« Theater of Salvation »
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1 | The Healing Vision
 | 2 | Babylon
 | 3 | The Headless Game
 | 4 | Land Of The Miracle
 | 5 | Wake Up The King
 | 6 | Falling Down
 | 7 | Arrows Fly
 | 8 | Holy Shadows
 | 9 | Another Time
 | 10 | The Unbeliever
 | 11 | Theater Of Salvation |
   Tobias Sammet - vocals, keyboards
Jens Ludwig - guitars
Dirk Sauer - guitars
Tobias Exxel - bass
Felix Bohnke - drums |
Produced by Edguy
Recorded in summer 1998 at Rhoen Records Studio, Fulda, Germany by Norman Meiritz
Additional engineered by Frank Tischer
Mixed at Finnvox Studio in Helsinki, Finland by Mikko Karmil |
 | 1. The Healing Vision
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
Lord of fate, I feel you deep inside my brain...
Is it really just a dream or the urge to survive?
(...and during an odyssey through the back of my mind a vision appeared to make
me realize who holds the key to my fate...)
2. BAB |
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 Наконец-то я добрался и до этого замечательного диска. После ошеломляющего успеха их предыдущего творения - Vain Glory Opera, многим казалось, что Edguy уже не сможет ничего хотя бы близкого к нему. Ан нет! :) Итак... что мы имеем? Еще одно блестящее творение лучшей пауэр-команды на сегодняшний день. Диск этот не так ровен как VGO, но, по-моему, он похитовей все же будет. Альбом концептуальный. Включает в себя и супер-мелодику и отличные текста. Любимые вещи: Wake Up The King, Falling Down, красивейший медляк Another Time, и главная изюминка диска - это сама 12-минутная эпическая Theater Of Salvation - по мне, лучшая песня Edguy за всю их историю! Ей-богу, когда слушаю ее - просто мурашки по коже бегут :) Плюс еще хотел бы отметить ее супер-текст. Ребята! Не пожалейте 5-10 мин - почитайте текст. Это стоит того! Помимо всего прочего, отличный звук и оформление.
P.S. Но Vain Glory Opera меня все-таки прикалывает чуть побольше :)) |
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После долгих поисков, я наконец смог добыть альбом на CD-R'е. Откровенно говоря, ожидал услышать большего, ведь многие издания, вроде Alive, отзывались о "Theater Of Salvation" как о шедевре. Все, конечно, сделано очень добротно, но аналогично "Vain Glory Opera" в музыкальном плане. Главный шаг вперед состоит в хорощо продуманной концепции альбома. Впрочем, даже на этом альбоме Edguy легко утирает нос не в меру расплодившимся спидогонщикам. Лучшими получились начало и конец альбома - "Babylon", "Headless Game", "The Unbeliever". Из альбомной середины могу выделить только "Falling Down". Медляк же получился явно слабее прошлогодней "Алой Розы", за душу не берет. Что же касается заглавной вещи, то это действительно одна из сильнейших у группы. Одним словом: "Welcome and don't be afraid!" |
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А вот я не согласен ни с тем, что VGO - лучший альбом раннего творчества группы (1997-2000), ни с тем, что этот альбом ему уступает. Скорее, наоборот - ребята прогрессируют! Чем больше они ваяют, тем сильнее эти работы получаются.
Ещё больше прогресса и мастерства - на этом альбоме очень хорошо себя зарекомендовали АБСОЛЮТНО всё - от вокалиста, который здесь дошел до пика всего своего творчества - и композиторского, и исполнительского, до соло-гитариста, который стал творить безумные вещи (примечательно, что он гитарист один, а не двое, как положено в пауэр-командах).
Альбом очень разнообразен, чего не хватало предыдущему - слушая VGO, складывалось впечатление, что слушаешь одну песню. Тут такого нет. Присутствуют и бешеные боевики ("Babylon", "The Unbeliver", "Arrows Fly"), и среднетемповые вещи, нашлось место даже одному медляку и эпику, который вышел потрясающим!
Обложка создаёт соответствующую атмосферу - словами это не передашь...
Альбом стал одним из лучших пауэр-творений современности, он в разы лучше предыдущего (кстати, такая тенденция наблюдалась всегда вплоть до 2008 года - там Заммет подкачал).
Отличный альбом! |
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Третий альбом немецких пауэрщиков. Предыдущий мега успешный диск «Vain Glory Opera» накалил ситуацию в лагере эдгайцев до предела. Я не ошибусь, если скажу, что все ждали резкого спада, ан нет! Ребята вновь доказали всем что они не просто входят в элиту пауэр металла, но и могут создавать шедевры и без помощи извне! По сравнению с предыдущим опусом, «Theater Of Salvation» кажется более спокойным в эмоциональном плане, и более ровным в мелодических решениях, но по-прежнему является непременно хитовым и запоминающимся, хотя вообще не похожим на «Оперу» даже в плане техники. Качество звучания резко изменилось и стало на диво кристально чистым и отточенным, всё же студия Финвокс не зря популярна на весь белый свет! Тобиас Саммет как вокалист весьма подрос, его голос стал намного чище и приобрёл те краски и мелодии, которые мы и сейчас можем с вами наблюдать. Нужно также отметить возросшую технику музыкантов, которая проявляется как в виртуозных гитарных соло партиях и техничных барабанах, так и в прекрасных клавишных аранжировках. Неизменным также остается хоровое пение в припевах, что стало уже собственной фишкой банды. Хорошее впечатление оставляет и текстовая составляющая, отличающаяся завидным разнообразием идей. Переходя к самим мелодическим находкам альбома, не ускользает от внимания и тот факт, что диск достаточно разнообразен и на нём можно найти как скоростные и забойные темы, так и средне темповые мощные и прогрессивные вещи с душевными балладами. В особенности меня зацепили такие композиции как энергичная с запоминающимся лид-соло «Falling Down», смерчевая «Arrows Fly», обрамлённая в неоклассические гитарные партии. А также одна из самых главных песен Эдгая всех времён и народов, и особенно важная для всех фэнов - открывающая ураганная «Babylon», следующая за маленьким, но великолепно настраивающим слушателя на эпическую атмосферу пластинки интро «The Healing Vision». Заметно выделяются на общем фоне такие средне темповые монстры как драйвовая «The Headless Game», часто светящаяся в концертных сет листах, несколько прогрессивная мелодичная «The Unbeliever». И, конечно же, заглавная эпическая «Theater Of Salvation», которая на данный момент является вторым самым сложным эпиком коллектива, не уступающая даже эпическому шедевру «The Kingdom» с первого (или официально второго) альбома «Kingdom Of Madness». В общем, «Театр» явно не «Опера», но я и не могу от него такого требовать. Однако, по-своему - он тоже шедевр, потому как не то что бы в нем нет проходящих вещей, а вообще ни одной лишней строчки или ноты. |
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После сверхудачного "Vain Glory Opera" было нелегко создать альбом, хотя бы не уступающий данному релизу. Edguy не только не справились с этой задачей, но и откровенно схалтурили. Музыка стала излишне помпезной и хэллоуинистической, а песни - безликими. А уж слушать продолжительные эпики, к которым питает слабость Саммет, и вовсе нет сил. "The headless game" - единственное, что напоминает об ушедших временах. Группа явно не оправдала возложенных на нее надежд. |
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просмотров: 22775 |
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
In a world of hate pollution
we can't breathe anymore.
We've to leave and this time you,
the pawn, have won.
On our quest for nowhere island
we set off to the sea.
You call surrender what we call
a calm before the storm...
Pounding thoughts of home they make me know:
"I will return! I don't live my life for you,
it's too short to get burned.
Stand upright and face the wind!"
Time to go back where I belong...
No one can prevend me from
raising towers in Babylon.
You only can love me if you can convert me
to attitudes of your brain.
You blame us for doing things
that you don't know.
You tell me what you'd do if you were me but you are you and I am I
Lucky you, but this time I say: "No!"
Pounding thoughts of home they make me know: "I will return!".
I don't want to hurt you but you'll have to learn:
You are you and I am I!!!
Oh yeah...
(...and like the vision of my urge to salvation told me,
I built up a tower to widen my horizon, whatever they might say...)
2. Babylon
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
In a world of hate pollution
we can't breathe anymore.
We've to leave and this time you,
the pawn, have won.
On our quest for nowhere island
we set off to the sea.
You call surrender what we call
a calm before the storm...
Pounding thoughts of home they make me know:
"I will return! I don't live my life for you,
it's too short to get burned.
Stand upright and face the wind!"
Time to go back where I belong...
No one can prevend me from
raising towers in Babylon.
You only can love me if you can convert me
to attitudes of your brain.
You blame us for doing things
that you don't know.
You tell me what you'd do if you were me but you are you and I am I
Lucky you, but this time I say: "No!"
Pounding thoughts of home they make me know: "I will return!".
I don't want to hurt you but you'll have to learn:
You are you and I am I!!!
Oh yeah...
(...and like the vision of my urge to salvation told me,
I built up a tower to widen my horizon, whatever they might say...)
3. The Headless Game
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
Longing for silence...
"Always faster" is the way that we go.
Not a little patience...
Higher, farer, better we grow.
The beast is rising. It?s tantalizing
those who are taking the time.
Alienation... A revelation...
Straight to the end of the line...
Fly! Riding away... Rising today...
No we don't play your headless game!
We are alive, don't say goodbye.
Fly! Riding away... Rising today...
No we don't play your headless game!
We are alive, don?t say goodbye.
Cast out from Eden...
You don't like what we are in your eyes.
We're leading the treason on the race you run,
the way of your life.
I am danger, I'm a stranger
cause I don't give in to your call.
And not until she is satisfied
we can come and explode and we fall!!!
We're blowing the frame of your headless game:
We don't follow!
(...In their eyes we are insane! But aren't daydreamers only the escapists of
a soulless view of life?...)
4. Land Of The Miracle
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
Blinded by the fire and the sorrow of the day,
I come knocking at your door
to dry the tears away.
The eventide is calling me to take a look into your eyes.
Pull me on and make me mesmerized
Riding on the wings of light,
dreaming dreams and holding tight;
leaving all my sorrow far behind.
Your eyes are the gate
to the land of the miracle where our love can make us fly, make us fly.
In the land of the miracle
we can find a reason why and how we can fly.
Open up the book of madness,
read the page of life!
Who's the one to tell you what to do
and how to rise?
And if the stars would fall one day
I`d climb up to the sky
to put them back for you to save your smile.
...Take a look into the book of fantasy and poetry and you will see:
What you can feel is everything you need to heal your crying mind,
the soul behind and everything that you may find inside your head...
...A million years have passed away to make us head for the decay and to unlearn just
what we yearn for all day long: right to be strong and stick to our ideals,
are they for real and do we just have lost the thread?...
...I believe in miracles they happen every day.
In your arms a dream comes true for me...
(...isn't poetry one of the biggest gifts to forget our daily life of sorrow?...)
5. Wake Up The King
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
Soldier of sunlight
Welcome to the kingdom of ignorance
Where all the tears of ages tell their tales
No one dares to break the spell
No one dares to fly
Time is running out you can't deny
How many times
Have you found yourself under the influence?
How many times has a mirror mad you cry?
Now it's time to stand upright
Tear down your inner door
The birth of yourself can't wait no more
In your mind there's a battle raging on
Try to find what you're fighting for
Wake up the king
From his sleep in your fantasy
Wake up the king
Let him be all you ecstasy
Tears flow to rivers
And rivers to oceans of broken dreams
Have you ever heard of tears of joy?
Show yourself a sense of life
Open up your eyes
Let your heartbeat be your best advice
In your eyes I can see the fire burn
Realize, now it is your turn
Wake up the king
From his sleep in your fantasy
Wake up the king
Let him be all you ecstasy
Look at the mountain, look at the sun
Feel all the pure energy
Birds fly and whisper, call out your name
They belong to you and you're the
King of a kingdom, light in your hand
Look at what you have never seen
Walk on a rainbow, look to the stars
Cry it out and make your dream come true
Wake up the king
From his sleep in your fantasy
Wake up the king
Let him be all you ecstasy
Wake up the king
From his sleep in your fantasy
Wake up the king
Let him be all you ecstasy
Can't you see the crown?
(...and the vision continued: "There is less sense in complaining than looking
for your skills...")
6. Falling Down
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
"No brain is left but here I got one more nail!"
The master's final word
When he created a 'hero' like you
Born to deride and to hurt
You don't try to find a reason why
You don't have a brain
(You don't wanna have a brain)
You are just a masquerade, just a nice facade
In a snob parade, I know
(You don't know)
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
I'm not like you and I don't wanna be
Follow the times to a place you can't see
Don't call in doubt what the fashing may bring
And you'll be falling down
Hammer the nail into what you don't know
Keep on believing you're strong
You got your pride and I got my peace
There's no sense in proving you wrong
We will fight just to stand upright
We are here to dare
(We will fight, we are here to dare)
Guts to sail against the stream, to defend the dream
To do what we feel, I know
(We will fight)
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
I'm not like you and I don't wanna be
Follow the times to a place you can't see
Don't call in doubt what the fashing may bring
And you'll be falling down
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
You don't have to wait, I'll be too late
When you meet to jump off the edge
I'm not like you and I don't wanna be
Follow the times to a place you can't see
Don't call in doubt what the fashing may bring
And you'll be...
(...they listen, they follow...and they fall...)
7. Arrows Fly
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet & Jens Ludwig]
Faking the truth in their eyes
Smile but they really deride
Never give you shelter
Lady all alone, naked to the bone
Make you bleed and melt into tears
Down on your knees you will see
What you could be
Raise the power in your eyes
Make us rise to make us say
Down and alone - arrows fly
Breaking on my soul
Down and alone - arrows fly
I remember times
When arrows hit me causing pain
All alone I've found my soul
And now my soul is sane
The night has come down on the land
I wanna reach out for her land
But she takes another
Lonesome in my room, staring at the moon
Treated like a bother
Down on my knees I have seen
What I can be
Raise the power in my eyes
Makes me rise to make me say
Down and alone - arrows fly
Breaking on my soul
Down and alone - arrows fly
I remember times
When arrows hit me causing pain
All alone I've found my soul
And now my soul is sane
Down and alone - arrows fly
Breaking on my soul
Down and alone - arrows fly
I remember times
When arrows hit me causing pain
All alone I've found my soul
And now my soul is sane
(...isn't loneliness a good reason to become acquainted with yourself?
And when you're down and out - aren't you compelled to face yourself?
And - if you know yourself - can the arrows of the world outside
hurt you anymore?...)
8. Holy Shadows
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
You're a child of an old illusion
Can't you hear it cry?
You live your life to the exclusion
Of what they call a lie
The touch of evil it is getting stronger
You'd better hide in the daylight
Or you won't stand the temptation no longer
And you will ask if your way is right
Do not ask the preacher why
All your fears keep it alive
Waiting for the end of time
Holy shadows, always follow
Holy chains on holy shadows
When you are eve then I am temptation
I am the words you're not allowed to say
The animal of their revelation
'Cause I can take your fears away
They make you blind and they want you to follow
"Free love is sin! Desire's slavery!"
My wicked kiss on your virgin lips
Will be a pleasant way you'll see it
Do not ask the preacher why
All your fears keep it alive
Waiting for the end of time
Holy shadows, always follow
Holy chains on holy shadows
Let's get down on the floor
You'll be screaming for more
When out bodies collide
I'll make you feel alright
Never give in when they call it sin
Waiting for the end of time
Holy shadows, always follow
Holy chains on holy shadows
Holy shadows, always follow
Holy chains on holy shadows
Holy shadows, always follow
Holy chains on holy shadows
(...father, forgive her for giving in to her lust,
for being not able to stand the temptation...and for enjoying it!...)
9. Another Time
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
The rain outside reminds me of your voice
Like everything I hear since you're not there
And distance doesn't leave me any choice
Than to meet you in a dream we still can share
In my dream I see your smile
But when I open up my eyes
I can't see anyone
Now that you have gone away
I wonder if we'll reach the day
That you will realize that we belong
I can't take it for granted
I remember your smile
I can't take it for granted
'Cause I know that our life is in line
For another day or life in another time
In another time, in another time
The pressure and the fear it made you blind
You thought you have to give some burden away
But are you really sure if it's required?
Don't you want to find out another day?
In my dream I see your smile
But when I open up my eyes
I can't see anyone
Now that you have gone away
I wonder if we'll reach the day
That you will realize that we belong
I can't take it for granted
I remember your smile
I can't take it for granted
'Cause I know that our life is in line
For another day or life in another time
In another time, in another time
I can't take it for granted - I can't take it
I remember your smile - I remember
I can't take it for granted - I can't take it
'Cause I know that our life is in line
For another day or life in another time
In another time, in another time
10. The Unbeliver
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet & Jens Ludwig]
I am the madness carrying the torch
Lighting the wheat in your fields
I am the eyes staring out of the dark
I am the war of your yields
When you give response away I grow
I am more of you than you might know
Burning down, burning down
It's a story of deceivers
Burning down, burning down
Put the blame on the unbeliever
I am the vision that comes to your mind
When you denounce without regret
"God" is the word in the bible you say
I am the word that you spread
When you give response away I grow
I am more of you than you might know
Burning down, burning down
It's a story of deceivers
Burning down, burning down
Put the blame on the unbeliever
I'm born and I lead the weak into the fire
"No more pain" is what you claim
While you have found your wicked desire
Burning down, burning down
Put the blame on the unbeliever
Burning down, burning down
It's a story of deceivers
Burning down, burning down
Put the blame on the unbeliever
Burning down, burning down
It's a story of deceivers
(...and we still chase the evil - not realizing that it lurks inside of us...)
11. Theater Of Salvation
[music & lyrics: Tobias Sammet]
"I've heard voices in my dream.
Made me stand up, helped me see. Aaah... Oohhh...
Visions called him to awake his mind,
to find his horizon
and find out what may be behind.
[vision:] "Take what you need,
you can find in the back of your soul!
Wake up the king in yourself
to be mighty and bold!"
Seasons of doubt,
fear and silent desires of life have gone by.
Visions have called back my longing
for freedom tonight. Made me sigh...
Wasting my life till the day
that the voice has appeared... Made me see:
I am the one that can make it
through times of despair; I am free!"
They built up a symbol of warning
to give me fear,
to keep me away from paradise
although it's so near,
expecting I don't take a look
at what is behind: Freedom calling...
Take a look at the open gate!
Walk on and don't be afraid!
Free your mind in what they call
it's the heart of temptation!
...oh... Go the way!
Take a look at the open gate!
Walk on and don't be afraid!
Free your mind in what they call
it's the heart of temptation!
Night after night
I remembered the word of the priest:
"Thou shalt not! Never give in to the promises made by the beast,
so help me god!
Never give in to temptation or you'll burn in hell a long, long time!
Forever-eternal-salvation is
what I can sell if you stay blind!!!"
But I wanna know what lies behind the gate of their hell.
And I won't believe all the stories that
they always tell. I got the mind to find out what is right and what's wrong.
Freedom calling...
Queen of mine I long for you.
Tell me why to wait to find our joy!
It's your wait for heaven's door,
your fear that makes them grow
and let you forget today.
I'll never go and I'll stay on your side.
They'll never know what I give to you
is a piece of paradise.
Heaven can wait! NOW I'm living!
Heaven can wait forevermore.
Heaven can wait!
I am to live like I want to also before I'll die.
Heaven can wait! You can't thrill me!
Heaven can wait, we dance till we die!
Heaven can wait! Welcome to the
"Hallelujah, hallelujah!"
I hear the man in black, his
"Hallelujah, hallelujah!"
He tries to keep me back. No!
"Hallelujah, hallelujah!"
Lock up the gates to wisdom
Hallelujah, hallelujah...
Too late! I've found the kingdom...
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
I see a band of angels.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Freedom calling...
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
I do not fear the stories.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Freedom cal