Kate Bush
« The Kick Inside »
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1 | Moving
 | 2 | The Saxophone Song
 | 3 | Strange Phenomena
 | 4 | Kite
 | 5 | The Man With The Child In His Eyes
 | 6 | Wuthering Heights
 | 7 | James And The Cold Gun
 | 8 | Feel It
 | 9 | Oh To Be In Love
 | 10 | L'Amour Looks Something Like You
 | 11 | Them Heavy People
 | 12 | Room For The Life
 | 13 | The Kick Inside |
   Kate Bush: Piano, Composer, Keyboards, Vocals, Background Vocals
Ian Bairnson: Guitar, Vocals, Background Vocals, Bottle
Paddy Bush: Harmonica, Mandolin, Vocals
Barry DeSouza: drums
Stuart Elliott: Drums
David Gilmour: Executive Producer on "The Man with the Child in His Eyes" and "The Saxophone Song"
David Katz: Violin, Orchestra Contractor
Jon Kelly: Engineer
Paul Keogh: Guitar
Bruce Lynch: Bass
Duncan Mackay: Organ, Synthesizer, Keyboards, Electric Piano, Clavinet
Alan Parker: Guitar
David Paton: Bass, Background Vocals
Morris Pert: Percussion
Andrew Powell: Synthesizer, Keyboards, Electric Piano, Producer
Alan Skidmore: Saxophone
Wally Traugott: Mastering |
Информация и благодарности с обложки винилового издания 1978 г.:
Producer: Andrew Powell. Arranger: Andrew Powell. Engineer: John Kelly
Recorded at AIR London Studios: July/August 1977
Executive Producer: Dave Gilmour on Man With The Child In His Eyes and The Saxophone Song
Recorded at AIR London Studios: June 1975
Backing and lead vocals: Kate Bush. Piano: Kate Bush. Orchestral contractor: David Katz
All songs written by Kate Bush: All songs published by EMI/Kate Bush © 1978
Sleeve concept: Kate Bush. Front cover design: Splash Studio. Photography: Jay Myrdal
Back cover original ideas: John Carder Bush and Del Palmer
Much thanks and love to Dave Gilmour for "rolling the ball" in the beginning, the K.T. Bush Band for giving it a kick, EMI for "strange phenomena", my teachers of music + movement for being "heavy" and to all of you with open ears – please feel it.
Краткое описание альбома с официального сайта Кейт Буш:
Kate's debut album "The Kick Inside" was released on 17 February 1978 and contains the UK number one hit, "Wuthering Heights".
The album peaked at number three in the UK album charts and has been certified Platinum by the British Phonographic Industry.
The production included contributions from Duncan Mackay, Ian Bairnson, David Paton, Andrew Powell, Stuart Elliott and David Gilmour.
Release date: 17th February 1978 |
 | 1.Moving
Moving stranger, does it really matter?
As long as you're not afraid to feel
Touch me, hold me, how my open arms ache
Try to fall for me
How I'm moved, how you move me
With your beauty's potency
You give me life, please don't let me go.
You crush the lilly in my soul
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 Увидевший свет 17 февраля 1978 года альбом «The Kick Inside» является полноформатным, и, надо сразу отметить, весьма удачным дебютом известной британской певицы и композитора Кейт Буш. «Крёстным отцом» первенца можно по праву считать Дэвида Гилмора: именно гитарист Pink Floyd, первым разглядевший талант в юном даровании, стал для Кейт наставником и помощником на первоначальном этапе творческого пути; применительно к созданию первого альбома - принимал участие в его продюссировании.
С жанрово-стилистической точки зрения «The Kick Inside» можно охарактеризовать как базирующийся на фортепианных партиях поп-арт-рок с женским вокалом. Инструментальная часть альбома и её звучание в основном вполне типичны для 1970-х: классическая «живая» ритм-секция (ударные/бас), гитара, клавишные в ассортименте, некоторые другие инструменты (см. доп. информацию). В одной из композиций задействован саксофон, на что прямо намекает её название. Кое-где появляются ненавязчивые оркестровки. Центральное же место занимают фортепианные партии в исполнении самой Буш. Её же звонкий и заливистый голос на дебютнике пока что не блещет особым разнообразием вокальных приёмов и техник (в полной мере способности Кейт как певицы раскроются на третьем альбоме «Never For Ever»), но и без этого покоряет слушателя своим высотно-интонационным диапазоном и чрезвычайно женственным, «ангельским» тембром.
Музыка на альбоме легка для восприятия и незатейлива, но весьма импозантна и мелодична – как говорится, просто и со вкусом. С точки зрения атмосферы и настроения, «The Kick Inside» умеренно и в хорошем смысле романтичен, немного меланхоличен, и несколько интровертен, как это часто бывает у Кейт Буш, никогда не скрывавшей, впрочем, что её музыка зачастую инспирирована личным опытом и эмоциональными переживаниями. Помимо этого, в лирико-тематической составляющей альбома присутствуют фольклорные, философские и эзотерические мотивы. По субъективным впечатлениям автора данной рецензии, после прослушивания альбома остаётся ощущение душевного спокойствия и умиротворения.
Несмотря на простоту, композиции не похожи одна на другую и запоминаются сразу; среди них есть как баллады (чувственно-проникновенная «The Man With The Child In His Eyes», лиричная «Feel It», торжественно-трагическая заглавная «The Kick Inside»), так и просто размеренные вещи (открывающая «Moving», «Strange Phenomena»), среднетемповые номера («The Saxophone Song», «Kite», «Them Heavy People»), и даже бойкий и задорный почти что боевик («James And The Cold Gun»).
В целом альбом производит впечатление гармоничного и цельного музыкального произведения без откровенно «проходных» композиций, разве что «L'Amour Looks Something Like You» и «Room For The Life» несколько теряются на фоне остальных треков.
Отдельного упоминания заслуживает, безусловно, главный хит, вышедший в виде сингла чуть раньше альбома – эпичная «Wuthering Heights». Вдохновением для этого номера послужила экранизация одноимённого романа, принадлежащего перу английской же романистки времён XIX в. Эмили Бронте. Музыкальная интерпретация этой трогательной и мистической любовной истории вполне заслуживает титула самой яркой композиции альбома.
Можно с уверенностью сказать, что изящный, эмоциональный и искренний, под стать своей создательнице, «The Kick Inside» - настоящий музыкальный бриллиант, с годами нисколько не утрачивающий своего блеска и очарования. |
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просмотров: 9595 |
Moving liquid, yes, you are just as water
You flow around all that comes in your way
Don't think it over, it always takes you over
And sets your spirit dancing
2.The Saxophone Song
You'll find me in a Berlin bar
In a corner, brooding
You know that I go very quiet
When I'm listening to you
There's something very special indeed
In all the places where I've seen you shine, boy
There's something very real in how I feel, honey
It's in me, It's in me, - and you know it's
for real
Tuning in on your saxophone
The candle burning over your shoulder
Is throwing shadows on your saxophone
A surly lady in tremor
The stars that climb from her bowels
Those stars make towers on vowels
You'll never know that you had all of me
You'll never see the poetry you've stirred in me
Of all the stars I've seen that shine so brightly
I've never known or felt, in myself so rightly
3.Strange Phenomena
Soon it will be the phase of the moon
When people tune in
Every girl knows about the punctual blues
But who's to know the power
Behind our moves
A day of coincidence with the radio
And a word that won't go away
We know what they're all going to say
“G” arrives, funny, had a feeling he was on his way
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena
Soul birds of a feather flock together
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us
Sure 'nuf - he has the answer
He has the answer
Om mani padme hum.
You pick up a paper, you read a name
You go out, it turns up again and again
You bump into a friend you haven't seen
For a long time -
Then into another you only thought about last night
You hear your sister calling for you
But you don't know where from
You know there's something wrong
But you don't want to believe in a premonition
Beelzebub is aching in my belly-o
My feet are heavy and I'm rooted in my wellios
And I want to get away and go
From all these mirror windows
I look at eye level, it isn't good enough
And then I find it out, when I take a good look up
There's a hole in the sky with a big eyeball
Calling me-
Come up and be a kite
And fly a diamond night
A diamond kite, a diamond kite
Ooh, what a diamond!
A diamond kite, on a diamond flight
Over the lights, under the moon.
Over the lights, under the moon.
Over the moon, over the moon
I feel a rush along my body, like a bullet
I'm 2D after a push and pull feeling
And I want to get back to safe home
I love the homeland dome
I got no limbs, I'm like a feather on the wind
Well I'm not sure if I want to be up here at all
And I'd like to be back on the ground
But I don't know how to get down
5.The Man With The Child In His Eyes
I hear him, before I go to sleep
And focus on the day that's been
I realise he's there when I turn the light off
And turn over
Nobody knows about my man
They think he's lost on some horizon
And suddenly I find myself
Listening to a man I've never known before
Telling me about the sea,
All his love, 'till eternity
Ooh, he's here again -
The man with the child in his eyes
He's very understanding
And he's so aware of all my situations
And when I stay up late
He's always waiting
But I feel him hesitate
Oh, I'm so worried about my love
They say “No, no, it won't last forever”
And here I am again my girl
Wondering what on earth I'm doing here
Maybe he doesn't love me
I just took a trip on my love for him
6.Wuthering Heights
Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green
You had a temper, like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy
How could you leave me?
When I needed to possess you
I hated you, I loved you too
Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights.
Chorus Heathcliff, it's me, Cathy come home
I'm so cold, let me in-a-your window
Oh, it gets dark, it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine a lot, I find the lot
Falls through without you
I'm coming back love, cruel Heathcliff
My one dream, my only master
Too long I roam in the night
I'm coming back to his side to put it right.
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering,
Wuthering Heights
Oh let me have it, let me grab your soul away
Oh let me have it, let me grab your soul away
You know it's me, Cathy
7.James And The Cold Gun
James, come on home
You've been gone too long baby
We can't let our hero die alone
We miss you day and night
You left town to live by the rifle
You left us to fight
But it just ain't right to take away the light
Remember Genie, from the casino
She's still a-waiting in that big brass bed
The boys from your gang are knocking whisky back
'Till they get out of hand
And wish they were dead
They're only lonely for the life that they led
With their old friend
Ooh, James, are you selling your soul to a cold gun?
Selling your soul to a, ooh,
James, are you selling your soul to a cold gun?
Where lies your heart?
It's not there in the buckskin baby
It's not there in the gin that makes you laugh long
and loud
You're a coward James
You're running away from humanity
You're running out on reality
It won't be funny when they
Rat-a-tat-tat you down
8.Feel It
After the party, you took me back to your parlour
A little nervous laughter, locking the door
My stockings fall onto the floor, desperate for more
Nobody else can share this
Here comes one and one makes one
The glorious union, well, it could be love
Or it could be just lust but it will be fun
It will be wonderful
Oh, feel it, oh, oh, feel it, feel it my love
Oh, feel it, oh, oh, feel it, feel it my love
Oh, I need it, oh, oh, feel it, feel it my love
Feel it! See what you're doing to me
God, but you're beautiful aren't you?
Feel your warm hand walking around
I won't pull away, my passion always wins
So keep on a-moving in, so keep on a-tuning in
Synchronize rhythm now
9. Oh To Be In Love
As the light hits you, as you shift along the floor
I find it hard to place my face
How did I come to be here anyway?
It's terribly vague, what's gone before
I could have been anyone
You could have been anyone's dream
Why did you have to choose our moment?
Why did you have to make me feel that?
Why did you make it so unreal?
Oh to be in love, and never get out again
Oh to be in love, and never get out again
All the colours look brighter now
Everything they say seems to sound new
Slipping into tomorrow too quick
Yesterday always too good to forget
Stop the swing of the pendulum, let us through!
10. L'amour Looks Something Like You
You came out of the night
Wearing a mask in white colour
My eyes were shining on the wine
And your aura
All in order, we move into the boudoir
But too soon the morning has resumed
I'm hanging on the Old Goose Moon
You look like an angel
Sleeping it off at a station
Were you only passing through?
I'm dying for you just to touch me
And feel all the energy rushing right up-a-me
L'amour looks something like you
The thought of you sends me shivery
I'm dressed in lace sailing down a black reverie
My heart is thrown to the pebbles
And the boatmen
All the time I find I'm living in that evening,
With that feeling of sticky love inside
11. Them Heavy People
Rolling the ball, rolling the ball, rolling the ball to me
They arrived at an inconvenient time
I was hiding in a room in my mind.
They made me look at myself
I saw it well, I'd shut the people out of my life
So now I take the opportunities
Wonderful teachers ready to teach me
I must work on my mind
For now I realize everyone of us
Has a heaven inside
Them heavy people hit me in a soft spot
Them heavy people help me
Them heavy people hit me in a soft spot
Rolling the ball, rolling the ball, rolling the ball to me
They open doorways that I thought were shut for good
They read me Gurdjieff and Jesu
They build up my body
Break me emotionally, It's nearly killing me
But what a lovely feeling!
I love the whirling of the Dervishes
I love the beauty of rare innocence
You don't need no crystal ball
Don't fall for a magic wand
We humans got it all, we perform the miracles
12. Room For The Life
Hey there, you lady in tears
Do you think that they care if they're real woman?
They just take it as part of the deal
Lost in your men and the games you play
Trying to prove that you're better, woman
But you needn't get heavy with them
Like it or not, we were built tough
Because we're woman
No, we never die for long
While we've got that little life to live for
Where it's hid inside, no, we never die for long
Oh - woman, two in one
There's room for a life in your womb, woman
Inside of you can be two, woman
There's room for a life in your womb, woman,
Mama woman –aha-
Night after night in the quiet house
Plaiting her hair by the fire, woman
With no lover to free her desire
How long do you think she can stick it out
How long do you think, before she'll go out, woman
Hey get up on your feet and go get it, now.
Like it or not we keep bouncing back
Because we're woman
13. The Kick Inside
I've pulled down my lace and the chintz
Oh, do you know you have the face of a genius
I'll send your love to Zeus
Oh, by the time you read this, I'll be well in touch
I'm giving it all in a moment or two
I'm giving it all in a moment for you
I'm giving it all, giving it, giving it – giving it
This kicking here inside makes me leave you behind
No more under the quilt to keep you warm
Your sister I was born - you must lose me
Like an arrow shot into the killer storm
You and me on the bobbing knee
Didn't we cry at that old mythology he'd read
I will come home again, but not until
The sun and the moon meet on yon hill