« Empire »
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1 | Best I Can
 | 2 | The Thin Line
 | 3 | Jet City Woman
 | 4 | Della Brown
 | 5 | Another Rainy Night (Without You)
 | 6 | Empire
 | 7 | Resistance
 | 8 | Silent Lucidity
 | 9 | Hand On Heart
 | 10 | One And Only
 | 11 | Anybody Listening |
   Geoff Tate - vocals
Chris De Garmo - guitars
Michael Wilton - guitars
Eddie Jackson - bass
Scott Rockenfield - drums |
Produced by Peter Collins |
 | 1. Best I Can
A child alone in daddy's room
The gun was hidden here
No one home to catch me when I fall
A young man now in a private chair
I've seen the world through a bitter stare
But my dream is still alive
I'm going to be the best I can
I want to be a busy man
I want to see a change |
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 Прослушав предыдущий альбом группы, я уже было подумал, что куда уж может быть лучше! Однако я был приятно удивлён, когда следом вышел такой уникальный материал, как "Империя". В отличие от прошлого альбома, звук здесь отточен до предела, Джефф Тэйт отлично справляется не только с вокалом, но и с игрой на клавишных, что является ещё одной характерной особенностью этого диска, сольные партии Дегармо могут добраться даже до самых потаённых уголков души, а ударные Роккенфилда просто супертехничны, особенно это проявляется в концовке песни "One & Only", где ритм из плавного переходит в ломаный и наоборот. Все вещи просто уникальны и потрясающи, в каждой можно найти что-то особенное, например, в начале "Best I Can" можно расслышать детский хор, ну а за "Silent Lucidity", я считаю, вообще надо памятник ставить, настолько великолепно вписался туда скрипичный оркестр! Альбом прекрасно дослушивается до конца и является, по моему мнению, лучшим в дискографии прогеров, на котором музыканты раскрыли весь свой талант и потенциал. Слушайте и наслаждайтесь! |
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Без зазрения совести назову этот альбом лучшим в дискографии Queensryche! Если по музыкальной мысли этот альбом стоит в одном ряду с великим предшественником, то по по качеству записи значительно превосходит его. Вокал Тэйтв здесь, впрочем, как и всегда, великолепен, гитарные партии отточены до миллиметра, ударные партии сверхтехничны и забойны. Альбом полон хитов, каждая из песен способна удивить. На мой взгляд, на этом диске группа выложилась на полную, благодаря таланту заняла лидирующие позиции. Это мега альбом, достойный быть в коллекции всех любителей качественного прогрессива! |
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Четвёртый альбом прогрессив рокеров ознаменовал начало эры упадка популярности и уважения к группе со стороны старых поклонников, и как это не странно появлением другой группы фэнов настроенных более оптимистично и тепло. Это был уже совершенно другой Queensryche – более свежий, простой, не такой мрачный, упаднический и замороченный как прежде. Не знаю, будет ли эта рецензия вообще хоть чуть-чуть объективной, поскольку вот такой поздний Queensryche мне абсолютно не нравится. Да, музыка на альбоме более современна, нова, светла и даже более тяжела чем раньше, но мне же были больше по душе старые опусы, в которых почти каждая песня обладала некой харизмой и чем-то притягивающим. Предыдущий альбом «Operation: Mindcrime» стал знаковым для банды, её стал принимать во внимание весь мир. Возможно, и правильно, что мужики не повторились, создав нечто совершенно новое (по крайней мере, для данного коллектива). Но мне кажется, что такое бегство от самих себя плохо повлияло на всю музыку в целом. Более менее выделяются только две песни – это средне темповая «Another Rainy Night (Without You)» с неплохим качовым ритмом, напоминающая такие песни с предыдущего диска, как «I Don’t Believe In Love» и «Breaking The Silence». И последняя композиция «Anybody Listening» - восьмиминутный прогрессивный шедевр с весьма чувственным соло и надрывным вокалом, это ещё одно из самых лучших творений в истории группы. Совсем не вселяют радостных чувств ни заглавная «Empire», ни другой семиминутный трек «Della Brown» из-за не ярких и однотипных мелодических линий, которыми переполнен весь альбом. В целом, очень слабая пластинка, где-то на уровне беззубого дебюта и для такой великой группы как Queensryche , вообще не достойная находится в дискографии. Это было начало упадка Власти Королев. |
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После выхода "Operation: Mindcrime" любой последующий релиз Queensryche был обречен на сравнение с этим бессмертным творением. "Empire" хоть и не стал вторым подряд шедевром, но обернулся очень сильной работой, подкрепившей высокое реноме группы. Музыка сохранила фирменную мелодику предшественника и прибавила лишь в помпезности звучания. Несомненно, "Empire" стал вторым по значимости альбомом Queensryche и, к сожалению, последним успехом в карьере этой талантливой команды. |
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просмотров: 33356 |
I'm gonna make the best of what I have
I want to write for a magazine
I'm gonna be the best they've ever seen
I know I'll win if I give it all I can
I won't let go, gotta make the grade
No, I won't let it go
To be the best man, the best man that I can
Back street hoop star you've got it good
You were the wonder of the crumbling neighborhood
Now taking bids on the next six digit plan
Showed me that my will survived
The tragedy that came into my life
giving me hope and the new start
that I have
I won't let go, gotta make the grade
No, I won't let it go
To be the best man, the best man that I can
Step by step I dream the plan
From my chair to walking man
This constant dream is on my mind
Chase the light I see ahead
Luminate the path I tread
I live to be the best I can
Now I'm moving forward
And I'm never looking back
Straight ahead, focused on the big attack
On a roll and I'm never slowing down
I won't be torn between
The man in the chair
And the man that's in my dream
I'm going to melt the two men into one
I won't let go, gotta make the grade I set
No, I won't let it go
To be the best man,
the best man that I can
2. The Thin Line
Another hungry look, In her eyes again.
Pacing the floor, The hunt begins.
Skin-tight leather provides my pleasure.
Wake my fear, surge with the pressure.
Walk away and leave forever,
do I dare?
Raise my eyes, she stands.
Holding out healing hands...
are you happy now?
I walk the Thin Line for you.
Do just what you say to,
With fear as my friend,
I walk the Thin Line one more time for you.
Addictive face pretending, don't speak the Word.
Forbidden sin relenting, I barely heard...
screams of entry blur my vision.
Wake my fear of Divine Intervention
Crawl away and bleed forever, if you dare.
Hand on mouth the game goes on.
Love, our stage to play upon.
Are you happy now?
I walk the Thin Line for you.
Do just what you say to.
With fear as my friend,
I walk the Thin Line one more time for you.
I walk the Thin Line for you.
Do just what you say to.
I walk the Thin Line for you.
Do just what you say to,
With fear as my friend,
I walk the Thin Line one more time for you.
3. Jet City Woman
Every time I leave
You say you won't be there.
And you're always there.
Every time I cry your name at night,
you pull close and say it's alright.
I look in your eyes, just like the rain.
Washing me, rain wash over me.
Touching your face, I feel the heat
of your heartbeat echo in my head like a scream.
What you do to me!
Waited so long I can't wait another day without you.
Jet City Woman.
It's a long way, home to my
Jet City Woman.
I see her face everywhere, can't get her out of my mind.
Whenever I'm alone I'm thinking,
there's a part missing from my life.
Wonder where I'd be without your love
holding me together now I'm
watching the time tick, tick away.
Face grows longer every day.
Fortunes are lost on the women I've seen
but without you I can't breathe!
You're the air to me!
Waited so long, I'm all alone thinking about you.
Jet City Woman.
Got to find my way home to her.
Jet City Woman.
I see her face everywhere I look!
Jet City Woman.
Just a thousand miles and I'll be there
Jet City Woman, to make the clouds go away.
Time for some blue sky!
Waited so long now the plane's delayed
and hour, reminds me of all our days apart.
Hold on, just a little longer.
Jet City Woman.
Wonder where I'd be, you're the air to me.
Jet City Woman.
Eyes like the rain, rain down on me.
Jet City Woman.
No more nights alone I'm almost home now.
Jet City Woman.
Close my eyes, I'm there in my Jet City.
4. Della Brown
You've got a cardboard house.
Live there all the time.
Keep your memories tied with string
The face that many once-adored,
twenty years gone maybe more.
Somewhere you lost your dream.
Mama watched your every move,
but now you're all alone.
She's been gone for awhile.
Daddy left some time ago,
fading years pass too slow.
He's the only one, could make you smile.
--oh, you're still crying--
Big city bound.
Gonna make your mark.
Read your name in the lights.
All the ads and people say,
beauty lets you get your way.
Tried your best to prove them right.
But living on the streets ain't bad,
sad people make you glad.
Pardon me, could you spare some change?
--oh, you're still crying--
Street corner girl.
Watch the crowd go by,
fill your tin can with life.
Summer days tend to slip away
like your men you couldn't make them stay.
Hard to choose, whiskey or a wife.
Sometimes you wonder where's the end.
Where you goin' where you been?
Happiness seems so hard to win.
Most never care to find,
Della Brown sees it all the time.
Looking for that man
to make her smile again
5. Another Rainy Night
Don't slam the door, on your way out
Don't leave without saying goodbye.
Another long distance night alone,
you leave me wanting, always leave me wanting more.
Last word today, coming home to stay?
Wouldn't that be nice, for a while?
But now my take-out food is growing cold,
and the candle's burned a hole in the floor.
And I'm still waiting for the ring of the phone.
I'm all alone
It's just another rainy night, without you.
Guess I'll leave a light on for you.
It's just another rainy night, without you.
Listen, there's a foghorn blowing
from the coast tonight
Remember making love in the rain?
Strange how laughter looks like crying with no sound
Raindrops taste like tears without the pain.
I'm not much without you, can't leave
if I wanted to. maybe that's why you stay around
But tonight I'll sit here tending the fire
and pace the floor one hundred times in an hour.
And check the voice-mail for a message you've called.
I'm all alone
It's just another rainy night, without you.
Waiting by the phone. Alone.
It's just another rainy night, without you.
Guess I'll leave a light on for you.
I know I've said it before
hate the sound of the closing door
and your footsteps walking away.
But now my take-out food is growing cold,
and the candle's burned a hole in the floor.
And I'm still waiting for the ring of the phone.v
I'm all alone
It's just another rainy night, without you.
Waiting by the phone. Alone.
And it's another rainy night, without you.
Guess I'll leave a light on for you.
It's just another rainy night, another rainy night,
another rainy night without you.
6. Empire
Last night the word came down, ten dead in Chinatown.
Innocent, their only crime was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time
Too bad, people say what's wrong with the kids today
Tell you right now they've got nothing to lose
They're building EMPIRE!
Johnny used to work after school
at the cinema show.
Gotta hustle if he wants an education
he's got a long way to go.
Now he's out on the street all day
selling Crack to the people who pay.
Got an AK-47 for his best friend
business the American way.
Eastside meets Westside downtown.
No time, the walls fall down
Can't you feel it coming? EMPIRE! Can't you hear it calling?
Black man, trapped again. hold his chain in his hand.
Brother killing brother for the profit of another,
Game point, nobody wins. Decline, right on time.
What happened to the dream sublime?
Tear it all down, we'll put it up again. Another EMPIRE?
Eastside meets Westside downtown.
No time, no line, the walls fall down.
Can't you feel it coming? EMPIRE!
Can't you hear it coming EMPIRE!
Can't someone here stop it...??!!
7. Resistance
Protests in New York.
Listen to the call of the wild.
Brother, sisters carrying signs.
Breathe deep before it's too late;
The sky is falling, burning your eyes.
Down in New Orleans river's boiling.
Nothing living, nothing to eat.
Thank the Lord, daddy's working 8-5.
Paying the doctor, baby's got cancer.
Give and take.
Has all we've learned been wrong?
Look around at what we've been given.
Maybe we've taken too long.
Resistance- shouts the man on the right.
Can't solve the problem overnight.
Resistance- Listen to the call of the wild.
Burning coal.
Got to keep the company warm as
the rain keeps killing the trees.
Cut 'em down quick.
Pay the man his wage, he's making paper
to fuel the "Information Age".
Out in the midwest,
hear the roar of the plough,
turning grassland into sand.
Got to feed the people more every day
but the wind keeps blowing the land away.
Give and take.
Has all we've learned been wrong?
Look around at what we've been given.
Maybe we've taken too long.
Resistance- shouts the man on the right.
Can't solve the problem overnight.
Resistance- Liberal opposition crying violation.
Stop the madness.
Resistance- Through the din, one voice we should hear.
Resistance- Listen to the call of the wild.
There's no easy solution.
The price is high, and it's time to pay.
Turn of the century vision
focused on a better way.
Resistance- shouts the man on the right.
Can't solve the problem overnight.
Resistance- Liberal opposition crying violation.
Stop the madness.
Resistance- Through the din, one voice we should hear.
Resistance- Listen to the call of the wild.
8. Silent Lucidity
Hush now, don't you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You're lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream
Spinning in your head
Your mind tricked you to feel the pain
Of someone close to you leaving the game of life
So here it is, another chance
Wide awake you face the day
Your dream is over... or has it just begun?
There's a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run through in the night
Relax child, you were there
But only didn't realize it and you were scared
It's a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the years
And ride the whims of your mind
Commanding in another world
Suddenly you hear and see
This magic new dimension
I- will be watching over you
I- am gonna help you see it through
I- will protect you in the night
I- am smiling next to you, in Silent Lucidity
[spoken during solo]
(Visualize your dream)
(Record it in the present tense)
(Put it into a permanent form)
(If you persist in your efforts)
(You can achieve dream control)
(Dream control)
(How's that then, better?)
(Hug me)
If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you built within
Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin
Living twice at once you learn
You're safe from the pain in the dream domain
A soul set free to fly
A round trip journey in your head
Master of illusion, can you realize
Your dream's alive, you can be the guide but...
I- will be watching over you
I- am gonna help to see it through
I- will protect you in the night
I- am smiling next to you....
9. Hand On Heart
All eyes were staring
you floated through the room.
Armed with your razor smile
cutting to the bone.
My voice fell useless
you flashed a quick "Hello."
Feeling the fool,
could you tell it showed?
But that was "Sometime Ago."
A memory vague and fading slow,
of somewhere I'd been.
Hand On Heart
A promise, a word and a voice
Hand On Heart
A rhythm of hope and choice, will keep us together.
I don't know if I,
can reach that high.
It's a long way to fall
Hauntingly holding
my fate with a gaze.
Like a child, mesmerized
by the candle's flame.
Oh what lies behind those eyes
I could only guess.
That certain way you stood
apart from the rest.
Now where is "Sometime Ago?"
When everything moved in slo-motion.
Caught by my watering eye
Hand On Heart
A promise, a word and a voice
Hand On Heart
A rhythm of hope and a vision of choice
Hand On Heart
Promising, I'll never go.
Hand On Heart
For reasons you'll never know.
Together through thick and thin
lose or win, I'll be there for you.
Strange how the mind changes
time and time again.
Things once important, now
pale in comparison.
Hand On Heart
A promise, a word and a voice
Hand On Heart
A rhythm of hope and a vision of choice
Hand On Heart
Promising, I'll never go.
Hand On Heart
For reasons you'll never know.
I promise girl, Hand On Heart.
10. One And Only
Back in '86
February and a special number
I just had to know, is this feeling real?
I picked up the phone
I was one step closer to the danger zone
I knew she'd steal my heart away
But I know I couldn't live without her love
The first time she looked at me
Her smile stayed on my mind
I never thought I'd ever meet
A woman of her kind
Now I'm lost in a lover's daze
And I'm not walking out
Gonna give my heart away
And hope that she will always stay
Call for me, run to me
Whenever you are lonely
Call for me, run to me my lady love
Won't you come and show me that precious smile
And maybe stay for a little while
Close the door, Toss the key
Say you will always be my one and only
Looking back it seems to me
The message in her eyes
Left a lasting spell on me
A feeling I can't hide
Now I'm lost in a lover's daze
And I'm not walking out
Gonna give my heart away
And hope she will always stay
Call for me, run to me
Whenever you are lonely
Call for me, run to me my lady love
Won't you come and show me that precious smile
And maybe stay for a little while
Treat me to your sense of taste and style
Together we can walk the miles
Close the door, toss the key
Say that you will always be my one and only
11. Anybody Listening?
You and I
long to live like the wind upon the water.
If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize
there's more to life than what we have known.
And I can't believe I've spent so long
living lies I know were wrong inside,
I've just begun to see the light.
Long ago there was a dream,
had to make a choice or two.
Leaving all I loved behind,
for what nobody knew.
Stepped out on the stage, a life
under lights and judging eyes.
Now the applause has died and I
can dream again...
Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone that sees what's going on?
Read between the lines,
criticize the words they're selling.
Think for yourself and feel the walls
become sand beneath your feet
Feel the breeze?
Time's so near you can almost taste the freedom.
There's a warm wind from the south.
Hoist the sail and we'll be gone,
by morning this will all seem like a dream.
And if you don't return to sing the song,
maybe just as well.
I've seen the news and there's
not much I can do...alone
Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone who smiles without a mask?
What's behind the words--images
they know will please us?
I'll take what's real. Bring up the lights.
Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone that sees what's going on?
Read between the lines,
criticize the words they're selling.
Think for yourself and feel the walls...
become sand beneath your feet.