Andi Deris
« Come in from the Rain »
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   Andi Deris - vocals, guitars
Peter F. Idera - guitars
Oliver Noack - keyboards
Gisbert Royder - bass
Ralph G. Mason - drums |
Track 5 has Michael Weikath and Roland Grapow on guitars, and Markus Grosskopf on bass as guest musicans.
Produced by Oliver Noack and Andi Deris.
"In The Lights Of The Sky" is the Japanese bonus track |
 | 1. Think Higher!
Everyone pictures to become somebody
You know, I know
One of a few changes grime into honey
Guess how, guess how
Don't believe it's fame and fortune
Don't believe it's karma leading to the end of the game
Think higher!
Believe in your desire
Define that you'll be strong |
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 Много можно говорить о Деррисе. И что вокал слабоват, и что "не тянет" (как утверждали многие фэны Хелловин). Переход его к Вейкату лично меня очень расстроил тогда, в далеком 1994 году, я любил Пинк Крим очень сильно. Но ПК выжили и процветают, а Энди наполнил жизнью Х., сильно пошатнувшегося тогда. Автор музыки и текста больше половины псоледних трех альбомов, у него материала хватит еще на долго, а 13 лет свежих идей - я таких музыкантов немного помню. Итак, музыка в классическом пинккримовском духе, т.е. хард-рок с тяжелым саундом, который с вокалом Энди просто идеально сочетается. Отличные хитовые композиции и нетривиальные, заставляющие задуматься, тексты. Маст хэв! |
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Полностья согласен с Сержом, о Дерисе можно долго говорить, но лучше слушать:). Итак, это первый сольный диск одного из моих самых любимых вокалистов. По музыке - не далеко ушло от Pink Cream 69, т.е. хард-рок. Идей на диске - немерянное количество, а песенку Good Bye Jenny я прокрутил ну очень много раз, хотя и остальные ничуть не хуже. То, что песня King Of Seven Eyes здорово похожа на Хэлловин не удивительно - в ее записи принимали участие и Weikath, и, Grapow, и Kusch - еще б она не похоже была. Эх, побольше бы таких дисков, где действительно душа вложена, а не желание срубить денег.
P.S. Киске до Дериса,как до Луны. Особенно по сольникам это слышно. Да, и к этому диску было то ли 2, то ли 3 сингла, которые вышли разумеется в Японии, так вот там есть еще очень неплохие баллада, очень душевно сделано. Всем рекомендую. |
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Первая сольная работа Энди Дериса буквально с первых нот захватывает даже самого притязательного слушателя. На пластинке представлен настолько потрясающе мелодичный материал, что поневоле забывaешь о собственных неурядицах, отправляясь в приятное путешествие по музыкальным волнам этого диска. Количество хитов просто зашкаливает за все мыслимые пределы: это уже знакомые по синглу "1000 Years Away" и "Somewhere, Someday, Someway", шикарная композиция "Good Bye Jenny", заглавная "Come in from the Rain" и лиричные, менее драйвовые "Foreign Rainbow" и "Now That I Know This ain't Love". Остальные треки чуть менее запоминаются, но совсем не являются проходными, образуя некоторую передышку во время прослушивания. Пожалуй, единственная слабая вещь на альбоме - это "The King of 7 Eyes", которая полностью выпадает из общей стилистики; очевидно, сказалось гостевое участие всех музыкантов группы Helloween, превративших этот трек в безликий power-metal'ический боевичок (кстати, удивительно напоминающий вещь "Sun 4 the World" с альбома "Rabbit Don't Come Easy").
В целом, учитывая снова неудачное оформление диска, можно утверждать, что эта работа, конечно, не шедевр, но один из самых сильных релизов в жанре мелодичного метала, а Энди Дерис доказал свой впечатляющий потенциал не только как вокалиста, но и как композитора. |
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В своём сольном творчестве Andi Deris балансирует на грани хард-рока и хэви. Воздушная, удивительно трогательная и лиричная атмосфера и глубокий, но не давящий, а плавно вливающий в слушателя свою мощь саунд. И для драйва здесь есть место ("The King of 7 Eyes"), и для осенней меланхолии ("Somewhere, Someday, Someway"), и для смачного, неторопливого кача ("House of Pleasure"). Всё вместе - впечатляющее музыкальное полотно, яркое, но без кричащих и раздражающих красок.
Звучание гитар приглушенное, ласкающее слух, соло и риффы точно такие, какими должны быть. Неожиданных ходов и прогрессивных фишек вы здесь не услышите, а если вас это расстроит — что же, значит, вы ошиблись диском. Этот альбом не для того, чтобы восхищаться профессионализмом и крутизной музыкантов, он для того, чтобы получать удовольствие от музыки, в которую вложили душу и сердце. То, как звучал голос Дериса в 1997 году, описать невозможно — зачем повторять пошлости типа «мощный», «пронзительный», «цепляющий», «эмоциональный», «разнообразный»? Единственное, что следует сказать — это действительно здорово.
Можно долго рассказывать о том, как великолепна игра басиста, как тщательно и бережно огранён этот бриллиант (это я о качестве записи), как прекрасны мелодии и ещё много-много слов. Вам нужны слова? Мне — нет, я умолкаю, и пусть звучит музыка. |
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Прекрасный альбом! Очень удачное отклонение от пауэр металлической направленности в сторону хард рока, можно сравнить с его первой группой Pink Cream 69, ну и конечно же неповторимый голос Энди. Единственная вещь навевающая жёсткие Хэллоуинские мотивы - это King Of Seven Eyes. Так же особое внимание рекомендую обратить на синглы Goodbye Jenny, 1000 Years Away, Foreign Rainbow и Come In From The Rain. Я думаю поклонникам Дериса и любителям добротного харда альбом понравится. |
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Действительно очень приятная работа!Не утомляет меня уже лет так 5.Не смотря на то,что все песнеи отличные,выделю Goodbye Jenny,1000 years away,Foreing rainbow.Являясь яростным поклонником Helloween в любом составе меня тем не менее очень радует,что Дерис несколько отошел от своей основной группы и выдал просто душевный и разнообразный альбом.Что характерно, вокал его здесь мне нравится даже чуть больше чем в Хелловине.Воистину очень романтическая некоммерческая работа.Соглашусь с вышеуказанными товарищами-обе сольные работы Дериса наголову выше двух сольных работ моего не менее любимого певца Михаэля Киске.
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На своем первом сольнике Энди Дерис предлагает нам хард-рок высшего качества. Вокалист (а тут вдобавок еще и гитарист) решил несколько отойти от направления Helloween (а иначе и не было бы смысла выпускать сольный альбом), и сделал это великолепно. Музыка ненавязчива и душевна. Атмосфера несколько расслабляющая. Все песни как на подбор. Дерис в очередной раз доказал, что является отменным мелодистом. |
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просмотров: 19306 |
And nothing can go wrong
Think higher!
Kings have been conquered by bondsmen and servants
You know, I know
All is achieved by your own persuasion
That's shown, that's shown
All you need you'll find inside you
Use it and youu'll make your way into
The gain of the game
Think higher!
Believe in your desire
Define that you'll be strong
And nothing can go wrong
Think higher!
Obey your inner fire
Whatever you'll be through
The win belongs to you
Think higher!
The gain belongs to you
2. Come In From The Rain
Take my money, take my pride
Take my little piece of mind
It's alright
Lead me to a better life
Where I'm loved and where I'm wise
It's alright
Now I can see your signs of change
I did not believe
Oh Lord
Let me come in from the rain
Never gonna be the same
Oh Lord
Let me come in from the rain
Never gonna lie again
Never wanna lie to you
I did not believe
If I just could turn back time
I would chose another prime
For my life
Hear me praying for a chance
I lay my fate into your hands
And it's alright
Now I discern your signs of changes
I did not believe
Oh Lord
Let me come in from the rain
Never gonna be the same
Never gonna be that fool
Oh Lord
Let me come in from the rain
Never gonna lie again
Never wanna lie to you
I did not believe
3. 1000 Years Away
A little manchild
High up at the window
His trembling feet at the line
Hey little manchild
Do you see the people?
From high above they're so kind
Do you see the ravens?
It's you whom they're calling
"Come fly with me
We keep on wandering
And all the sorrows
Are simply staying here"
Fly with me over all nights and days
To the eternal place
Thereto where all are going
1000 years away
1000 years away
A little manchild
Lies there on the road
Why in God's name?
Hey little manchild
Do you see the people?
From down below they're so plain
Do you hear the ravens?
It's you whom they're calling
"Come fly with me
And all in morning all will be forgotten
And you were never here"
Fly with me over all nights and days
To the eternal place
Thereto where all are going
1000 years away
You'll be seeing where it's all begun
Who makes the world go round
There where we all meet one day
1000 years away
1000 years away
On the 7th of December, 1995, around 6:30 PM,
Peter flew with the birds. He was eleven years old.
In that same month, a further 3 children flew like Peter.
In the following year, 33 more followed.
Peter had many friends.
In his last letter he said good-bye to all of them.
Also to his mother - but not to his father...
Due to the impact with the ground, at the post-mortem,
Peter's body showed no sign of the terrible mistreatment he had suffered.
Later, in tears, his mother said that Peter - wherever he may now be -
Need no longer live in fear of his drunken father
4. Good-Bye Jenny
Jenny had a white heart
Now her face is red with blood
Her eyes that I know laughing
Stare into the rot
Jenny went her last way
On a cold and rainy day
No, she didn't want to live forever
She didn't want to live forever
But she didn't want to go today
Good bye Jenny
I'll see you someday in a better life
Then I'll take good care of you
Good bye Jenny
I'll see you somewhere in another time
Then I may send my tears away
Jenny I know you're fine
And you're smiling down at me
No doubt you are in good hands
I wished I could see
Sorry I'm a bit angry
But you left too suddenly
No, she didn't want to live forever
She didn't want to live forever
But she didn't want to go today
Good bye Jenny
I'll see you someday in a better life
Then I'll take good care of you
Good bye Jenny
I'll see you somewhere in another time
Then I may send my tears away
[To Jenny - 22 September 1996]
5. The King Of 7 Eyes
I am watching everyone
What you do and hide
Got megalenses inside
Joined with high-tech mind
All that's running
That's hiding
I'm finding
I'm the king of 7 eyes
King of 7 eyes
I'm computing what you say
But my picture files
I change the human world
To a planet Earth exile
All that's running
That's hiding
I'm finding
I'm the king of 7 eyes
King of 7 eyes
I'm the king
I'm the king
6. Foreign Rainbow
Too many people follow too many minds
And we don't cling together if there's nothing to find
Everybody stands alone in the line
Sometimes I hope when I look up to the sky
There's a picture I see but it's not come through my eyes
As if a vision and blindness would have become allies
I can see a foreign rainbow
Of a land behind the sun
There's a world where the winds blow
In our mind, in our soul, in our want
We are so often helpless but we all seem to find
Hope and courage by something odd and strong in our mind
I know this is magic that we all have inside
I know this is magic that we all have inside
I can see a foreign rainbow
Of a land behind the sun
There's a world where the winds blow
In our mind, in our soul, in our want
Built on dreams blameless and callow
Somewhere behind the sky
We can see that foreign rainbow
In our mind, in our soul, there it lies
I see a foreign rainbow
Somewhere behind the skies
A world whereto the winds blow
In our mind, in our soul, there it lies
I can see a foreign rainbow
Of a land behind the sun
There's a world where the winds blow
In our mind, in our soul, in our want
Built on dreams blameless and callow
Somewhere behind the sky
We can see that foreign rainbow
In our mind, in our soul, there it lies
7. Somewhere, Someday, Someway
I will find you some tomorrow
I will know you by your eyes
Then it will be easy to live on my life
Girl, I know you're out there, can you hear me say
Somewhere, someday, someway
You are so clear in my mind
You are the one I'll make mine
Somewhere, someday, someway
Somewhere, someday...
There's a time for everybody
And I'm living for that day
Though it might come easy on a stony way
I will believe you and I win the play
Somewhere, someday, someway
Somewhere, someday...
You are so clear in my mind
You are the one I'll make mine
Whoever, wherever, two hearts belong together
Whenever, I can't say
Somewhere, someday, someway
Somewhere, someday, someway
Somewhere, someday, someway
Somewhere, someday, someway
8. House Of Pleasure
See all the people waiting for our coming
The town has changed but the stage door's like before
Let it go (Got to take it to shove)
Don't keep em, down (Through the highs and lows)
We are welcome home to the house of pleasure
We ain't got nobody but the house of pleasure
It's not easy as it seems, my friends
We had to fight for with all means, at the end
Let it go (Got to take it to shove)
Don't keep it down (Through the highs and lows)
We are welcome home to the house of pleasure
We ain't got nobody but the house of pleasure
We are welcome home
We are welcome home
We are welcome home
We are welcome
Welcome home to the house of pleasure
We ain't got nobody but the house of pleasure
We are welcome home to the house of pleasure
We ain't got nobody but the house of pleasure
9. They Wait
There's a modern religion
Proclaiming the pain
Promising immortal wonders
They steal His power
Disparage His name
Turn the Holy Words to thunder
We don't know where they gp from here
But in the dark they wait
They are fallen believers
Betrayed in their faith
By the church war from the true God
They turn old secrets
No nowadays lies
Pushing us to praise the new lord
We don't know where they go form here
But in the dark they wait
They wait
They abuse your illusions
They know 'bout your dreams
Take advantage of your frustrations
They spread their fever
Quiet and mean
Recruiting trusting new retrievers
We don't know where they go form here
But in the dark they wait
They wait
In the dark they wait
They wait
One day they're coming
Theirs is the time
One day they're coming
They wait
They wait
They wait
In the dark they wait
10. Now That I Know This Ain't Love
You make me go through your changes
Already gave you my heart and my everything
Now you turn away
You made me tell you my deepest fears
By the faith I had in you yesterday
Where's it all gone today?
But now that I know this ain't love
I still haven't closed it enough
Shouldn't feel the way that I just do
Shouldn't feel that way
But now that I know this ain't love
I still can't get enough
It's like dying of fire
Like the wind blowing word to nowhere
Nothing left to say
And in that morning when you'll b gone
I'll sit down with a pack of cigarettes
Waiting you come home
Now that I know this ain't love
I still haven't closed it enough
Shouldn't feel the way that I just do
Shouldn't feel that way
But now that I know this ain't love
I still can't get enough
11. Could I Leave Forever
Winter has come
And the snow at the window is
Grey as my mind
I'd want to just leave it all behind
Something is out there I need to find
Dark is the night
And the cold is my enemy
I want to hide
But I ain't got no time to flee
Could I leave forever and a day
I would look for a bay
And would there be forever lasting May
I wouldn't change a day
Life is a bitch
Too expensive to be your friend
I wanna fly
Far away where the winter ends
Lay down at the beach
And build castles with sand
Could I leave forever and a day
I would look for a bay
And would there be forever lasting May
I wouldn't change a day
12. In The Light Of The Sky
Johnny you see all about tomorrow
Then when the night has come you look up to the sky
Johnny you see all about the sorrows
You wait for a sign to come
You wait for a sign to come
Johnny you'll be taunted like a messiah
When the cross kills again the answer's gone with you
Johnny you are chosen for the higher
Wait for your time to come
You wait for your time to come
In the lights of the sky
Stand all the secrets of the sky
Why are we all so blind?
There's something nearby
Something nearby
In the lights of the sky
Johnny you know all about the fire
Then when the shadows die you see the world in flames
Johnny you know they will call you liar
Then you know your time to come
Then you know your time to come
In the lights of the sky
Stand all the secrets of the sky
Why are we all so blind?
There's something nearby
Something nearby
In the lights of the sky
13. We're Riding The Light
Unbounded colours are drafting ahead
Lighten a future which we never had
We are the troopers
Riding through space until we die
Riding through space until we die
We're riding the light
Riding the light
We are the damned of the holy reich
We're riding....
First came the liars
The there was hate
The came the fire
And nearly too late
Were sent the troopers
Into the space of human race
We're riding the light
Riding the light
We are the damned of the holy reich
Where is the one?
Where is the one
Leading us home where it's all begun?
We're riding....
We are the troopers
Deep in your minds
We are the troopers
We are the spies
In a dreams without end
It's a dream without end
We are the damned of the holy reich
Where is the one?
Where is the one?
Leading us home where it's all begun?
We're riding....
14. The Wheel Of Fortune
It's your turn now
Try to make it right
Take turn now
You're playing for life
Take your turn now
I know you are the one who will arise
Take your turn on the wheel of fortune
Try to break free
Take your turn on the wheel of fortune
Break free, break free
When the sun rises
Then you know it's done
When the sun rises
Then you are the one
When the sun rises
Then the light will never more be gone
Take your turn on the wheel of fortune
Try to break free
Take your turn on the wheel of fortune
Break free, break free
The wheel of fortune
The wheel of fortune
15. Under Your Sun
You are such a believer
You never will doubt or fall
You have endlessness patience
In whatever you try to solve
You and I, wonder why
You have feel and intention
For what might be wrong or right
I often harmed you and criticized
Too blind, to take in your light
You and I, wonder why
Take my mind under your sun
Show me how I see you
Take my mind under your sun
Dry my fears under your sun
You're always there with a helping hand
Whenever one needs a friend
But you show no expectations
To get back some out of what you've spent
You and I, wonder why
Take my mind under your sun
Show me how I see you
Take my mind under your sun
Dry my fears under your sun