 Странно видеть, честно говоря, что спустя больше года нет ни одной рецензии на эту работу братьев Swano. Первый их неконцептуальный диск, где завершающей песней всего их предыдущего творчества является первый трек "Still Alive". Ждать слабой работы было бессмысленно и на этот раз Дэн снова не разочаровал. Progressive Rock, мастерски исполненный и отшлифованный до блеска. Альбом обладает потрясяюще мощной серединой - "To The End", "Misery", "The Wake" - просто отличные треки. Гитарные соло нужно упомянуть отдельно, действительно мысленно возвращаешься в 70-80-е годы, 5 баллов за исполнение. Лирику же читать обязательно, учитывая, что английский не является их родным языком, можно лишь восхищаться умением писать такие красивые тексты. P.S. Неужели этот диск так и будет проигнорирован и останется нелицензированным в России как и "Crimson II"? |
I was held by the hands of time
Now this time is mine to keep
I'm still alive
Far from the casket and cradle
I'm still alive
I've taken the fate out of fatal
I'm still alive
They tied me to the pendulum
They hung my heart across the sky
I found my soul eclipsed
My body crucified
I was caged in the age of miracles
I was set in a hollow sky
I was kept under shadow's lock
Now I don't know how to die
I'm still alive
Far from the casket and cradle
I'm still alive
I've taken the fate out of fatal
I'm still alive
My star is rising now
As the ferryman appears
He bears an offering
A piece of silver for my fears
I couldn't cut the deal
Mine is not his fate to buy
And as I fly my canvas
He ascends on high
Shattering the Earth and the Heavens
(I feel his icy breath of fire consuming me)
Shattering the Earth and the Heavens
(The demon rises up, a bird of coal and flame)
Shattering the Earth and the Heavens
(I am surrounded by the wings of water now)
Shattering the Earth and the Heavens
(They've come to lift me out of here)
I'm still alive
Far from the casket and cradle
I'm still alive
I've taken the fate out of fatal
I'm still alive
2. Invisible
We'll be together forever
Without you I'm sure I will never
Live through the day, you're the lifeblood in me
All of the days I've been living
I never took, always giving
Take me for granted I'll always be here
For you
Tell me something more to tell you
We're only talking if it matters to you
Tell me something more to tell you
I wish I could be more than no one
I know this game, it will go on
I am one the pawns and you're always the king
Tell me something more to tell you
We're only talking if it matters to you
Tell me something more to tell you
I am so lonely without you
When I am alone I'm beyond blue
I am the jester in the kingdom of you
Tell me something more to tell you
We're only talking if it matters to you
Tell me something more to tell you
Tell me something more to tell you
We're only talking if it matters to you
Tell me something more to tell you
3. A Raincheck On My Demise
I'm afraid I have to go and never return
It will be over in a while
I can't believe I'm going to die
There is no remedy or cure
This is the end I'm going to die
So many things I wanna do, that I wanna try
But they say the end is nigh
All of my dreams are fading away
Why is it happening to me
Life is pain when you're going to die
I never found the time to tell the world
I'm sorry for the things I have done
They might be wrong
And there could be a miracle
A raincheck on my demise?
In my dreams they find a cure
I feel so alive
You find me walking on the wind
But then I wake up with tears in my eyes
My heart is pounding and I feel that I am dying
I'm dying inside
They gave me days, maybe a week
Before I must go to the land of no return
I wish I knew if I was going to burn
Or if the angels will arrive
And show me the heaven I denied.
I never found the time to tell the world
I'm sorry for the things I have done
No, I was wrong it was too late for miracles
And a raincheck on my demise?
4. Atlantis Rising
The time has come, I am leaving now
Destination: sunken world of gold
I've been dreaming every night
And finally I'm on my way
Never gonna let it go
Always gonna keep the dream alive
Nothing's gonna change my mind
I know I'm gonna find the way this time
I'll see Atlantis rising
I burn my bridges, no return
I'll see Atlantis rising
Defy the storm, I make my way
To where I believe the treasure lies
I'll find the place that I was told
Is where the oceans took it down below
Never gonna let it go
Always gonna keep the dream alive
Nothing's gonna change my mind
I know I'm gonna find the way this time
I'll see Atlantis rising
I burn my bridges, no return
I'll see Atlantis rising
All my life I've had this feeling
That I'm not really home
And it feels like I'm lost forever
I've be dreaming with the shadows of the night
I've been singing to the angels of the lonely wind of the light
They've been telling me to leave it be
But I am closer to the waters where the gold will be one with my eyes
The horizon is telling me that I am near
That my journey is soon to end and my life is soon to begin
I am waiting for the night to come
When the lost world will resurface
When the dawn light the sparks in the sky
I hear the roar the surface come alive out here
Unruly waves caresses my tear-filled face
I can't believe it's true, this can't be happening to me
I never though I'd live to see this miracle right before my eyes
I find it hard to realize
That my dream would finally come true
I'm reaching out, I can touch the ground
Of my resurrected paradise
I am walking on the streets of gold
I can feel the magic in the air
Now the ground begins to shake again
I feel we're sinking but I stay right here
I saw Atlantis rising
I'm going down, there's no return
I saw Atlantis rising
I saw Atlantis rising
I fade away I let the waters feed my soul
I saw Atlantis rising
I am finally home again
5. To The End
I haven't been here in a long long time
It feels so good to be home
Sitting right here light a fire inside
It's so hard to explain
And as the real world disappear
Awaken my memories
Oh, it's all coming back to me
There's something in here, I believe it's love
That sets me free to explore
All of the things that I chose to hide
Now I can see who I am
I am out in the garden where we played
Here began the endless dream
We will never come back
Now I am sitting here in the pouring rain
Something is guiding me right
I feel the fire inside
My heart is telling me that I am on my way
To redefine who I am
I will be stronger this time
I will be myself to the very end
Coming back here is like coming back to life
I feel empowered and new
It's hard to believe that it was so long ago
I called this place my home
Here in this town where I was born
Everything move so fast
I feel like a stranger out here
Now I am sitting here in the pouring rain
Something is guiding me right
I feel the fire inside
My heart is telling me that I am on my way
To redefine who I am
I will be stronger this time
I will be myself to the very end
My head is spinning, I've had the weirdest day
It's really hard to explain
I wish I could tame this ghost in my heart
One part of me will always remain here
6. Misery
I believe in self-destruction
I am heading for the grave
I am losing my direction
I will never smile again
I am waiting for the downfall
I'm longing for the end
The darkness all around me is my one and only friend
I believe that life is just a game
Another day, but the pain remains the same
Eternal misery
I'm living in denial of all I am
The world around is waiting for me to stumble and to fall
And whenever I need someone I always find no one at all
It has always been this way for me since the day that I was born
A bearer of a shattered soul and a mind all ripped and torn
I believe that life is just a game
Another day but the pain remains the same
Eternal misery
I'm living in denial of all I am
I feel my time is running out
I am wasted in this world
But I am too afraid to end my life
I live in fear of the other side
I find shelter in the liquids
I'm hiding in the smoke
I wish I knew why I was born and why my life such a joke
I am the god of self-deception in the kingdom of despair
Even in the light of day I see darkness everywhere
I am looking for the answer
Can you tell me why I am here
I'm feeling weaker day by dad
I am soon to disappear
I can feel my time is running out
I'll never know what life is all about
Eternal misery
I'm living in denial of all I am
7. The Wake
Come into my game of solitaire
You could enter in and read me like a scrawl
Adrift upon the tide and in the air
I will let you see the dreamer through the wall
I wish that we could pick the world apart
I believe there is someone inside the pain
Life is wasted here behind the veil
I will never be free
Can't you see that I've mourned again
I watch the days they crash into the night
All the secrecy the angels never came
The fine line between what's yours and mine
Is it mine alone the solitude of shame
The whispered word and now you're on my side
I am almost alive in your care my love
I'll believe you when you set me free
I'll believe you though you don't know who I am
Take me through the darkness to the world beyond
Will you wait for my arrival at the wake
No one will remember me when I have gone
And they'll never understand they're at the wake
The fear of fire burning red and white
Will my name remain carved inside a stone
Your celestial son is born tonight
To a waiting grave the dreamers have to go
I see the signs of the veil up high
I can feel you whenever you move on the wall
I'll release you when you've turned the tide
I'll release you and burn you away from my soul
Someone here will never see the world outside
I will never know who's waiting at the wake
Someone here will never have to be alone
You're the one who will remember at the wake
I'll let the waters cleanse my eyes
And follow the priest into the circular light
I'll let you go when I have fallen
And you don't know where you've arrived this time my love
Curse believe me when I summon you
There's another dream it beckons you to go
Summer's waiting for you to be new
I'll erase the dream now I go to sleep
And I can feel forever cry for me this time
You are not the only one here at the wake
No one will remember what was once my crime
And they'll never understand this is my wake
8. One Of The Lonely Ones
I can still remember the life I had before
One of the careful children of the light
No one heard my prayers no one came to save
Save me from the forces of the dark
Inside looking outside
Doomed to avoid the sun
A slave to darkness at nightfall I arise
I never believed that they were real, just a fable
All of the stories I have heard, could be real now
There is no cure for what I am, I'm eternal
Now I know, I'm one of them,
One of the creatures of the night
We're always all around you
At night we're rising to feed
We lie in wait in the shadows 'til the dawn
I know you won't believe me
I hardly believe it myself
But I can feel my soul have been replaced
I never believed that they were real, just a fable
All of the stories I have heard, could be real now
There is no cure for what I am, I'm eternal
Now I know, I'm one of them,
One of the creatures of the night
Waiting for the night
To shelter me
I'm ling out of sight
For the world to see
I will be alive
When the sunlight disappear
You better stay away
You better get down and pray
There is no escape
Once you're in my sight
You can see your fate
In my demonic eyes
You will be one of us
A child of the night
You will never die
One of the lonely ones
9. Worlds Apart
We used to be together
Now we're worlds apart
Nevermore will I be near you
Or feel your hand in mine
The days are filled with sorrow
The nights will never end
The silence here is suffocating
I feel so numb inside
Every time that I fall asleep
I can feel you're here beside me
Every time that I call your name
I believe that you can hear me
I am living in this world alone
With no one here to guide me
If only you could be here with me
Then you would make me whole again
Blame it on illusion
And "what I want to see"
But I am sure that you can see me
My heart will never fail
An act of desperation
A creation of despair
In empty rooms our name still echoes
But you are never there to reply
I hate the silence
Where are you now?
Every time that you fall asleep
I'm laying her beside you
Every time that you call my name
It is true that I can hear you
I find it hard being on my own
In my mind we're still together
Always talking to your photograph
To me our love will live forever
10. Stalingrad
The memories remain from when I was alive
All I used to be is buried in the snow.
I lie there all alone faraway from home,
Fought until the end, with nothing to defend
We were told that we were heroes
Not to be defeated
We found it out the hard way, they all lied
I can see the few remaining dying all around me
None of them will go to heaven
Let me take you back to where it began
Remind you of the pain gathered here today
I was young, the road before me wide and never-ending
Heading for a life of you and me
The days of joy, the tears of laughter
Echoes here forever.
The time had come to prove I was a man.
One of a million marching into a certain grave
I made the war my enemy, no lorry to the brave
If only I could find, a way to ease my mind
Leave all this pain behind.
Why I am here. Tell me why
The world I knew was out of reach
Reality was under siege
The innocent was torn apart
In this hell out there we were dying one by one
Faraway from the battlefield
By the choices made our fate was sealed
The visions of a mind insane
Is to blame for this massacre in vein
Never to retreat
Never say surrender
The winter and the cold
The invincible defender
They had the nation and Mother Nature on their side:
I was told I'd be a hero
I would be rewarded
But I don't see the stone upon my grave
Now I am just a lonely spirit
Trapped inside a nightmare
The souls of all I killed won't let me go