Если предыдущий релиз Eternal Dirge ("Morbus Ascendit" 92 года), несмотря на Лавкрафтовские темы и прочую мистику, имел достаточно серьёзный настрой (всё-таки остросоциальные песни и любование смертью там превалировали), то "Khaos Magick" вперяет зрачки в магию, как ни странно, хаоса, забывая о вездесущей насильственной и не очень смерти. Но Лавкрафт и его неописуемые всё же оставили след и в этом муз. старании банды.
Тексты (по большей части), как и положено в магии хаоса, где нет объективной истины, можно интерпретировать по-разному. Они полны сюрреализма, космических пространств, закоулков помутнённого разума, и восприятия мира исключительно через ощущения.
Музыкально альбом отдаёт такой же атмосферой "другого" мира. Как и на прошлом альбоме, Eternal Dirge здесь творят совмещая тяжесть с более мелодичными моментами, лишь с установкой на большее использование клавишных. Музыка всё так же витиевата и требует более одного прослушивания. Никуда не делась всеобщая стопроцентность материала, содержательного и без изъянов. Всё здесь великолепно и прослушивается в один миг.
И, следуя своему выработанному стилю, ребята записали ещё один, к сожалению, многими упущенный, шедевр. Первый альбом задал очень высокую планку, трудно сказать, была ли она превзойдена, но уж точно не опущена. Пред нами, всё же, два шедевра одного стиля.
P.S. Пиши я эту рецензию, к примеру, в 2016 году, возможно, посетовал бы на то, что группа распалась после выхода этого альбома. Но если верить метал-архивам и комментариям к альбому на ютубе, группа хотя бы раз, но ещё успеет нам что-нибудь показать. Не разочаруйте! |
From the world of seven suns
To mock your world of lies
So keep alive the memory
Of my ancient ways
And shadow forth the prophecy
Of a returning to these days
For that what's dead might live again
And that what lives must die
In a world beyond your sanity
I will twist your feeble minds
I, Unnamable
Age: Unexplorable
Origin: Unknown
I'm a lonely dreamer
In my silent dome
Where eternal bedlam covers the truth
Held within our youth
I dwell in utmost solitude
Yet, none have seen my sight
Deep Ones, follow my command
Spread your seed to roam the land
None shall be where I will stand
2. the thresholds of sensation
I am the gate, the key and the way
Deliver fullfilment through passionate pain
Such wondrous sights you will admire
Appreciate my disciplined desire
I'll reap your sorrow slowly
Inherit all experience
Perception and its conquest
Receive acquaintance absolute
In pleasures of the flesh
In essence of the most damned order
Of black configuration
Dark miracles that lie beyond
The thresholds of sensation
My liquid shadow seeping through
Penetrating every pore
Evasion of the blackest truth
To create the purest form
Let me free you from your carnal cage
To restructure your imperfect shape
Your lack of order does demand
The complex labour of my hands
I shall fill your curious mind
Through your empty and joyless eyes
I'll force your instincts open wide
To feel indulgence deep inside
You to me are everything
O splendour of demise
Transcendence of the dark design
So simple but precise
Infinite is my holy art
3. anthem to the seeds (of pure demise)
Incarnation of infernal malice
Soaked with wincing life
Far beyond the boundaries
Of phantasmagoric rage
Deep into the reeling suction
Insane eruptions of destruction
Twisting dissociation
Into the radical void
Ascending cataclysm
Of divine delight
Spawn of the underworld
Seeds from the sepulchre
Time is extinct
In the seas of the funeral
Where limitless oblivion
Floats in me eternally
O Legions of voracity
Proceed on thy way
To shores yet undreamed
To reign with thy will
By the black altar of Tsathogguah
And the leathery wings of hate
I'll serve thy power absolute
Devoted to my fate
O Prince of the black seas
Bestow on me the powers
To crush my enemies
O Master of black skies
I chant this anthem
To the seeds of pure demise
4. feaster from the stars
The potion faints my view
As my mental journey begins
To places I once knew
They deliver my astral remains
My long winging flight through the void
I have to cross the universe of light
To claim what was, is and will be mine
Infinite quest through endless time
Recreated by the thoughts
Caught in the Trapezoid
Send me through the Abyssos of radiance
Oh feaster from the stars!
I am the fulfiller
Oh prophecy of BA'AL
Come speak to me in ancient tongue
Answer the elder's call
All my life, all my love
All my soul, all myself
I will give to you
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
But our way leads into the dark
The time will be easy to know
For all the stars must stand in a row
To open the passages beyond time and space
Hail the arrival of the coming race
Resurrected by the souls
Trapped in the Trapezoid
I was sent through the Abyssos of radiance
Oh feaster from the stars!
5. rending the veils
Deny the day
Onthrough the night
The light shines bright
Force my way
To the end of day
Onthrough the night
Hunt for prey
In rush of might
The only way
It's a return
To the mother, to the pleasures
And the comforts of the womb
To that ancient cauldron of plenty
That feeds all who come before it
The wisdom men seek far and wide
But is inside them all the time
Render of veils
Point me the way
To the place where I lost my sanity
Render of veils
Waste my life
Put an end to my way...
6. kallioti
7. like roses in a garden of weed
We are the joy and strength of this world
As we ride over night-skies
Through spheres once unknown
The breeze of the north wind doth lead us home
Back to the land where my forefathers died
Back to the shores from which truth once derived
All that remains is a flash of red in the snow
We are an image of time and stone
Forlorn in darkness we roam alone
We are like roses in a garden full of weed
We are as wolves that wander among sheep
Their false beliefs died under our horses' hoofs
Accepting their judgement - facing the truth
From a glorious crusade we proudly return
As soul-cleansing flames of redemption still burn
Watch them consume all life as it dies
As corpse-fire melts the so-long-frozen ice
All that remains is a flash of red in the snow
Wir sind ein Bild aus Steing und Zeit
Verloren steh'n wir still in Dukelheit
We are like roses in a garden full of weed
We are as wolves that wander among sheep
All that remains is a flash of red in the snow...
8. in praise of biocide
Der reissende Sog der Evolution
Erzwingt sich das Ende
Unserer Zivilisation
Das Ende einer jeden Art
Die finale Bestimmung
Bleibt der Menschheit nicht erspart
Und das warme Fett
Tropft von unseren Lippen
Hilflos wie die Lemminge
Fallen wir von den Klippen
Wir kündigen euch an
Den kommenden Tod
Und ziehen Energie
Aus der Menschheit Not
Ja heute ist die längste Nacht
Gott Kutulu ist erwacht
In Praise of Biocide
Kingdom of death arise
Here with our feast tinight
We praise the Biocide
By infection or starvation
Evolution or the bomb
Any which way...
Extinction must come
9. hymn to pan
10. my sweet satan
Burn within me, pleasures
Feed my empty wind
Strengthen my desire
My perfect queen of night
And I'm receiving more
Than I bargained for
Dedication evermore
To the order of the Sore
My own Satan
Oh sweet Satan
Say you love Satan
My own sweet Satan
Every man
And every woman is a star [AL I, 3]
Thou hast the right
To do thy will
None shall say nay [AL I, 42-3]
Slaves shall serve
Love is the law, love under will [AL I, 57]
Thrown onto this world
So unknown and unreal
And no-one seems to share
The emptiness I feel
Deep within my heart
The flame of prometheus burns
And I will swim against the tide
Until it turns!
Thou shalt not lead my way of life
Ride my soul onthrough the night