« Unity »
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1 | The Right To Die 05:15
 | 2 | The Elect 04:30
 | 3 | The Sign 04:51
 | 4 | Another God 03:37
 | 5 | Who Created The Gods 04:49
 | 6 | Ghastly Fancies 04:15
 | 7 | Existence 03:22
 | 8 | Antidote 05:23
 | 9 | To The Root Of Evil 04:59
 | 10 | ...And Death Smiled 05:53 |
   War D.- guitars/vocals
Nick - lead guitar
Raff - bass
Graven X - keyboards
Sebastian - drums |
 | 1. The Right To Die
They've tried to do submissive servants
They've just succeed in doing fanatics
They've tried to do soulless killers
They've just succeed in reviving fire
God isn't better than the others
Adjust yourself and think to survive
World is cruel, I'm the world
Watch out for  |
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 Очень интересный альбом. В некотором роде даже уникальный – это первый случай на моей памяти, когда «возврат к корням» и ужесточение звучания после наблюдавшегося до этого постоянного облегчения от альбома к альбому (вспомним хотя бы, с какого тупого среднетемпового дебил-блэк-минимализма они начинали в далеком 1992 на своем никчемном, но пафосно-сатанинском дебютнике "The Just Law", выдержанного на 100% в духе не менее отстойного дебютника "Worship Him!" тогда ещё никому не известных Samael) не привели к потере качества собственно музыкальной составляющей. А самое главное – это то, что общепризнанно "лучшие копировщики Samael" – уже вовсе к таковым не относятся, по крайней мере, на этом альбоме! Общее у них теперь ну разве что в некоторой мрачной философичности и глобальной стилистической принадлежности музыкальной основы к dark-metal. И если у Samael эта основа достаточно кондово в настоящее время покрыта индустриальной оболочкой, то здесь «скафандр» скорее дэтовым вышел – тяжеленные давящие гитары, мощный и размеренный басовый кач, молотобойные ударные… И при этом – великое множество очень нежных и красивых атмосферных бэкграундов, сэмплированных оркестровок (уж куда без них!), местами не слышных при первом прослушивании и раскрывающихся во всей красе только раз на третий. Итог – очень мрачная, интригующая и по-настоящему мощная музыка. Одна вот только беда – с равномерностью хитовости материала. Лидер – «Another God», следом – «The Root Of Evil», потом – перепевка их же «…And Death Smiled» шестилетней давности, а вот с остальным просто беда – намного ниже уровнем и примерно одинаково. |
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К пятому альбому от оригинального состава ALASTIS остался только гитарист/вокалист Уор Ди, но самое главное его отличие от предыдущих работ заключается даже не в персоналиях, а в том, что швейцарцы избавились от назойливой опеки Вальдемара Сорихты, из всех своих подопечных лепившего какой-то собственный идеальный образ, и отправились во Францию, к другому известному продюсеру Терье Рефснесу, собаку съевшему на «готическом металле», но все же не столь подавляющему своим авторитетом музыкантов, как герр Вальдемар. В результате группа записала свой лучший альбом за все время существования (если не считать очень сырой, но интересный своими идеями “The Just Law”), но, по иронии судьбы, он стал ее лебединой песней. То ли груз предыдущих сомнительных работ оказался слишком силен, то ли внутренние противоречия одолели, но несомненная удача “Unity” не стала катализатором дальнейшего творчества группы, а лишь поставила на нем жирную точку. Как бы там ни было, а я, например, с удивлением обнаружил, что до нынешних дней ни разу не слышал эту пластинку, и если бы не издание “Mazzar Records”, она, скорее всего и не достигла бы моих ушей. Слишком сильными были в свое время негативные эмоции в отношении “Revenge”, чтобы продолжать интересоваться продукцией под маркой ALASTIS, даже несмотря на довольно положительные отзывы в прессе. А между тем, здесь Уор Ди и компания, наконец-то, преодолели своеобразное проклятие бесхитовости и незапоминаемости, и смогли создать десять ярких и эффектных пьес, каждая из которых отличается собственным характером и гармоническим рисунком, который создается, в первую очередь, клавишными партиями, за которые отвечал Грэйвен, расцветивший музыку группы такими красками, каких она не знала прежде. Гитары при этом отнюдь не заняли подчиненную роль, продолжив традиционное для ALASTIS нагнетание мистического мрака отрывистыми хлесткими риффами даже с еще большим энтузиазмом, но клавишные при этом уже не удовлетворяются ролью фона, и уж тем более – бездушного механизма, как это было при Сорихте/Бемме: в некоторых аранжровках Грэйвена заметно даже влияние симфо-метал! И уж теперь-то вы ни за что не спутаете одну песню с другой, пусть даже вокал лидера группы остался таким же безэмоциональным и ровным хрипом, каким он был во все времена существования ALASTIS. Мощная, гармоничная и удивительно разнообразная работа швейцарцев действительно достойна того, чтобы остаться в памяти и в полной мере заслуживает места в коллекции металхэдов. К сожалению, в свое время из-за неоднозначной (и вполне справедливой) репутации группы, кое-кто этот релиз пропустил. Теперь есть возможность исправить ситуацию.
(Диск предоставлен компанией “Mazzar”). |
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Новый альбом этой группы мне очень понравился. Передает мрачное настроение, много синтетики, вобщем дэтовый вариант Самаэля почти готов. Слушается приятно, занудства как раньше не наблюдается....и вот еще, очень неплохие тексты, особенно в моей любимой первой вещи. |
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просмотров: 15099 |
To eat before to be...
World is cruel, I'm the world
Watch out for me, my ace is hate
I'll kill you because you are...
You're dead but something's missing
My soul purged from all beliefs
I can't feel regrets or remorse
Purged from all feelings
I can't feel pity or compassion...
I don't need to prove my views
I don't care about critics, I don't care about critics
I live and follow one's destiny,
You believe I'm just a fanatic,
and think that I'm sure to be immortal
Leave your dreams and follow my thoughts
Believe me, I'm fighting to win the right to die
The right to never begin again!
Believe me, believe me, it's just to win the right to die
Believe me, believe me, it's just to win the right to die
God isn't better than the others
Adjust yourself and think to survive
World is cruel and the devils lay down the law,
and when you'll know their true face you shall be ready to fight them with
2. The Elect
And the same conflict, and the same enemies
And the same nobility and the same slaves
And the same gods and the same laws
And the same hate which raises us
We are the elect, don't expect to joint us
We are kings, you're nothing we decide
We are the elect, don't expect to joint us
We are kings, stay slaves and die
You work for us but you think you are free
You think you know, you know what we say
You fight together when we decide
And your pride... is your jail
And you're captive, of your beliefs
Captive of your faith
We are the elect, we are...
And your gods and your laws?
And your faith, and your pride?
And your gods and your laws?
And your beliefs and your life?
We are the elect, justice and offender
Do you want another king or maybe another god?
We are the elect, world is changing, we don't!
And your gods and your laws?
And your faith, and your pride?
And your gods and your laws?
And your beliefs and your life?
A king is dead, a king is dead
We are the elect, don't expect to joint us
We are kings, you're nothing we decide
We are the elect, don't expect to joint us
We are kings, stay slaves and die
3. The Sign
Can you feel the scent of dreads
Can you guess the coolness of stares
Can you give blood for that
Can you forget to keep control
Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power
So keep your free will
Dive into the unknown
You need a sign, here is the sign
Let grow the knowledge
Let bloom your soul
You need a sign, I'm the sign
Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power of... life and death
Day after day, hour after hour
You find the answers which bring us the questions
For sure you think it would be better to be like them
To be like us
Into the unknown
Let convey the free will
Let grow the knowledge
Let flash the inner sun
Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power of... life and death
So keep your free will dive into the unknown
You need a sign, here is the sign
Let grow the knowledge
Let bloom your soul
You need a sign, I am the sign
Now you have to decide,
You've got the key, you've got the power
Day after day, hour after hour
You find the answers which bring us the questions
For sure you think it would be better to be like them
To be like us
Another sheep in the flock
Another number in the mob
Another pawn for the game
Another sign which dies down
4. Another God
Everyone knows me
Everyone loves me
Everyone dreads me
Everyone respects me
Soulless, maybe a wizard
Free from... I'm just another god
Everyone knows him
Close at hand shades... a real presence
So far at the stars, behind this closed door
A sensation! The presence which gets away
Soulless, maybe crazy
Free from... I'm just another... god !
I don't have my own existence
But alone I respond to more than a thousand names
I've never appeared physically
But they've portrayed me under multiple appearances
Nestled in your unconscious
I'm born with the night, your night
From your obscurest thoughts
I stand out... master or fiend
I'm born with the night
I stand out mirror of your nightmares
I'm born with your night
Ecstasy's angel, the Reign of Terror
I can exhaust my soul
I can deride your pride
I'm free from all beliefs
I'm just another god
Everyone knows him
Everyone loves him
Everyone dreads him
Everyone respects him
Soulless, maybe crazy
Free from, I'm just another god!
5. Who Created The Gods?
They're afraid
Afraid of the truth
Afraid of doubts
Afraid of differences
Poor souls, betrayed by the picture they've done of evil
Convinced by their peers, they acceded to the top
And now they're afraid of their power
They haven't got the grit to tell us the truth
About the nothingness, the full reality
How we were betrayed
How we were guided according to the prophet's words
Who created the gods?
Grow and propagate
They need your innocence
Master, master or destroy
They'll give you the reason
Grow and propagate
They need more greenest
Master, master or destroy
They'll give you the laws
Before they were able to read in their heart
Before they knew, they believed in us
They're preaching the words of Christ
They're looking for a better control
Preaching the words of Christ
They're looking for, looking for a better control
Who created the gods?
6. Ghastly Fancies
While the minds sway to the unknown
While the fears turn into bravery
Good like evil doesn't mean anything
The awake power has chosen its side
To rise my aura to the other side
To break the cloak of sympathy
To penetrate the secret of the worlds
To recover the sense of existence
To know the spiritual peace
To create light and darkness
To recover the path to Eternity
To brave evil I've done and the one I shall do...
I'm waiting for you, don't straggle on the way
Set me free from this body
Prisoner of matter, slave of rot
I need again my liberty
Planned of the mercy of storms
Thousand freaks stand out against the darkness
They twinkle and dance in space
Hypnotize their victims in ghastly fancies
And take delight on their bad thoughts
Ghastly fancies! Ghastly fancies!
And take delight on their bad thoughts
To rise my aura to the other side
To break the cloak of sympathy
To penetrate the secret of the worlds
To recover the sense of existence
To know the spiritual peace
To create light and darkness
To recover the path to Eternity
To brave evil I've done and the one I shall do,
I shall do in ghastly fancies...
7. Existence
I force the gate to the ages to come
I need to know how tomorrow will be
Force the cage of time, the heaven's gates
I need to believe in my destiny
I look at my life, deny the obvious
I need to believe in my deceptive greatness
Look at the world, I find my place
I need to believe in my existence
Tormented with suspicions
Baffled by delusions
Reduced to theorize on dreams
I have to keep my self-control
Affected in the bottom of my heart
I need to follow the way of light
I need my existence
However He's done shudder the boldest warriors
However he's waked me with tears
The thrills, frozen blood, the wind of death
The fears, misery, the lords of evil
That's Him, and I'm starting to like that
DamoclЁs' sword on this so precarious being
I recognize His glory, devote my life to Him
I'm convinced of His power and shall give blood for Him
I force the gate to the ages to come
I need to know how tomorrow will be
Force the cage of time, the heaven's gates
I need to believe in my destiny
I look at my life, deny the obvious
I need to believe in my deceptive greatness
Look at the world, I find my place
I need to believe my own existence
8. Antidote
Seeing that you can't expect more from life
Seeing that anger governs your acts
Seeing that you can't accept the common rules
Seeing that I'm your only chance to survive
No need for a god or prayers
No need for a head or rules
No need for limits for your wishes
No need for morals for the stories
Seeing that no one shall believe in you
Seeing that no one shall listen
Seeing that betrayed by illusions
Seeing that I'm your cure facing death
For your fears
For your faith
For your life and for your death
For your life-sickness and for your doubt
For your god and prayers
For your head and rules, for your wishes
For your power, for your life
I am the antidote
I know you're looking for convictions
I know the questions that restrain you...
But do you feel able to deny
Remorse, shame, taboo?
You deny Church but worship Satan
You favour evil but you're afraid
So begin to understand
I'm the antidote
And you have to accept me as the antidote
No need for a god or prayers
No need for a head or rules
No need for limits for your wishes
No need for morals for the stories
Seeing that you can't expect more from the life
Seeing that anger governs your acts
Seeing that you can't accept the common rules
Seeing that I'm your only chance to survive
9. To The Root Of Evil
You've bored my mind, resorted to trickery
You've tried to dominate, to break unity
Against all sense I've left my moral out
Your attitude force me to be evil
I'm not, not in a mood to joke
I'm not, not in a mood to please
Convulsed with laughter
Cause you're not able to imagine,
How bad are my thoughts,
How sadistic are my views,
I carve your f** smile with my teeth
And mangle your dreaming body
And you'll be lucky if at the end
I'll give you death
You've bored my mind, revived my fury
You've tried to dominate, to break unity
You've spread trouble, brought confusion
Revived my distress, my deepest hatreds
I'm not, not in a mood to joke
I'm not, not in a mood to please
I'm sorry babe
For sure you're not bad, you're a pretty nice person
In another world, in another life... maybe
I know my limits and when I feel my body quivers with anger
I prefer to desert my place, to exorcise my thoughts
I prefer to die again and again
To break the feelings, to leave my place...
To dive in sleep, forget my reason
And walk with the gods to the root of evil...
I'm disappointed
I strike a balance of my life
your faith, your self-reliance
begin again to bother my soul
You've bored my mind, revived my fury
You've tried to dominate, to break unity
Against all sense I've left my moral out
Your attitude forced me to be evil
I'm not, not in a mood to joke
I'm not, not in a mood to please
So go away...
10. ...And Death Smiled
I can catch rolls from outside
I'm here for a long time, setting in the dark
And lost again in my dreams...
Till my birth I was waiting, I was waiting for the final act
And tonight I will meet the greatness,
I've chosen to do all that's possible
To keep higher the flame of liberty
But my destiny was not to survive.
So, I'm ready but I still have questions...
Is it the right way?
Have I respected the rules?
And if, would it not be the last passage?
Tonight, the final act, tonight, on the way
Tonight... the return
Tonight, on the way with the gods
Tonight... the return
Tonight, tonight...alone and free!
Tonight, the final act, tonight, on the way
Tonight... the return
Tonight, on the way with the gods
Tonight, I'm on the way
Tonight, to the other side
I don't want to know... why?
It's all the same for me
Why?... don't believe in me
Why?... Please, look inside... You've already met me!