 Швейцарский Alastis образовался в 1989 году в Сионе, через два года после появления в том же городе Samael. И это на много лет вперед определило статус группы, как «младшего брата» именитой команды Кситраса и Ворфа. Действительно, Alastis раньше других (Christ Agony, Rotting Christ) оценили выгоды пути, предложенного земляками. И для того, чтобы понять, откуда появился «…and Death Smiled», желательно ознакомиться с «Blood Ritual» (1992) и «Ceremony of Opposites» (1994). Но если последний поражал аскетичным индустриальным напором, то музыка Alastis - более атмосферная и чуть-чуть более мелодичная. Это, с одной стороны, делает ее вычурной и наивной, с другой – добавляет дефицитной самобытности и хитовости. Кроме того, в состав группы входит «живой» барабанщик, манеру которого уже не перепутать с драм-машиной.
Стиль команды – прямолинейный industrial doom death с обильной клавишной поддержкой - можно сократить до простого «dark metal». Он не предполагает разнообразия и сложной структуры песен, ограничивая музыкантов в рамках хорошо запоминающихся мотивов, не требующих от исполнителей мастерства, а от слушателя – умственных усилий. При этом, думовая составляющая, призванная, казалось бы, внести индивидуальность в содержимое рецензируемого альбома, позаимствована швейцарцами у Tiamat, которые так же не славились сложностью материала. Главные хиты группа расположила в начале альбома – это композиции вплоть по «Schizophrenia» (6), остающиеся в памяти, в основном, благодаря забавным припевам. В целом же, это ничем не выделяющийся европейский середнячок, все содержание которого укладывается в простую формулу: Samael ’92 ’94 + Tiamat ’91 ’92 = Alastis ’95. Что же у команды своего? Возможно, только вызывающий улыбку немецкий акцент вокалиста… |
I defy the love to have won the hate who slaves you
You can be master and worship yourself,
Fight at our side for the return of lost liberties
2. Through Your Torpor
From the power, the power of your faith
Is born the life`s fire
Still believe, in the spiritual union
Still believe in your power
And live, and die in peace!
Beyond the life, the life`s mirror
Look at your destiny
Beyond the life, the life`s mirror
Don`t let the doubt come over
And live, and die in peace
Live, live for you, fight for Him
Don`t let the doubt come over...
I`am still alive, I`m still the same
I`am still alive, I`m still your faith
I`am still alive, I`m still the same
I`am still alive, I`m still the same
I follow you through you nightmare
I follow you through you life
I follow you through you your destiny
I follow you through you your torpor!
I`am still alive, I`m still the same
I`am still alive, I`m still your faith
I`am still alive, I`m still the same
I`am still alive, I`m still youself
3. Let me die
Lost in dimention, lost in pain,
I`m there prisoner of war, prisoner of life,
I`d like to tell you abour my secret and fears
But none human words could translate my torpors
I`m suffering from life, I`m waiting the return
I`m ll death, I can smell his breathe...
Victim of my questions, victim of my answers
I shun truth, I shun death
Deny the obvious, think about life...
Victim of my Knowledge
Victim of my power
I shun thurh, I shun death...
Master, let me die
Lost, lost in dimention
Lost, lost in pain
I`m there prisoner of the life
Master, let me die
I`m suffering from life
I`m waiting the return
4. Evil
Spirit of infinity, traveller of an other age
Omitted fron the people`s memory
Lost in the maze of the time
He keeps the faith, He believes in us.
Evil,"I will give your blood"... Take mine!
Evil,"I will give your soul"... Just try to find mine!
Evil,"..." don`t let the old fears take part from Him
Evil,"..." don`t let the ignorance subjects us...
Spirit of the light, spirit of knowledge
He frees us from the time`s constaints
In order to find the the strengh and the way
To reveal at the people`s conscience
The divine power who dozes in them...
For love, for hate
For pleasure, for duty, Kill...
5. By Thy Name
I`d like to see tears on your face
I`d like to feed the hate in your look
I`d like to guess the death in your thoughts,
Don`t let the hope`s rays flash through your hate!
Children of reason, dogs of hell...
By His name you`ll keep a watch on your brother
By His name you`ll banish His enemies...
Children of reason, dogs of hell...
By His name...
By His name you`ll keep a watch on your brother
By His name you`ll banish His enemies...
Accept your destiny, follow your hate!
Harbor of despair,
The hate will overcome!
Free your spirit, seek the truth
Children of reason the "paradise"`s deceived you!
Reveive your spirit`s power and follow us
under the right path...
By his pleasure, by our power, we`ll be eternal...
Follow your hate!
6. Schizophrenia (Mental Suicide)
I think of death as if it`s near
Plan my future as if it`s doesn`t exist
I`d like to die without having lived
Disappear without regret nor joy
Death is perhaps a delivery
Nobody`s never managed to prove it
I`d like to have no future
Kill without remorse even friends
Be an animal without faith nor law
Mad, I begin to be mad
I feel my nerves that are cracking
I want to weep and to laugh
An interior force pushes me to suicide
An other one pushes me to folly
I think of death as if it`s near
Project my future as if it doesn`t exist...
7. March For Victory
We`re betrayal we`re torment and fear
We`re destruction, we`re conflict and pain
We`re anxiety, we`re suffering and death
No distinction, we only fight for victory
We are the knights of death
We are the ghosts of war
We are spirit of evil
We are only march for victory
We are the knights of death
We`re conflict and pain
We`re suffering and death
We only fight for victory
We`re betrayal we`re torment and fear
We`re destruction, we`re conflict and pain
We`re anxiety, we`re suffering and death
No distinction, we only fight for victory
8. Your God
He`d have been dead since more than nineteen centuries
But stayed alive in many sincere hearts...
He`d have been the son of God... but who is God?
Only one thing i`m sure, he`s never born in my believes
And i refuse to be slave of this leegend...
The church shakes, its faithful doubt
But the fight still isn`t winning!
Jesus Christ,
His name was Jesus Christ
Look at the result,
Two thousand years of inquisition,
Hate, lie and persecution
Jesus Christ, Saviour, Lie & Hate...
9. Last Wishes
Around my death-bed, no tears no sobs
I`m entering in His kingdom
I`m Him and He is me
Cry, sing, dance
Follow the path of your destiny
Banish impures and infaithful
I`m disappearing in the joy!
You,vile Christians,
You, rotten priest,
Burn in your believes,
Hang your lie on the cross
And die!
United, we`re Master
Rejected, we follow our path
No tears, no sobs, I`m disappearing in the joy...
Cry, sing, dance, now I`m Him, now I`m free!
10. The Psychopath
The evil flower`s born in my spirit
And from my mist up conscience
I won`t listen to anythink more.
I walk in the night, desperate
Guiled by the death I`m spreading!
A life without sun, a sorrow without tears
Victim of my victims, forgot by myself
I don`t understand more...
Will I knew how to overcome my anxieties?
Guiled by the death I`m spreading!
Guiled by the death I`m free, eternal
Guiled by the death I`m spreading!
No more love, no more hate
I`m only master, onlyy god
I owen`t somebody anything
I`m born to kill, born to be free
No more slaves, no more rights
Alone with my despair
Alone in front of my destiny
I`m born to kill, born to be free
11. Messenger Of The U.W.(second act)
They are among us
Their justice is imminent
The messenger of the time
The messenger of the U.W.
Isolated by their hate
Sentenced to silence
They`re just waiting for an order
Their body doesn`t have soul any more.
We are the power
Fear theit power
We are the justice
Fear their wish!
We are the death
They are the damned
Messenger of the light
Messenger of the U.W.
They are among us
Their justice is imminent
The messenger of the time
We are the power...