Molly Hatchet
« The Deed Is Done »
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1 | Satisfied Man
 | 2 | Backstabber
 | 3 | She Does She Does
 | 4 | Intro Piece (Instrumental)
 | 5 | Stone in Your Heart
 | 6 | Man on the Run
 | 7 | Good Smoke and Whiskey
 | 8 | Heartbreak Radio
 | 9 | I Ain't Got You
 | 10 | Straight Shooter
 | 11 | Song for the Children (Instrumental) |
   Danny Joe Brown - vocals
Dave Hlubek - guitar
Duane Roland - guitar
John Galvin - keyboards
Riff West - bass
Bruce Crump - drums
Additional musicians:
Jimmy Jamison - background vocals
Tom DeLuca - background vocals
Steve Bassett - background vocals
Terry Manning - background vocals
Jim Horne - saxophone
Terry Manning - producer, engineer, mixing
Tom Harding, Dana Cornock - assistant engineers
Bob Ludwig - mastering
Ezra Tucker - cover art
 | "Satisfied Man"
(Thomas DeLuca, Tom Jans)
Don't do no drugs
Ain't got the time
I keep it straight
But I don't mid
Cause I got love
That the only plan
I'm just a satisfied man.
Ain't no girl
Can turn my head
Cause I got better
Waitin' on the bed
She does it all
Everythi |
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 К середине 80-х карьера Molly Hatchet окончательно вошла в крутой штопор. Сразу после выхода альбома “No Guts… No Glory” состав покидает один из основателей группы Стив Холланд. После его ухода было решено не искать третьего гитариста, и вместо ушедшего Холланда в состав приняли клавишника Джона Гальвина, который в качестве сессионщика уже участвовал в записи предыдущего альбома. Также, взамен ушедшего Барри Бордена в группу вернулся оригинальный барабанщик Брюс Крамп. Укомплектовав состав, Molly Hatchet вновь обратились к сакраментальному вопросу «что делать?» Создается впечатление, что в этот период группа просто утратила свой путь и поэтому шарахалась из одной крайности в другую. Если на “No Guts… No Glory” хотели вернуться к корням и стать максимально аутентичными, то впоследствии возобладал коммерческий уклон, который наметился на двух предыдущих работах. И ярким подтверждением тому служит альбом “The Deed Is Done”.
Перед записью Дэйв Хлабек настоял на том, что нужно идти в ногу со временем и продвигать в массы столь популярный в 80-х коммерческий мелодичный рок, подходящий под радиоформат (пресловутый АОР). Получилось, надо признать, не очень. Открывающая альбом "Satisfied Man" сразу же в полной мере демонстрирует слушателю новое звучание Molly Hatchet, не имеющее совершенно ничего общего с прошлыми альбомами. Теперь апологеты южного рока заиграли стандартный поп-рок с сильным влиянием набирающего тогда популярность глэма. Густой, чуть глуховатый гитарный звук, гулкие барабаны, моднейшие вязкие клавиши и стадионные распевки в припевах – именно на это была сделана ставка. Я даже скажу, что такие вещи, как та же "Satisfied Man", или "She Does She Does" с лихим саксофоном, можно вполне назвать удачными. О старых работах напоминает лишь парочка не самых удачных рок-н-роллов "Heartbreak Radio" и "I Ain't Got You", которых вполне могло бы и не быть. Кто бы мог подумать, что старый увалень Дэнни Джо Браун так легко освоится в новом амплуа – значительно изменив манеру вокала, он довольно органично вписался в новый саунд группы.
Все это могло выглядеть отнюдь не плохо, если бы не одно «но». Molly Hatchet в принципе выдали неплохой стафф, но вторичный и не оригинальный. Группа чувствовала себя явно не в своей тарелке, поскольку пришла совершенно из другого музыкального измерения. И если в свое время это был самобытный и самодостаточный коллектив, то теперь «хэтчеты» превратились в обычных последователей. Да и не умели парни писать поп-рок. Больше половины композиций альбома чужого авторства. В итоге “The Deed Is Done” попросту «не пошел». Группа лихо приземлилась аккурат меж двух стульев. Старые поклонники просто не поняли и не приняли подобный маневр, а у нового поколения были свои герои, которые к тому же играли более оригинальную музыку. |
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просмотров: 7786 |
Makes me a satisfied man.
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Yea I'm so satisfied
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Satisfied man.
In the world
That's falling down
We'll be together
No one else around
Face to face
Right to the end
Though I'm a satisfied man.
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Yea I'm so satisfied
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Satisfied man.
She keeps it comin'
Keeps it comin'
Keeps me goin'
Every night or every day
She keeps it goin'
Keeps it goin'
Every night for every way
In the world
That's falling down
We'll be together
No one else around
Face to face
Right to the end
Though, I'm a satisfied man.
Oh baby, make no mistake about it
I'm a satisfied man
Baby, everything you say
Everything you do
Satisfied man
Everything you do is sooo right
Satisfied man.
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Satisfied man
Oohh yea I'm so satisfied
Satisfied man
Oohh I'm so satisfied
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
Satisfied man
I'm a satisfied man.
(Ronald Brooks, DeLuca, Jeff Ross)
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
You were alone, I took you in
I let you ride for me
Snatched you up and I made a sting
I showed you what feeling could be
Came home tonight to a barren room
And find your note of goodbye
You left nothing but a jagged heart
Like heartbreak dripping down the back of my shirt
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
You got my pride and slashed my mind
And carved your name so deep
You took a stab at making sure
Your memory I'd always keep
I felt you rip and tearing me
Then you made me look
Once sore I could hardly stand
My heart's still beating in the palm of your hand
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, yeah, you'd stop me all the way
Oh, yeah, you left nothing but bad blood
Dripping from the tip of your blade
Oh, backstabber
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
Oh, backstabber, oh
"Stone In Your Heart"
(Harold Tipton, Brooks, DeLuca)
Is this how it ends?
We're strangers again
It's over but you won't explain
No kiss no goodbye,not one final lie
Just cold to the bone from the ice's that's runnin' through
your veins
You have stone in your heart.
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na stone in your heart
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Like a wall that's keepin' us apart
Stone in your stone heart.
Don't you recall the fire and all
I want you in my arms every night
But now you forget
No passion,no sweat
You poured out your love
And you're tellin' me your well is dry
You have stone in your heart.
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na stone in your heart
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Like a wall that's keepin' us apart
Stone in your heart.
Run away and hide
Keep it inside
Make believe it never happened
All you're gonna do is keep fooling you
Some day you'll find love's been passin' you by.
We're gonna fight
Let's do it right
I'm over get it over now
There's no feelin' left
No pride to protect
Ya don't want my love
I don't need you here to weigh me down
You have stone in your heart
"Man On The Run"
(Jack Armstrong, DeLuca, Gary Harrison, Terry Manning,
I pack my bags
Strappin' on a friend
Make it lucky
On this road that never ends
Swear I didn't do it
The jury said I did
Busted out of prison
Ain't goin' back again.
Cause I'm a man
Man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Yes I'm a man on the run.
Travelin' a little light
I'm built for speed
Leavin' no traces
Of this mine fine lead
If you want to love me
You better not wait
Cause if you blink your eyes, girl
It'll be too late.
Cause I'm a man
Man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Yes I'm a man, man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Cause I'm a man on the run.
Cause I'm a man
Man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
I'm a man, man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Cause I'm a man on the run.
Man on the run
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Livin' fast, runnin' hard
Always under the gun
Yes I'm a man, man on the run.
Yes I'm a man
Man on the run
I'm a man on the run
Yes I'm a man on the run
Yes I'm a man on the run.
"Good Smoke & Whiskey"
(Crump, Brown, Hlubek, DeLuca, JGalvin, Roland, West)
Once we had each other
We had security
Anthing she wanted
But she wanted to be free
Thought I had everything in hand
Instead she's taken everything from me.
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
I said I loved her
She just laughted in my face
I thought I had her
But she put me in my place
She got the car and the color t.v
Now she's drivin' me to bankruptcy.
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
A million used to be that
I'm gonna be movin' movin' movin'movin'movin' tonight
Nothing left to do
Drink myself a million miles away from you.
Ooh yes sir
Good smoke and whiskey
Runnin' around my brain
Good smoke and whiskey
Killin' all that woman pain
With a smile and a twist of the knife
She took my heart and a part of my life
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey is all that's left in my life
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey
Good smoke and whiskey
Oh yea
"Heartbreak Radio"
(Frankie Miller, Troy Seals)
Hometown sweethearts who ran in the dark
Only made a move or two
I was just a young school never been to night school
Did not know enough to be cool
So she found another lover
They went undercover
Then she stomped my heart into the ground
Only keep the peace by calling out the police
Finding that I lose my mind.
Woman I love done gone and left me alone
She got a big fat record for the heartbreak radio.
A complete investigation
What's her destination?
Cover on suspucion
Look at my condition
She left me here to take the fall
The group said she would play rough
She ought to be in handcuffs
Needs to wear a ball and chain
She booked at the hospital
Only I would love her
She knew how to play the game.
Woman I love done gone and left me alone
She got a big fat record for the heartbreak radio.
Oh mama come home
Tell me when
Tell me now
Hey mama I need you
Lonely heart
In Distress
Sending out an SOS
All across the USA
Come back and serve your time
Right here here in this hall of mine
Got to have you home today
FBI, CIA help me please.
Woman I love done gone and left me alone
She got a big fat record for the heartbreak radio.
Woman I love she done gone and left me alone
She got a big fat record for the heartbreak radio.
Woman I love she done gone and left me alone
She got a big fat record for the heartbreak radio.
"I Ain't Got You"
(Calvin Carter)
I got a Maserati G.T.
With snakeskin upholstery.
I got a charge account at Goldblatt's,
But I ain't got you.
I got a closet full of clothes,
But no matter where it goes,
It keeps a ring in the nose,
But I ain't got you.
I got a tavern and a liquor store.
I play the numbers, yeah, four forty-four.
I got a mojo, yeah, don't you know,
I'm all dressed up with no place to go.
I got women to the right of me.
I got women to the left of me.
I got women all around me,
But I ain't got you.
No, I ain't got you.
[Third Verse]
[Fourth Verse]
No I ain't got you.
"Straight Shooter"
(Brown, Crump, Galvin, Hlubek, Roland, West)
Oh baby
I got to tell you something
Your lies and your alibies been driving me crazy
Oh shoot it
Rock and roll thats my game
Fast cars, prety women, fortune and fame
Who when it comes to live music and you playin' no games
Shows how to play the game
To prove a popint
Don't hesitate
Call you like you see it
Shoot straight
The only thing I want from you
To be a straight shooter too
I've never said I was better than you
I'm a straight shooter, straight shooter
No doubt about it you can be one too
Be a straight shooter, oh yea.
I've never said I was better that you
I'm a straight shooter, straight shooter
Come on babe, be one too
Be a straight shooter
You'll never be one too
Keep it movin', make it hot
Out on the road
You sit on the rock
Even when we are playing we don't get to stop
You'll never come to far
Don't ask no questions
Don't tell no lies
Sick and tired of hearing your alibies
It matters to me does it matter to you?
To be a straight shooter too
I've never said I was better than you
But I'm a straight shooter, straight shooter
No doubt about it you can be one too
Yea baby
You got to be one
Straight shooter
Keep it movin', make it hot
Out on the road
You sit on the rock
Even when we are playing we don't get to stop
You'll never come to far
Don't ask no questions
Don't tell no lies
Sick and tired of hearing your alibies
It matters to me does it matter to you?
To be a straight shooter
Straight shooter
Striaght shooter too
Straight shooter