 Вы хорошо знаете, как приготовить винегрет? Если вдруг это для вас тайна, то музыкальный рецепт винегрета норвежские кулинары Crest Of Darkness предложат с удовольствием. Необходимо взять картошку (блэк метал), морковь (пусть будут все мелодичные соло и heavy элементы), свеклу (дэт), их тщательно отварить (студия MLP в Норвегии), очистить, добавить лук (сэмплы и индустриальные элементы), соленый огурец (элементы прогрессива), все мелко нарезать и перемешать (под чутким руководством продюсера), сдобрить растительным маслом (женское сопрано и элементы готики) – и вот он, в изящной миске лежит хорошо пахнущее и манящее произведение кулинарного искусства. Да, чуть не забыл, все это блюдо стоит обязательно подсолить (гостевое участие Khan’а (Kamelot) и Kristin Fjellseth – весь женский вокал) и уже можно разложить по тарелкам и приступить к трапезе. Но при раскладе по тарелкам обнаруживается, что аппетитно и однородно смотрящаяся масса в целом, по одиночке пригодна в пишу далеко не всем: кому-то попадется слишком много масла ("The Ogress"), кто-то будет кривится от большого количества соленого огурца ("Two Thousand Years"), кому-то покажется что много лука и соли ("Reference"), но найдутся и те, кому всего будет ровно столько, сколько нужно и они проглотят свою немаленькую порцию с аппетитом ("Eucharist" или "Sweet Scent Of Death") и запросят добавки. Ну а что же в целом и для кого это блюдо? Если вы питаетесь исключительно картошкой и не перевариваете соленые огурцы и растительное масло, то блюдо от Crest Of Darkness может вызвать боли в животе, однако если вдруг для вас любое количество соли, лука, огурца и моркови в сочетании с картошкой и свеклой лакомство, то “The Ogress” надолго станет любимым номером домашнего меню. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD Maximum) |
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Про этот альбом в последнее время мне прожужжали все уши. Кстати, насчет этих нужных органов - на обложке компакта в потусторонних черно-синих тонах изображена мрачно-суровая великанша с жутко (ой, баюсь, баюсь !) закаченными глазами, у которой рога почему-то прорисованы так, что, вместо собственно рогов, до безобразия напоминают уши моего любимого мультперсонажа Чебуратора. Это сразу настроило меня на несерьезный лад перед прослушиванием, и, как выяснилось - абсолютно зря. Даже при очень серьезном настрое этот диск я смог понять только после нескольких вдумчивых прослушиваний. Но не думайте, что и после этого произошло какое-то озарение, давшее ключ к этому black-industrial-progressive. Я просто понял, что ребята преследовали цель создать свою неповторимую фишку. Это им удалось, но какой ценой! Диск состоит из абсолютно сумбурных, каких-то сырых и несобранных песен, несмотря на отличное качество записи и продюсирования. Местами проглядывает общая мрачно-холодная концепция, но опять тонет в общей нескладности и сумбурности. Я и не хочу, чтобы все были как Cradle Of Filth, но всему же есть предел! И не только восприятию, но и просто здоровому музыкальному вкусу. Резюме: за гранью. |
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просмотров: 9512 |
Drin the blood and listen to
the jaws of the wolf!
Drink the blood!
I'll make your life complete
I'm placing my lips against your neck
You're feeling the touch og cold meat
Cold meat!
I'll take your fear away
I'll always be your devoted friend
You know it's the end of the day
You know you've seen your last sunrise
Drink the blood!
The blood is life!
Drin the blood and listen to
the jaws of the wolf!
Drink the blood!
What do you ahave inside?
Open your heart and feel the lust
There's no reason to hide
You are invincible!
Where have you always been?
I know the answer
- We both know the truth
Life is just as a dream
on the way to the Kingdom of Death!
Drink the blood!
The blood is life!
Drin the blood and listen to
the jaws of the wolf!
Drink the blood!
2. Two Thousand Years
Two thousand years
Living on a lie
Two thousand years
In agony they're gonna die!
The preachers of freedom
The children of god
Living like slaves
Hiding their weakness
Behind their savior
The preachers of love
Bloodstained they are
Killing their enemies
in the name of god
Die! Die!
Believing they know
the only truth
they're spreading
the same old lies
Two thousand years
Living on a lie
Two thousand years
In agony they're gonna die!
Jesus Christ
You are a failure!
Torture and pain
have followed in your name
Jesus Christ
You are not needed
any more!
Die! Die!
Two thousand years
Living on a lie
Two thousand years
In agony they're gonna die!
3. The Ogress
I'm so lonely
Beautifull Medusa
I'm so sad
A whisper from the night
Come to me
Listen to the sirens song
Love me
Sweet words from a killer
She's an angel!
She's an angel
Don't you wanna fly away with her
She's an angel of death
Bring me happines
Mammon is al she needs
Bring me prosperity
She never gets enough
I'm waiting for you
She's an angel!
She's an angel
Don't you wanna fly away with her
She's an angel of death
Indiana Rose
Invincible you are
Your name will be remembered
I need someone
I need a man
Share your life with me
She'll cut him in pieces
Come to me
Listen to the sirens song
Love me
She's a deadly lover
I'm so lonely
Come to me
She's an angel of death
4. Reference
my soul again
the sense of pain
my fantasy
the beats in me
Wake me from the longest sleep
Scream before I fall too deep
Demons of the dealers hand
Light ,y way to neverland
Wisdom is a given gift
Life is like a night-time shift
Learn to love and learn to hate
This is just a different state
amd scenes
I've seen it all before
my soul again
the sense of pain
my fantasy
the beats in me
Fill my soul, then let me die
No-one knows that I am I
Shattered dreams incorporate
Death is yet another state
and scenes
I've seen it all before
I am all and I am one
Universe and unicorn
Born to breed and born to sin
Gods beyond and gods above
Feed my hate and grow my love
Timeless in a flawless flood
Learning I am also God
[repeat choruses]
5. The Inheritance
Watching your life
All through the eyes
of the unconscionable
Watching your life
Getting the knowledge
The inheritance
Ancient rites
Still alive
Bring forth my will!
You've got the seed
You know the Unborn
The magic is yours
You've got the seed
You know who you are
The future is yours
Ancient wisdom
Never forgotten
Bring forth my will!
From the deepest night
Hordes from hell
Among sheeps always wondering
Entering a new era
Crushing the old lies
Ancient Gods
Rulers of the earth
Bring forth my will!
Watching myself
All through the eyes
of the unconscionable
Watching myself
Getting the knowledge
The inheritance
6. Gift of Grace
I'm the Master
of your private wonderland
I'm your greates inspiration
- Always by your side
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
Don't be afraid of your own will
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I am your guide, and I am the Law!
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I've got many
names among you
- My own people
From the shadows, my domain;
- I am rising!
Everything is beautiful
Dark and beautiful
It's not a dream
I'm here
I'm not alone
It's growing.....STRONGER
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I can talk with many voices
- You all know me!
I will give you satisfaction
- Feel the pleasure!
I wiil give you all you need
(because) I am the Voice in your head
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
7. Euphoria
detached from your world
Desirous wishes
of love and pain
Vague dreams
Sweet sorrow
Unspeakable aliveness
In your blood
In your veins
Mighty alien race
Without eyes
watching the emptiness
It's getting closer
to you
You've heard
the fluttering wings
Revelations in black
Your gift of grace
In your blood
In your veins
Mighty alien race
In your blood
In your veins
Mighty alien race
As predicted
The forever indomitable
Infamous being
Revelations in black
You gift of grace
8. Sweet Scent of Death
Neither dead nor alive
Dreadful sounds all around
Breathing like a wild beast
Crawling like a worm
The dream of my life
is slowly fading away
Of the blackest kind
- A nightmare?
Of the blackest kind
- It's more than a dream
You are trying to speak
but you have forgotten the words
I can hear my
own voice calling...me
I don't understand the meaning...of my language
Of the blackes kind
- A life in pain?
Of the blackest kind
- I'm dying for you
I've learned to expect the unexpected
Memories from the past
Forever burning the flames
Terrible ecstasy
Sweet and evil beyond words
It's the end of the waiting
I've got no humanity left
You are a part of me
and together we are
sharing the same destiny
Of the blackest kind
Of the blackest kind
Sweet scent of death
A new beginning
From the outside
I can see...me
I am entering
the gate
Neither dead nor alive
Dreadful sounds all around
Breathing like a wild beast
Crawling like a worm
The dream of my life
It's so far away
The dream of my life
I don't know what's waiting for me
9. Her Crown
She can't
wake up from her
deep unconscious sleep
by her own dreams
Her will
turned her into
her own creation
Deep in your heart
Deep in your soul
Call upon her name
Her name
Like a growing flame
Her name
Call upon her name
Her name
Like a growing flame
Her name
Her grave
- A throne from where
she's touching the stars
So far
away from what
she's left behind
So close
to her own heart
In solitude she's wandering
In pain
she's found the source,
and her might is growing stronger
Deep in your heart
Deep in your soul
Call upon her name
Her name
Like a growing flame
Her name
Call upon her name
Her name
Like a growing flame
Her name
Her crown
- It's her conquest
of something deeper than love
Her crown
- It's an omen
once given life
The night
- It's her domain
beyond earthly ecstasy
Her night
- A world without end
She can't
wake up from her
deep unconscious sleep
by her own dreams
Her will
turned her into
her own creation
Call upon her name
Her name
Like a growing flame
Her name