 Нестандартно мыслящие последователи прогрессивного трэша через год после дебютника снова порадовали поклонников стиля, выдав на гора материал в своём фирменном стиле. Узнаваемые меланхоличные нотки обрамлены более чётким и насыщенным звуком, а внутреннее течение композиции прибавило в нетривиальности развития сюжета. Присущая команде угрюмость конечной гармонической формы теперь не так явно бросается в глаза, сбросив с себя налёт надрывности. Тем не менее, материал всё также лиричен и тонок, но появившаяся умеренность в выражении эмоций сыграла свою роль. Средний темп, властвующий на альбоме, вполне к месту для такого рода музыки, потому что материал изобилует интересными переходами и разноплановыми модуляциями, хотя основное достоинство релиза в его сугубо индивидуальной мелодической компоненте. Ровное ритмовое движение создаёт определённую константную конструкцию, озаряемую яркими всполохами гитарных соло, и содержащую в себе все прелести внутреннего содержания лонгплея. Чего не найти на этом альбоме, так это однообразия, поэтому нешаблонное звуковое полотно не даст заскучать во время прослушивания, хотя данный релиз уповает, прежде всего, на вдумчивое восприятие (альбомы данной стилистики сложно слушать в отвлечённом режиме, даже несмотря на приятные слуху звуковые формы). Мы имеем дело с самодостаточным творением, навсегда вписанным в золотое наследие жанра. |
Lay down your body and feel a bed
But not these thrills to make you really mad
Believe it!
You cannot steer, the wind takes care of you
Believe it!
There is a new time
There is a floor
And doors are wide open to new thoughts
Souls want to know what's out of sight in this palace called life
2. Where
[Klemp, Lubitzki]
Where it streams from the light to everywhere
And it's difficult to be not there
You jump to points and try to hide
Shadows have no border to light
Feel as waves or feel as matter
Neighbours tight, neighbours drawing together
They take a shape and turning around
Look their traces far in the background
Their master's master is never to explain
Excited movement from nowhere
Is he there? Or there? Is he there? Anywhere?
Where it streams from flesh to the hole's warm sides
The animal reasons are going to strike
For growing up in a warm cage
Proud heads gliding in a new age
3. Way Out
[Schallenberg , Lubitzki]
I have trouble in my mind
Do not know what's wrong or right
I fall in thoughts 'bout the roots
I hate myself, I am confused
This town is dangerous every time, don't move in unknown ways to find
The way out to relief, 'cause violence amplifies the grief
I have no disease, have food, bed and flat
Lots of important things that other people want to get
Maybe I'll help them, but I'm selfish today
I hate myself, so dazed in this state
This town is dangerous every time, don't move in unknown ways to find
The way out to relief, 'cause vilence amplifies the grief
Now, one is gone, one near me
Is gone forever and finds some releif
His child is left alone for me
Is this the new way that should be, out of my hate?
This town is dangerous every time, don't move in unknown ways to find
The way out of your hate, is this the new way out of my hate?
4. Berlin
[Klemp , Lubitzki]
You grow to a big town at one time
And then your tracks lost line
The wartimes draw your heart away
To west, north, south, east, everywhere
And then they cut you not for fun
Since '61 the wound still runs
To save the political pride
To heat the cold war with you
Berlin, a suburb or the westworld's eye
I cannot love, cannot deny
You boil too fast til you dry
Anytime you're dry
Now you are bigger than before
But decadence grows in your soul
You spit that oil straight on our head
The clever get rich, the weak ones mad
In streets, in subways goes the race
The others come to find their ways
These countries where they are from
Are poor why are we rich here
Berlin, a suburb or the westworld's eye
I cannot love, cannot deny
You boil too fast til you dry
And I will fly
5. Psycho Circle Game
[Klemp , Lubitzki]
She cries til it's bright, til the sun is shining in the summertime
She's dry, had no tears to cry, then daylight starts attacks
Against her muddy eyes
She's tired of this life, no summersun can help her
'bout the sorrow in her mind
When the spoon is hot and the needle searches for a way
She's turning back to live and to feel like a queen
When the stuff is over and the nightlight sucks the day
She's longing to drift and to push the time away
When the money's over and she sells herself as shame
Her unconscious state remains an psycho circle game
She screams for a scene that she saw herself on the TV-Screen
She was steam, ash grey steam, but now she's going black
And it fades for free
She must sleep, her body's weak but she is powerless
Against her fast heartbeat
When the spoon is hot...
She screams: please help me! Her friends go down this same way
They're no medicine
When the spoon is hot...
6. The Story (Autumn Times II)
[Klemp , Lubitzki]
I feel you whisper - so far, dear sister
But now a shudder - your voice, stepfather
Is it a deception? - or true affection?
Do you feel better? - Are you together?
Old fingers touch a young girl's skin, unusual love or sin?
Tough leather slides on her velvety cover, never any other
Except stepfather gets her love
She's thirteen years old
He's got her in a cage of cold
Their sensitive relationship grows to great fears, transformed
To trouble and tears, every day when her head's on his shoulder
This fifty year man seems to be colder
Mother's pain, she wants to reveal what's going on in the family
One day in autumn sister shocked stepfather, me and
My mother when she gave her earthly life an end
His hair is grey, tender his words, he swears on her grave:
"No one will ever separate our love's heat, I'll meet you in heaven
Soon we shall be free". He trusted in this and in half a year
By his own oath he had disappeared
I feel you whisper - So far...
7. My Wine
[Schallenberg , Grigoleit , Lubitzki]
There's a castle burning, fallen is the bridge
There's a good smell inside, water will not switch
So let it run in silence, let the flames their ways
Sometimes you'll remember the smokie summerdays
Celebration in a new day's dawn
The line of black boxes march along
Kiss their hands, don't wait to make a try
To touch souls on journey to the sky - goodbye
My wine talks to me, talks his voice for free
Talks in things I see, in my fantasy
Hurting down from fever deep below
Pissdrop-silence in the new year snow
I sense a warm ray, don't let it end
Yellow snow is in my mouth and in my hand - I sense you, man
My wine talks to me, talks his voice for free
Talks in things I see, in my fantasy
And all day it is the same I see
Castles burning, hold the lights for me
In the shadow, care to steer your flight
You know spiders spin their cobwebs so tight - I fight, I die
My wine talks to me, talks his voice for free
Talks in things I see, in my fantasy
My wine walks with me, where I go to be
Walks and talks with me, in sick harmony
8. From Out Of Future
[Klemp , Habermann]
Once upon a time on this planet
A sudden cry broke the peaceful silence
As an old man stood on the edge of the world
Staring with tired eyes into the endless sky
There's a secret, and with regret
He looks eastwards, there where the sunrise starts
Since aeons the faith lived on, one day they will come from outer space
With an ardent look, he's awaiting them, the ancestors of a lost race
And soon his longing will be rewarded
A giant arrow will tear heaven apart
Unseen creatures coming down
And just mysteries are left for those who came as the next
There's a secret, and with regret
He looks eastwards, there where the sunrise starts
Some centuries later, chaos rules in nature, the old man died long ago
The ancient tradition's wiped out by the arrogance of mankind
One day a flash will point at the grave,
Another old man will go there again
He'll hear the weeping from inside the grave
While they're waiting for a new sign of the strangers
Smash the secrets, feel no regrets
Oh see how nice, this last sunrise
Smash all secrets, feel no regrets
Oh see how nice, this last sunrise
9. Hateful Pride
[Klemp , Lubitzki]
I am a murderer
No remorse in sin
Kill you fast and sure
My trouble within
Drugdealer you're my enemy
Explanations for what I do?
The roots of your character for the ones you took
Now it's time to break the rules
To sell them short good times
More to bring them the grief
You came on all strong to breed your big crime greed
Deep and deeper in me it burns and I cannot deny my eyes
Human pride is on my side
And I shoot with my hateful pride
She was the sunrise, but she is faint
She's disguised as a new shape
For a new life with a new name
Why is she fading her own way to destroy herself on his side?
Oh why?
No, I fight no inner fight to keep in the fright
That killed her guide
10. Eternal Twins
[Klemp , Habermann]
Mother got pregnant by rape
Identical twins came to being, but they were different in their minds
The fatal flaw was the bad disposition
Two charactes in black opposition
The birth of the twins started this game
And relieved mother from the shame
So we grew up...
-Often I saw you caressing your cat
I devised evil plans, you did not smell a rat
-I told you 'bout things you won't understand
Rays of hope are fading, why can't we become friends?
-Feel the fascination of obscure ideas
Where is room for love? I want to take and never give
-Eclipse and enlightenment since cosmogony
But I'll laugh at your obsequies when you kiss my feet
-You made me cry, then you licked off my tears
Nevertheless I will love you, but replaced love with
-Vibrations fill our discord, I'm craving for the pleasure
I feel when creatures praise me in agony...and die!
-Always before I fall asleep
I sense your presence, Mom, like a good night-kiss
My clown forgot all his jokes, my snowman has melted to tears
When he ripped off my dolls and stuck hails in their furry ears
-Permanent pain release, fantastic disharmony
Injustice is put on stage, you and me in one cage
Die fly! Kiss the abyss!
Arise! Who's wise?
-You never stayed hungry when you smelt the taste of blood
While I taught the wolves crying and broke black widow's heart
We can live, we can die, but always together, forever apart
-Control saves the state, piece falls my hate
No hope still for escape, we follow the cosmic trace
Good and evil
Who wins? The eternal twins!
-Ametric destiny, preposterous comedy
-Atomal overtones, aesthetic abscess
-Immortalized tears, paralyzed fears
-Under a spell in condemned cell
-Loose or bear the bell
-At any rate I'll see you in hell