 Исторически Détente является предшественником более маститого коллектива Fear of God, начало которому положила Дон Кросби, уйдя из команды в 1989-м. Хотя дискография Détente насчитывает всего один полноформатный альбом, период существования этой формации отнюдь не был коротким. За шесть лет деятельности коллектив, кроме альбома, вышедшего на тогда уже влиятельном лейбле Metal Blade Records, издал своими силами значительное число демо-лент, из которых сейчас официально переиздана только одна. Знакомясь с дошедшим до нас материалом, невозможно предположить, что выходцы из этой же группы запишут в 1991-м мрачный и степенный «Within the Veil». Détente были характерной «командой 80-х» и в столь рисковые эксперименты не ввязывались. Оставаясь в тени более плодовитых Metal Church и Anthrax, они, тем не менее, сочинили speed-металлический материал, исполненный и записанный на высшем уровне, ни в чем не уступающий дебютным работам перечисленных грандов. По-моему, «Recognize No Authority» и вовсе является одной из лучших записей этого стиля, соперничая не только с общеизвестной классикой, но и с такими сейчас забытыми бойцами speed-металл передовой, как бельгийский Acid или немецкий Living Death. Можно предположить, почему Détente не достигли большего: к моменту выхода их альбома в фаворитах были уже thrash-команды (влияния которых, кстати, не избежала и данная работа). Сходящих с большой арены коллективов вроде Détente, уже не отвечавших веяниям времени, было слишком много. К тому же ни Кросби, ни басист с гитаристом, перу которых принадлежит большая часть музыки, не были сторонниками легкоусвояемого головотрясного материала. Несомненно, эта самая «головотрясность» у Détente присутствует в избытке, однако сочетается с продуманной музыкальной частью и отчаянным, тяжелым настроением. Примерно так, только в более сумбурном и эмоциональном ключе (делаем поправку на год появления на свет) мог бы звучать Holy Mosses’овский techno thrash периода «The New Machine of Liechtenstein». Будь альбом чуть длиннее, он утомлял бы постоянной напряженностью и нервозностью материала, но и за 35 минут успеваешь почувствовать некоторый «перегруз». Это, пожалуй, единственный недостаток, который не позволяет поставить «Recognize No Authority» высший был. Голос Кросби чаще всего мало отличается от высокого пения вокалистов-мужчин, типичного для такой музыки, но местами в нем уже угадываются депрессивные нотки, в будущем знакомые по альбомам Fear of God. Détente не лишен характерной для стиля сырости и «придурковатости», но поклонникам умеренно техничной музыки, да и просто любителям металла 80-х эта группа, я уверен, должна прийтись по душе. |
You're a loser not a winner, you were born to lose.
Them that has gets and you've got nothing you're a loser not a winner.
It's always been this way, nothing ever changes.
2. Russian Roulette
Nations untrustworthy, room filled with gasoline.
2 men striking matches so they can see.
They raise their guns and dare each other play a game of death.
We call it Russian Roulette.
One chance is all you get.
Chambers loaded you got the hammer cocked.
Barrels at your head, a prayer's what you've got.
Détente is undermined by the savages who lead us blind, towards Armageddon or worse.
Russian Roulette.
3. It's Your Fate
Born into a class structure, rich man or slave at his feet.
Bystander or maker of crime killing in war or doing time.
The elders who possess the power build areals in defense,
You pay the price for their fears their memories they won't forget.
It's your fate, you don't decide,
It's your fate, struggle just to survive.
The verdict in long before the first breath filled your lungs.
Tomorrow you'll rise look around you wonder why.
All you see in decay fate has not been kind.
Holy war
Suicidal bomber dying for a cause, and the life you're losing it's well worth the price
You're on a mission for your god, and the innocents you take with you are examples of us all.
Holy war holy war you keep killing you don't know who it's for.
I watch you soldier as you stab her and laugh, her mother draws her near.
She takes her last breath.
Then you unfold your leader's picture, show him what you've done.
Then you kiss his photo, praise his holy one.
Holy war holy war you keep killing you don't know what it's for.
4. Holy War
Suicidal bomber dying for a cause, and the life you're losing
it's well worth the price
You're on a mission for your god
and the innocents you take with you are examples for us all
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know who it's for
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know what it's for
I watch you, soldier, as you stab her and laugh, her mother draws her near
She takes her last breath
Then you unfold your leader's picture, show him what you've done
Then you kiss his photo, praise this holy one
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know who it's for
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know what it's for
I watch you, soldier, as you stab her and laugh, her mother draws her near
She takes her last breath
Then you unfold your leader's picture, show him what you've done
Then you kiss his photo, praise this holy one
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know who it's for
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know what it's for
Holy war, holy war. You keep on dying, you don't know who it's for
Holy war, holy war. You keep killing, you don't know what it's for
5. Catalepsy
6. Shattered Illusions
The giant fears that creep upon you as you gaze with open eyes.
At the world that surrounds you, hollow shells of faded dreams.
Somewhere close I feel your breath and somewhere I sense death.
What I felt for you last night is dying with the morning light.
Shattered illusions makes me confused.
Start making every scene searching every bar.
You're working on another scheme, illusion takes you but how far.
7. Life Is Pain
Deceived by false hopes into thinking there was something more
I've left what matters slips away.
Like grains of sand falling through my hands.
All tomorrows are yesterdays.
No one really cares
They're just out to survive, and if you find it hard to believe you're the one who's living a lie.
My life is pain, all was taken that I gave.
Left were only broken promises.
All tomorrows are yesterdays.
Can't you see you're wasting time.
Believing in a better day that never comes, and all the prayers that you pray won't change tomorrows from yesterdays.
Death to our false love we live only to be gratified.
Raise the sword high strike us down.
8. Blood I Bleed
You don't know me I owe you not a thing.
Yet you believe it's your right to take it all.
Wanting a slave you can devour, I should fulfill your need [?]
Not on your life.
Abuse me exploit me, thick and red the blood I bleed.
Dominate defile me, drink it down the blood I bleed.
Drill in my mind little girls are tolerated, often used, despised and hated.
Gonna rot alone in their middle ages, kept in line must control their rages.
I see you've moved to another key holder.
One's gonna treat you much better.
He gives you strong advice about your life girl.
Now that lover you trust and believe in has got you on a corner charging a fee yeah, it's just the blood you bleed.
I rip the flesh from your bones.
I laugh as I watch it fall away.
The blood from your veins falls like a shower.
This passion you want to control.
9. Widows Walk
I the judge and the jury.
I deliver the sentence.
You who've not seen the light of day, shall die before you awaken.
There is no force in my life that I cannot control.
I have your seed, I spit it on the ground,
I will not reap what you've sown,
On the widows walk he waits for thee,
On the widows walk I call your name.
I'll give to you what you gave to me, a term of confusion and pain.
I stand alone await your return,
I have nothing to gain.
You can change fates decree on the widows walk I wait for thee.
10. Vultures In The Sky
Can't you see we don't care about you.
Can't you see we don't want your kind.
We give you weapons to kill each other, can't you see or are you blind.
Vultures in the sky, flying overhead.
Vultures in the sky looking for the dead.
You're doing just what we want you to do, killing off your population.
We've got you by your stupid pride.
Rewarding it with frustration.