Nine Inch Nails
« Pretty Hate Machine »
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1 | Head Like A Hole
 | 2 | Terrible Lie
 | 3 | Down In It
 | 4 | Sanctified
 | 5 | Something I Can Never Have
 | 6 | Kinda I Want To
 | 7 | Sin
 | 8 | That's What I Get
 | 9 | The Only Time
 | 10 | Ringfinger |
   Trent Reznor – vocals, arranger, programming, producer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10), engineer, digital editing, mixing, songwriter, mastering (2010 reissue) |
Chris Vrenna – programming, digital editing
Richard Patrick – droning guitar (4)
Tom Baker – mastering (2010 reissue)
Sean Beavan – mixing
Doug d'Angelis – engineer
Tony Dawsey – mastering
Flood – programming, producer (1, 2), engineer
John Fryer – producer (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), engineer, mixing
Al Jourgensen (credited as Hypo Luxa) – producer (11)
Kennan Keating – engineer
Keith LeBlanc – producer (3, 7, 8, 9), engineer, remixing, mixing
Ken Quartarone – engineer
Adrian Sherwood – producer (3), engineer, mixing
Rob Sheridan – cover design (2010 reissue)
Jeffrey Silverthorne – photography
Gary Talpas – cover design |
 | 1. Head Like A Hole
God money I'll do anything for you.
God money just tell me what you want me to.
God money nail me up against the wall.
God money don't want everything he wants it all.
No you can't take it
No you can't take it
No you can't take that away from me
No you ca |
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 Первый альбом легендарных Nine Inch Nails, сочинённый, записанный и сведённый Трентом Резнором, единственным участником коллектива, в одиночку, начинает наш экскурс в пучину страхов и переживаний своего создателя, с которыми он будет нас знакомить на протяжении всей своей последующей творческой деятельности.
Сам альбом представляет собой очень мощный и злой, агрессивный синтипоп, переходящий в индастриал-рок. Вокал варьируется от шёпота, едва слышимого речитатива, до криков и воплей отчаяния. И, может, это и не первый альбом в подобном стиле, но он первый получил такую известность, первый в этом жанре был замечен широкой публикой. Почему? Может, потому, что это был первый «industrial»-альбом, в котором не было ни слова о политике, Сатане, или грядущем Апокалипсисе, как, например, у Ministry или Skinny Puppy, а только о глубоко личном, о переживаниях отдельно взятого человека. Да, наверное, из-за этого. Именно это, на мой взгляд, и отделило Nine Inch Nails от их полуэлектронных побратимов того времени.
Открывает альбом взрывная "Head Like A Hole", первый хит, исполняемый и по сей день. В песне поётся о неком Денежном Боге, в борьбе с которым Трент скорее умрёт, чем проиграет и отдаст власть. Далее - "Terrible Lie". Диалог с Богом, обвинение в излишней жестокости и лжи со стороны Всевышнего, признание в собственной беспомощности. Очень эмоциональная композиция, буквально выворачивающая наизнанку. Пятым номером идёт "Something I Can Never Have", одна из самых чувственных и проникновенных песен во всей дискографии Девятидюймовых Гвоздей. Шёпот, временами переходящий в истошный крик, повествует нам о чувствах лирического героя, безвременно покинутого своей возлюбленной, которая уже никогда не вернётся на нашу землю. Седьмая песня названа коротко и ясно – "Sin". То бишь Грех. Рассказ ведётся об украденной невинности Трента, грехе, к которому он жаждет приобщиться ещё не раз, но в то же время понимает, что это лишь иллюзия. И жаждет отмстить. Следующая "That's What I Get" удивительно однозначна и прямолинейна, рассказывает нам об измене любимой девушки.
Итого 10 песен тщательно отфильтрованной ненависти и разочарования в индустриально-синтипоповом ключе. Вроде бы, что здесь такого? Но именно эти 10 песен оказали огромное влияние на такие группы как Marilyn Manson, Oomph, Orgy, Rammstein, Static-X. С Мэнсоном Трент даже был очень дружен. До определённого момента. Но не суть.
Идеи этого альбома будут развиты в последующих "Broken"’92 и "The Downward Spiral"’94, вокал будет ещё агрессивней, тексты ещё откровенней, музыкальная составляющая окончательно обратится в индастриал-рок. Начало пути великой группы, без которой нынешняя альтернативная сцена выглядела бы совершенно иначе, а индастриал-рок так и сидел бы в загоне, оставаясь уделом немногочисленных эстетов. Но всё случилось иначе. Альбом – шедевр на все времена, 10 баллов. |
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просмотров: 28216 |
No you can't take it
No you can't take that away from me
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You're going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You're going to get what you deserve.
God money's not looking for the cure.
God money's not concerned with the sick amongst the pure.
God money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
God money's not one to choose
You know who you are.
2. Terrible Lie
Hey God, why are you doing this to me?
Am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be?
Why am I seething with this animosity?
Hey God, I think you owe me a great big apology
Terrible Lie [x4]
Hey God, I really don't know what you mean.
Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
Hey God, can this world really be as sad as it seems?
Don't take it away from me. I need you to hold on to.
Don't tear it away from me. I need someone to hold on to.
Don't take it, don't take it, don't.
Hey God, There's nothing left for me to hide.
I lost my ignorance, security, and pride.
I'm all alone in a world you must despise.
Hey God, I believed your promises, your promises and lie
You make me throw it all away.
My morals left to decay.
How many you betray?
You've taken everything.
My head is filled with disease.
My skin is begging you, please.
I'm on my hands and knees.
I want so much to believe.
3. Down In It
Kinda like a cloud I was up way up in the sky and I was feeling some feelings
You wouldn't believe sometimes I don't believe them myself and I decided I was
Never coming down. just then a tiny little dot caught my eye it was just about
Too small to see. but I watched it way too long and that dot was pulling me
I was up about it.
I was up above it.
Now I'm down in it
I was up above it.
I was up above it.
Now I'm down in it
Well shut up so what what does it matter now. I was swimming in the haze now I
Crawl on the ground. and everything I never liked about you is kind of seeping
Into me. try to laugh about it now but isn't it funny how everything works
Out ("I guess the jokes on me." she said)
I used to be so big and strong.
I used to know my right from wrong.
I used to never be afraid.
I used to be somebody
I used to have something inside
Now just this hole that's open wide.
I used to want it all
I used to be somebody
I'll cross my heart and hope to die but the needle's already in my eye. and
All the world's weight is on my back and I don't even know why. and what I
Used to think was me is just a fading memory
I looked him right in the eye and said "goodbye."
4. Sanctified
It's still getting worse after everything I've tried,
What if I found a way to wash it all inside?
What if she touches with those fingertips?
As the words spill out like fire from her lips.
If she says come inside, I'll come inside for her,
If she says give it all, I'll give everything to her.
I am justified.
I am purified.
I am sancitifed, inside you.
Heaven's just a rumor she dispells,
As she walks me through the nicest parts of Hell.
I still dream of lips, I never should have kissed,
Well she knows exactly what I can't resist.
And if she says come inside, I'll come inside for her,
And if she says give it all, I'll give everything to her.
I'm just caught up in another of her spells,
While she's turning me into someone else.
Every day I hope and pray that this will end,
But when I can, I'd do it all again.
And if she says come inside, I'll come inside for her,
And if she says give it all, I'll give everything to her.
5. Something I Can Never Have
I still recall the taste of your tears.
Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears.
My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore.
Scraping through my head 'till I don't wanna sleep anymore.
You make this all go away.
You make this all go away.
I'm down to just one thing.
And I'm starting to scare myself.
You make this all go away.
You make this all go away.
I just want something.
I just want something I can never have.
You always were the one to show me how
Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now.
This thing is slowly taking me apart.
Grey would be the color if I had a heart.
Come on and tell me.
You make this all go away.
You make this all go away.
I'm down to just one thing.
And I'm starting to scare myself.
You make this all go away.
You make this all go away.
I just want something.
I just want something I can never have
In this place it seems like such a shame.
Though it all looks different now,
I know it's still the same.
Everywhere I look you're all I see.
Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be.
Come on and tell me.
You make this all go away.
You make this all go away.
I'm down to just one thing.
And I'm starting to scare myself.
You make this all go away.
You make it all go away.
I just want something.
I just want something I can never have.
I just want something I can never have.
6. Kinda I Want To
I can't shake this feeling from my head.
There's a devil sleeping in my bed.
He's watching you from across the way.
I cannot make this feeling go away
I know it's not the right thing.
And I know it's not the good thing.
Kinda I want to
I'm not sure of what I should do.
When everything I'm think of is you.
All of my excuses turn to lies.
Maybe God will cover up his eyes
Kind I want to.
Maybe just for tonight.
We can pretend it's alright.
What's the price I pay.
I don't care what they say.
I want to.
7. Sin
You give me the reason.
You give me control.
I gave you my Purity.
My Purity you stole.
Did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise.
Am I just too stupid to realize.
Stale incense old sweat and lies lies lies
It comes down to this.
Your kiss.
Your fist.
And your strain.
It get's under my skin.
Take in the extent of my sin
You give me the anger.
You give me the nerve.
Carry out my sentence.
Well, I get what I deserve.
I'm just an effigy to be disgraced.
To be defaced.
Well, your need for me has been replaced.
And if I can't have everything well then just give me a taste.
You give me the reason.
You give me control.
I gave you my Purity.
My Purity you stole.
Did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise.
Am I just too stupid to realize.
Stale incense old sweat and lies lies lies
8. That's What I Get
Just when everything was making sense.
You took away all my self-confidence.
Now all that I've been hearing must be true.
I guess I'm not the only boy for you.
But that's what I get
That's what I get
That's what I get
That's what I get
How could you turn me into this?
After you just taught me how to kiss you.
I told you I'd never say goodbye.
Now I'm slipping on the tears you made me cry.
Why does it come as a surprise;
To think that I was so naive.
Maybe didn't mean that much.
But it meant everything to me.
9. The Only Time
I'm drunk
Right now I'm so in love with you
And I don't want to think too much about what we should or shouldn't do
Lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car
Nothing quite like the feel of something new
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up in you
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up in you
Maybe I'm all messed up
This is the only time I really feel alive
I swear, I just found everything I need
The sweat in your eyes, the blood in your veins are listening to me
Well I want to wrap it up and swim in it until I drown
My moral standing is lying down
Nothing quite like the feel of something new
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up in you
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up
Maybe I'm all messed up in you
Maybe I'm all messed up
This is the only time I really feel alive
This is the only time I really feel alive
Maybe I'm all messed up in you
This is the only time I really feel alive
This is the only time I really feel alive
This is the only time I really feel alive
This is the only time I really feel alive
10. Ringfinger
Well you've got me working so hard lately.
Working my hands until they bleed.
If I was twice the man I could be,
I'd still be half of what you need.
Still you lead me and I follow.
Anything you ask you know I'll do.
This one act of consecration is what I ask of you
Promise carved in stone.
Deeper than the sea.
Sever flesh and bone
And offer it to me.
Well, you just left me nailed here.
Hanging like Jesus on his cross.
I'm just dying for your sins.
And aiding to the cause.
Wrap my eyes in bandages.
Confessions I see through.
I get everything I want.
When I get part of you.
Promise carved in stone.
Deeper than the sea.
Devil's flesh and bone
Do something for me.