« To Hell and Back »
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1 | The Bitch Is Back
 | 2 | Midnight Madness
 | 3 | Lead Us To War
 | 4 | Laid To Rest
 | 5 | Gallowmere
 | 6 | Return To The Fourth World
 | 7 | Last Escape
 | 8 | Wake Up In Hell
 | 9 | Hanging On The Telephone |
   Kimberley Goss - vocals
Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho - guitars
Roope Latvala - guitars
Marco Hietala - bass
Tommy Lillman - drums |
 | 1. The Bitch Is Back!
[Music: Laiho]
[Lyrics: Goss]
Once upon a time there was a harlot
who had taken all she could
just one wrong look from a stranger
finally pushed her straight over the
Beware the angel of death
don't let her fool you
she is evil!
hear my warning
the bitch |
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 Отлично!! Второй альбом англоязычной китайской девочки Kimberly Goss, успевшей засветиться везде, где только возможно (Ancient, Dimmu Borgir,...). Состав группы, за время прошедшее с момента выхода их первого альбома, претерпел изменения - кроме Kimberly Goss and Alexi Laiho (Guitar/Children Of Bodom) там теперь три молодых финских музыканта: Roope Latvala (Guitar/Waltari), Marco Hietala (Bass/Tarot) и Tommi Lillman (Drums/ToDie For). Дело в том, что Кимберли сьехала в Финляндию, а трое прежних музыканта - Jesper Stromblad (In Flames), Sharlee D'Angelo (Mercyful Fate) и Runny Milianowicz живут в Шведции. Итак - по музыке - отличный спид с сильным женским вокалом (довольно резким и немного кричащим). Отличнейшие мелодии, потясающая техника исполнения (достаточно посмотреть на состав группы). Как и на первом диске - все песни отобраны из кучи материала, чтобы оставить только самое лучшее. Все это облачено в хорошие аранжировки и модные "штучки".Последний трек - вообще класс - смесь рок-н-рола и спид метала. Думаю что после релиза про Nightwish на время забудут (по крайней мере я ;-) |
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Учитывая тот факт, что мне не очень нравятся музыканты, задействованные в этом проекте Кимберли Гросс, где только не вокалировавшей, я не ждал ничего хорошего от этого проекта. И как оказалось совершенно напрасно. Надежды на очередной беззубый повер не оправдались, ибо Синерджи - это классический непопсовый хеви-метал. Мадам Кимберли поет не выхолощеным голосом, к которому все привыкли в 90-х, а настоящим роковым вокалом, в лучшем духе Vixen и Warlock. Плюс альбом очень богат музыкально - гитарные поливы не успевают чередоваться. Мастхэвный диск, хотя......не к ночи вспомню наших пиратов, облажавшихся и в этом случае. Ждите фирменного СиДи. |
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А я похоже ожидал слишком много от этого диска. Да, состав музыкантов замечательный; да, Кимберли поет хорошо - но все вместе меня как не зацепило, не хватает чего. Думал, может расслушаю альбом, ан нет - чем больше слушаешь, тем больше надоедает. То, что Алекс на гитаре играть умеет, и хорошо умеет, я и без этого диска знал:)) Музыка по сравнению с первым диском изменилось в лучшую сторону (более разнообразная стала) с панковскими моментами (не зря товарисч из Валтари), а все равно чего не хватает. Выделить могу неплохой 4 трек (на фоне средних баллад Найтвиша это смотрится очень шикарно) и окончание диска - wake up in hell (я считаю лучшим треком) и замечательный кавер группы Blondie - Hanging On The Telephon - просто супер!
P.S. В который раз заметил, чем больше ждешь от диска, тем хуже он, а если ничего не ожидаешь - так приятно получить хороший диск:))) |
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Второй альбом шведов Sinergy, под предводительством фронтвумен Кимберли Госс, записывался в почти новом составе и из старых знакомых остался только сугубо приближенный Алекси Лайхо (Children Of Bodom). Новыми же членами коллектива стали басист Марко Хиетала (Nightwish, Tarot), гитарист Роопе Латвала (Children Of Bodom, Warmen) и ударник Томми Лилман (To/Die/For, Hateframe). Такое резкое изменение состава, при чём шведских на финских музыкантов, можно объяснить переездом Госс в Финляндию. Мастеринг и микширование соответственно проводилось уже в Finnvox studios, а запись в Astia Studios, и, честно говоря, предыдущая работа выполненная с Фредериком Нордстромом в Студии Фредман мне показалась намного лучше, благодаря глубокому и низкому саунду. На диске же «To Hell And Back» более суховатый и трешевый звук. Кроме того пополнение в лице нескольких финнов ещё больше приблизило музыкальный материал банды к финскому пауэру и весьма часто стали возникать ассоциации с Сонатой Арктикой и Детишками Бодома. Хотя в целом же стиль данного альбома можно охарактеризовать как чистый пауэр, как и раньше сыгранный очень технично и профессионально. Вокальные партии Кимберли стали более резкими, что я считаю минусом, потому как голос Госс и так очень резок и иногда некрасив. И вот мелодическая сторона пластинки…Не знаю что послужило причиной – переезд в новую страну или же перетасовки состава, но альбом получился на редкость скупым на цепляющее мелодии, а кое-где даже однообразным. Открывающая композиция «The Bitch Is Back» начинающаяся из смачного крика Кимберли, что Сука всё-таки вернулась, вроде бы настраивает на хорошее впечатление, но вот потом серия довольно-таки простеньких и не примечательных песенок как то выбивает из колеи, иногда размениваясь на неплохие боевики типа «Laid To Rest» или «Wake Up In Hell». В целом, довольно слабенький альбомчик. Пригодится только фэнам. |
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Продолжу добрую традицию предыдущих рецензентов, поставив этому альбомчику 2 балла, по числу хороших песен - медляк и кавер Blondie. Все остальное - полнейший отстой, и в подметки не годящийся, как Nightwish'у, так и дебютнику Синерджи. Гитарные партии просты и некрасивы, создается впечатление, что или Лайхо лучшее приберег для Children Of Bodom, или же под именем Лайхо играл другой музыкант. Кимберли тоже глотку поберегла для Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, поет она невыразительно. |
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просмотров: 12497 |
what she's made of!
She's known as the mistress of
the queen of the damned
rage flows through her veins and
pumps the blood of hate inside her
You will be the first of many victims
that she plans to terminate
she has chosen execution style
as the path to meet you fate
Just the beginning
of terror in the heartland
she is dangerous!
hearing voices
sadistic messages from
satan's minions!
She's known as the mistress of
the queen of the damned
rage flows through her veins and
pumps the blood of hate inside her
eyes of violet so hypnotic
just one look is blinding
her lips have been laced with venom
just one taste is deadly!
[SOLO 1: Laiho]
[SOLO 2: Laiho]
To her you are a waste of human life
and should not be allowed to live
murder is the drug she feeds upon
to satisfy her tainted needs!
She's known as the mistress of
the queen of the damned
rage flows through her veins and
pumps the blood of hate inside her
eyes of violet so hypnotic
just one look is blinding
her lips have been laced with venom
just one taste is deadly!
2. Midnight Madness
[Music: Laiho, Hietala, Goss]
[Lyrics: Goss]
Fullmoon staring at me tonight
time to feed my evil appetite
live or die at the strike of midnight
the choice is yours,
but you're running out of time
I have the touch everybody fears
my skin is poison ivy
I have the look that'll hypnotize
my eyes are lit with fire
My thirst grows stronger each night
no where to hide, I'll sense your
this hatred burning so bright
I'll cum just to watch you drown in
My wicked laughter brings you
to fall upon your knees
your anguish is relief to me
it is the fix that I need
I am a fiend for torture
I'm craving your demise
now that the clock has struck
this is the point of no return!
[SOLO 1: Latvala]
[SOLO 2: Laiho]
[SOLO 3: Laiho]
I have the touch everybody fears
my skin is poison ivy
I have the look that'll hypnotize
my eyes are lit with fire
I have you in my control
time to do exactly what I say
prepare to take your last breath
under my spell you'll suffer for you
My wicked laughter bring you
to fall upon your knees
your anguish is relief to me
it is the fix that I need
I am a fiend for torture
I'm craving your demise
now that the clock has struck
this is the point of no return!
3. Lead Us To War
[Music: Hietala, Laiho, Goss, Latvala]
[Lyrics: Goss]
Lead us to war... ...war!
return home because war's where
the heart is
lead us to war... ...war!
a procession fallen into submission
Black skies surround everyday
there's no sign of the light that once
embraced us
Time is our enemy now
without warning it carries us far away
dig deeper intot his hole
falling faster and leaving
ourselves to blame
shackles of death hold us down
use the anger inside to keep us war
A violent struggle to break free
soon there will be some hell to pay
we've had enough, so let us be
we want to see the light of day
Lead us to war... ...war!
return home because war's where
the heart is
lead us to war... ...war!
a procession fallen into submission
Dementia slowly sets in
we lay lifeless, allowing it to grasp us
eating away at our souls
one by one, growing weaker every
the end approaching so near
now at last we seek comfoft
in our madness
the night encompassed by silence
we have sunk to the bottom
of this nightmare!
A violent struggle to break freee
soon there will be some hell to pay
we've had enough, so let us be
we want to see the light of day
Lead us to war... ...war!
return home because war's where
the heart is
lead us to war... ...war!
a procession fallen into submission
4. Laid To Rest
[Music: Goss]
[Lyrics: Goss]
I lay down on snow covered sheets of
and I weep, I'm crying out for you
I'm longing just to have one more
And right now...
...My hands are reaching out to you
I stand here frozen with fear
my heart is shattering in two
please don't leave me here to live
my world is grey without you
I am so lost, no where to go
Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life
[SOLO : Laiho]
lay me down, this is my final resting
I have failed, I let you down my dear
this shame overwhelming inside of me
so goodbye...
...I have to leave my world behind
I've fallen too many times
can't take rejection anymore
now it's time to meet my destiny
I wont' be missed anyway
I'll fall into serenity
Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life
[SOLO : Laiho]
Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life
5. Gallowmere
[Music: Laiho]
[Lyrics: Goss]
I have come to claim my throne again
seek revenge on you Sir Fortesque
though my army is beyond the grave
I shall cast a spell and watch them
I call upon them to return
break from your graves unholy ones!
My name is Zarok the sorcerer
I just want to take back what's mine
lead my militia to overthrow this realm
you have intruded on sacred ground
you are blind to all it posesses
unaware of the magic it beholds
I have been TO HELL AND now I'm BACK
I will show no mercy, so beware!
may the demonds fallbefore you now
like the wheat before the sharpened scythe
You may have won the battle now
but I shall surely win the war!
My name is Zarok the sorcerer
I just want to take back what's mine
lead my militia to overthrow this realm
you have intruded on sacred ground
you are blind to all it posesses
unaware of the magic it beholds
[SOLO 1: Laiho]
[SOLO 2: Latvala]
You have been defeated, cast aside
this is my domain so don't return
I have achieved immortality
thanks to you beloved Gallowmere
Now on to take over the world
this time my mission will succeed!
My name is Zarok the sorcerer
I just want to take back what's mine
lead my militia to overthrow this realm
you have intruded on sacred ground
you are blind to all it posesses
unaware of the magic it beholds
My name is Zarok the sorcerer
I just want to take back what's mine
lead my militia to overthrow this realm
you have intruded on sacred ground
you are blind to all it posesses
unaware of the magic it beholds
6. Return To The Fourth World
[Music: Laiho, Hietala]
[Lyrics: Goss]
I've been stopped at the crossroads
in danger of losing my way
there is only one answer
return to the fourth world
I am lost in reality
I have fallen off destiny's path
and i stumble upon the key
to open the fourth world
Beyond the deepest corner of my
I unlock the hidden gate
and find myself back home
divine hallucinations come to life
I'm living out my dreams
right here in paradise
I've been stopped at the crossroads
in danger of losing my way
there is only one answer
return to the fourth world
I have found my reality
now I'm back on destiny's path
and I have returned
I'm here in the fourth world
You are the light that guides me
this world of darkness and despair
take me away and set me free
to where the night sky is my ground
Beyond the deepest corner of my
mind I unlock the hidden gate
and find myself back home
divine hallucinations come to life
I'm living out my dreams
right here in paradise
[SOLO 1 : Laiho]
[SOLO 2 : Latvala]
I levitate back to the world I know
where delirium counts for sanity
and I've been away for far too long
fourth world I am here to stay
Beyond the hidden corner of my mind
I unlock the hidden gate
and find myself back home
divine hallucinations come to life
I'm living out my dreams
right here in paradise
7. Last Escape
[Music: Latvala, Goss]
[Lyrics: Goss]
Trip doors kicked all around me, there
is no escaping
I slowly suffocate, I'm breathing
poisoned air
The Living dead are outside feasting
on your souls
infected followers now marching in
their path
Sudden explosion and the walls
collape before me
no longer prisoner, I have been
Headed towards chaos,
armaggedon closing in
in search for clues that lead to
solve this mystery
Who's responsible for this?
there is death in every kiss
You are the one, bringer of the plague
(your virus spread among them)
now you will pay, get on your knees
[SOLO : Latvala]
No time to waste, must annihilate
(your virus spread among them)
seal the gate, time to detonate
[SOLO : Laiho]
Try to escape, I am surrounded
in all corners
the creatures that remain are
gaining up on me
Like lightning, I move fast and strike
where they stand
a light ahead of me, I've made it to the
Who's responsible for this?
there is death in every kiss
I'm the only one it missed
8. Wake Up In Hell
[Music: Goss, Laiho, Lillman]
[Lyrics: Goss]
I can't go on
each second lasts forever
I stand motionless in sorrow
this must be the end
drown in waters black beneath me
I see nothing here but failure
though I still pretend
What am I suppose to do?
carry on or lose my will?
I've seen what hell is like
and you have put me here
this pain inside never ends for me
I cry myself to sleep
and when I wake I think
what am I living for?
[SOLO : Latvala]
Just when things are looking brighter
I get set back even further
back and forth, just try again
shame, the feeling that surrounds me
when I'm losing all control of
who I am and what I know
What am I suppose to do?
carry on or lose my will?
I've seen what hell is like
and you hve put me here
this pain inside never ends for me
I cry myself to sleep
and when I wake I think
what am I living for?
[SOLO : Laiho]
What am I suppose to do?
carry on or lose my will?
I've seen what hell is like
and you have put me here
this pain inside never ends for me
I cry myself to sleep
and when I wake I think
what am I living for?....
9. Hanging On The Telephone
I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hall
If you don't answer, I'll just ring it off the wall
I know he's there, but I just had to call
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
I heard your mother now she's going out the door
Did she go to work or just go to the store
All those things she said, I told you to ignore
Oh why can't we talk again
Oh why can't we talk again
Oh why can't we talk again
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
It's good to hear your voice, you know it's been so long
If I don't get your call then everything goes wrong
I want to tell you something you've known all along
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
I had to interrupt and stop this conversation
Your voice across the line gives me a strange sensation
I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection
Oh I can't control myself
Oh I can't control myself
Oh I can't control myself
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone
Hang up and run to me
Whoah, hang up and run to me
Whoah, hang up and run to me
Whoah, hang up and run to me
Whoah oh oh oh run to me