 Собственно, Cyclone Temple – это то, что осталось после многообещающего, но досрочно закончившегося проекта Znowhite. Но и немного больше того – видимо, помыкавшись, да поразмыслив на досуге, парни во главе с чернокожим Иэном aka Грегом решили начать с нуля. Занимаются они тем же, чем и раньше – запиливанием жёсткого, но мелодичного трэша. Основные отличия от последнего опуса Znowhite: более ровный звук, более чёткий риффинг, больше хэви и всяческих минорно-акустических финтифлюшек и – некто Брайен Троч на микрофоне, выросший, очевидно, на классическом хард-роке, что сказывается на конечном результате. Допустим, это не взрыв металлических стружек, но чрезвычайно вкусный альбом – яркий и энергичный. Своими зелёными спиральками на жёлтом фоне оформление диска вызывает стойкие ассоциации с обложкой «State of Euphoria» от незабвенных весельчаков Anthrax. И действительно, стоит лишь послушать боевик «Public Enemy», как "Язвенники" во всей красе встают пред мысленным взором. Да и среди всей этой металлической оргии временами проскальзывают явно антраксовские риффы, только того более мрачного и тяжёлого периода вокруг «Persistance of Time» (1990). Хотя упрекать CT я вовсе не намереваюсь, банда может и на слёзную железу надавить стандартизированными балладными ходами (вкупе с манерой пения Троча именно эти моменты и портят всё впечатление от альбома, но любителям китча в железной обёртке а-ля «The Hardest Part of Letting Go» каких-нибудь "Мегадэтов" будет самое то). Радует, что даже такие моменты неизбежно и неотвратимо переходят в скоростное тугое молотилово. В текстовом плане тоже всё на своём месте: от стрельбы на поле боя до стрельбы в школе и различных других недопониманий и недоразумений между людьми... А вокальные партии (я долго думал, кто же так поёт ещё специфически?) временами напоминают Alice in Chains. Время такое было. И шикарным трэш-альбомом «I Hate Therefore I Am» от всех этих веяний быть не перестаёт – вот на самом деле и всё, что я хотел сказать. Рекомендуется к розыску в целях многократного прослушивания! |
Scream Scream Pay attention to me
I will be what you want me to be I will think what you want me to think
My reason for being only my parents to please
I'm not the perfect child you made me out to be
My problems my imperfections you never wanted to see
Dear Mom and Dad,
I write this letter telling you
I am now free. It was your lack of
love and attention is what killed
me. So don't blame some heavy metal
record to cover your own neglect.
Your perfect picture turned fatal,
portrait not what you've come to expect
Each time I squeeze the trigger the pain slowly subsides
Put the gun to my own head now I too must die
Die Die Dying to be me
Why Why Smothered from reality
Scream Scream Someone listen to me
Scream Scream Pay attention to me
Eighteen years I've hurt in silence and now they ask why
Why did he snap Why did he kill He was always the perfect child
Live your life through me and telling me how to live
Sheltered from reality did anyone care how I felt
Five o'clock on the evening news child goes on a killing spree
Now I have your attention Now you'll listen to me
2. Sister (Until We Meet Again)
I hear you call my name
I turn and you're not there
If these four walls could speak
They'd tell me what you felt
You cry yourself to sleep
A pain no one can share
Never felt such emptiness
This void's consuming me
I can't talk to you no more about my troubled thoughts
You seem so far away but always in my heart
No harm can come to thee I've lost you to the dark
Until we meet again please forget me not
Sister I'm in pain
Did your heartbeat pound with each raindrop
As your blood was washed away
Why does it take the loss of someone
To make you value all you do and say
No yesterday
No tomorrow
Only memories and photographs
No sunlight
No rainbows
All that once was is now black
Memories run through my mind
Of the days gone by
What I felt was never said
Something only time could mend
Never seem to miss the well
Until the well runs dry
Why didn't I say it when I had the chance
So tragic how it ends
Tomorrow never came Yesterday is gone
Never to return Like darkness gives to dawn
For you pain is just a word now
Time has no meaning
Never to return
Peacefully sleeping
3. Words Are Just Words
Time after time you said you'd be there for me
But over and over your words ring of insincerity
These words that pass your lips
Often spoken but never meant
You hurt the ones you love
Am I the one that you love to hate
Say what you mean
And mean what you say
Why must I live in fear
Why must I hurt this way
Contemplating my every move
Insecure 'til your dying day
You inflict the pain
'Cause I'm the one that you call friend
Had enough of your foolish games
Just go Just go away
I would walk a thousand miles if you asked me to
But why must I spend my whole life proving these things to you
[Bridge / Chorus]
How many times must I stand broken hearted
When will I ever learn
How many times must I fall to pieces
Everybody gets a turn
Time and time again
You're like an old black and white movie
It's all been done before
You're the same old song and dance
You're a tired old cliche
You know the end before it comes
Why must I live in fear
Why must I hurt this way
Contemplating my every move
Insecure 'til your dying day
You inflict the pain
'Cause I'm the one that you call friend
Had enough of your foolish games
This will end This must end
If I had a dime for every time you said you loved me
I'd be a millionaire
But if I had a million for every time that you meant it
I'd be poor as hell
Never will I ever
Walk this road again
For as long as I live the love that I give
Won't be given up in vain
Time after time you said you'd be there for me
How many times must I fall to pieces
Everybody gets a turn
Never will I ever walk this road again
But for as long as I live the love that I give
Won't be given up in vain
4. Public Enemy
Telling the truth is like the edge of a knife
Hit the wrong nerve it could cost your life
All heard him
Most feared him
The media slants the truth
Said he's the enemy
You're a rattle on the snake of democracy
Can a free man speak or is he really not
Just a boil on the ass of all decency
See what King and X got Shot
Just a man teaching non-violence
A sign of fear for those who rage free
We want the truth and nothing but the truth
We want the truth and nothing but
Just a man who said let freedom ring
Shed a tear for those who killed me
We want the truth and nothing but the truth
We want the truth and nothing but
Why is it that those who speak of unity
Can't escape the grip of fatality
Pose a threat without the use of deadly force
For those who follow lynched with no remorse
[Bridge / Chorus]
And they marched
Bloody but unbowed
Against the grain
Only the strong survive
Hear the battlecry
We shall overcome
Fight for the dream even when I must die
5. In God We Trust
The stage is set
Backdrop lit
Testing One Two Three
Now don't forget when I wave my hand
Flash the price across the screen
And when I raise my eyes towards the heavens
Don't be late with the cue
And when I raise my fist I want a clap of thunder
Instilling fear is how I rule
Mindless people follow your master
Multitudes of lambs to the slaughter
Like lost children searching for an answer
While I feed on you like cancer
Can you feel me
Touch you Heal thee
Almighty dollar gives me strength in power
In God We Trust
I am pure I have no faults
I am a man of truth
Take these words from this book
Interpret them for my use
[Bridge / Chorus]
Headlines rage
Followers divided
Tell them in whom they should believe
Pity me people
For I am only man
Never again will I deceive
Drunken scap fleecing his flock
They're with me all the way
My kingdom's done from what's become
Is it me or god that they praise
6. I Hate Therefore I Am
Close your eyes and make a wish
Wish upon a star
Open your eyes and it's gone
What does it take for us to see eye to eye
Is it too late for the future of mankind
Tomorrow's future driven by old world hate
Is there no end to the pain we cause
The blind will lead
The ignorant will teach
The breasts that feed sow the seed
Superior Inferior Cut the bullshit
Hate not my child it's a war that no one wins
Will it always be where kind sticks to kind
Why do we turn away from the things we don't understand
Will it always be where like sticks to like
Why do we close our heart when someone else needs a helping hand
We stand by while humanity's declining
No respect for fellow mankind
Sometimes I laugh Laugh to keep from crying
The only time we're equal's when we die
[Bridge / Chorus]
They say do unto others
But they only do as we do
They say god said love one another
Then distort their view
7. March For Me - Die For Me
Mosquitoes sting like lightning
Beams of mid-day burn my neck
A hundred miles behind me hear the cries of rapid breath
Yellow fever eats my brain
Soon the maggots prey
The final step before I fall and they shall have their way
Step by step 'cross burning sands
The jungle hears no prayers
Introduced to virgin eyes
A hell like none before
Some will live Some will die
Are you proud soldier now
I am death reach out and take my hand
Pain solution here
The stench of death and weakness
The body count will rise
Those of us who cry for help thine eyes look toward the skies
March survivors crying out
In endless agony
Those of us left behind will pay through suffering
Step by step I see
Inch by inch I bleed
Mile by mile I hunger
Killing all in my sight
Woman and child no mercy
Towards the enemy no feeling
Ironically I am captured
Now the enemy has no feeling
I'm on the losing side I must suffer
Indestructible We can never lose
Unbelievable How they brainwash
The hunter's now the hunted
Oh what will become of me
I must hang on
Another day I must see
Oh is this a bad dream
I must be strong
Oh god help me
8. Born To Lose
As he yelled out to the sky
As a tear rained from his eye
Oh was I born to lose
Why does the color of someone's skin
Raise the fear that lurks within
That makes men hate as they do
Created equal so they say
When this was written
I was property not man
Growing bitter day by day
Battered but proud
I will defy until the end
Take a chance and cross the line
Met with resistance for what's rightfully mine
The strong take from the weak
And the wicked destroy the meek
Take a chance and cross the line
Ignorance breeds hatred and hatred is blind
The strong take from the weak
And the wicked destroy the meek
When you're born to lose
Born into a world
Where you're considered one of them
Tell me what can you do
equality is hypocrisy
Often spoken but seldom used
[Bridge / Chorus]
The pain The pain
Never a day without it
The lies The lies
Never a day I'm not reminded
Buried alive and no one hears you scream
The chains that bind you that no one ever sees
They fear my anger but they don't see my pain
Deep down inside me burns the rage
9. Silence So Loud
Slamming the door
That echos through the cellblock
Nothing can I see
Guilty until proven innocent
Never again to be free
Deathrow is like one bullet in an empty gun
Pull the trigger
Hanging by a thread
So quiet I hear my thoughts aloud
Hate getting stronger
It's been so long
Since I've heard a human voice
It's been years since I've seen the light of day
Slightly demented
Memories die Bad blood flows
The love of man is gone
Emptiness reminds you well of the things that must
Come to end Come to end
The tears I cry The blood I bleed
The hell I feel The hate within
I stand alone Not always proud
But on my own Nobody at me side
Silence so loud
I am innocent
I scream over and over
But no one hears me
I am the victim of a witch hunt
Oh god help me
I fear the truth won't be found
Locked up key thrown away
I'll be dead before they discover
I've been accused falsely
Darkness Silence
My only friend
Solitary confinement
Is where I'll be until I'm dead
[Bridge / Chorus]
Lady Justice can you help me
I am indigent and can't pay your price
What about innocent 'til proven guilty
Or is it reserved for those with money and might
Is being poor punishable by law
While the rich plead guilty and go free
Only in the land of milk and honey
Can justice be sold from sea to shining --