 Я практически уверен в том, что перед записью этого альбома у Доро в личной жизни творилось что нибудь нехорошее. Потому что невозможно написать ТАКИЕ песни и создать настолько уникальное настроение, пребывая в хорошем расположении духа. Атмосфера на третьем сольнике Доро просто поражает своей абсолютной и всепоглощающей грустью. Понятию не имею как удалось добиться такого эффекта, но факт налицо - во время прослушивания "True At Heart" на глаза не раз наворачиваются самые настоящие слезы. Умопомрачительный диск! Чтобы немного отвлечься перейдем к техническим деталям. Записано все на самом высоком уровне, новый продюсер Барри Бэккет постарался на славу. Музыкантов, принимавших участие в записи, как обычно, великое множество. Основным среди них, определенно, можно назвать гитариста Денниса Моргана, записавшего большинство гитарных партий и активно помогавшего Доро в процессе написания материала для диска. Теперь перейдем, собственно к нему, к этим самым эмоциональным бомбам, которые уже сложно назвать просто песнями. Сразу хочется заметить - открывающий альбом раздолбайский шлягер "Cool Love" и несколько следующих далее композиций, навроде скоростных и тяжелых номеров "Live It" или "Hear Me" в целях избежания порчи атмосферы лучше пропускать. Нет, песни эти замечательные, просто им здесь совсем не место. А место здесь тоскливым и убийственно грустным балладам или на крайний случай весьма мелодичным боевикам. К числу последних относится, например, шикарный трек "You Gonna Break My Heart", настолько правдоподобно передающий историю женщины неспособной справится со своим соблазном перед обольстительным красавцем, что Доро хочется выписать именную медаль. В таком же духе, но уже в тихом балладном ключе протекает "I Know You By Heart", также вызывающая исключительное сочувствие и грусть. Но главный конек альбома - это, конечно, баллады про ушедшую любовь. Возвышенная "Even Angels Cry", хитовая "Fall For Me Again", надрывная "I'll Make It On My Own", украшенная партиями саксофона "Gettin' Nowhere Without You", наконец, просто удивительный музыкальный рассказ "The Fortuneteller". Все это вызывает настолько нежные и светлые чувства, что удержать себя от оценки "десять" становится очень сложно. Тем не менее, объективность побеждает. Но в любом случае, послушайте этот диск. Тихий шок опеспечен. |
Oh yeah, I'm having the time of my life
Cool love
Before I met you I was just doing time
My heart on ice, no love on line
But when I saw your face I saw a new way out
I know you know what I'm talking about
Cool love
It makes me feel good, it's all that I want
Cool love
It feels like dancing on the edge of a knife
Oh yeah, I'm having the time of my life
Cool love
The night is ready, the coast is clear
Come on, come on! Let's disappear
Cool love
It makes me feel good, it's all that I want
Cool love
It feels like dancing on the edge of a knife
Oh yeah, I'm having the time of my life
Cool love
It makes me feel good, it's all that I want
Cool love
It feels like dancing on the edge of a knife
Oh yeah, I'm having the time of my life
You gonna break my heart
Free as the breeze, you do as you please
And it's driving me crazy
But no, I don't mind, somehow you're my kind
You intrigue and amaze me
I should turn around, walk out right now
But I guess I'll stay
'Cause there's something about you
I just can't say no to but that's okay
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got?
Oh, I can't get enough
Come on! Break my heart again
Last time I saw you you swore that you loved me
And you'd never leave
And now here you are
Saying you will make it up to me
What should I do?
Call me a fool, either way I go
I'm out of my mind
But that's all right, I want you so
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got?
Oh, I can't get enough
Come on! Break my heart again
Break my heart in the morning
Break my heart in the night time
Break my heart anytime you want
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got?
Oh no, I can't get enough
Come on! Break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got?
Oh no, I can't get enough
Come on! Break my heart again
Even angels cry
I felt so blue, the sky was so grey
It was pouring down, I went walking anyway
A ragged old man came right up to me
He said: I'm half blind but there's things I see
And things I believe, he said
Even angels cry
If you don't believe my words just look up at the sky
Do you really think it's rain?
It's nothing more than heaven's pain
Even angels cry
Even angels cry
I said: Man, what makes you so smart?
He said: Have you ever heard of a broken heart?
Since she left me I've been sad as you
But she lets me know she misses me too
I know that it's true
Even angels cry
If you don't believe my words just look up at the sky
Do you really think it's rain?
It's nothing more than heaven's pain
Even angels cry
Even angels cry
I really do believe that love's forever
When it takes a hold of you, it won't let you go
And it can pull a broken heart together
And just in case you're troubled, I want you to know
Even angels cry
If you don't believe my words just look up at the sky
Do you really think it's rain?
It's nothing more than heaven's pain
Even angels cry
Even angels cry
Even angels cry
Even angels cry
The fortuneteller
I never got into magic
But the magic got into me
I'd been tangled up in love
But afraid of being free
Men...I don't understand them
They take you for all you got
And leave you howling at the moon
And thinking of...I don't know what
Yeah, I do, thinking of that man
Is he alone? Is he thinking of me?
Does he still love me?
I needed some answers, deep answers
So there I was, on the side of town where the beggars sleep
It was late, real late but I knew she'd be open
Gypsies love the night
I heard that from a friend who once knew one
Sure enough, her light was on
And her door was cracked
The smell of incense made the night air
Cry out in desperation
But I didn't care, I was looking for revelation
So I walked in and made my way through a curtain of beads
There must have been ten thousand candles
But only one was lit
I put some money on the table
And she reached for a deck of cards and said: Sit
She told me to look in her eyes, I did
But I also kept my eye on that deck
She gazed at a card and then she said:
I can see that you don't really want to know
What your future holds as you travel down the road
You'd rather believe that dreams do come true
Than to find out they can lie to you
She picked the money up from the table
And stuffed it in her blouse
I said: Wait a minute!
I was expecting a little bit more than that!
She said: What do you want me to do?
Turn myself into a cat?
I could, you know
And I believed her
Everything got deadly quiet
Man, I was scared but I didn't show it
Then she broke the silence: Why are your palms sweating, child?
God, this woman was good!
I asked her to read my palm, she said:
All right but it'll cost you another fifty
And then I'm going to bed, gypsies hate the night
Gimme your hand, I'm gonna read between the lines
I can see that you don't really want to know
What your future holds as you travel down the road
You'd rather believe that dreams do come true
Than to find he might be leaving you
She says: I can see that you don't really want to know
What your future holds as you travel down the road
You'd rather believe that dreams do come true
So does the man who's followed you
Live it
I'm just a wild, wild one underneath
Looking back with no regrets and no apologies
I don't like no one pushing me
I wanna travel down the highway, forever free
I believe you gotta follow your own heart
No matter where you come from, no matter who you are
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it, never give up your dreams
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it and love it and make it
Everything you want it to be
You gonna find it's an ever changing world
So much uncertainty, so much to learn
You can't let them lead you down the road
You've got to keep an open mind and walk it on your own
Gotta spread your wings in the sky above
Gotta take care of the ones you love
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it, never give up your dreams
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it and love it and make it
Everything you want it to be
Gotta spread your wings in the sky above
Gotta take care of the ones you love
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it, never give up your dreams
Live it - like you want it to be
You gotta live it and love it and make it
Everything you want it to be
Fall for me again
All our friends been acting strange
Sunshine smiles even when it rains
And they pretend that they don't see
The trouble with you and me
But they know you're about to leave
And even you have played a part
Of someone who is still true at heart
Do you think that I don't know?
Your love for me turned cold
How sad to see you go
But I'm hoping that you'll fall in love again
And never look back on what might have been
I pray that we will stay the best of friends
And in my heart I hope that you will fall for me again
But don't say there is no way
The things you loved before haven't changed
Well, I could find somebody new
Who wouldn't tear my heart in two
But I'd never get over you, oh no
So I'm hoping that you'll fall in love again
And never look back on what might have been
I pray that we will stay the best of friends
And in my heart I hope that you will fall for me again
In my heart I hope
That you will fall for me again
I'm hoping that you'll fall for me again
I hope that you will fall for me again
Hope that you will fall for me again
I hope that you will fall for me again
Heartshaped tattoo
(Pesch/Cerney/Di Piero)
I'm just like you
And I've got a heart that's searching
Tell me, is it true?
Is that my fire behind your eyes?
And when you look at me
Do you really like what you see?
Do you want somebody?
Do you want somebody like me?
Could you love somebody?
With a heartshaped, a heartshaped tattoo
It's a part of me
And while the world keeps changing
This heart will be
Always there for you
And when you look at me
Do you really like what you see?
Do you want somebody?
Do you want somebody like me?
Could you love somebody?
With a heartshaped, a heartshaped tattoo
Oh, no! I can't let you go
'Cause you've burned into my soul
Do you want somebody?
Do you want somebody like me?
Could you love somebody?
With a heartshaped, a heartshaped tattoo
Do you want somebody?
Do you want somebody like me?
Could you love somebody?
With a heartshaped, a heartshaped tattoo
With the wave of your hand
(Pesch/Cerney/Di Piero)
I have been waiting here
Feels like a million years
Sometimes I disappear
Into the blue
Lost in the city lights
I can stay out all night
But it's such a lonely life
And nothing, nothing seems right
But with the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
I'll never know what you'll find
Whenever you read my mind
It's just like I'm hypnotized
And then I come alive
You put a spell on me
That's right where I wanna be
And there is no mystery
Because I believe
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark of love
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
And I have the spark of love
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark of love
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
Hear me
So you better wake up
Pay attention to me
I need to talk
And you need to see
What I've been feeling
Got so much inside
You know you've been stealing
My peace of mind
You never take the time to listen, oh no
You never take the time to care
Hear me - I'm talking to you
Hear me - I wanna tell you the truth
Hear me, hear me
That's all I want
I'm like everyone else
I need more than love
Need to know you're a friend
Someone I can count on
Somebody to laugh with
Someone to cry
Somebody to live with
Not die
You gotta take the time to listen
You gotta take the time to care
Hear me - I'm talking to you
Hear me - I wanna tell you the truth
Hear me, hear me
That's all I want
Hear me - I'm hurting inside
Hear me - you better treat me right
Hear me
You're gonna lose me if you don't
Hear me
I'm talking to you
Hear me
I'm talking to you
Hear me - I'm talking to you
Hear me - I wanna tell you the truth
Hear me, hear me
That's all I want
Hear me - I'm hurting inside
Hear me - you better treat me right
Hear me - you're gonna lose me if you
Hear me - you're gonna lose me if you don't
I'll make it on my own
You look at me
Filled with sadness in your eyes
But this should come as no surprise
It's what I have to do
Was never right
'Cause someone else belongs to you
I'll say goodbye
It's what I have to do
Yeah, my heart may break
That's the only chance for me to take
And if tears should fall
They will wash away and hurt me no more
I'll make it on my own
Don't search for me
Don't try to call
Don't try to take me back
It's time I move on
I'll be all right
Yeah, I will be strong
I guess we could have run away
But I'm better off alone
Yeah, my heart may break
It's the only chance for me to take
And if tears should fall
They will wash away and hurt me no more
I'll make it on my own
Yeah, my heart may break
It's the only chance for me to take
And if tears should fall
They will wash away and hurt me no more
I'll make it on my own
Gettin' nowhere without you
There is a statue out on an island
Lady Freedom's got nothing much to do
Just stands alone, her face set in stone
It reminds me of me without you
And in case you didn't get my letter
I ain't been making any headline news
I just walk around and wish we were together
I'm gettin' nowhere without you
Millions of people, I'm that much more lonely
I'm seeing you in every single face
My mind's insane, my heart's in pain
Without you here I feel so out of place
And if it makes you feel any better
I ain't been doing things we used to do
I just walk around and wish we were together
I'm gettin' nowhere without you
Too late to explain why I came here
It was just something that I had to do
But take it from me, you're all I need
'Cause I'm still in love with you
And if it makes you feel any better
I ain't been making any headline news
I just walk around and wish we were together
I'm gettin' nowhere without you
I wish we were together
I'm gettin' nowhere without you
I wish we were together
I'm gettin' nowhere without you
I know you by heart
You come around, you're feeling down
She left you on your own
Without a sound, your eyes, they lead me
Into the danger zone
I know I do
Just what you're up to
I know you by heart
And I know what you'll do to me
I know you by heart
And you know that it's killing me
To see you now
You come and go, don't wanna know
What's really inside of me
The way I feel is no big deal
To you but it is to me
I gave to you
Everything I had
I know you by heart
And I know what you'll do to me
I know you by heart
And you know that it's killing me
To see you now
There ain't no future in yesterday
I should just turn and run away
But when you look at me that way
It makes me wanna let you stay
What can I say?
I know you by heart
And I know what you'll do to me
I know who you are
And you know that it's killing me
To see you now
I know you by heart
And I know what you'll do to me
It's killing me
I know you by heart
I know you by heart
I know you by heart
I know you by heart