« Pride »
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1 | Welcome To The Cage
 | 2 | Crying For Help V
 | 3 | Empire Of A Thousand Days
 | 4 | Crying For Help VI
 | 5 | Medusa
 | 6 | Crying For Help VII
 | 7 | Fool's Gold
 | 8 | Crying For Help VIII
 | 9 | Sirens
 | | Total playing time: 55.25 |
   Paul Wrightson - vocals
Keith More - guitars
Clive Nolan - keyboards
John Jowitt - bass
Mick Pointer - drums |
Produced and engineered by Clive Nolan
Mixed by Simon Hanhart
Recorded at Thin Ice Studios, Virginia Water,
Mixed at The Music Station, Birmingham, England
Recorded between May - August 1996
Mastered at Abbey Road Studios, London by Chris
Sleeve design and artwork by Salli G |
 | Welcome to the cage
No more choices born from freedom
No more kings and no more kingdom come
Live in fear of what your doubts are
You may find all your nightmares knocking down your ivory tower
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the world we made
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 Второй альбом английских прогрессив рокеров создавших очередное творение абсолютно ничем не уступающее своему предшественнику. Нестабильным моментом оказался состав группы, а именно изменился вокалист - теперь вместо Джона Карсона микрофонную стойку занял Пол Райтсон, по-моему, более интересный фронтмен, чем предыдущий, хотя кто-то может посчитать его безликим (напоминает он мне вокалеров ещё двух культовых прогрессивных формаций Fates Warning и Queenryche). Также появился новый басист - Джон Джовитт (ex-IQ, ARK, WHITE TRASH). Но на этом изменения собственно и заканчиваются, звук у пластинки отличный, а музыкальный материал представляет собой логическое продолжение предыдущего альбома «Songs From The Lion's Cage», правда с некими новшествами – добавилось скорости в ритме музыки и барабаны стали звучать по-плотнее, но сама атмосфера осталась старая – то есть грустная и упадническая , что хорошо раскрывается в продолжении музыкального полотна «Crying For Help», теперь оно уже дошло до количества отметки восемь, хотя так же как и раньше - это четыре композиции, правда третья представляет собой странную балладу – полностью звучит один только голос, без каких-либо музыкальных инструментов (слабовато получилось, честно сказать, и без того вокалист из Райтсона не гениальный, так ещё и эти завывания о помощи…), неплох длинный девятиминутный эпик «Empire Of A Thousand Days», отлично получилась композиция «Medusa» - запоминающийся припев и небольшое время звучания – и вот вам очередной стопроцентный хит, нельзя также забыть просто убийственный по своей атмосфере безвыходности (а также длине в четырнадцать минут!) «Sirens» - как я думаю всем ясно – в нём достаточно и балладных элементов и ритмических сбивок с порванными кусками мелодики. Не обошлось и без минусов (хотя тут уж чисто субъективное критическое мнение) – это тупейшая, именно по мелодии, открывающая композиция «Welcome To The Cage» - она, если можно так выразиться самая энергичная и забойная, но абсолютно беззубая и примитивная (конечно, читатели не должны понимать это как упрёк в сторону техничности – с этим у мужиков проблем никогда не было, и думаю никогда не будет). В общем ситуация на «Pride» такая же как и на дебютном альбоме - неплохо, но и не больше чем хорошо, заявлять смело о мастхевности данного произведения я не могу, но если вам в целом нравиться творчество Арены, то и этот диск вряд ли сможет чем-то или как-то разочаровать. |
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Перед самыми первыми гастролями новоиспеченного коллектива его неожиданно покидает Джон Карсон, после чего из группы уходит Клифф Орси. Два одаренных музыканта, способных внести свой вклад в композицию и аранжировку.
Тем не менее, потеря сразу двух музыкантов не стала для группы смертельной. Более того, постоянная смена состава будет нормой для Арены до начала нового тысячелетия. А пока...
Пока новым лицом и голосом Арены стал Пол Райтсон. В целом, манера пения нового вокалиста и его тембр голоса продолжает всю ту же вокальную традицию а-ля Фиш. Правда, голос Райтсона напоминает также и Алана Рида из Pallas с той лишь разницей, что Райтсон проигрывает и тому и другому как в технике, так и в эмоциональности.
Новый бас-гитарист Джон Джовитт уже сделал себе имя, работая с Jadis и IQ. Сейчас можно с уверенностью сказать, что это однозначно лучший басист, когда-либо входивший в состав Арены.
Структура альбома полностью повторяет компоновку альбома-предшественника: очередные мини-эпики, разделенные серией интермедий "Crying For Help", и в завершение - продолжительная сюита с развернутой инструментальной частью. Общее звучание альбома в точности такое же, как и у предшественника, разве что ударные стали звучать чуть плотнее (что заметно только в наушниках).
Музыка. В принципе, ничего принципиально нового Нолан и компания на этом диске не представили. По сути это даже не развитие идей из прошлого альбома, а их простое повторение. С той лишь разницей, что материал, как мне показалось, чуть слабее. При прослушивании возникают все те же ассоциации c Genesis, Marillion и Pink Floyd. В "Empire Of The Thousand Days" гитара Мура цитирует что-то из Флойдовского "The Wall", а "Fool's Gold" иногда заставляет вспомнить "Watcher Of The Skies" Genesis. "Crying For Help VII", исполненная а-капелла - явно не для слабого вокала Райтсона. Лично мне особенно не понравилась пьеса "Sirens", инструментальная часть которой мало того, что построена сплошь на примитивных штампах, так еще и звучит архаично. В некоторых местах возникали ассоциации с музыкой к гонгконгским "боевикам" 80-х годов. Сбивки Пойнтера крайне неумелы и слишком прямолинейны. В общем, диск звучит, как бледная копия предшественника, не более. |
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просмотров: 14021 |
Forced apart by blind divisions
Inspiration, rash decision making
Ignorance and tears, innocence and early years
Beware the chaos that will tear apart that game you play
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the world we made
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the heart and soul that freed the slaves
When you're forced to the wall by the sheer weight of will
When you're fighting between one another
Be sure that you know who the prisoners are
And don't turn against your own brother
Behind every thought is a far greater plan
You can feel as the elements gather
Be sure on which side of the bars you are on
You will live with your choices forever
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the world we made
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the heart and soul that freed the slaves
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, welcome to the world that we have made
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the cage
Welcome, oh, to the shattered world we tried to save
The spirit that will never fade
Heart and soul that freed the slaves
Welcome, welcome to the cage
Crying for help V
Instrumental track
Empire of a thousand days
Traitors, heathens
Don't thank me
Empires, princes
Don't thank me
The fellowship started here
With bleeding hearts and fine cause
The brotherhood started here
With fevered brows, malevolence
Beaten, howling
I'll drag you down
Kneeling, cowering
I'll drag you right down
Soldiers, victims
Don't thank me
Warriors, pilgrims
Don't thank me
The fellowship started here
With righteousness and lunacy
The covenant started here
With screaming souls and vitriol
Can there be comfort left
For one who lies bleeding in the fields?
Remorse and second thoughts are not enough
To shield me from the consequence
Horses, war cries
Don't thank me
Forces, armies
Don't thank me
Dedicate your life to this
With blood vows and loyalty
Dedicate your life to me
With suicide, atrocity
Onward, fervent
I'll drag you down
Torture, torment
I'll drag you right down
Can there be a heaven still
For one who lies bleeding in the fields?
A pardon for these actions and passions
Committed in the name of our salvation
Innocence of acquaintance or liaison?
The darker side of hunger and need
We reach a path, the way beyond reason
Now we have sown that Nemicidal seed
And I can count on you to let me bleed
An act of trust is as fragile as a child
And we have led as far as we can lead
We'll make a pact from threats and insecurities
Things will arise from lies and disagreements
And I can count on you to let me bleed
Let the meek lie down
For they shall not inherit the earth from me
Let the meek lie down
I will never set your people free
Take no prisoners
For they shall not receive any hope from me
Take no prisoners
I will never set your people free
Death is the enemy
For he waits in the field of blood for me
Death is the enemy
I will never set your people free
Let the meek lie down
Let the meek lie down
Let the meek lie down, down
Let the meek, let the meek lie down
Crying for help VI
Instrumental track
It's just a matter of course now
Like some ritual or formality that's guiding me
Violent flows the venomous dance
Chasing through the system in a frenzy of enhancement
Addicted to your belladonna kiss
I am running in the shadows
Anonymous, invisible to all the world but you
How can you be so proud of the things you do?
Medusa, hollow words and promises
Bow down in servitude before this throne
Medusa, you always know my weaknesses
Only with a heart of anger
Could you freeze the lifeblood in my veins
Only with a heart of anger
Could you bleed the strength, put out the flame
Poisoned by your belladonna kiss
I am trapped in the web
I am drowning in the bitterness
And all that I can pray is that I die in your embrace again
Medusa, hollow words and promises
Bow down in servitude before this throne
Medusa, you always know my weaknesses
I turn to stone
All I need is a bloodstained jewel
Or a poisonous flower
All I yearn for is the siren's cry
Or the torment and endurance in the final hour
Medusa, hollow words and promises
Bow down in servitude before this throne
Medusa, you always know my weaknesses
Oh, I'm paralyzed before this vision
Medusa, hollow words and promises
Bow down in servitude before this throne
Medusa, you always know my weaknesses
I turn to stone
Addicted to your belladonna kiss
I am running in the shadows
Anonymous, invisible
Crying for help VII
Help me, help me!
Oh, help me!
Let us share this hope
That we may close our eyes in peace
Follow what may rise from this
Standing in the halls of grace
Let my people go
Was the cry I heard from far away
I should have known
Not to trust every word I heard them say
Help me, help me!
Oh, help me!
There's a face I can see
Staring back in desperation
Nowhere to turn to now
Drowning in this sea of fate
Don't run, don't hide
The devil will find you anywhere
We should never have lied
The sin was always there
Help me, help me!
Oh, help me!
This choice must be free
Answers do not grow on trees
We must face our enemies
With faith in one another
Don't fall down, don't lie down
You can lean on me, my friend
The future may not bring us luck
But together we can go down fighting
Help me, help me!
Oh, help me!
Help me, help me!
Oh, help me!
Fool's gold
You think you can hide from the life that you made
You think you can run from the hell you created
Never a thought for the fruits of your labour
Just some vague and fading picture
You think I would laugh in the face of neglect
You think I would smile in the light of rejection
Never a thought to the flesh and the blood
Just some weak and willing victim
All that glisters is not gold
Or so the wise man said
When greed awakes upon your shoulder
Hearts will turn to lead
Fool's gold
Fool's gold
Fly to the valleys, fly to the hills
Try to exist on your own without feelings
Ripping your soul beyond all recognition
Unforgiven, twisted vision
Let your conscience decide!
Can you live with yourself and the deed you have done?
Conquer your thoughts when all this has begun
It's tearing your mind into guilt and regret
Troubled dreams, you'll not forget this
All that glisters is not gold
Or so the wise man said
When greed awakes upon your shoulder
Hearts will turn to lead
Fool's gold
Fool's gold
No, it's not all right to call
No, it's not all right to haul me over hot coals
Burning the soles of my feet
Biting deep, deep into my flesh, my hands
Vengeance, be sure that I will repay you
Vengeance, be sure that I will be the one to betray you
Vengeance, I'll strike like a snake when your back is turned
Vengeance, I shall light the fire and leave you to burn
Digging deep for something of value
How much more must I tear at the soil?
Then at my feet I find angels and saints
Pleading for forgiveness
Digging deep for something of value
Will I find what I touched in a dream?
Then at my feet I find demons and devils
Waiting to drag me down into the pit
Digging deep for something of value
Searching hard for answers and clues
Then at my feet I find bigots and sinners
Screaming their abuse at me
Digging deep for something of value
Will I find what I lost once before?
From my soul, there springs home for redemption
A chance to walk the farthest shore
I made my own bed
I must lie here forever
I made my own prison
I must live out my life in it now
Are you really afraid when the sun sets at night?
Are you really afraid when you lie down and close your eyes?
Never a chance to retreat into sleep
The damage is done, now you shall reap justice
You wanted it all but now you have nothing
Lost to the wind are the chances you threw
You wanted it all but now you have nothing
You killed for the gold but this won't help you
All that glisters is not gold
Or so the wise man said
When greed awakes upon your shoulder
Hearts will turn to lead
That's fool's gold
Fool's gold
Crying for help VIII
Instrumental track
Silently calling
I hear myself speak
My breath is in my hands
I cry out your name
Silently calling
I feel so at peace
And the time to surrender
Is the time you will take hold of me
What did you do when you woke today?
What did you feel? Were you sad or afraid?
Searching your thoughts for reasons or meanings
And the choices you made
Silently calling
In a field of dreams
Where memories fade
They keep passing through this soulless maze
What did you do when you woke today?
What did you feel? Were you sad or afraid?
Searching your thoughts for hope or relief
Looking for safety in the falling leaves
Splinters of virtue
From splintering hearts
The door is always closed
As it was from the start
Masters of freedom
Masters of light
Will you ever let me go?
Take away this second sight
What did you do when you woke today?
What did you feel? Were you sad or afraid?
Searching your thoughts for warnings and traps
Nothing in your life will be the same
Hanging to the sail, caught behind the storm
Wait for the waves to come
Know the fear, hide behind your smile
Crying for mercy
Hanging to the mast, caught behind the storm
Wait for the sea to foam
Climb, climb
Climb up to me
Hanging to the sail, far beyond the storm
Lightning across the sky
Catch the rope, cling to hope
Watch as our lives flash by
Hanging to the mast, beyond the storm
Saltwater burning
Shield your face from whiplash sprays
Hold your breath and Neptune will make his next move
Hanging to the rail, caught within the storm
Watch for the jagged land
Follow a line from another time
Washed up on stone and sand
Grab the mast, caught within the storm
Reach for a helping hand
We could share this calm experience now
In shadows I can see the light
I whisper your name but it's lost in the night
Watching reflections of my own solitude
Heartfelt indifference towards actions and truths
In shadows I can see light
I whisper your name in the night
Spare me from those sirens lies
Spare me from this grand illusion
Spare me from those weeping eyes
And promises of absolution
Shall I stand without defense?
Now that death is all around me
Did you hope for my surrender?
Leaving me to die on the bloodstained ground
It's only a lifetime
Where heroes need heroic deeds
It's only a lifetime
Where children dream of breaking free
Follow the cause, follow the signs
Drawn by a song to our own demise
It's only a lifetime
Dragged across the rocks by the sirens whisper