 К основным достижениям этой канадской формации можно отнести соединение в единое целое ломаных thrash/death-структур и чрезвычайной нетривиальности подхода, где джазовые манипуляции встречаются с эпическим настроем, присущим внутреннему миру команды. На данном опусе музыканты слегка остепенились и уже не стремятся расходовать техницизм напропалую. Все компоненты релиза взаимосвязаны и создают генерацию максимально усложнённого, но в целом ровного звукового полотна, где гармонические манипуляции контрастируют с доступным ритмом ударных. Как и в случае с альбомом "Spheres" от Pestilence, данный лонгплей сложно рекомендовать слушателям, ищущим в музыке понятные звуковые формы. Здесь, скорее, имеет место принадлежность работы к тем категориям, когда без предварительной подготовки очень сложно понять и принять структурные особенности музыкального действа. Канадцы предлагают на сто процентов самобытный материал, который невозможно спутать с кем-либо, и тем более, указать, под влиянием чего он был создан. К мини-изменениям, коснувшимся наполнения творческого мира коллектива, можно отнести наличие очень лиричных замедлений, которые возвращают нас, пусть и ненадолго, к временам конца 80-х, когда сами DoP были чуть наивными и менее строгими. Данный альбом является вехой в истории авангардной формы дэта, но известной далеко не всем, что, не в меньшей мере указывает на малодоступность восприятия музыки команды. Тем не менее, релиз достоин быть занесённым в анналы истории дэта в категорию наиболее сложных творений. |
Changes the turning wheels
Wings of suicide
I bleed inside
From knives of pain
Cruel from hell
Is your backstab
Void in space
Shades of grey
Alone again
Never ending
Heal me, free me
Each nerve is unprotected
Pain explodes i'm damaged shattered
Spread your wings then you too can fly
Wings of suicide fly
Restrictions implode fear
The rivers that flow here
Channeling my thirst
Embracing fantasy
Forgive me, free me
No forgiving black is tomorrow
Tormented soul free my existance
Split the vein the flow of life
Bleed the ink of self expression
Give your life give your soul
Shredded past future sold
Harsh cold winds expect the worst
Circles of torment wings of suicide
Expiration descration, mind relation
Armoured structure, boundaries ruptured
Interaction codes of contact
Intersection, paths of friction
What's real is what you feel now
In the pattern of existance
Wide should be your eyes
Blinded are your thoughts inside
Cancel what should have been
Resurrected your future dreams
No truth in this world
Only lies corrupt the circle
Cast the first stone
Cast the chains of their lies
Circle around try to sacrifice time
Burning inferno from the hellfire's past
Two faces have shown
Reasoning instead of blame
Better to recieve than shame
Lay your course and analyze
Find your strength don't sympathize
Try to use your capacity
Come together for the better
My soul is black as the night, with no stars
My mind is dead from the world I defy
Must blood run into your hands till you see
The circle burns and connects endless turns
Alone in the space trapped within the walls of the dead
Tomb of flesh twisting through time
Old and grey wish smell of death was near
Solitude a vacuum of doubt and fear
Isolation tribulation
Look toward the never ending
Lives of pain death reaper's vein
Choke tears of black no paradise here
Crypts of the frozen soul
Bitter storms rains of regression
Poison mind bleeding depression
Withered flesh essence failing
Lost immortal no escaping
Lost in time and trapped within the
Crypts of the frozen soul
Lost inside a maze of ice and blackness
Creep in endless darkness look into the snake eye
Search in vein for rod of light to guide you
Never more shall not return
For I am endlessly trapped in this crypt
Mental anguish cold inside
End extinguished injecticide
Crypts of the frozen soul
Existance takes its toll
Forever in black hole
Infinite sold you soul
Key of freedom lost inside my mind
Cannot break this evil code of time
Journey of submission no way out
Must transmute the anger from inside
Return from the gate tears of frost freezing in pain
Have I come to late chills of strangeness whispers of hatred
Rise out from the shell dream of grandeur purest of evil
Vision of this lie past meets future trapped forever
Knowing failure
Calling falling
Crying sighing
Memories dreaming
Crypts of the frozen soul
Gained perspective from lessons learned in the past
Anger reflected through eyes of hate in the looking glass
Crucially important these aspects of man and all of time
Potentially evil dreams of battle and these horrific crimes
They are swarming the throne
The essence of warfare invalidates lessons learned
Techniques and technologies for casting future wars
Evolution the process the stepladder of consequence
Weapon effectiveness fundamental principles of warfare
Critical shocked state cold blood spilled in vain
Greed possesses all into black will surely fall
Bridges burned out black masterpiece of death attacks
Victims of fiction pride of race war friction
Swarming the throne
Beast of skull and horn
Raised in this war
Tocrush human form
Tyrant war like giant creature so defiant future silence
Now when you walk in silence
Your solitude soon threatened
Don't give your your trust to unseen forces
Sabotaged faults of deception
Swarming the throne warnings have shown
Hateful seeds sown never to be alone
I am mechanikill
Lost in time - Pictured life
Rivers flow - Channeled slow
Humaniod - Carrier
Of disease - Bury her Virus lies mutated strains
Sterilized in our viens
Mechanikill re-animator
War machine of monster form
Computed hell like storm
Sub-atomic warrior
Sword of chemical horror
Robot slave metallic fusion
Unnatural fission
Me-can-I-kill of disarray
Kill all humans earth's protector
Bodies crushed in seas of blood
Reaking mess of liquid waste
Morbid deathly moist rot stench
Spread the legs of putrid wench
Seed the skies with baterial sword
The sword of lies
The sword replies
Revolt crush to bloody end
Harsh and cruel with no mercy
Mechanikill rules this world
Race of man goes underground
Look to the skies for your freedom lies only there
You are amongest the carriers of impurity and disease
Shrouds of macabre
Immediate persecution
Penalties of death
Murder the believers
I am Me-Can-I-Kill
Ever changing puzzle maze of mystical
Webs of creation interconnection
Loss of direction and equilibrium
Forever now, principal sights
Indestructible planet calls death
Ecological system overload
Blind creation nil reconstruction
Spherical sabotage experimental mind facade
Distorted fantasy missle of reality
Resistance experience development collapsation
Planet can not die time moving mutated crime
Sustained life forces dust inward spiraling trust
Interaction reconstruction
Must re-master end comes faster
No solution to this delusion
In force survival slime so primal
Ecological interconnected
Manipulation of the infected
Symphonical animosity and sabotage facade
Spherical fantasy of time
Waraphoric structures
We are sinners blackest soul
We have no purpose must see thou slain
There are no winners darkest call
Uptothe surface structures strained
Ghost of unearthly guise
Bastard infect you now
Detection loss of will
Rain blood from skies of lies
Choking the balance die
Forever the balance die
Forever now we prey
Years of loss decisions
Battle blasphemic curse
Soon shall see incision
Kill them for their gods
Save them from the fire
Choices of the elders
Forces of the watcher
Waraphoria lost utopia crushing phobia warphoria
Strapnel rains from the sky
Fragmented rains of hate
Kill for peace and harmony
no key to black symphony
So exist with trails of war
Soon death winds of the plague
Forces of the conqurer
Plead ing for the future
Such a violent species
Sterilize the feces
Intensify - exemplify - void multiplied
Unleashed the beast of lies
Nightmare of uncertainty
Strapnel rained from the skies of lightning
Napalms burnlik e rivers of fire
Breakneck global warfare
Shattered fragmented planet
Biological sword
Chemical hoards
Incurable disease
Ozone freeze
We die for purpose - purist souls
We break the curse - too late in vain
We die for churches - blackest hole
We scratch the surface - war gods domain
Warphoria lost utopia crushing phobia waraphoria