 Ещё один металлизированный альбом бельгийских классиков мясорубочного грайнда. Очередная смена состава вокруг Яна привела к нему нового гитариста, который как следует развернулся на «Humarrogance». Agathocles, как всегда, травят публику дикой смесью дэта и политического панка, что в целом производит довольно положительное, хотя и болезненное впечатление. Как это часто бывает с Agathocles, нельзя избавится от мысли, что не встреть остальные (анти-)музыканты шеф-идеолога Яна, то коротали бы свои дни в средненьких дэт-группах, а так — вошли в историю андерграунда своим хулиганством. Сам по себе мясорубко-грайнд ничем особенным не отличается, разве что повышенной дозой дэта, как и во всём слушатебельном материале Agathocles, что опять-таки, благодаря в меру туповатому риффингу и утробному рёву Яна, вызывает стойкие ассоциации с Deicide. А хулиганство отчётливо наблюдается в джаз-пародии «White Horse», в напоминающей музыкальную тему из South Park «Alright, Let's Feel» да в мрачном нойзовом полотнище «Failure». Одна из, на самом деле, немногих «вершин» (коих и в самом деле у группы немного) мясного творчества Agathocles. |
of intelligent humanhood,
Just think, yes do think
of what we are heading to
and act, yes react
for the sake of mother Earth
A friend went to gigs
death/black metal gigs
because he likes it
and to make new friends
but he got beaten up
by racist scum
because of his skin
because he was black
death to racist scum
death to fascist scum
six feet underground
is the place they belong
Model Citizen
He worked all day from 9 to 5
then got home and kissed his wife
had some dinner and watched TV
then went to bed to awake early
He worked all day from 9 to 5
then got home and kissed his wife
went upstairs to their bedroom
shot himself the gun said boom !
Let's Feel Alright
Let's feel alright
with no civil right
Police stopped me in the street
"open your bag we wanna see"
asked me what was doing here
"show your passport you filthy longhair"
Was nothing wrong, what i did
just went home from a gig
police-officer, civilians' friend?
state control till the end
As Years Pass By
Feel the pain of forests
as acid rain is falling down
taste the flavour of poison
burning in a fish's mouth
And as years pass by,
I still ask "why, why?"
is it in our genes?
to kill and maim and destroy beauty?
Earth feel the greed of humans,
carving like a knife
Earth weeps 'cause she's desperated
she knows she's going to die
And as years pass by,
I still ask "why, why?"
is it in our genes?
to kill and maim and destroy beauty?
It Bothers Me
Does not bother me
that you don't drink
does not bother me
that you don't smoke
but it bothers me
that you beat up
all the others one
(who are) not like you
We don't need- your hardline
We don't need - your shortsight
We don't need - your dogmas
We don't need - your violence
Punkstars on TV
ideals gone, nothing to say
punkstars on TV
another band down the drain,
one day fly
cash it in
then change your style
White Horse
Watch the lady
on a white horse
coming slowly
but coming closer
to take the hand
of my friend
No will to fight
the horse in white
no will to kill
the urge for pills
the lady comes
and my friend drowns
Ain't I?
Heard that love is in the air
but the only thing I breathe is gas,
gas of Misanthropia
the myth of love is dead,
Feel like being not understood,
god, I wish you fucking could,
visit my island of sorrow,
love today, hate tomorrow
Walking among the trees,
on my island full of sorrow,
trees resembling corpses,
ain't I a happy bastard?
Just all in my head,
these thoughts of of fucking death,
maybe all fantasies,
but oh so real to me
don't wanna be positive,
'cause there will always be "if"
no need to fucking hope,
for good times which won't come
Beam Me Up, Scotty
beam me up,
there's no intelligent
life on Earth
Ice Brick
Hate enlightens my dark mind,
'what the fuck, do you think I'm blind/
something was fucking up in my head,
did not cause it was "them"
giant ice-brick takes control
once my mind, now ice-cold
and as my feelings start to freeze
"them" will die, on their knees
ice - cold - brick,
in - my - mind,
it - won't - thaw
unless - they - die
Battlefield in my head,
"them" as victims, me as Death,
swing my axe, my axe of ice
'cut their feelings and strings of life
victory is what will be,
in this ice-brick living in me
in my head, these fantasies
should I hope they'll become reality?
Culture of Degradation
Culture of degradation,
it's a macho-nation,
culture of degradation,
fortifies the seperation,
I'm sitting at my home,
me and my friend TV alone,
soon he will show to me,
all the things I like to see,
The degradation has got to stop,
no more "meat" for the macho-block
women are humans too,
satiated minds have got no clue,
TV-stations do their best,
to get the biggest breasts,
dollar-signs broadcast her on the screen,
because they know it turns on the macho-scene
Closed Down
The closing of factories when there is no need,
reduction of jobs 'cause of capitalist greed,
fufilling their wallets not social needs,
reason for actions, reason for deeds,
The bastards not willing to listen our griefs,
police protecting those who decieve,
no voice will be heard, except (those of) our fists,
reason for actions and to resist,
Another factory closed down, hundreds of
people on the dole, without a fucking reason
to be, closed down and shut down
Alright, Let's Feel
Alright, let's feel,
with no civil rights,
Police stopped me in the street,
"open your bag, we wanna see",
asked me what I was doing there,
"show your passport, you filthy longhaired"
Was nothing wrong what I did,
just went home from a gig
police-officer, civilians' friend?
state-control till the end.
Kneel and Pay
Just heard the news on my radio,
social security funds will be cut down,
Just saw the news on my TV-screen,
government decides "work or die",
Government decides, wants us to bend,
why should I listen? I did not vote them,
Government sucks our wallets dry,
for their stinking capitalist lives,
Kneel and pay,
for the ones the mass has voted for,
Kneel and pay,
for the ones who surely do not care
Anger, hate, pain, life?
why must I - suffer?
Lost all vital essence to fight,
as I stare into the void,
I cling to a fading thought,
of what was once my life,
Socially - rejected,
economically - unwanted
bueraucratically - erased,
the scorn of - humanity
Who am I?
I Can't Stand
I can't stand the hatred, the hatred in me,
but still it remains there, it's a part of me,
I can't stand the pessimism, the pessimism in me,
but still it remains there, a little part of me,
I can't stand the apathy, the apathy living in me,
but still it remains there, it's a part of me,
I can't stand the negativism, which is living in me,
but it's all a part of me, I am fucking sorry!!!
Smelling the Odours of Death
Smelling the odours of death,
walking next to a macho-stud,
his perfume taking my breath,
tested on animals, tortured to death,
Smelling the odours of death,
on a high-society-bitch her head,
her perfume taking my breath,
tested on animals, tortured to death,
Who the fuck wants to reek "swell",
when animals have gone through hell,
biting perfume in their eyes,
to show off and smell good, they died,
Smell death - captured in a perfume-spray
Smell death - animals' pain, bottled away
Smell death - captured in a perfume-spray
Smell death - who the fuck needs it anyway?
The Bastards Have Landed
The bastards have landed,
and offended their rights,
in Cuba it happened,
in 1959,
imperialist America,
invaded their land,
US wants to start a war,
the show off the world,
The bastards have landed,
but they got kicked back
Oh yes, we do hate labels,
but they leave us no other choice,
grind is not a synonym,
for homophobic noise,
active and throught-provoking,
this is called MINCE-CORE,
so, joint our fight to protect,
Mince - death to homophobia and sexism
Mince - lifestyle of socio-anarchism,
We don't need these ignorant,
discriminating talks,
we don't need this crap,
from those who think with their cocks,
is "fag-bashing" really that tough?
well, bash yourself instead,
'cause in MINCE-CORE there is no room,
for racist, fascist scum
Mince - death to homophobia and sexism
Mince - lifestyle of socio-anarchism.