Silent Force
« The Empire of Future »
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   D.C. Cooper - vocals
Alex Beyrodt - guitars
Torsten Rohre - keyboards
Jurgen Steinmetz - bass
Andre Hilgers - drums |
 | 1. The Beginning
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
2. Live For The Day
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
Grant a wish that I can come and claim
Simple reasons that are not hard to obtain,
Thinking back on what I have not done (What little to show)
There was a time when I know I was lost
Could it be here again |
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 Выпустив последние творение группы DC Cooper’a, AFM Records переиздал первые две работы Silent Force, снабдив каждую некоторым количеством бонусов самого разного содержания – второму диску достались видеоклипы, а первому акустическая версия одного из самых мощных треков с альбома "Saint And Sinners". Если же уйти от официальной информации, обычно красующейся в пресс-релизах, и просто послушать альбом, то понять, откуда у него растут ноги, легко и просто. “The Empire Of Future” – это лишь более жесткая версия дебютного альбома DC Cooper’a, до оригинала дотягивающая не во всем. И пусть начальная и яркая “Living For The Day” вас не сильно воодушевляет, остальной материал слабее, причем идет все по ниспадающей. “Empire Of Future” также цепляет своей размашистой среднетемповостью, но уже чуть-чуть уступает открывающему диск номеру. “Saint And Sinners” также хороша, но уже в чем-то похожа на предыдущий трек. А вот дальше мы окончательно попадаем в болото, в котором вязнут и ноги и уши – не достаточно проработанный симфонизм, неуместные визги а-ля Judas Priest и общее ощущение искусственности и, если хотите, безысходности. И только приятная баллада “I’ll Be There”, целиком и полностью держащаяся на харизматичном и сильном вокале DC, немного спасает ситуацию, но целиком выправить её не в состоянии, а жаль. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Мдя. D.C. Cooper, известный по группе Royal Hunt сделал таки свою группу. По музыке - тоже самое что и в его сольном альбоме, т.е. повторены те же ошибки. Отличный вокалист, при этом музыка такая, что вокал себя абсолютно не проявляет, да еще и сведен диск так, что музыка голос заглушает. Музыканты нормальные, гитариста хочется отметить особо, но вот сами композиции......не фонтан. После первого прослушивания ничего не запоминается. Лучшая вещь - первая, но так было и на сольнике. Хорошо хоть никого из классиков не испоганили ковером, как в прошлом альбоме убили Юрай Хип......рекомендую для ознакомительного прослушивания...а я диск только для коллекции приобрел. |
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Немецкая группа Silent Force была образована гитаристом Александром Бейродтом некогда помогавшим группе Sinner и вокалистом ДС Купером, работавшим в Royal Hunt, а также ведущем сольную деятельность. Помогать им вызвались басист Флейш, ударник Андре Хилгерс и клавишник Торстен Роре. Несмотря на более чем сильный состав, группе не удалось повторить молниеносный успех Хантов или Фиров, а потому музыканты медленно, но уверенно достигали своих высот. Дебютный альбом был записан в весьма хорошей студии Акима Кохлера в House Of Music Studio (Primal Fear, Sinner, Brainstorm и др.), вокалом же занимался тоже проверенный человек в музыкальной индустрии Деннис Вард (Pink Cream 69). В итоге качество записи и аранжировки получились великолепные - немецкий стандарт сразу чувствуется. Однако сразу чувствуется и то что ребята ещё не нашли ни своего стиля ни своего звука. Музыкальный материал лихорадочно бросает из пауэр метала в прогрессив, или мелодик метал, а Купер иногда выдаёт рулады наподобие Роба Халфорда (Judas Priest), что ему удачно удаётся делать, хотя, обладая таким красивым и харизматичным вокалом – это не такая уж и большая необходимость. Тексты песен концептуальны, но не представляют ровным счётом ничего интересного, впрочем, как и сам музыкальный материал. Песни очень занудны и не оригинальны, некоторые проблески техничности были нагло содраны всё с того же Ханта, а некая агрессивная мелодичность явно позаимствована от Пристов. И даже фоном музыку не поставишь – материал весьма жёсткий и драйвовый, но из-за этого не становящийся чем-то необыкновенным. Вроде бы неплохие темы «Saints And Sinner», «Tell Me Why» и «Live For The Day» в конце их прослушивания не оставляют никакого радостного чувства – ведь весь альбом чудовищно посредственен! Так что в целом получается весьма удручающая картина. Пауэрщикам здесь ловить точно нечего, а вот истинным поклонникам ДС Купера вполне может прийтись по душе. |
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просмотров: 9623 |
If they had walked beside all of these men
No way no innocence will stand in the end,
Facing the fine line of life, Live for the day
Looking for a break in the time of the one,
I'll take on, Live for the day,
Through the doors I'll walk the longest aisle,
Kneel before the man, the man who reconciles
Offense against the one who takes my place (How far can I go?)
There was a time, when I looked far ahead
Could it be here this day or am I mislead?
If they had walked in the shoes of all the men
There is no innocence to grab in the end
Facing the fine line of life, Live for the day
Looking for a break in the time of the one,
I'll take on, Live for the day,
Live today, live today, standing in the light
undescribed, undescribed, it is all so undescribed
Innocence, innocence, where is all the the innocence
Standing in the light of daytime
Stand in the light of day (repeated)
Facing the fine line of life, Live for the day
Looking for a break in the time of the one,
I'll take on, Live for the day,
3. Empire Of Future
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
See the fire that burns through people
It's so strong and bright
Was no error of human kindness
Didn't turn out right
In the ending the infinite danger
Had nothing to do with my life
That's when I realized that
I was the stranger
Watching the two worlds collide
Welcome to the the empire of future
This can't be for real
Welcome to the empire of future
You know it must be believed
Welcome to the empire of future
Its all things revealed
Welcome to the empire of future
It is forever the answer
There were no lies brought to me back then
I would have done no harm
A skin that feels like a python that breathes
A trail must be leaving its mark
Now he tells me that I will live to be old
Fear comes over my system realizing
The fortress of his hand will make you see more clearly
In the ending the infinite danger
Had nothing to do with my life
That's when I realized that I was the stranger
Watching the two worlds collide
Welcome to the the empire of future
This can't be for real
Welcome to the empire of future
You know it must be believed
Welcome to the empire of future
Its all things revealed
Welcome to the empire of future
It is forever the answer
In place of secrets that are known
If it weren't for grief
There would be no blindness here
If it weren't for me
4. Saints And Sinners
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
Storming in they rush in through the door
(They knew I was there)
Take me in, in silence will be sworn (Should I be there)?
Charges brought against mankind, was it everyone?
That played a game with lives not theirs
Now it's all been done before
It's the eyes that make the soul worth living
The verdict was laid with no control, if you believe
Saints and sinners, who is different?
Saints and sinners who's the gifted?
God is our judge and jury my friend
It is his choice who makes it in
Saints and sinners who is different?
God is our judge and jury to all
Heaven awaits for those who are called
They found me guilty in the first degree (Sent to death row)
Lay my face within the hands of my priest (Same one did show)
Tears roll down my cheeks, I think, of the life unlived
Extinction now becomes my fate even when he lives again,
It's the eyes that make the soul worth living
The verdict was laid with no control, if you believe
Saints and sinners, who is different?
Saints and sinners who's the gifted?
God is our judge and jury my friend
It is his choice who makes it in
Saints and sinners who is different?
God is our judge and jury to all
Heaven awaits for those who are called
Living and breathing
and seeing and praying
For it is the very last time
There is no way escaping
Stand at the firing line
Saints and sinners, who is different?
Saints and sinners who's the gifted?
God is our judge and jury my friend
It is his choice who makes it in
Saints and sinners who is different?
God is our judge and jury to all
Heaven awaits for those who are called
5. Tell Me Why
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
Did you see the light?
Pounding forces of the night
I don't want to die
There is no reason why
Trust and I'll take the pain
someone must show me now
Trust and I'll take the pain
Someone must show me now
Don't Ask Me Tell Me Why
Ascend the mountain as a whole
They shoot with no control
Our leader is shook with fear
No reason why we're here
Caught in mid breath
the bullet took my heart out
I heard the sound so clear
I've seen the face
Of the man who took my life
There was a look of fear
On his Face
Trust and I'll take the pain
someone must show me now
Trust and I'll take the pain
Someone must show me now
Don't Ask Me Tell Me Why
6. New Experiment
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
He awakes, lying on a table
Bright lights, burning my eyes
Staring face, of a man in a dark cloud
Informing me of the ever profound
I asked, the question
His voice confirms
What happened before ?
Who knows, who lies
Who knows that I am still alive ?
Two to sin, and one to die
This is where the problem lies
The cycle of the hands,
On the clock will circle two more times
( Despite a plea of grand )
New Experiment
Playing God, with a twist of fate
New Experiment,
It's all in the new experiment
Cheated into to a certain fate
The ones who have past
Will be brought back in
Only to be sent,
Back up the hill again
For the last time,
It appears to be sure
Regardless of the scene
Nothing is pure,
I asked, the question,
Am I the first one ?
Or were there ones before ?
They told me, no worries,
I'm the one who opened up the door ?
One to die and two sin
This is where it all begins,
Spinning thoughts
That is in my head,
Many things are left unsaid,
New Experiment
Playing God, with a twist of fate
New Experiment,
It's all in the new experiment
Cheated into to a certain fate
7. Six Past The Hour
[Beyrodt / Bormann / Cooper]
Walk through the dark
I'm finding no simple way out,
A way had appeared
no time for a scream or a shout,
Here is my shadow
it seems, who didn't believe
I've given up looking
look for the place of reprieve,
Watching through the glass
I see the thoughts will bring me to :
Six past the hour
The bells they did ring
They chime on Six past the hour
The thoughts they would bring,
They will bring me
The point of no return, return, return
Walk in the door
I see the flickering flame
A look in his eyes
Told me he's thinking the same
Seconds before it seems
A lifetime had passed
Watching through the glass
I see the pane it has to see
Six past the hour
The bells they did ring
They chime on Six past the hour
The thoughts they would bring,
They will bring me
The point of no return, return, return
He'll see the blood
In his eyes as he nears
Seconds will pass
as he trembles with fear
Six past the hour
The bells they did ring
They chime on Six past the hour
The thoughts they would bring,
They will bring me
The point of no return, return, return
8. Broken Wings
[Beyrodt / Cooper / Hilgers]
Escape, confines run into night
Tense whispers from nearby
A life lost in my eyes
Drak image of a smile
Fraying at the edges in my mind
Reflections in the mirror
One time so I can feel it again,
The touch as my angel
is mending my wings
One time so I can feel it again
Mending my broken wings
Changes, the meadow green to brown
Bare becomes the ground
As if this world was void
of all my love unvoiced
Playing at the borders
trapped in time
reflections disappearing
One time so I can feel it again,
The touch as my angel
is mending my wings
One time so I can feel it again
Mending my broken wings
I wonder if they're missing me
can it be ignored ?
Take my hand please lift me up
This is my reward
Cannot take the blame
Cannot cary shame
One time so I can feel it again,
The touch as my angel
is mending my wings
One time so I can feel it again
Mending my broken wings
9. We Must Remain
[Beyrodt / Cooper]
No way to fight this emotion
Even if it's all that I have
Send me in a different direction
Take me down a safer path
I want to stay, someplace where
The wind is blowing
Like yesterday, all my dreams unlaid
Take a look at yourself,
Tell us what you think
( In the mirror )
We must remain
This shall not be done in vain
We must remain
Fighting in the rain
Searching deep inside
for the answer
Hoping that it's not undesired
Is there any piece of the puzzle ?
Hidden right in front of my eyes
I want to stay someplace
Where I'm free to follow
A life of peace,
Hate gets in the way
Take a look at yourself,
Tell us all what you think
( In the mirror )
We must remain
This shall not be done in vain
We must remain
Fighting in the rain
We must remain
This shall not be done in vain
We must remain
Fighting in the rain
10. I'll Be There
[Beyrodt / Cooper / Werno]
If I could see this through,
so much to say,
Here in a place I don't know
If I'll get away,
I walk a line today,
Wide, but blind
You know it was somewhat,
of my design
In my mind, I'll be there
Comes a time,
a time for us to share
In my mind, I'll be there
comes a time,
a time for us to share
a time for us to share
How can I leave you this way,
a place so alone,
If I could see you,
there's a world unknown,
If my heart says,
watch the time,
You know it brings to mind
a certain rhyme,
All alone today, I
I wipe the tear,
think of the world away
our world so near,
In my mind, I'll be there
Comes a time,
a time for us to share
In my mind, I'll be there
comes a time,
a time for us to share
a time for us to share