After Forever
« Remagine »
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1 | Enter 01:06 instrumental
 | 2 | Come 05:02
 | 3 | Boundaries Are Open 03:44
 | 4 | Living Shields 04:11
 | 5 | Being Everyone 03:37
 | 6 | Attendance 03:27
 | 7 | Free of Doubt 04:40
 | 8 | Only Everything 06:33
 | 9 | Strong 03:38
 | 10 | Face Your Demons 04:57
 | 11 | No Control 03:17
 | 12 | Forever 05:10
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   Floor Jansen - vocals
Sander Gommans - vocals, guitars
Bas Maas - guitars
Joost Van Der Broek - keyboards
Luuk Van Gerven - bass
Andre Borgman - drums |
Label: Transmission Records
Limited edition comes with the following bonus:
13. Taste the Day (02:54)
14. Live and Learn (The Key #2) (04:16)
15. Strong (Piano Version) (03:40) |
 | 2. Come
Come join your inner wonderland
A place of all you don't understand
Come join this labyrinth deep within
The place of all miracles of your mind
Come join the magic, the power that you create
Come be aware it's an illuion you have made
Come join the flow that guides you through |
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 Четвёртый полноценный альбом голландского gothic\doom коллектива After forever под названием Remagine приятно меня удивил.
Remagine - качественная студийная работа, во многом превосходящая альбом Invisible Circles (2004), и уж тем более дебильный Exordium (2003). Не знаю, кому-то этот альбом безумно понравится (такие точно найдутся), некоторым, например, ярым противникам электроники, мэйнстрима и прочих новомодных фишек, интегрированных в метал, работа придётся не по вкусу, хотя доля всей этой электронщины на альбоме минимальна. Те, кто разочаровался в группе после релизов 2003 и 2004 годов, возможно изменят своё мнение о группе в лучшую сторону. В целом, AF в своём творчестве сделали шаг вперёд. Но в лучшую или худшую сторону - это спорный вопрос. На этом альбоме музыка очень даже разноплановая, в ней присутствуют элементы электроники, industrial, power, doom, gothic и ещё что-то типа оркестровых аранжировок в синтезаторной обработке. Что касается вокала - это 4 типа вокальных партий: солистка поёт по-простому и по-оперному, типичный гроулинг, которого, кстати, стало поменьше и немного чистого мужского пения, и, конечно же, хор, который местами бывает просто не по теме, что традиционно для творчества AF. Также настроения и эмоции, как и лирика на альбоме, разнообразные, что находит своё отражение в вокальных партиях Фло: типичная агрессия, грусть, ненависть, романтика.
В целом, всё стало намного проще: музыка, лирика, вокал и даже обложка, на оформление которой у AF, видимо, не хватило финансов. Но все эти мелочи никак не могут повлиять на удовольствие, получаемое от прослушивания данного альбома. Нельзя сказать, что группа конкретно отдалилась от своего стиля, как, например, Theater of tragedy на альбоме Music. Та неповторимая манера исполнения, за которую мы так любили AF, совсем никуда не пропала, все вещи по-прежнему на своих местах и это радует.
Альбом произвёл на меня приятное впечатление, я был рад что AF всё-таки могут создавать качественный музыкальный материал. Моя оценка альбому - 10 баллов и без раздумий. Альбом Remagine настоятельно рекомендуется для прослушивания всем ценителям хорошего женского вокала, и вообще, любителям мелодичного симфо метала. |
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На четвёртом альбоме группа немного сдала позиции. Попсу они не заиграли, но, как мне кажется, были близки к тому, чтобы двинуться именно в этом направлении. Музыка стала проще (за это минус балл), симфонизма заметно поубавилось (что лично меня огорчило), атмосфера уже не та. Зато гитары стали плотнее, звук качественнее, "весёленькие" клавиши появились (новый клавишник постарался). Не обошлось без сюрпризов: откровенно индустриальный трек "Attendance", "No control" - забойная вещица с грубыми риффами и гроулингом в качестве основного вокала. Флор как всегда постаралась. Её пение стало более разнообразным, не утратив былой эмоциональности и выразительности. Моя любимая композиция c этого альбома - "Only Everything". Я не могу назвать этот альбом шедевром, тем не менее, работа достаточно сильная. О потраченных на его приобретение деньгах не жалею. Жаль только, что этот альбом, как и три предыдущих, никогда не издавался в нашей стране. Не у всех ведь есть возможность фирменные диски заказывать.
P.S.А вот обложку можно было и поинтереснее придумать! |
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В целом, дать определние стиля альбома очень трудно. Присутствуют элементы и готики, и павера, и индастриала, и даже нюметаллические риффы. Но в целом, прослушиванием альбома я остался доволен. Музыка богатая, сочная, атмосферная, Фло Янсен показывает шикарные вокальные данные. Ну что ж, поехали:
Enter - Интро начинается со звука сердцебиения, затем вступает перкусия, хор и клавишные. Атмосферно.
"Come" - Готическое начало и... риффы, напоминающие последний альбом Nightwish... мда. Они по ходу все заболели Rammstein'овскими гитарами. Хотя мелодия богата и насыщенна. В припеве Фло явно доказывает, что Тарье до нее далеко. Ориентальные вставки, шикарная партия хора.
"Boundaries Are Open" - типичный павер по стандартной программе After Forever.
"Living Shields" - Индастриальные клавишные, паверные риффы и чередование хора с гроулингом. Мясная песенка.
"Being Everyone" - Самая попсовая песня альбома, на неё и был снят такой же попсовый клип. Альтернатива Nightwish'евскому Nemo.
"Attendance" - Электронное начало вперемешку с индастриаловыми оттенками. Гитарист гроулит. Тема красавицы и чудовища раскрыта.
"Free Of Doubt" - Одна из самых "сочных" песен у After Forever. Симфонические клавиши сменяются электронными, Фло показывает себя во всей красе вокалистки.
"Only Everything" - Акустическое начало, как всегда, сложная мелодическая картинка. Риффы не успели напомнить Evanescence, как темп ускорился и раздался гроул гитариста. Супер.
"Strong" - Просто красивая баллада.
"Face Your Demons" - Очень сильно напоминает "Romaniticide" у Nightwish, только на более мажорных тонах.
"No Control" - Мясная темка с электронными клавишами.
"Forever" - Ориентальная песенка с присутствием мужского вокала.
У альбома есть один существенный минус. Техничных соло у After Forever не допросишься.
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просмотров: 19783 |
Come join the flow that moves the night
You've passed the gates now, the door to inner wonderland
you've passed the gates made to create the borders of your dream
Come enter further, do you dare?
Come face the hell you daily bear
Come pass the borders of what's real
Come touch and see and feel
Come join the flow that guides you through a restless mind
Come join the flow that moves the night
Come join this flow
Come join us, all here within your mind
Come join the magic, your body is weightless
You roam and you are anyone you can be
Come join this flow
Come join us all, here beyond your mind
As you enter this inner flow, your second part begins
And while the night enbraces you, you deal with the day
Come join the flow that guides you through a restless mind
Come join the flow that moves the night
Boundaries Are Open
I see clearly all my dreams
(you can imagine your whole life)
I know chance is always near
(with a mind full of conceit)
Make my own reality
(do you even know the truth)
just imagine
Boundries are open
Cause you cannot control this
(dreams keep slipping from my hands)
My reality differs from yours
(I must do just what I feel)
The power of imagination is strong
(keep trying, again and again)
So we only try to imagine
Will the force be so strong it will control one's mind?
Will this power delude or widen the madness that renders blind?
So the frontiers of our conceit
then will become indistinct to vanish in thin air
Boundries are open
But don't believe it's real
So does faith have roots in imagination?
Who is right in the grim and endless fight for revelation?
I cannot tell what's right or wrong
For we all dwell in imaginary borderland
Boundries are open
But don't believe it's real
Living Shields
Weak and frightend
Paralyzed and naked
they are children running for their lives
Lives are taken
Terrorists mistaken for they use the young ones
as refined living shields
Pain and deep fear
Hostage in an ancient rage between people torn by their ideals
Willing to die, willing to kill
Hopeless and blind in their world where innocence dies
Weak and frightend
Paralyzed and naked they are children running for their lives
Lives are taken
Terrorists mistaken for they use the young ones as refined living shields
Rage and deep hate
Isolated in an ancient war with people not so different from you
Willing to fight, willing to try to win an endless battle of
pride while innocents die
And then we see them running
See the world is watching this
And we can only try to understand what causes it
And then we see the living
See then crying for their dead
Are we the ones to understand how crazy pain can get
Some people turn in circles
They can never break it through
Some people lost their lives before they died
and now they want it back!
Loss and deep grief
Engulfed in an ever present pain, ancient in practice
Weak and frightend
Paralyzed and naked they are children running for their lives
Lives are taken
Terrorists mistaken for they use the young ones as refined living shields
Being Everyone
Who am I at night when my eyes are closed tight?
Who am I and where when I see far beyond?
Every border, every dream, every hidden memory
Every nightmare, truth or dare
Who do I see...
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we just being everyone?
Where am I?
Tell me, would you go?
I should stay
Where am I, where am I?
And where should I go tonight?
Every night a different thing,
Every time you're in a different dream
Am I me there, what am I?
Who will I be...
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we just being everyone?
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we being everyone?
I cry, I fall
I love, I hate
I know many, though no face ever stays
I breathe, I fly
I kill, I die
Though there's nothing that I know
No-one can recall where I have been or who I was
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we being everyone?
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we just being everyone?
Look at me,
Tell me what you see
Are we being everyone?
Beauty and destruction
Pride and honour
Freedom, elimmination
Speek out loud, Hide
Now enter, here is our dreamworld
View the splendid sights
You can always tell we never learned, we'll never learn
Blindness and silence
No one dares
Action and reprisal
Raise your voice, die
Now enter, here is our dreamworld
View the splendid sights
You can always tell we never learned, we'll never learn
Now enter, here is our dreamworld
View the splendid sights
You can always tell we never learned, we never will
Oh how will the earth be; seen for the first time?
Oh how will the earth feel; Touched for the first time?
Entwine and Iconize
Passion ignites
Suspicion and betrayal
the voice of violence speaks again
Now enter, here is our dreamworld
View the splendid sights
You can always tell we never learned, we'll never learn
Now enter, here is our dreamworld
View the splendid sights
You can always tell we never learned, we never will
Free Of Doubt
Who do I see?
Mirror let me know
You can't know me in the way I do
Can you see how I feel? I look different every day
I appear in many ways
Mirror please
show my reflection
Free of doubt
the naked truth
It goes deeper
Do you dare to know
What is hidden?
What's behind the superficial and external look
that no eyes will ever see
Mirror please
show my reflection
Free of doubt
the naked truth
Oh, mirror please
show my reflection
Free of doubt
the naked truth
Free of test and youth...
Mirror please
show my reflection
Free of doubt
the naked truth
Oh, mirror please
show my reflection
Free of doubt
the naked truth
Only Everything
Couloured chambers, Fine illusions, or a gate to space
Endless stairways, fine delusions, all under my command
I'd change the sky to paint it red
I'd change the colours of life, and play with time
It's all mine!
It's only everything, all that I wanted to be
Cause it's only everything
And wise, wiser than time, wiser than life, wiser than me, only
This is the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals
There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams
It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down
There, while exploring dimensions
There is more, only everything
Dream! As bright or dark, as warm or hard the mind is set on
Dream! You lose control, you loose your freedom to confine it
I don't want to see this, I don't want this pain I never knew
Feel, we're on the loose
Impressions are enlarged
I don't want to hear this, I don't want to dream to feel this
Or to get a taste
This could be the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals
There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams
It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down
There, still exploring dimensions
There is more, only everything
Become me, come feel alog with all you see
Controll me, control the keys
Do you dare to be
So deep, will you surrender now to your sleep?
Re-live your daydreams and
Come join this inner wonderland
Come let every emotion stand
To be right under your command
To let out fantasies
To change them into mysteries
Where time loses all memories
To luck and bitter agony
Re-live your daydreams awake
So join the magic of your life
Just dare to take the inner drive
To see it's only everything you can be doing tonight
Dream! as cool or hot, as smooth or rough the mind's creating
Dream! Enjoy the ride, enjoy the boundless journey you can make
I can be the maker, I can be the queen of time and twisted games
See you're on the loose
Images enlarged
I will need no reason
I just need the mirror inside me to reveal what's down below
This must be the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals
There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams
It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down
There, while exploring dimensions
There is more, only everything
I see your pain I see it grow
slowly inside you
You cannot control it
The hurting's ruthless, you cannot win
I see every smile you fake
Strong emotion, strong devotion to ignore the pain
To stand strong
Day after day, to be there for us, always
To pretend there's nothing wrong
How you feel or how it feels
No words describe it
Your bory feels like a stranger
We cannot stop it, we cannot win
I see every smile you fake
Strong emotion, strong devotion to ignore the pain
To stand strong
I see every smile you fake
Strong emotion, strong devotion to ignore the pain
to stand strong
Every painful day, I'll be there for you, always
And together we will stand strong
Face Your Demons
Jack in a box and here I am
You're favourite mirror and your only honest reflection and your guide
I am you deepest fear, the one you'll always hear
I am the devil in disguise, I am your dream
I am the sneaky connection to your most devlish reflection
The scary imagination of the real you
I represent what you deny
You're never scared so why are you running away
from the temptation of my words
Oh you don't know what I could do for you
Or I could put you through..
And you don't really understand that only fear leads this game
Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales
You'd better listen
That's some free advice
So what scares you the most
Let me know, be a good host
I want to tell you how your fear looks and how to play this game
Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales
War is breaking loose, it cannot be stopped
Cars are racing by and you're getting crushed
Friends are dying slow with a lot of pain
You just fear it all
Bleeding from a wound that you cannot see
And you're seeing things that can never be
God is not made up and he wants revenge
You just fear it all
You just fear, you can only fear
Face your demons
So did you know that all your memories
Color all you'll ever be in a dark and misty cloud that I am floating on
I'm still the voice that speaks inside your head
The demon under your bed
I'm still the one who haunts your soul with devlish lust for fright
Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell scary, dreadful tales
Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales
No Control
I fight
I sweat
I drag the whole world along
I care
I break
I'm spiritless but strong
My will stands strong
I ache for inspirational and additional hearts to help me fight
Deep in my mind lies the map of my destiny
Deep in my heart lies the strength to conquer myself
In your nightmares
In your dreams lies the deepest fear
In ambitions
In belief lies the deepest strength
I doubt
Don't care
Don't see what has ever driven me
A wall
Will stand
All rending thoughts can't end
I'm paralyzed but strong
In need of comprihensible but sensational plans to fight
Deep in my mind lies the map of my destiny
Deep in my heart lies the strength to conquer myself
Dead Girl:
I can see your pain
I can feel your loss
I can hear your words
I can but you are out of reach and so am I
You and me living in a dream
This end could not have been foreseen
The pain won't go away
No one understands my grief
All I've got is my belief
Still mis you every day
Dead girl:
I can't heal your pain
I cannot return, I cannot reply
I can't since you are out of reach and so am I
There is nothing left to be
You were all the world to me
The pain won't go away
No more reason to survive
Why am I the one alive
I miss you every day
Dead girl:
You know I am beyond reach forever
All these emotions create deeper oceans to drown in
My aspirations became unimportant once you were gone
Now the repression of all my agression is hounding me
And all our devotion to love and each other
Burried with you, Dead!
I feel the same tormenting pain
Don't stay behind so bitter
Dead Girl:
I have paid enough
I would have dries your tears if I could
I would be at your side
I would be there, forever more, that never came
I pay in pain
You have left me alone
My tears can't dry, I need you
Forever more, that never came
Dead Girl:
I'll love you always
Love me forever!