 Tourniquet – очень своеобразный проект. Они все время пилили очень качественный трэш с прогрессивными моментами тут и там, влиянием классической музыки и джаза. Барабанщик Тэд Киркпатрик (на данный момент - единственный участник, оставшийся от первоначального состава) очень любит демонстрировать свои перкуссионные способности (благо, есть что показывать!) и уже успел выпустить два инструкционных видео. Талантливый ударник, он еще и на гитаре играет (эту часть своего таланта он тоже решил запечатлеть на видео, в этот раз вместе с штатным гитаристом). Кому интересно, на самом последнем альбоме “Where Moth and Rust Destroy” гитарные соло у них играл Марти Фридман.
На обозреваемом же в этот раз втором альбоме, для которого Киркпатрик написал большую часть музыки, коллектив играет хороший такой качественно прописанный американский трэш, местами напоминающий Sacred Reich, с местами ёрническим вокалом типа позднего D.R.I. Есть, правда, и отклонения. В инструментале “Viento Borrascoso (Devastating Wind)” слышны отчетливые испанские мотивы. “Spineless” – это наполовину трэш-рэп. Трэшуют, как всегда, хорошо, а вот с инородными мелодиями... ну, мне лично не катит. Правда, долго это не продолжается и более на диске не встречается. “Broken Chromosomes” показывает, во что в скором времени превратится музыка, которую нарекут «альтернативной». А последний трек, “Officium Defunctorum”, великолепно выполнен в манере traditional doom!
Вот такие эксперименты здесь поджидают фанатов нестандартной, как металлической, так и музыки вообще. И пофиг, что этот коллектив повсеместно представлен как христианский (единственный, кто из всей компании не признается в любви, поддержке и вдохновении к тов. ИХ, так это гитарист по фамилии Мендез (интересно, это имеет отношение к Goat of Mendez?). Креатив – в массы! |
The renewing of your mind by cosmic mirror
Spiritual angiography illustrates the mind's sorry state
Barnacle ridden psyche man's own demise to demonstrate
Burrowing mole exposes the dry rot within
Abundance of wormwood, euphorism for sin
Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
By His Spirit the symptoms are starting to clear
Blind cavefish, inbred victim of ocular atrophy
Inky blackness everywhere, there's no reason to see
Wait is someone there? I can feel the heat
Limbs wax useless, help me, can't rise to my feet
Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
A shred of truth is illuminated by miner's light
Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
From the first touch a faint pulse begins to appear
2. A Dog's Breakfast
"Dad was con-man number one
Through black magic dabbling
and drugs his books were born"*
Dianetics says I am
a reincarnated Thetan god
If I buy E-Meter
M.E.S.T. a-ok
L.R.H. says, "Jesus never
reached potential grade."*
The Watchtower (J.W.'s)
Jehovah's Witness made the claim
"The only prophet of today"
But every prophecy was fake
And so they upped the date
As they read their bible wrong
John 1:1 "The Word was a god"
"Triune God is of Babylon
The Church is of the beast."
"144,001 and all that follow Jonadabs that cannot go to Heaven"
I was fooled again
I had made up my mind
That truth comes in styles
I was fooled again
Wastin' my time
With life changing lies
The New Age
My self I love so much
Because the New Age teaches me
"The source of good and secrets lie within"
If this present life ain't good
astral to the past one dude
"You can make adjustments
In your linear timezone."
"God is you and you are God
So whatever you decide is right..."
Right? (S. MacLaine)
Mormonism (Latter-Day Saints)
Joseph Smith a Mormon god
Murdered men, condemned of fraud
An angel gave him golden plates
Which no one ever saw
Faith Movement
K.C. says that "Christ was lost
Sign of Satan on the cross
Bore the Devil's nature
and was born again in Hell"
If you've got a little bod
"You can all become a god"
Benny hinders true conversion
"Christ is not within"
"I have faith in my own faith Cause I'm a little god" (Hagin)
I was fooled again
A message from God
That was only a fraud
Truth and joy was inside
But it's only in Christ
By a spiritual force
That had disguised its source
By the Lord's latest mail
But a novel from Hell
3. Viento Borrascoso (Devastating Wind)
4. Vitals Fading
Young child drowning in a sea of pain
Body infested with debilitating proteus strain
Distant footsteps approach, but they're not for him
The anticipation of visitors wanes, spirits dim
Through the drone of a hemodialysis machine
God says oh dying frame, there's only one place to lean
Antes de que la muerte venga a llevarte asi
Quiero que acceptes a mi Hijo, murio por ti
(Before death arrives to take you away like that
I want to accept my Son; who died for you)
Wrinkled hands reach out for cold metal rails
This decrepit life is so very frail
Body starts to shake in violent burning rigors
Whom the human bond of callous family ignores
Though the mountains crumble deep into the sea
God is ever present
He sees everything
5. Spineless
Gimme the track get back and let me rip this up no
jive no shuck as I truck loads of funk for your rump so
pump your fist and come and get a bump of this
Witness a kid don't even own his own soul playin' the
other role just to be down with the foe I can't
understand a coward giving up his power when
you're livin' in the last hour twelve o'clock Jesus is
comin' back schedule is tight I gotta keep my stuff
intact slack is wack it's time out for the hack
strengthen up your back Take a look at your friends is that what you want
They're as empty as air, just out for a jaunt
3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14 times harpin' at you with those stale old rhymes
Tellin' you that livin' your life for Him
Is a waste of time you're out on a limb
Remember the times I pulled you through
Or maybe you don't, you never knew
What a tragedy it is to see you become less that you ought to be
Lose that grade-school mentality the key to see the Trinity
Lies open in the Book of Life to put an end to human strife
Speaking out against idolatry He came to set the captives free
You think you got rights, well I had 'em too
But I gave 'em all up when I died for you
You can't come to me cause you're good enough
Since the fall of man I'll call your bluff
I don't want to see you suffer anymore
So go ahead friend, open up the door
That leads to freedom from guilt and pain
Got nothin' to lose everything to gain
Give it up
To the one
Who gave you
His own Son
6. Dysfunctional Domicile
After school my stomach sinks
From the thought of just how much he drinks
Broken home broken dreams
Mom and Dad forsake the family thing
So I slither in up to my room alone
Shut the world outside and rot inside my headphones
Nothing matter to the wounded mind of a child
Who becomes a victim of the family home defiled
I've been there once before
Today the child is you
Sacred vows are torn in two
Then he drinks himself to sleep each night
And dreams of how it could have been
She stays away and hates the day
She'll ever have to see his face again
Good enough for them is
Good enough for me 'cause
I treat myself just the way that their vow does now
Pain has passed and now I see that bitter roots
Can down the biggest tree
The broken home within my soul is buried now
Forgiving grace I know
Good enough for them ain't
Good enough for me 'cause I don't treat myself
The same way their vow was now
7. Broken Chromosomes
I want to take my life today
I don't belong here anyway
My God if you can hear me now
See if Your hand can reach this far
You stopped playing father
as soon as mom conceived
The only time we touched
was just before I screamed
The gift that keeps on giving
your father gives to me
History repeats itself
Now history meets me
So what if I'm retarded
Mentally delayed
I'm sorry for annoying you
but I was born this way
You speak so much better
Got an aerodynamic face
Mega-babes and tons of friends
so why show so much hate
Vultures are circling again
My open wounds are food for them
Oh God if you will reach your hand
You can deliver me from man
But I'll get up
I'll get up
Watch me get up
Men fail me...
But the Son of God saves
When I'm face down
and I'm scared and lonely
You are by my side
I'm talkin' face on the ground
My back is painted with footprints
You're the only one
that hears me cry
I seek I find just one name
by which a man can be saved
And He comes before
my tears can dry
Now I'm not alone
No I'm not alone
And I'm free now Cause
I've got no pain to pass on
8. Stereotaxic Atrocities
Brilliant scientific enterprise
The altruistic benefit of human justifies
A white lab coat represents the icon
Eradicate disease, the pedestal it stood on
lies shattered on the floor
Just another day, the dead half a million lay
Your taxes will foot the bill, supply animals to kill
Stinging infusion of chemical
The moribund patient clings to the wall
Another scapegoat to suffer for our sickening vices
You cut their neck, they cut your check
Endless barrage of repetition, satisfies your need
Of colleague competition
Pseudo scientist watches in fascination
As electrode-ridden monkey #32
Has his dignity completely destroyed
We need another $200,000 to find a scientific reason
why cats land on their feet
Feline fuel for the incinerator
Even though this test will not help the human mess
Continue it anyway, the car payment's due today
9. Officium Defunctorum
Nigh does the tempest
Draw to devour him
Through sullen seas of throes
The end of life begins
His fame will fade in time
His name is you and I
We died the day that Adam died
Outside the garden we're denied
Nigh does the Master
Draw to receive us
To give unto our souls
Harvested deeds we've sown
His fame remains throughout eternity
His name the Prince of Peace
He died the day our sin connived
Outside the gates was crucified
His blood was shed for all mankind
Outside atonement we're denied