Twisted Sister
« Under the Blade »
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1 | What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You) 04:45
 | 2 | Bad Boys (Of Rock n' Roll) 03:19
 | 3 | Run For Your Life 03:27
 | 4 | Sin After Sin 03:22
 | 5 | Shoot 'Em Down 03:52
 | 6 | Destroyer 04:15
 | 7 | Under the Blade 04:39
 | 8 | Tear it Loose 03:07
 | 9 | I'll Never Grow Up Now 4:08
 | | Total playing time: 34:46 |
   Dee Snider - vocals
Jay Jay French - guitars
Eddie 'Fingers' Ojeda - guitars
Mark 'The Animal' Mendoza - bass
A.J. Pero - drums
Guest musicians:
Tony Petri - drums on track 9
Eddie 'Fast' Clarke - lead guitars on track 8 |
All songs written by TWISTED SISTER
Produced by Pete Way, Mark Mendoza and Dee Snider
Engineered by Charlie Barecca
Recorded and mixed at The Barn at Kitchenham Farm Ashburnham, England |
Good evening!
Welcome to our show!
If you've got that problem, yeah
Well, I think that you should know
This ain't the same old story
Or the same old song and dance
Don't speak of faded glory
'Cause you won't get a second chance
I wan |
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 Twisted Sister - совершенно уникальное по многим параметрам явление в музыкальном мире. Это группа, которая существовала добрых одиннадцать (!!) лет, перед тем как их дебютный альбом наконец-то лег на прилавки магазинов. Это музыканты, которые эпатировали всех добропорядочных американцев своим ярким сценическим имиджем, и вдохновили накручивать прически и наносить на лицо грим сотни молодых команд, а при этом сами практически никогда не играли откровенный глэм рок. Это группа, которая пробыла на большой сцене всего-навсего пять лет, но за этот срок ребята выпустили ровно пять студийных альбомов, большинство из которых намного пережили свое время, и с огромным удовольствием слушаются и сейчас. Первое из этих нетленных произведений увидело свет в 1982 году и носит название "Under The Blade". И, по моему скромному мнению, оно же является самым яркой работой группы за всю их недолгую историю. С далекого 1973 года ребята терпеливо копили свой творческий потенциал, который и вырвался с силой бушующего пламени на этом альбоме. Музыканты, в лице гитариста-основателя группы Джей Джей Френча, не менее талантливого второго гитарного героя Эдди Ожеды, басиста Марко Мендозы, барабанщика Эй Джей Пьеро, и, конечно, лидера группы – автора абсолютно всего песенного материала Twisted Sister, и одного из самых харизматичных фронтменов за всю историю тяжелого рока, мистера Ди Снайдера, уже играли вместе далеко не один год. Благодаря чему композиции, попавшие на этот альбом, были доведены до сияющего блеска путем постоянных концертных выступлений на протяжении долгого времени. А главное - у ребят был огромный энтузиазм наконец-то показать всему миру чего они стоят. И они это, черт возьми, сделали! Запись (постоянный, кстати, бич всех дисков Twisted Sister) здесь довольно хороша, несмотря на крайне скудные возможности маленького британского лейбла Secret. Скорее всего, хорошенько отшлифовать звук музыкантам потом опытный продюсер, Пит Уэй, бессменный басист легендарных UFO. Ну а сами песни просто идеальны! Среди них можно найти как четыре супер-хита - ураганный открывающий боевик "What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You)", развеселый качум "Shoot'em Down", мрачнейший медляк "Destroyer", и потрясающий заглавный хоррор-эпик "Under The Blade", так и множество "непризнанных" шедевров, навроде мелодичной и помпезной "Bad Boys Of Rock 'N' Roll", практически хэви металической "Sin After Sin", или шикарного гимна для всех "молодых душой" слушателей - "I'll Never Grow Up, Now!". Музыка здесь представляет из себя традиционный для Twisted Sister броский хард-н-хэви, мастерство всех музыкантов не подлежит никакому сомнению, а продирающий до костей вокал Ди Снайдера заставляют слушать этот диск снова и снова. Очень редкая ситуация - первый удар группы пришелся в самое яблочко, а близко приблизиться к неподражаемому задору и энергетике "Under The Blade" музыкантам, как мне кажется, уже не удастся. Но это не повод для огорчений - стоит только нажать кнопку "Play" и все невзгоды и огорчения покинут Вас. Гарантировано лучшими специалистами! |
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Всегда сложно рецензировать переиздания, потому что в большинстве случаев приходится иметь дело с альбомами, уже ставшими (заслуженно или незаслуженно) классикой, и выставлять оценки дискам, уже занявшим прочное место в истории тяжелой музыки, причем оценки с позиции дня сегодняшнего, которые могут и не соответствовать статусу, который за это время приобрела группа. К счастью, с дебютным диском Twisted Sister “Under The Blade” совершенно другой случай: это действительно сильный, интересный альбом, который даже сегодня, спустя 23 года после своего выхода, ничуть не потерял своей актуальности и слушается с не меньшим удовольствием. В этом альбоме прекрасно сочетается то, что мы привыкли называть «музыкой для мозгов» и «музыкой для ног», в нем есть все, что мы любим в Twisted Sister – насмешливые тексты, высмеивающие все, что принято считать «нормой» в «нормальном обществе», замечательная, зажигательная музыка и неуемная юношеская энергия (и это несмотря на то, что на момент записи альбома Ди Снайдеру было уже под 30). В “Under The Blade” Снайдер веселится и поучает, высмеивает и дразнит: чего стоит только завершающий трек “I’ll Never Grow Up Now” – это настоящий гимн для тех, кто имеет смелость выбрать свою дорогу в жизни, не оглядываясь ни на чьи упреки и оговоры. На мой взгляд, альбом будет интересен не только для старых и новых фэнов Twisted Sister и глэма вообще, но прекрасно подойдет и для первого знакомства с группой. (Диск предоставлен компанией Art Music Group) |
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просмотров: 28885 |
I'm someone you can trust
You'd better take a good hard look
'Cause we're the diamond in this dust
Hit it!
We're no overnight sensation
No Cinderella fantasy
Please, no plaudits or ovations
I've heard it all before you see
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you can't see makes you scream
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you don't have is what you dream
Ain't we a pretty picture?
Ain't we a load of fun?
Don't let me influence you
I'll do that when we're done
Oh, are we irritating?
Oh, are we grating on your nerves?
Don't you know that the good boys
Never get what they deserve?
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you can't see makes you scream
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you don't have is what you dream
Your brain is filled with questions
You don't know how or why
Don't look to me for answers, honey
'Cause I don't want to lie
How do you like it so far?
Say ain't we quite a show?
There's no one else quite like us
The others all get up and go
Don't fill my head with stories
You see I ain't no debutante
Let's get to the nitty gritty
Now you give me what I want
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you can't see makes you scream
What you don't know sure can hurt you
What you don't have is what you dream
What you dream
So we look kind of weird to you
Well, how do you look to me?
How cool you sit there and sneer all through the night
Don't you like what you see?
What are you thinking?
What will you do when you get your chance to display?
All the hang ups inside of you
Well, we don't care what you say
We're the bad boys of rock 'n' roll
Mad boys out of control
Bad boys of rock 'n' roll
How bad can a bad boy be if he sets you free?
So you say we're offending you
What's wrong? Is it something we said?
Look at you squirm, hey, you're sweating too!
At least now I know you ain't dead
You're always trying to be so hard
Tearing down all that we do
We're just having a good time so let down your guard
We'll prove to you it ain't true
We're the bad boys of rock 'n' roll
Mad boys out of control
Bad boys of rock 'n' roll
How bad can a bad boy be if he sets you free?
Now us boys are annoying too
Well, we're sorry to be in your way
You can't stand anything we do
Well, what would you like us to say?
We just wanna enjoy our lives
Have fun with all that we do
Still you poison the good things with all of your lies
Well, we're sick of listening to you
We're the bad boys of rock 'n' roll
Mad boys out of control
Bad boys of rock 'n' roll
How bad can a bad boy be if he sets you
Bad boys of rock 'n' roll
Mad boys out of control
Bad boys of rock 'n' roll
How bad can a bad boy be if he sets you free?
How bad can a bad boy be if he sets you free?
We're the bad boys of rock 'n' roll
He wakes up in the morning
And he looks into the glass
His face, it reminds him
Of the long nights that have passed
And he wonders if she wonders
That he wonders about her
Well, darling
You'd better run for your life
Girl, you played with my head
You destroyed my mind
Now I'd be better off dead
You'd better run for your life
Through abused intentions
You misused my trust
Now's the time for redemption
You'd better run for your life
Girl, my life's in ruins
Pay 'The Tab of Pain'
Now I'm after you and
You'd better run for your life
You'd better run for your life
You'd better run for your life
So you don't realize exactly what you do
And though you never compromise, it's all been up to you
The lie you've been leading has you up to here in sin
You never like to think about it, now you just can't win
You're committing sin after sin
Can't you feel it? Sin after sin
It's so real, it's sin after sin
Just look around you, sin after sin
Satan's found you!
Thought yourself respectable but deep inside you know
You've violated all the rules and never let it show
Figuring you had time to straighten out the lie you lead
You didn't stop to notice as your soul began to bleed
From committing sin after sin
Can't you see now? Sin after sin
You ain't free now, sin after sin
You're committed to damnation, sin after sin
Lest you repent, there's no salvation!
He's manipulating, salivating, promising only lies
First he'll confuse you, then abuse you, he's ever on the rise
You've got to realize - it is he who tolls the bell
You must open up your eyes before you're burning deep in hell
From committing sin after sin
Can't you feel it? Sin after sin
It's so real, it's sin after sin
Just look around you, sin after sin
Oh, my goodness! Satan's found you!
Sin after sin, sin after sin
Come on now! Sin after sin, sin after sin
You know it's sin after sin, sin after sin
You've got your souls, you've got yourselves
Sin after sin, sin after sin
God help you!
She looks so fine like champagne or wine
No one ever gets her
Oh, ain't she cool? Plays us for fools
If we wanna let her
Across the room she sees some buffoon
Blown away by her style
She goes out of her way so that she can play
And make him beg for a little while
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down to the ground
Like caviar or a fine foreign car
He's a motivator
Dressed to the T's, they're down on their knees
He's master baiter
He'll make'em crawl for the hell of it all
He likes to see'em cry
And then just for fun he'll say she's the one
And then he'll make her die
He's gonna shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down to the ground
They don't care about feelings
They were meant to be stepped on
And while one is healing
They go and step on another one
Now these people prey on us every day
Some are bad, some badder
They think we're fools so they make their own rules
It only gets us madder
Well, they think they're hot, well, I say they're not
They shoot us down for fun
If they wanna play, let's make'em pay
Shoot them down with a fucking gun
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Shoot'em down to the ground
He spent his life a silent sentinel
For all to fear
He walks, he talks, he thinks
He feels but no one dare go near
He takes in all he sees
Nothing escapes his gaze
And when he strikes, he strikes for right
A glorious sight
He's in town
He came to be from a grand mistake
A mystical charade
Created to decide the good
And bring repercussive aid
As awareness filled his fame
He examined those who leered
Then he cleaved the air with his fiery stare
Rend all those there
He's in town
A day will come, you'll be drawn into
The center of your town
And come upon a mass of steel
That cracks the very ground
Prepare to meet your judge
Don't think to run away
Just pray your face holds no disgrace
For the deadly ace
He's in
He's in town
Oh, he's in town
You better stay out of his way
He's gonna kick your ass
A glint of steel, a flash of light
You know you're not going home tonight
Be it jack or switch, doctor's or mind
Nowhere to run, everywhere you'll find
You can't escape from the bed you've made
When your time has come you'll accept the blade
You're cornered in the alley way
You know you're all alone
You know it's gonna end this way
The chill goes to the bone
Now here it comes, that glistening light
It goes into your side
Blackness comes, tonight's the night
Blade is gonna ride
'Cause you're under the blade
Oh, you're under the blade
It's not another party head
This time you cannot rise
Your hands are tied, your legs are strapped
A light shines in your eye
You faintly see a razor's edge
You open your mouth to cry
You know you can't, it's over now
Blade is gonna ride
'Cause you're under the blade
Oh, you're under the blade
A glint of steel, a flash of light
You know you're not going home tonight
Be it jack or switch, doctor's or mind
There nowhere to run, everywhere you'll find
You can't escape from the bed you've made
When your time has come you'll accept the blade
You've tried to make it to the front
Now you're pinned against the side
A monster stands before you now
Its mouth is open wide
The lights go on, the night explodes
It tears into your mind
When the night does end you'll come again
The blade is gonna ride
'Cause you're under the blade
Oh, you're under the blade
Here it comes, baby!
Now you're under it
You're going down, down, down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, down, down, down
There ain't no way I'm gonna wait
For Saturday night
I worked all day, I slaved away
I gotta set it right
I'm gonna hit the streets, cruise around
I gotta find some action
Ain't gonna stop until I drop
Or get some satisfaction
Gonna tear it, gonna tear it loose
Gonna shout it from the roof
Blast my way into the night
I'm gonna live my dream, shout and scream
I'm gonna tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
Come on now! Tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
I've been brutalized, computerized
Punched in and punched out
Here comes the night and it just ain't right
To be shut in or shut out
So I'm breaking down the barricades
Gonna slow the hands of time
'Cause to waste away the rest of the day
Is such a fucking crime
Gonna tear it, gonna tear it loose
Gonna shout it from the roof
Blast my way into the night
I'm gonna live my dream, shout and scream
I've got to tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
You've got to tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
I'll keep grabbing hold of all the gold
In this old world of trash
Long as there's light breaking through the night
I'm never gonna crash
And if I'm down and out one day
I won't throw in the deuce
I'll just kick it out, thrash about
'Till I tear it loose
Gonna tear it, gonna tear it loose
Gonna shout it from the roof
Blast my way into the night
I'm gonna live my dream, shout and scream
We got to tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
Alright! Let's tear it loose, tear it loose
Tear it loose, tear it loose
They say: Hey! Whaddaya doing with your life?
Why don'tcha settle down and find yourself a wife?
Don'tcha know you can't run away from here?
When will you act your age? Why don'tcha listen, dear?
I say:
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up, now!
They say: You better stop your dreaming, you're going nowhere fast
What if we throw you out, how long you think you'll last?
When will you go to school? Why don'tcha get a job?
Hey, girl! You better shape up, you're looking like a slob
Well, I say:
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up, now!
And I say it again:
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up, now!
I can't believe you can't hear what you're saying
Take a good look at yourself
Why don'tcha you listen to the music we're playing?
Go pick on somebody else
They say: You think that life's a free ride, well, take a tip from me
We're gonna end your party with some responsibility
I say:
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up
I'll never grow up, now!