needed
But you crucified my heart
Crucify my heart
Crucify my heart
3. Don't Touch The Flame
I wish you well, hope you understand
If I could only tell (if I could only tell)
Choice you have to make - a beggar or the throne
But please don't
Touch the flame that burns inside
It will keep you safe and alive
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Who am I, ever to judge you
Repeat the fears (repeat the fears)
Can you feel it feel it on your skin
But please don't
Touch the flame that burns inside
It will keep you safe and alive
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Touch the flame that burns inside
It will keep you safe and alive
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Open up your soul and let love in
But please don't touch the flame
Touch the flame that burns inside
It will keep you safe and alive
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Touch the flame that burns inside
It will keep you safe and alive
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Touch the flame that burns inside
(Don't touch the flame)
It will keep you safe and alive
(Don't touch the flame)
This empty memory lane
Is filled with the touch of a flame
Don't touch the flame
Don't touch the flame
4. Every Single Day
I can see your lips moving
But I can't hear a thing at all
I can see your lips moving
But I can't hear a thing at all
I got lost in my own little world
But it makes no difference to the me
Every single day
I got lost along the way
Every single day
All those things you have said (have said)
They make no sense to me
We got lost in our own little world
Every single day
We got lost along the way
Every single day
Every single day
Every single day
We got lost along the way
Every single day
We got lost along the way
We got lost along the way
5. Pitch Black Emotions
For better of worse
It doesn't matter why
'cos I broke my wings before I learned to fly
Like a sinner to flame
I was drawn to you
And it felt like I was running out of time with you
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
And I don't care
For what you say
'Cos the only reply I have is fuck you anyway
Like a sinner to flame
I was drawn to you
And it felt like I was running out of time with you
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
All of my life's like in slow motion
No need to hide my pitch black emotions
Pitch black emotions
Pitch black emotions
6. Unchain
This sadness won't let go
It's hold of me
No matter how hard I try
There's something strange deep inside of my heart
And nothing really matters to me
I'm so alone
My heart is bleeding
Unchain my soul and let me go
I close my eyes and taste my fears
Down there so alone
Sorrow inside made me bleed
I need you to unchain me
Sorrow inside made me bleed
I need you to unchain me
I close my eyes and taste my fears
Down there so alone
Sorrow inside made me bleed
I need you to unchain me
Sorrow inside made me bleed
I need you to unchain me
Unchain me
I need you to unchain me
Unchain me
I need you to unchain me
7. Nothing To Lose
You asked me why
I kept telling lies
I broke the rules
But I don't care 'cos I got nothing
You are the sun
I am the flame
I feel no shame 'cos I got nothing
I got nothing to lose
It's the hardest thing to do
To see it coming over you
Never thought I could break the rules
Now I got nothing to lose
Just move ahead and don't look back
I won't be there and I don't care 'cos I got nothing
You are the sun
I am the flame
And I got nothing
I got nothing to lose
It's the hardest thing to do
To see it coming over you
Never thought I could break the rules
Now I got nothing to lose (nothing to lose)
It's the hardest thing to do
To see it coming over you
Never thought I could break the rules
Now I got nothing to lose
8. Heart Of Darkness
Black clouds fill my mind
I can't cope with this
I wrote my name in dust
No shelter in sight
Still hoping it would last
Only my pride died
Please save me from the heart of darkness
Please save me from the heart of darkness
No more shadows
Not even shades of grey
I wrote my name in dust
No shelter in sight
Still hoping it would last
Only my pride died
Please save me from the heart of darkness
Please save me from my darkest hour
I gave everything I had to give
Please save me from the heart of darkness
Please save me from the heart of darkness
Please save me from my darkest hour
I gave everything I had to give
Please save me from the heart of darkness
Heart of darkness
Heart of darkness
9. This Time
(You knew) this day would come
(You are dead) you are not the only one
The world will be the same when you're gone
The way you look at me is full of disbelief
You never wanted me to be there for you
How does it feel
No one to lean on
And hey let me tell you
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down for good
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down alone
Your place in my mercy seat
Disappears in a heartbeat
That's the only thing you can count on
Can you see the tables turn
All the hate I will return
You can never wipe this smile off my face
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down for good
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down alone, going down alone
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down for good
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down alone
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down for good
This time no one can save you
This time you're going down alone
10. Over Me
My only desire will
Bring all this to an end
The longer I lay here alone
The louder it's calling me
It will always be there waiting for me
Another day has gone by and the darkness falls
It's all over me and it's coming down
Over me in my anger I drown
It's all over me and it's coming down
I couldn't see it was written all over me
There is a fine line between
Need and obsession
(Need and obsession)
The longer I lay here alone
The louder it's calling me
It will always be there waiting for me
Another day has gone by and the darkness falls
It's all over me and it's coming down
Over me in my anger I drown
It's all over me and it's coming down
I couldn't see it was written all over me
Over me
It was written
Over me
Over me
It's all over me and it's coming down
Over me in my anger I drown
It's all over me and it's coming down
I couldn't see it was written all over me
Over me
Over me
It's all over me
11. Better Days
Come with me and you'll see our world falls apart
Wipe away your tears
It doesn't mean a thing at all
Stay for a while and you will find yourself in an endless dream
Bitterness is born on the days like these
On days just like these
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
Come with me and you'll find these feelings you can't deny
It's all I have offer so no use to fight
Stay for a while and you will find yourself in an endless dream
Bitterness is born on the days like these
On days just like these
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
For better days
Yeah yeah yeah
For better days
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
It's been so long since I changed my ways
I know I've been saving up for better days
For better days
For better days