 С долгожданным выходом в свет “Under The Blade”, Twisted Sister познали так давно ускользавший от них коммерческий успех и признание. Группа очень хорошо раскрутилась в Англии, не в последнюю очередь за счет протекции вечных богов британского тяжелого рока Motorhead, которые неоднократно приглашали “Сестер” разогревом на свои выступления. Но истинной целью ребят было, конечно, покорение родного дома, Америки, которая столь долго была к ним неблагосклонна. На этот раз все вышло как нельзя лучше - по возвращении домой музыкантам был предложен контракт с крупнейшим звукозаписывающим монстром Atlantic. Естественно, соглашение было тут же подписано и следующий альбом группы стал быстро обретать форму. Лучшего названия, чем бьющее не в бровь, а в глаз "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll" для второго студийника Twisted Sister и придумать было нельзя. Не нужно быть семи пядей во лбу, чтобы почувствовать в этой музыке, и особенно в текстах маэстро Ди Снайдера, просто пылающий энтузиазм достучаться до каждого затхлого уголка в голове каждого подростка, которые следуют скучным советам родителей и учителей. Жить собственной жизнью и провести ее красиво - вот вечный леймотив лирики маэстро Ди, в призывных гимнах подобного типа Twisted Sister нет, не было, и, наверное, не будет равных уже никогда. Поэтому неудивительно, что из десяти представленных на альбоме композиций именно четыре таких позитивных призыва и получились наиболее хитовыми вещами, впоследствии вошедшими в “золотой фонд” песен группы. Среди них простенький, но мощный открывающий номер "The Kids Are Back", крайне оптимистичный боевик "We're Gonna Make It", и, конечно, парочка этаких "визитных карточек" Twisted Sister - громоподобный трек "I Am (I'm Me)" и величайший гимн всему движению нашей с вами любимой музыки в виде заглавного шедевра "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll" (на который, кстати, был снят самый первый клип группы, из череды их знаменитых и красочных музыкальных видео). Но и помимо этих хитов на альбоме можно найти массу замечательных произведений, таких как мгновенно цепляющая хоррор-зарисовка "Like A Knife In The Back", аутентичное посвящение всем байкерам "Ride To Live, Live To Ride", ураганно-скоростной боевик "The Power And The Glory", или чертовски приятная мелодичная полу баллада "You're Not Alone (Suzette's Song)". Также, помимо соблюдения исключительного качества песенного материала, музыканты остались верны своему стилю - на диске представлен задорный хард-н-хэви во всей своей красе. Радует тот факт, что перейдя на мажорный лейбл и вкусив сладкий плод долгожданной славы, ребята все еще придерживались своей "уличной" ориентированности и не отсупали ни на шаг от единожды выбранного музыкального пути. Единственный относительно отрицательный момент на этом диске - качество записи. Уж слишком аутентично воссоздан здесь дух 80-ых, в виде чрезвычайно гулких барабанов и задвинутых на задний план ритм гитар. Ностальгия - это, конечно, приятно, но в разумных пределах. Так что если закрыть глаза на саунд и некую общую вторичность материала в целом, то второй диск у Twisted Sister вышел просто красавцем! Рок-н-ролл этих парней точно не остановить! (Диск предоставлен компанией Art Music Group) |
Just look around and you'll see why
We don't wanna follow that same routine
Maybe it's for nothing but we gotta try
So just remember the
The kids are back
The kids are back
Oh, watch out! The kids are back
Look out!
Now there's no problem, no need to fuss
We ain't out to stop your fun
Don't mind us asking 'cause we gotta know
How can we stop it when you're having none?
So just remember the
The kids are back
The kids are back
Oh, watch out! The kids are back
The kids are back
The kids are back
The kids are back
Come inside, take a seat or a ride
We're so glad that you're here, now come on!
Have a drink of some coke, gasoline or some rope
A guillotine, are you gone?
Don't turn around
Ignore that sound
Just lie on this rack
Are you starting to crack?
I need this like a knife in the back
I need this like a knife in the back
Hey, my man! Can you feel? Can you stand?
That's a shame, really sad, do you want some more?
Like to help if I could but I don't think I should
I don't care, shall I pour?
Just lay right here
Nothing to fear
All that you lack
Will start fading to black
I need this like a knife in the back
I need this like a knife in the back
Ain't it sad that he's dead? Was it something we said?
Such a drag! What could we do?
He was an ass, always smelling of gas
Not at all one of us, the chosen few
He turned around
And heard the sound
Those with the knack
Get to run with the pack
I need this like a knife in the back
I need this like a knife in the back
I need this
I need this
I need this
Like a knife in the back
Hard roads and endless lines
Flow through his veins
Cold steel and hot fuel injected
It's the dream that fills his brain
But no, not slow! The speed fever grows
He rides, he sees, he knows
You've got to ride to live, live to ride
Feel the flames burn inside
And though you know you ride to hide
You ride to live to ride
Life's short and goes too fast
Most pages burn
Don't wait, the end's too near
Some people never learn
You all won't fall, the road fever calls
So run or fly, don't crawl
You've got to ride to live, live to ride
Feel the flames burn inside
And though you know you ride to hide
You ride to live to ride
Ride on and don't look back
You can't change what's done
Drive hard for grater glories
You all must be someone
So win, don't show, let the life fever go
The world is yours, you know
You've got to ride to live, live to ride
Feel the flames burn inside
And though you know, you ride to hide
You ride to live to
You've got to ride to live, live to ride
Feel the flames burn inside
And though you know you ride to hide
You ride to live to ride
Who are you to look down at what I believe?
I'm on to your thinking and how you deceive
Well, you can't abuse me, I won't stand no more
Yes, I know the reasons, yes, I know the score
I am and I'll be
I will, you'll see
I am and I'll be
I am, I'm me
How I tried to please you! Live the way you said
Do the things that you do, like the living dead
Then the truth, it hit me, got me off my knees
It's my life I'm living, I'll live as I please
I am and I'll be
I will, you'll see
I am and I'll be
I am, I'm me
Now's the time to stand tall, start your life anew
Freedom lies in your heart, now's the time for you
I am and I'll be
I will, you'll see
I am and I'll be
I am, I'm me
I don't wanna think about it, why can't I live without it?
Oh, I need the love
I'm free and independent, I just take life and I spend it
Oh, I need the love
I'll feel the flames of a million fires
Fed by my feelings and my desires
Oh, I need the love
Oh, I want the love
I just need the power from above
I just got the power from above
Can't believe I saw the light
Never thought I'd see the day
So filled with wrong I couldn't see right
Almost lost the way
I was headed down
Taken by the tide
I was lost at sea, missing in action
Taken for a ride
Now I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power from above
I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power, power of love
All the time I knew what was wrong
But denied it all the same
I was so blind, I sang the same song
Thought it was a game
But when I looked inside
The writing on the wall
Said: It's a long way down, face it, clown
Fool, you're gonna fall!
Now I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power from above
I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power, power of love
That's right!
Now I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power from above
I've got the power and the glory
I've got the power, power of love
Power of love
Power of love
Been fighting for so long
Don't know which way up is
Been stuck and ripped and burnt
'Till it feels like nothing
Our time will come and when it's over and it's done
Those fools are gonna know that we ain't bluffing
We're gonna make it
We'll reach the top
We're gonna make it
And then we're never gonna stop
The power of the people
Ain't been showing
It's never what you know
It's who you're knowing
Sure it ain't right but as the saying goes it's might
That decides who stays behind and who'll be going
We're gonna make it
We'll reach the top
We're gonna make it
And then we're never gonna stop
We're gonna make it
We'll reach the top
We're gonna make it
And then we're never gonna stop
Alright, alright, we're gonna make it
Come on, boys, come on, boys
Ain't gonna stop until we drop
Oh, oh
Let it rock, let it roll
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Here we go, baby
You want to run around all night
You have your way or you scream and fight
You wanna live but don't wanna give
I've had enough of wrong or right
I don't know what to do
I just can't seem to get through to you
I want your love but if it comes to push or shove
You can have your attitude 'cause now we're through
Because ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Enough from you
You say you need your only man
Well, girl, I love you all I can
You still want me but you want to be free
How much did you think I would stand?
Bye bye! So long! Now go!
Our day is done so, take it slow
Just save your tears because after all these years
I am dropping you, look out below
Because ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Enough from you
Now girl, don't look so blue
Why do you do the things you do?
Promise you'll be good and act like a lover should
And I'll give my heart and soul right back to you
Because ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Enough from you
And I say it again
I say ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Ooh, I've had enough
Enough from you
Pull the trigger, set the fire
Light the fuses, trip the wire
Head for safety, run for cover
Hit the dirt, I'm taking over
Curse my name, say I'm a liar
Cut me loose and douse my fire
Mean mistreat me, spurn my loving
Pull my heartstrings, keep on shoving
I want your love
I need your love
Don't try to hide, run away or take a ride
Some way, one day
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
I'm your lover, your obsession
Modern romance, true confession
Guardian angel, phantom stranger
Infantry and your lone ranger
I want your love
I need your love
There's no way out so don't scream, kick or shout
One day, some way
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
Pull the trigger, set the fire
Light the fuses, trip the wire
Head for safety, run for cover
Hit the dirt, I'm taking over
I want your love
I need your love
Don't try to hide, run away or take a ride
Some way, one day
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
I'll take you alive
Can't seem to show you how much I care
Can't seem to prove it, you're so unaware
How much I need you, I try to show
I'm always with you and I love you so
Believe me when I try to say
I'll never, never go away
Oh, can't you see?
You're not alone
You're not alone
You're not alone
Baby, you have me
The lonely hours of unspoken pain
Seems like a lifetime of endless rain
In my confusion I never find
The words to tell you that you're in my mind
So let me try to find a way
To do the things I wanna say
Oh, can't you see?
You're not alone
You're not alone
You're not alone
Baby, you have me
My dream, my heart, my hope, my way
We'll stand together all our days
Oh, stay with me
You're not alone
You're not alone
You're not alone
You're not alone (we'll care, never, never alone)
You're not alone (oh please, please, you)
You're not alone (we'll stay together all along)
You're not alone (never, never, never go)
You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone (I need it now)
You're not alone (I need it now)
You're not alone (ooh)
Here it comes, you're never gonna top it
On a run, no way you can stop it
Total style, perfection in decay
Running wild, flat out all the way
Now you can ride it high
And you can light the way
Lift up your hands in praise
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
Like a charging bull, it's a juggernaut
With steam at full, never to be caught
Incarnate power roaring from the sky
While others cower, rock ain't gonna die
Now you can ride it high
And you can light the way
Lift up your hands in praise
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
It's an angry steed on a never ending course
With grace and speed, it's an unrelenting force
His head thrown back, defiantly proud
Under constant attack, it's blasting, fast and loud
Now you can ride it high
And you can light the way
Lift up your hands in praise
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
You can't stop rock 'n' roll
Can't stop, can't you stop it
Can't stop, you can't stop it
Can't stop, can't you stop it
Can't stop, you can't stop it
Can't stop, can't you stop it
Can't stop, you can't stop it
Can't stop, can't you stop it
Can't stop, you can't stop it