 Целых два года не было ничего слышно от представителей итальянской пауэр металл сцены White Skull. Но вот, когда альбом вышел, оказалось, что один из соавторов, а именно Ник Савио, ушел, дабы заниматься сольной деятельностью. И, похоже, медленно, но уверенно Черепа начинают скатываться вниз к третьесортным группкам, которых просто не счесть, да и не надо. Во-первых, до ужаса удивляет отстойнейшее качество записи, как будто банда записала свой самый первый альбом – барабаны еле различимы, гитары приглушены до предела, и единственным хорошим моментом является усовершенствованный и подросший в исполнительском мастерстве вокал Гаса, который стал прилично рычать, а также петь чистым голосом на уровне с другими грандами жанра, тем более что исчезли все визгливые интонации, которые так хорошо просматривались на предыдущем альбоме. Казалось бы, это и всё что можно сказать о технической стороне альбома, но не тут то было – большая часть песен просто отвратительного качества. Одни из них просто-напросто неоригинальны, и что называется "не первой свежести", другие же (что меня просто убило!) наделены атмосферой туповатой радости, в общем, тем, что называют хэппи пауэр металлом. В связи с этим коллектив утратил всю свою связь с тевтонским металлом наподобие Grave Digger, и стал развиваться в струе таких групп как Freedom Call, Gamma Ray и Helloween, а значит и почти полностью утратил всю свою оригинальность и изюминку. Черепа взяли всё самое примитивное и сомнительное от этих групп, и утратили всё то ценное, что было своим. Альбом на первый взгляд лишён какой-либо цельной концепции, но всё же тексты песен объединяют некие космические истории, исходя из чего, можно провести параллель с Iron Savior. Буклет сделан достаточно посредственно, а лирику вообще почти невозможно прочитать из-за неразборчивого шрифта. Всё же должен заметить, что иногда встречаются вполне мелодичные соло партии и приятные мелодии таких песен как открывающая скоростная «The Union», очень грустная и забойная с супер припевом «Last Navigator», а также наподобие ей с цепляющей мелодикой «Mising Link» и «Perfect Design». В особенности на общем плане выделяются две композиции, такие как средне темповая с гимновым припевом и драйвовыми риффами «The Observers», и представитель медленных вещей – замечательная, но мрачная и депрессивная баллада «I Wanna Fly Away», хоть здесь чувствуется свой почерк. В целом, альбом получился слишком средним и стандартным, перечеркивающим все предыдущие достижения Черепов, а также, как бы это не было ужасно слышать – возвращающим группу на несколько этапов назад. |
Shine, it's time for revelations
Bright, the ancients come from the stars
Crazy men want all the power
And the last skull they've found
In Atlantis it was buried
With the secret of universe
All the skulls are in their hands
And they know how to use 'em
Good and evil are fighting again
But we know who will win
Top Secret
You have seen a light from the sky, burning
Heart a big crash on the earth
All the people are searching for the death zone, searching
But the area was just closed
Another mystery, the people want to know
Secret, secret, is falling from the sky
All the people think, who was, and why
You know that there is another life coming from the stars
From the sky
1941 was the year of the crash down
The spaceship was moved to another place
Magazines were talking about that all day
The authority was talking about an accident
Last Navigator
Riding in time we move in the space
Navigator of stars and inter-space
Builder of giant constructions over mother earth
Eternal gate is the holy door
Air, water and mother earth are good for landing over
All men are your slaves to build your colony, to live
From unknown you've come here and people fear you
Like a god you start to talk with the ancient man
You start to build your colony like a fantastic summer place
You arrive and you go by the eternal gate
You're flying.....over human
Where are you? Where is Rah?
You've vanished somewhere
Tell me to crack the code
Two dimensions and two earths connected by a fantastic door
No human can use the door, it is only for the king
Pyramids are your tomb, you're living like a god
The last king rest in pain no more aliens in through the door
The Skulls
We are ready to leave the earth
We are ready to fly away
We will conquer another world
We are gods without a throne
They are not ready to know the truth
They think that we're the gods
From the sky from the stars
Clever minds build the skulls
All the power is inside
Throw the skulls on the earth
Someone will search and someone will find them
Leave the earth and the Skulls
On the earth somewhere
All the secrets are into the skulls
And they will know the truth
Thirteen Crystal Skulls
Power Hidden Truth
Thirteen Crystal Skulls
Union of the crystal skulls will reveal you the truth
Thirteen Crystal Skulls
Power Hidden Truth
Missing Link
We see you, but you don't see us
We are sailing day by day
We are searching for the land
The connection from East and West
That no one has ever found
Losing direction, we are seeing
Only water everywhere
Over the ocean, following the Stars
The right place is here
Feel it in the air, Atlantis isn't far
Mysterious land you keep
Your treasures concealed
Hiding between continents
Impossible to Find
Under the Oceans
With all your secrets
You are the center of the world
And now we know
That you are
The missing link between two worlds
Creature Of The Abyss
In the highland, there is a hiding place
In the highland the monster lives
Under the water it is concealing
Creature of the water we want to see
Survivor from earth attack
Hidden in the sea and lake
You are the only one
Creature of the abyss
Monster from the lake
Monster living on the earth
Aliens willing to kill' em all
Conquerors of mother earth
Throw the bombs on the surface
This new place is good for you
Men from space are conquerors
From the sky you came to fight
all of you burn like in hell
Stellarian fighters are ready to strike
The monsters will die
Survivor from earth attack
Hidden from sea and lake
You are only one
Creature of the abyss
Monster from the lake
Now you are only one
The survived of your fate
Scotland's legend now you are
The last creature of the earth
You appear sometimes out of the lake
and tales go on
Survivor from earth attack
Hidden from sea and lake
You are only one
Creature of the abyss
Monster from the lake
Legend of the North
Power And Blood
It's midnight in a lost time
The stars are brightening in the sky
The victim is on the altar of God
The sacrifice is starting
The men are dancing around the fire
Now it is time to call the God of the sky
We are believing in the God from the sky
With a spaceship he arrived
Kill, kill, kill the victim
Sacrifice for God
All we drink her blood from the skull
Blade, blade hit the body
All the people drink
God drink with us her blood from the skull
There is fear and terror
Spaceship is brightening in the sky
All people are looking outside
God is out for blood
Hungry for a fair sacrifice
Someone will shed tears for fear
Your soul is flying among the stars
Bright for us near your sisters
Somewhere out in space
We're proud of your sacrifice
Quite is God filled with blood
Perfect Design
I never saw it in the past
But I'm sure what I feel
There is a lot of magnetism
A lot of big designs
Visible only from the sky
Only when you fly so high
South America, England, Europe
And so on lot of
Signs in the fields
Perfect designs on the ground
not by man drawn
These signs are coming from the sky
Men don't know why
Universe is talking with us
Scientists threw out
Some messages and hoped to find
Someone to hear them
Genetic trees traveling in space
And we've received them from another place
Signs, more, signs with message Aliens wrote
Signs, more, signs we want to know the code
Signs, more, signs, but we don't understand
Signs, more, signs, we think it 's a joke
The Observers
We are here not sent by God
To check mother earth
1000 light years from home
There's some work to do
Save the humans from destruction
You are near the end
If you fly high, you will see
You've done damage
And we are here to repair
Fly, fly to see your earth from heights
You have to think of a better life
You have to work and work to have a better world
You are far away to pacify the world
Fight, war, everywhere
You want to use nuclear bombs
they will get you to the end
Mothman Prophecies
Flash in the night like in a thunderstorm
I crash my car in on a stone
I saw an alien in front of me
A lot of people have the same dream
Don't talk about it, but believe and save your life
I lost my wife and I want the truth
Search for the meaning for that incubus
But I don't understand how to smell the death
Prophecies we are not dreamers
Mothman is the voice from the space
Drive and drive in a land so far
Another place where people die
I arrive but I don't know where
Here I breathe a strange atmosphere
Watch the nightmare and the world is in your hands
Every night Mothman appears to you
Evil creature shows you the truth
But I don't understand how to smell the death
Prophecies we are not dreamers
Mothman is the voice from the space
Nightmare shows us the future
It's not a dream it's the prophecy
Darkness, sadness and lots of nights
Another vision is coming soon
Screaming, water, fire and blood
A lot of people trapped on the bridge
I see him the Mothman wants to tell me
Save the people from the tragedy
Is the last prophecy
I Wanna Fly Away
I'm so down and lonely
No one will understand why
I've it all but I'm alone
There's an angel voice that
Calls me in my mind
It's coming from space or another earth
I close my eyes
I want to sleep
A blond angel appears to me
She is not a dream
Come in my land she asked me
I left my heart out
I am alone
I've nothing to lose
My eyes are blind and
I don't believe in love anymore
I want to go but I don't know
How follow my angel in the sky
I want to fly but I have no wings
Follow me into a new life
Now it's time to say goodbye
Unchain me, my body is floating high now
Silence broken in my head
It's not some fake disease