« Thunderstone »
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1 | Let The Demon Free
 | 2 | Virus
 | 3 | World's Cry
 | 4 | Me, My Enemy
 | 5 | Will The Power
 | 6 | Weak
 | 7 | Eyes Of Thу Stranger
 | 8 | Like Father, Like Son
 | 9 | Voice In A Dream
 | 10 | Spread My Wings |
   Pasi Rantanen - vocals
Nino Laurenne - guitars
Kari Tornack - keyboards
Titus Hjelm - bass
Mirka Rantanen - drums |
 | 1. Let The Demons Free
I have become endlessly numb, I don't know myself anymore
Things I have done always on the run, I can see myself in deep fall
Within or without but never allowed to be first in line in this life
Pushed to the limit the edge I have seen it, I'm loosing my will
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 Альбом нормальный, но вот разнообразие, а особенно своё разнообразие им бы не помешало. Конечно вокалист очень хороший, по музыке явная направленность на старших братьев, а именно на Стратовариус не очень меня радует, если бы они хотя бы мелодии делали по стратовариусски, то можно было бы слушать, а так получается что одна техника, никакой яркости и запоминаемости песен нет, что в наше время не очень и удивляет из-за большой кучи павэр металл групп. Качество звука отличное. Абсолютно проходной дебютник, годящийся только для конкретных поклонников финского тяжмета. |
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Stratovarius-2. На этом рецензию можно было и заканчивать, и получать приз за самый короткий очерк. Но этого делать не стану, так как группа достаточно неплоха. Основана в 2000 году гитаристом Нино Лоренне, к нему присоединились барабанщик Мирка Рантанен и басист Титус Хьельм. Следующим участником становится классный вокалист и однофамилец барабанщика, Паси Рантанен, который был бэк-вокалистом на альбоме «Infinite» собственно Stratovarius. После выпуска первого демо группа стала квинтетом, благодаря усилиям самой её и клавишника Кари Торнака. Качество материала привлекло внимание не кого-нибудь, а монстров Nuclear Blast.
От «Самовариусов» их отличает, во-первых, вокалист Паси Рантанен, во-вторых, немного меньше атмосферности и больше гитары, и, в-третьих, название. Вот и всё. Остальное это, как говорится, чистый Стратовариус. Кстати, на песенке «Like Father, Like Sun» подыграл сам Тимо Толки, а арт-ворк сделал Томас Эверхард, звуком занимался Мико Кармила. Всё это говорит само за себя. Конечно, тут нет ничего нового и неординарного, однако качество и профессионализм, положенные в основу этой работы, видны наяву. Правда, в мозгу ничего не осело даже после неоднократных прослушиваний. |
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Дебютная работа финнов Thunderstone - один из самых странных пауэр-альбомов, слышанных мной. С одной стороны, сразу слышится стопроцентно про-стратовариусовский саунд, при этом композиции не блещут хитовостью и запоминаемостью (может быть за исключением открывашки "Let The Demons Free", выполненной в лучших традициях финского пауэра), в общем вторичность материала чувствуется ощутимо. С другой стороны - несколько совершенно неожиданных моментов: во-первых, яркий и нехарактерный для такого типа музыки вокал Паси Рантанена - низковатый, хрипловатый, почти хардовый, абсолютно непохожий на "стандарты" стиля в лице Киске и Котипелто. Во-вторых, атмосфера - никакой жизнерадостности, оптимизма, любовно-счастливых тем здесь нет. Все по-фински мужественно и сурово, при этом местами альбом звучит очень меланхолично и даже грустно - хотя ярких мелодий явно недостает, но аранжировки получились весьма приятными - тут и чисто финские клавиши, и акустические вставки, и неплохая гитарная работа. Некоторые композиции удивляют несколько нелепыми, но интересными мелодическими и композиционными решениями - когда, например, нет яркой границы куплета и припева (а то и вовсе непонятно, где одно, а где другое), или куплет более выделен. Особенно удивительной в этом плане получилась песня "Will To Power", моя любимая на альбоме - она выстроена настолько необычно, что поначалу просто кажестя каким-то недоразумением, а потом этим самым очень сильно запоминается. В целом, лучше всего как раз получились среднетемповые, нескоростные вещи типа "World's Cry", "Virus", "Will To Power" или миниатюрной баллады "Weak", а меньше всех понравились скорстные боевики а-ля Стратовариус, такме как "Me, My Enemy" или "Like Father, Like Son" (исключение - открывающая вещь, я ее уже упоминал). В целом, я вполне согласен со всеми критическими отзывами в адрес этого альбома, ибо несмотря на все вышеперечисленное в нем нет того, что в павере наиболее ценно - яркости и запоминаемости композиций, цепляющих и "прилипающих" мелодий. И хотя лично мне альбом весьма нравится, я ставлю ему 5 баллов (на большее он все-таки не заслуживает) и характеризую как "весьма спорная работа с грубыми недочетами, но с рядом положительных моментов". Ну и один балл все-таки добавлю за прекрасный вокал Паси Рантанена - все-таки за такое пение можно на многое закрыть глаза. |
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Откровенный клон Стратовариуса. Замени Рантанена на Котипелто, и альбом вполне мог бы сойти за сборник каких-нибудь b-сайдов главных финских пауэрщиков. Thunderstone один в один копируют творчество своих именитых коллег, вот только делают это настолько машинально и бездушно, что становится непонятно на что группа рассчитывает со столь слабым материалом. |
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просмотров: 10649 |
I've been blind and never saw through the lies
Now it's time, time to unchain my heart
Release myself and to be me
Let the demons free
There's one life to live and so much to give, too much wasted moments
Hear my cry out, hear it so loud, I am stronger faster and coming through
Now this has to stop, I'll fight 'till I drop, for the dreams I feel I'm
alive again
No more concession, it's time for a confession I'll let my demons free
All these years and all these days of my life
I've been blind and never saw through the lies
Now it's time, time to unchain my heart
Release myself and to be me
Let the demons free
All these years and all these days of my life
I've been blind and never saw through the lies
Now it's time, time to unchain my heart
Release myself and to be me
Let the demons free
2. Virus
All systems down, something's wrong
Unplugged and freezed to the bone
Feels like I'm locked out, helpless within
I can feel uncertainty's rising
We trust too much and we are too blue-eyed
We get careless and we will fail
And we will wake up when it's too late
Tower of power is crashing down
My life will be erased, no files will be found
Gazing the screen, feeling the power
Still walking on the thinnest ice
For the last three to five years memories been saved
Without warning everything's gone
We trust too much and we are too blue-eyed
We get careless and we will fail
And we will wake up when it's too late
Tower of power is crashing down
My life will be erased, no files will be found
There's something invisible here with us
Untouchable, spreading like rust
There's something invisible here with us
And it's teasing and tearing our minds apart
There's a virus
There will be time when I will rise again
When all the things are saved and settled down
I'll be awake and I will never fail
There's something invisible here with us
Untouchable, spreading like rust
There's something invisible here with us
And it's teasing and tearing our minds apart
There's a virus
3. World's Cry
Hey you, close your eyes and listen
Can you hear the voices
It's the world that's calling your name
You live your life
In your small tiny world
You don't care, you don't give a damn
But the time will recall what you've done
We have a vision, we have a destination
We are here for ourselves
These are the reasons, reasons for a fall
And this will be our call
Hey you, it's time to open your eyes
And see those things as they are
This is the fight you can't win
We are here, in our small tiny world
We don't care, we don't give a damn
And the world will recall what we've done
We have a vision, we have a destination
We are here for ourselves
These are the reasons, reasons for a fall
And this will be our call
Can you hear the world's cry
And tell me why
This pain we feed
Can you hear the world's cry
Can you hear the cry
Close your eyes and listen
Can you hear the voices
It's the world that's calling your name
Can you hear the world's cry
And tell me why
This pain we feed
Can you hear the world's cry
Can you hear the cry
4. Me, My Enemy
I've been waiting this day, waiting for my decay
Just a question of time when I'll see the light
And this pain of mine, now it's crossing it's line
I am reaching the final answer
What can I loose this way I choose
Is my own to the promised land
I have the keys I will release
My soul to the other side
These years and these days, godforsaken ways
I've been fighting my way through my life
And this weight pulls me down
There is no one around
I'm alone with my anger and pain
What can I loose this way I choose
Is my own to the promised land
I have the keys I will release
My soul to the other side
I believe that I will fight forever
To the end where the answer lies with the truth
Take my hand my oldest friend and come with me
To the place where's no one else but me:
My enemy
5. Will To Power
I am here to rule the world
Take over this universe
No one can't stop my journey to the end
Live your life just like I say
And I will pull you through
Through the gates of hope
Now follow me
Hear my word and walk with me
Step by step I'll lead you
And you will see
I know there's calm before the storm
This silence kills me
It's been quiet for far too long
Now it's time to take control
'cause I hold the Thunderstone
and I will save you all from the pain
Hear my word and walk with me
Step by step I'll lead you
And you will see
It's in my hands
Power and will
It's in my hands
I am here to stay for evermore
Guide your way like no one else before
I'm the one who makes your dreams come true
I'm the one who holds the answer:
The one who knows the truth
The one who's got the will to power
There are times you feel that you can't make it through
Don't be afraid 'cos I'm here for you
Just when you're livin your darkest hour
I will give you the will to power
Now it's time to take control
'cause I hold the Thunderstone
and I will save you all from the pain
Hear my word and walk with me
Step by step I'll lead you
And you will see
It's in my hands
Power and will
It's in my hands
I am here to stay for evermore
Guide your way like no one else before
I'm the one who makes your dreams come true
I'm the one who holds the answer:
The one who knows the truth
The one who's got the will to power
6. Weak
Another day has passed again and I'm sitting here by myself
Wondering did I fill my place again, did I make it right
Will I ever feel free again and finally relieved
Will I ever see myself again leading my own life
Sometime, somewhere, someone will care
About the things I've done
The stronger I get, the more I'll accept
I will be weak without you
Day by day I'm drifting away
Never knowing what to seek
Time after time I keep asking why
Why I feel so weak
Day by day I'm drifting away
Never knowing what to seek
Time after time I keep asking why
Why I feel so weak
7. Eyes Of A Stranger
Eyes of a stranger are watching me
Haunting my every single move
I feel like a victim with no reason why
Still there is no fear at all
I feel you, I hear you when you're not around
Presence so powerfull confusing me
Now I am here all alone:with you.
Take a look behind and just realize
There's a stranger watching for all of us
When you think you're alone
Unprepared and so down
You might feel the eyes of a stranger
Protecting and leading my steps through the life
Guiding my way in this world of fears
Sometimes I'm lost and I'm so afraid
It's hard to find my way out by myself
I feel you, I hear you when you're not around
Presence so powerfull confusing me
Now I am here all alone:with you.
Take a look behind and just realize
There's a stranger watching for all of us
When you think you're alone
Unprepared and so down
You might feel the eyes of a stranger
8. Like Father, Like Son
Thousands of years and nothing has changed
We are killing each other every day
Dices of future are rolling again
Telling who's gonna live or die away
Unleash yourself and prepare for the worst
The only way to survive
Here we are, standing too far
To realize our destiny
There's something wrong with our breed
We keep on wanting more we need
Look at our children with fear in their eyes
Innocent minds full of hatred, anger and lies
In the course of years, we've been making laws
We're supposed to live by the rules
But always there's someone who's lost and alone
And getting approval only from fools
So where do we point and who we'll believe
What comes around goes around
For what reason why, what's the truth and the lie
The question's never answered
There's something wrong with our breed
We keep on wanting more we need
Look at our children with fear in their eyes
Innocent minds full of hatred and lies
Armed to the teeth, ready for a kill
No plans for the future, no reason to live
We are the mirror what they'll become
You know what they say, like father like son
There's no one to blame, there is no "the truth"
This is our legacy what we will leave for our youth
9. Voice In A Dream
When the lights go down and the night comes in
I can feel the breeze around me
I can hear the sound of a broken glass
Everytime I try to sleep
I hate my past
I'm afraid of the future
I close my eyes and I hear it coming
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Every night I can hear this
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Voice in a dream
Years go by still I'm going on
For the reasons only I know
Now I'm here to stay, never looked away
When you came so close to me
I'm standing strong
Stronger than ever
Still when I close my eyes I hear it coming
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Every night I can hear this
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Voice in a dream
I feel it coming
I see it coming
I close my eyes and hear it coming
Voice in a dream
I'm standing strong
Stronger than ever
Still when I close my eyes I hear it coming
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Every night I can hear this
Voice in a dream - What's going on inside my head
Voice in a dream
10. Spread My Wings
I'm standing in the shadows, all alone
Memories running through my heart and soul
This is the time when I should leave or stay
The future and the past slips away
Every night I wake up and hear your voice
I reach out for you but you're not there
I close my eyes and I see you before me
Now I know it's time for me to leave
Spread my wings and fly
Fly so high
Above all I used to be
Now I'm alone but I'm free
Spread my wings and fly
Over mountains so high
And the wind it's carrying me
Where I want to be
It's hard to find a reason, it's hard to understand
Why you've been pulled away far to neverland
Still I hear your name calling my name
And I realize my life will never be the same
Spread my wings and fly
Fly so high
Above all I used to be
Now I'm alone but I'm free
Spread my wings and fly
Over mountains so high
And the wind it's carrying me
Where I want to be