Malevolent Creation
« The Will to Kill »
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1 | The Will to Kill
 | 2 | Pillage and Burn
 | 3 | All That Remains
 | 4 | With Murderous Precision
 | 5 | Lifeblood
 | 6 | Assassin Squad
 | 7 | Rebirth of Terror
 | 8 | Superior Firepower
 | 9 | Divide and Conquer
 | 10 | The Cardinal's Law
 | 11 | Burnt Beyond Recognition |
   Kyle Symons - vocals
Phil Fasciana - guitars
Rob Barret - guitars
Gordon Simms - bass
Justin Dipinto - drums |
Recorded at Mana Studio, Tampa, FL.
Produced by Malevolent Creation.
Music and lyrics by Malevolent Creation. |
 | 1. The Will To Kill
Uncontrollable, psychotic hysteria
Driven by blood, unsatisfiable
All his victims, considered as trophies
This is his thrill, the will to kill
Extracting souls with his knife
No emotional value for life
Crimson stains cover his clothes
Remnants of who tri |
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 Моя первая восторженная рецензия на этот альбом незамедлительно и абсолютно по делу отправилась в раздел смешных, что меня изрядно повеселило. Надеюсь, что кого-то еще. Но сейчас мне хочется все-таки донести до любителей brutal death’а, что это альбом, отличный во всех отношениях. После выпуска достаточно успешного релиза 2000 года «Envenomed» Malevolent Creation перебрались на новый лейбл Nuclear Blast, и, конечно, материал для нового пристанища нужен был убойный. "The Will to Kill" таким и оказался. Сыгранный на высоких скоростях, великолепно записанный и превосходно оформленный альбом за 40 минут сражает просто наповал. Гостевое соло Джеймса Мерфи на "Assasin Squad" не вылетит у вас из головы очень и очень долго. Вынужденную замену вокалиста Бретта Хоффмана (какие-то неприятности с иммиграционными властями) на Кайла Саймонса иначе как удачной не назовешь. Классическая лирика в стиле death metal про всякие зверства, ножи и членовредительство, а уж с таким гроулом вокалиста веришь, что Кайл действительно испытывает« Тягу к Убийству». Все треки превосходны, но любимчики все же есть: "All That Remains", "Lifeblood", "Divide and Conquer", "Burnt beyond Recognition", и титульная "The Will to Kill", первый куплет которой я вообще запомнил на всю оставшуюся жизнь. Альбом при всей своей тяжести и ультра-скорости нисколько не грузит, не напрягает. Я не вижу причин, по которым у вас не должно быть этого альбома, уважаемые любители death metal’а. Такие классные релизы сейчас большая редкость. |
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Музыканты на этом альбоме играют мастерски исполненный Brutal Death, иногда переходящий в Death Metal.
В отличие от Morbid Angel (которые черпают вдохновение от медитации, где звуки вселенной проникают в их головы), группа Malevolent Creation черпает вдохновение из окружающего мира, и поэтому с каждым альбомом их музыка становится всё брутальнее и разрушительней, гитарный звук стал более плотным, сметающий всё на своём пути (простым ушастым обывателям живущим в своих золотых клетках, созданных для абстрагирования от окружающего мира, не понять творчества этой группы - их уши слышат, но не слушают). Они выдержали испытания цензурой, сменами состава, атаками религиозников, СМИ, правительства и ультраправых молодчиков. Однако они не сломились и не уступили ни пяди земли, а стали еще более агрессивными и яростными. Их 8-й альбом "The Will To Kill", только доказывает
это еще раз. Его свирепость и жестокость может поразить всякого, кто претендует
на трон Malevolent Creation. |
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Столпы американского брутального смертельного метала и их предпоследний альбом, который представляет из себя более хаотичную и менее структурированную версию Morbid Angel. Вокал на этом альбоме очень хорош. Гроулинг бесподобен, конечно, не предельно брутален и низок, но всё же довольно хорош, к тому же вокалист не пользуются гармнонайзером и другими вокальными процессорами, всё сам извергает из своей глотки. А вот скриминг здесь лично мне напоминает то, как Трей Азагтот пел «Gateway To Annihilation», я собственно из-за этого и стал сравнивать группу с Покалеченными Ангелами, а так в музыке, конечно, у групп больше различий чем сходств, но, тем не менее, обе уже не первый год на сцене. Вообще, по мне так это отличный альбом и оформление диска оправдывает музыку, не такая она убогая, как это описал предыдущий рецензент. Риффы довольно хороши, соло изумительны, иногда прямо таки кромсают уши. Причём эти соло появляются на альбоме довольно часто, что собственно мне очень нравится, тем более, что они довольно короткие. Барабанщик вообще монстр, молодец, хорошо стучит. Эх, видимо правильно Роб Баррет ушёл из Cannibal Corpse. Альбом без всяких отговорок должен заиметь у себя в коллекции каждый брутальный человек! |
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Сплошное разочарование, я его с трудом дослушал! У музыкантов явно выраженный творческий кризис. Они наверно надеялись что спасут альбом за счет соло на треке Assassin Squad, исполненное Джеймсом Мерфи (ex-Agent Steele, ex-Death, ex-Testament), но это мало помогло. Сыгранно профессионально, но материал просто убогий. Дослушав его до конца я думал может быть я его не понял, неправильно воспринял и последовало прослушивание №2. Оно не завершилось, так как уже во время второго трека меня вывернуло наизнанку от этой прямолинейной мясорубки, да и мясорубкой это сложно назвать.
Единственное за что ставлю плюс, та это за оформление. Внешность бывает обманчива. К несчастью, “The Will to Kill” самый слабый альбом MALEVOLENT CREATION. |
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просмотров: 18853 |
Determined to commite homicides with no regrets
Forces within his mind, passion for these corrid crimes
The Will..... To Kill... The Will to fucking kill
Livid fascinations, unthinkable to most
Day after day, this inner conflict grows
Now unstoppable, this storm of murder
Unidentified, bodies discovered
Morbid fanticies brought to sight
The will to kill is his life
The will to kill
2. Pillage And Burn
Swift invasion, bold and precise
Minimal resistance from the opposition
Massive drove of soldiers, interpret certain doom
The worst is yet to come though;
They know what they must do
Round them up like cattle, commence
With the festivities
Orders must be carried out
Instructions to incinerate
The innocent and guilty burn as one
For the evil
They have
Pillage and burn,
All that stands
Will fall in flames
Pillage and burn, retaliatory act of rage
Conflicting beliefs have caused this rift
A means to and end will never be seen
So it goes back and forth
Armies of faith orchestrate the killing
Torches thrown, all is ablaze
Nothing remains alive at first light
3. All That Remains
Measures of hate, only few can understand
For their beliefs, these horrendous plans
Prepare to die... from youth they are taught
To achieve a certain peace, to be martyred next to God
Believing, achieving, fulfilling the killings
Their only known way of life
Live have been planned out strategically mapped now for
When its their time
No fears that they possess, device strapped to their chest
Brainwashed by their faith, a lost hypnotic state
Driven all through the life by what they think is right-
Human missile launched, religious holocaust
All that remains, promises are made
All that remains, the innocent are slain
All that remains, a foreseen place of rest
All that remains for their lives are their deaths
The numbers grow with time, destruction in their minds
These recruits await, a chance for heavens gates
People gripped with fear not knowing when death is near
Bloodsheds will arise, no regrets of who will die
Honored by their deeds, those with the same beliefs
Helpless towards these acts, unseen ruthless attacks
No end to this in sight, all treaties failed thru time
Blood now fills the streets, a vision that repeats
4. With Murderous Precision
He escapes... his task is under way
One goal... to achieve the needed kill
For 15 years he's been confined, For 15 years he's planned this day
Malevolence towards just one person and the innocent to his way
Only one... saw the beast within the man
Shape is formed... warnings fall on deafened ears
Unknown to all the horror that will devastate their very lives
And consume their existence through many years of time
Search is on... but he's nowhere to be found
Lurking... returning to his home
A trail of terror marks his path with
Unseen murderous precision
Night has fallen all are victims of his dark intentions
One by one... the count of bodies grow
Leading to... the life who drives his urge
The search is over he's now found the one who
Feeds his seething rage
The time is now for all
He's planned to come true this fateful day
The shape he's taken form, blank
Faceless disguise
To cover years of hate, only seen are his
Compulsion for one life desired parricide
Uncontrollable force
Impulses in his mind
Knife in hand... he stalks his chosen prey
Within grasp... injuries slow escape, discovering the friends are
Murdered, cries for help may not be heard, a fear of death now consuming
The one man will soon rescue her
Fired shots, six land in his chest
Inhuman, his soul will never rest
Almost captured she survives although she will be scarred for life
Unknown to her he still breathes and
Vengeance will not end tonight
5. Lifeblood
One existence to achieve the goals my soul demands
The carnage sick and twisted, death is at hand
Tragedy strikes, in a matter of seconds another taken life
Feeding on fear, no given reason nothing is clear
Nightmares now real, embrace the final months
Pleasure so real
Lunacy reigns, the victim, a trophy of
These murderous games
Disposal? No need, for all others a calling card to see
A mind deranged, no one plans on losing their life this way
Blood on my blade, stained by the lives
From my trucidations
The power that instills, dissipation of the kill
Flowing through my veins, the controlling of my ways
Adrenaline flows, lurking in the night until my choice draws close, under
Restraint, now in my grasp there is no escape
Slicing the throat, to stop the screams on their blood they will choke
To victimize, death rattle marks the ending of this life
One existence to achieve the goals my soul demands
The carnage sick and twisted, death is at hand, the power
That instills, dissipation of the kill, flowing through my veins,
The controlling of my ways
Tragedy strikes, in a matter of seconds another taken life
Feeding on fear, no given reason nothing is clear
Nightmares now real, embrace the final moments
Pleasure so real
Lunacy reigns, the victim, a trophy of these murderous games
Disposal? No need, for all others a calling card to see
A mind deranged, no one plans on losing their lives these ways
Stained by life from my trucidations
Blood in my veins, I am controlled by these trucidations
6. Assasin Squad
No discrimination of who they slay
This group gets it done, they kill for personal gain
Armed and fearless, packed to the gills
Incentive drives them to rack up the kills
Assassin squad... creeping, assassin squad...seeking
Life threatening discourse
Fuck with the bull you get the horns
Quickly they will retort
And make you wish you had never been born
Play by their rules or meet your maker
Failure to comply simply seals the deal
Dig your own grave
Life threatening discourse
Fuck with the bull you get the horns
Quickly they will resort
Faceless hired killers
7. Rebirth Of Terror
Impulses kept under control
How long until I unfold?
Awakened in sweat once again by my dreams a rebirth
Of terror is now soon to be
Many years now have passed since cold skin
In my grasp. addiction for murder, a blood fantasy,
Reviving the past will soon set me free
My mind is racing with thoughts so obscene
Superior force, this conquest unseen
The slaughter of others is all that I crave
My chains of decency starting to break
Never a suspect for kills in the past
Leaving no evidence I cover my track
I thought I conquered my demons inside
Rebirth of terror augmenting through time
My mind is racing with thoughts so obscene, superior force
This conquest unseen, the slaughter of others is all
That I crave, my chains of decency starting to break
Never a suspect for kills in the past
Leaving no evidence I cover my tracks
I thought I conquered my demons inside
Rebirth of terror augmenting through time
8. Superior Firepower
Sending of troops into the field
Ancient sands cause blinding torrents
Wings of war spreading agape
Lethal finality is on its way
Move within the cross hairs
Life with the endless pile of victims
Destitute and desprate
Camouflage by final solution
Hostility massed in force
Thread the needle through the course
Weed out the week survival of the strong
Transparent pride attack than hide
Do not contest superior firepower
Entrapping the enemy, precision skuldiggery
Adversary crushed beneath tactical mastery
Nowhere to escape nowhere left to hide
Foiled by cavalry
Process of elimination through
Pushing artillery
As the smoke clears, strewn on the field
Those who survived screaming in torment
Victims of war cannot escape
Many a corpse lie in its wake
9. Divide And Conquer
Fulmination begins,
Accept our demands
Final warning, this is our stand
Plans are made your time grows near
The beginning, of your worst fears
You've waited too much time; see
You at the battle line
There are no plans for peace,
Failure our worst enemy
To defeat their regime,
Annihilation is the key
A fusillade now begins,
Striking bodies, piercing skin
Missiles fired targets found, bombs pounding at
The ground
Smoke and dust cloud their air, our enemies in despair
Surrounded by blood and flesh, some are wounded most are dead
Battlegrounds turn to graves for the ones who have
Been slain
Divide and conquer... many lives will be lost
Divide and conquer... victory is worth the cost
Conquering all their territories innocent deaths and casualties
Nothing felt of guilt or remorse, this is total fucking war
Kill or be killed is our task, ascending now within grasp
The battles rage on until we see that our mission is complete
Submission is at hand, the smoke now fades
The smell of powder and death still remain
Killed in battle, few are alive
None are forgotten, for giving their lives
Shackles of war
Conquer all their territories innocent deaths and casualties
Nothing felt of guilt or remorse, this is total fucking war
Kill or be killed is our task, ascending now within grasp
The battles rage on until we see that our mission is complete
10. The Cardinal's Law
Years of abuse hidden over time lives are shattered by hideous crimes
Using religion abusing their faith to trap their adolescent paey
Ignoring the signs to turn the other cheek predators'
Preservation for the weak
Faulting all others accepting no blame this has been the cardinal's way
Never spoken up he always knew
The cardinal's law hiding the truth
Secret now crumbles for the priests... this sickness now has to cease
Spreading like a horrible virus they are sent to another perish
Unknown of the fear they'll bring to their followers and offspring
Kept in the dark for too many years
This sick reality now becomes clear
Its time for all to open your eyes they all
Have been feeding you lies
Sick and twisted acts of depravity
A disorder he helped create and now he must face
All trust shattered by the many years of lies
A man of the cloth whose morals have been lost
A media blitz revealing the facts knowledge of these abhorrent
Acts he possessed but never unveiled all decency now as failed
Now he's lost and can't provide places for these fuckers to hide
He's the one who chose this path time to face the wrath.
11. Burnt Beyond Recognition
He thought that he could get away
With this
Quite wrong, time will turn the tide
Feeble piece of shit oblivious
After a sufficient lapse of time
Psychotic build up... fantasize, Wheels are in motion... Demoralize
My vengeance his pain
Voices inside instruct the disdain
Burn him... beyond, burn him... beyond recognition
He never imagined it would end this way
Tortured, twisted and scorched in flames
What did he do to deserve this?
Cross me, I become subversive
Crawling on all fours, trying to escape
Now he's drenched in gasoline, I ignite the flames