Pink Cream 69
« Food for Thought »
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   David Readman - vocals
Alfred Koffler - guitars
Dennis Ward - bass
Kosta Zafiriou - drums |
 | 1. Snap
My mind is screaming
My head is dreaming
My eyes don't sense reality
Sometimes i loose it
or i confuse it
i fear for my mentality
but i don't know where to start
when the pain tears me apart
and i can't keep touch
when it gets too much
then i'll snap, snap
then i |
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 Нда, мое мнение по поводу альбомов этой группы похоже полностью противоположно тем рецензиям что пишет Udgin. Первые два диска на мой взгляд - это просто какой-то инфантильный мусор, а вот альбомы 93, 95 и 97 года - очень даже! Теперь про сам альбом - честно говоря, я не знаком с представителями грандж сцены (только пару песен нирваны слухал), поэтому не берусь судить о принадлежности к нему данного диска. По мне это этакий "ковбойский" метал - немного небрежный, но в то же время обстоятельный и задушевный. В отличие от предыдущего "Change" этот диск более легкий, попсовый и темпом чуть побыстрее (тот уж совсем грузный был). По настроению диск по началу довольно беззаботный, но дальше становится мрачнее, депрессивнее и психоделичнее. Тут кстати довольно много медляков, они надо сказать удались на славу - легкие, воздушные, задумчивые, мне сразу представляется степь, ветер дует, какие-то полумаргинальные личности бродят, проглядывает желание обрести душевное спокойствие, любовь и т.п...Боевики тоже ничего так. Супер хитов нет, но все слушаются с удовольствием. Риффы здесь не отрывистые, а плавные - тебя все время как бы несет вперед. Также диск показался мне весьма искренним и не MTV-шным (хотя не знаю, может для американского MTV это вполе форматная пластинка). Вокал, пожалуй, самое сильное место альбома - типа голос побитого жизнью молодого ковбоя. Поет чисто, не хрипит, но иногда кричит а'ля SkidRow. Тембр мужественный, без истерический интонаций. P/S 1) При первом прослушивании этот диск (а также Change) кажется абсолютно никаким. 2) Также досадно, что на последующих релизах вокал как бы постарел. 3) Кавер Queen мне тоже не очень понравился (просто потому, что не люблю и оригинал:)) |
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«Пища для мыслей» это ещё один альбом в творчестве этой легендарной немецкой хард рок группы, созданный для самого настоящего насилия над слушателями и прямо-таки для террора над старыми хард рок поклонниками банды. Честно сказать, тут и говорить нечего. «Food For Thought» это не то чтобы самый слабый альбом в истории группы, но и как отдельное музыкальное полотно он представляет из себя самый натуральный музыкальный мусор, мусор, которым засоряют людям мозги и в основном толкает куча других менее удачных и менее известных хард коллективов. Сказать, что этот альбом плох - это то же самое, что не сказать ничего. Кавер на Queen находящийся в середине пластинки выглядит полным убожеством. И позволю себе заметить, что даже Робби Вильмс перепевший эту замечательную, но тяжелую для исполнения композицию, справился намного лучше, нежели товарищ Дэвид Ридман не поющий, а читающий просто слова, ясно что силы у него не хватает дабы спеть так мощно и с отрывом как мог Фредди Меркюри. Ну и соответственно музыкальная часть этой песни также жутко испорчена какими-то электронными сэмплами и слабейшими хорами в припеве. Более менее неплохое впечатление оставляет спокойная и медленная композиция «Diggin' Through The Past». Но тот факт, что она оригинальная на ноль процентов, не может удержать меня от ещё одного укола. Зачем вообще такое выпускать?! Хотя, ради объективности замечу, что некоторым личностям пластинка «Food For Thought» и покатила, хотя всё равно большинство поклонников ждали настоящего возвращения, которое и состоялось уже в следующем году. Но, рассматривая данный диск, нужно всё-таки упомянуть, что записан он отлично, техника музыкантов на достойном уровне, а вокалист же (за исключением неудачной попытки стать в ряд с Фредди Меркюри) отлично поёт и как нельзя лучше вписывается в теперешнюю музыку банды. В связи с этим даже отпадает жалость от ухода Энди Дериса. Я думаю всё на своем месте. И как ещё один этап в развитии группы, рассматриваемая пластинка закрывает собой время экспериментов и является неким пережитком, или связывающим звеном прошлого с настоящим. В общем, я уже давно не ставил таких крутых оценок, но этот чудный опус только этого и заслуживает. Это хуже чем плагиат… |
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просмотров: 10724 |
although i hate it
i can't deflate it
that ain't the way it oughta be
I know the seasons
i've tried to reason
the answer's right on front of me
but i don't know where to start
when the pain tears me apart
and i can't keep touch
when it gets too much
then i'll snap, snap
then i'll snap, snap
but i don't know where to start
when the pain tears me apart
and i can't keep touch
when it gets too much
then i'll snap, snap
but i don't know where to start
when the pain tears me apart
and i can't keep touch
when it gets too much
and i can't hold ground
could you pull me down
then i'll snap, snap
then i'll snap, snap
then i'll snap, snap
then i'll snap, snap
2. Big Shot
You know you're never gonna be a friend of mine
communication on your level's a waste of time
I can see you're only good for nothing
look around you're out of control
Big Shot, walking on the water
gotta prove the world so wrong
big shot, shining like no other
gotta show the world you're here to stay
king of the day
you can try but you won't see through his lies
with just a word you can cut him down to size
I can see you're only good for nothing
look around you?re out of control
Big Shot, walking on the water
gotta prove the world so wrong
big shot, shining like no other
gotta show the world you're here to stay
king of the day
Big Shot, walking on the water
gotta prove the world so wrong
big shot, shining like no other
gotta show the world that you're strong
Big Shot, walking on the water
gotta prove the world so wrong
big shot, shining like no other
gotta show the world that you're strong
Big Shot, walking on the water
gotta prove the world so wrong
big shot, shining like no other
gotta show the world you're here to stay
you fake, you cheat, you lier !!!
3. Anger
Ask me something i don't know
help to make me whole
give the one thing that i need
cause i need to gain control
in don't know but i've been told
something's on your mind
i won't criticize if you tell me the deal
but there's a monkey on your back
and it's sucking out your pride
cause I feel your anger
i can sense your hate is working overdrive
yeah i feel your anger
can't you realize it's eating you alive
hit the breaks, yeah you're much too fast
the hatred takes it's toll
maybe what you need is a smack th the head
but there's a monkey on your back
and it's sucking out your pride
cause I feel your anger
i can sense your hate is working overdrive
yeah i feel your anger
can't you realize it's eating you alive
i guess you're getting nowhere
i feel... i feel... i feel
i guess you're getting nowhere
i feel... i feel... i feel
Tell me what have you got
and what do you need ?
Tell me what have you got
and what do you need ?
what have you got
and what do you need ?
cause I feel your anger
i can sense your hate is working overdrive
yeah i feel your anger
can't you realize it's eating you alive
cause I feel your anger
i can sense your hate is working overdrive
yeah i feel your anger
Tell me what have you got
and what do you need ?
4. Diggin' Through The Past
expectation has become your plight
a loosing battle that you're not
prepared to fight
Infatuated in what lies ahead
convinced the future is hanging by a thread
you wonder why time passes by
(But) you never got a chance to fly
it's just another story told
a fear of growing old...
recolation, digging through the past
it give you comfort and you wish that it could last
so now you question how to coincide
the hard-earned wisdom with the carefree inner child
you wonder why time passes by
(But) you never got a chance to fly
it's just another story told
a fear of growing old...
you wonder why time passes by
(But) you never got a chance to fly
it's just another story told
a fear of growing old...
you tried to get the best of both worlds
you tried to have it all
you never had the feeling you'd be
heading for a fall
cantcha see your bridges burning
the point of no return
there ain't no way to prophecise
something you should learn
you wonder why time passes by
(But) you never got a chance to fly
it's just another story told
a fear of growing old...
you wonder why time passes by
(But) you never got a chance to fly
it's just another story told
a fear of growing old...
5. Better Days
I looked through a window
just to let my mind flow
then i saw a friend who
was looking for a friend too
spoke of her father
said he'll be leaving us
she'll be so lonely
and i want to understand
then i'll try to convince her
there'll be better days
got to be patient
i always told her
somedays are diamond
ooh, the words that i sold her
she wants to be happy
she can't find a remedy
her obligations
will never let her fly away
then i'll try to convince her
there'll be better days
Better Days
So i'll try to convince her
there'll be better days
there'll be better days
gonna find you a better day
then i'll try to convince her
then i'll try to convince her
there'll be better days
there'll be better days
gonna find you a better day
Better days...
she wants to be happy
She can't find a remedy
spoke of her father
she wants to be happy
so maybe she can fly away
to a better day, a better day...
6. Until I Wake
i know another wrong won't make it right
i know another drink won't keep my senses clean
put a gun up to my head, might stop me for a while
i know another shot could get me through the night
but i feel my anger, and i'm so unstable
and i want to hold back, but i'm just not able
so i found redemption in a long white bottle
could it be i'm desperate? when it keeps me calm...
until I wake
i need another way to get me loose
i need another way to let my thoughts go free
cantcha understand that i'm a complicated man ?
i need another shot before i tie my noose
but i feel my anger, and i'm so unstable
and i want to hold back, but i'm just not able
so i found redemption in a long white bottle
could it be i'm desperate? when it keeps me calm...
Until I wake, until i wake
hey yeah.... it's my mind, yeah... it's my way, yeah
and it comforts me, yes it comforts me
But i never - felt at ease
and i'm on my - bended knees
and nothing can - stop me now
cause i'm loaded...
could i learn my lesson? cantcha feel my anger
break me, can't make me,
believe me, yeah !!!
But I feel my anger, but i feel my anger
but i feel my anger, i feel so alone...
but i feel my anger, and i'm so unstable
and i want to hold back, but i'm just not able
so i found redemption in a long white bottle
could it be i'm desperate? when it keeps me calm...
Until I wake, until i wake...
7. Fate
Take a look at me, i'm getting higher
feeling kind of free, feed my desire
running with the devil, i don't regret it
loging for the time, when i finally get it
how many days before i meet my fate ?
how many times can i get away ?
jump into the wind, it's numbing my senses
will there be an end? am i defenseless ?
Maybe I'm a drifter, or am i assuming ?
how could i forget that i'm only human
how many days before i meet my fate ?
how many times can i get away ?
could it be wrong when it feels so right ?
how many times until i reach my ?
how many days until i meet my -
fate - what's gotten into you ?
take - what it's got to give you !
break - all the rules that limit you !
save - all the fuel that's driving you !
So i'm playing with fire
and i don't care if i burn
something to help me
cause i want it, i need it
hey look at me, i'm alive
take a look at me
take a look at me
hey look at me, i'm alive
feeling kind of free
feeling kind of free
Hey look at me, i'm alive
fate - what's gotten into you ?
take - what it's got to give you !
break - all the rules that limit you !
save - all the fuel that's driving you !
So i'm playing with fire
and i don't care if i burn
fate - what's gotten into you ?
take - what it's got to give you !
break - all the rules that limit you !
save - all the fuel that's driving you !
So i'm playing with fire
and i don't care if i burn
something to help me
when i find the urge
8. We Will Rock You
[Queen cover]
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playing in the street : "Gonna be a big man some day"
You've got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Buddy you're a young man, hard man
Shouting in the street: "Gonna take on the world some day"
You've got blood on your face
You big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place
We will we will rock you
Sing it!
We will we will rock you
Buddy you're an old man, poor man
Pleading with your eyes; Gonna make you some peace some day
You've got mud on your face
Big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place!
We will we will rock you
Sing it
We will we will rock you
Every body
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
9. Dead Man's Scream
One man's dream
gonna make the news tonight
One man's dream
gonna justify their plight
hear his voice
breaking through the underground
sad but true
it's gonna shake you
ooh, have you ever heard a
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
don't try to feed me animosity
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
don't try to feed me animosity
signed his name,
left his mark across the land
met his fate,
will they ever understand
gain control,
get it from the man inside
sad but true
it's gonna shake you
ooh, have you ever heard a
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
don't try to feed me animosity
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
don't try to feed me animosity
It's gonna break you
don't try to feed me animosity
don't try to feed me animosity
don't try to feed me animosity
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
don't try to feed me animosity
Dead man's scream, dead man's scream
a wailing cry of the one man's dream
it breaks you down, down to your knees
Into a dead man
10. Pass You By
I never Thought I'd be the One
Who could Say all this
It took so long to work it Out
I've wasted time, it seems I'm just
getting Older
When will i find what I'm about ?
Then one day, you say,
it's time to break away
and we'll fly so high
don't let life pass you by
so many times you've shown me
grace under pressure
You never tried to prove me wrong
I've got a ticket for the last
train to nowhere
Why should you have to tag along ?
Then one day, you say,
it's time to break away
and we'll fly so high
you've got to try before
the days just pass you by
the days just pass you by
Where will I go ? I lost my way now
Where will I go ? I lost my way now
Where Will i go ?
I never Thought I'd be the One
Who could Say all this
I had a chance but had no faith to realize
Then one day, you say,
it's time to break away
and we'll fly so high
you've got to try before
the days just pass you by
the days just pass you by
11. Other Side
12. Fly On
I'm taking my time
cause I think i'm in line
and I'm hoping to find
that i'm not really blind
and i try to believe
that there's something for me
con you tell me the deal ?
do you know How I feel ?
Fly on
Out of the dark into the light
Move On
look at the stars and break into flight
I'm loosing my hold
on the things I was told
is there something to see ?
is there something for me ?
Should I know what they mean ?
There's a lot to be seen
Are they lying ?
They're lying ?
I want to be free
but I don't wonna be
like the others i know
i got something to show
so i'll try to believe
that there's something for me
could you tell me the deal ?
do you know how I feel ?
Fly on
Out of the dark into the light
Move On
look at the stars and break into flight
Fly on
Out of the dark into the light
Move On
look at the stars and break into flight
Gonna heal my broken wings
to break into the night
Fly on
Out of the dark into the light
Move On
look at the stars and break into flight
Fly on
Out of the dark into the light
Move On
look at the stars and break into flight
break into flight
break into flight
I'm taking my time
cause I think I'm in line
and I'm hoping to find...
13. Sorry
Thought I'd found me an angel
when she came into my life
treid to prove that i was the one
that could make her feel alright
i had to have her
ooh, but she wasn't very easy
i tried to tell her
ooh, but she never listened
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
So i gave her a portion
that would make her feel so fine
from her sleep she would not awake
now i know that she's mine
i had to hide her
ooh, so i stuck her in the basement
How could i tell her
ooh, now she'll never listen
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
I wish i could let her out
i wish we could walk about
i wish i could show her
i am the guy
who will never let love pass her by
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
ooh, oooh, oooh, i'm sorry baby
14. (Down) My Way
Why don't you go to a place
where i don't have to see your face tomorrow,
face tomorrow
i guess your bus is running late
i hate to say you can't have friends to borrow,
friends to borrow
it's hard to realize you only use me
and you can't hide behind your bold disguise
i guess you must be blind
cause you can't see inside of me
hey you
why are you messin' with me
are you trying to break me
with psychology
but i can't stand
the shit that you say
if you don't really need me
then don't you come down my way
You call me up right after school
you hope to find yourself a fool to guide you
a fool to guide you
i guess i got to let you down
you need to find another clown to help you
cause i won't help you
it's hard to realize you only use me
and you can't hide behind your bold disguise
i guess you must be blind
cause you can't see inside of me
hey you
why are you messin' with me
are you trying to break me
with psychology
but i can't stand
the shit that you say
if you don't really need me
then don't you come down my way
you raped my mind
i lost control
i guess you'll find
you're on your own
it's hard to realize you only use me
and you can't hide behind your bold disguise
i guess you must be blind
cause you can't see inside of me
hey you
why are you messin' with me
are you trying to break me
with psychology
but i can't stand
the shit that you say
if you don't really need me
then don't you come down my way
down my way down my way...