Vicious Crusade
« Freedom Comes »
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1 | Dress Me Black 3:45
 | 2 | Bang The Drum 5:06
 | 3 | Freedom Comes 5:09
 | 4 | Another Hero 6:19
 | 5 | The Man With Heart Of Gold 4:42
 | 6 | My Cruel Mirror 6:05
 | 7 | Dreaming 5:34
 | 8 | Hellbound 3:42
 | 9 | A Day To Feel Alive 5:13
 | 10 | For The Last Time 3:55
 | 11 | Rock You Up! 5:43
 | | Total playing time: 55:12 |
   Дмитрий Басик - вокал, гитара
Татьяна Лабода - вокал
Алексей Вертель - гитара
Сергей “Markus” Одинец - бас-гитара
Баграт Вартанян - скрипка
Алексей Гладыш - ударные
Константин Тромбицкий — волынка, дудка |
Metal Records |
 | 1. Dress Me Black
(lyrics by Dm. Basik, Al. Vertel)
You hate to see me dressed in black,
But now I’m ready to fight back.
It’s time for you to realize
That there will be no compromise.
I won’t do things you want me to.
Will not become the one like you.
I’m dressed in black, but not to gr |
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 Наконец-то вышел это ДОЛГОЖДАННЫЙ альбом! Две песни мы уже слышали на синглах, но кому эти синглы были нужны, меня так они раздражали - я ждал альбома. И он меня не разочаровал! За годы отсутствия на сцене (не берем во внимание немногочисленные концерты, да и те только в последнее время) музыканты не подрастеряли свой запал, свое мастерство. Музыка здесь – такой, что ли, мягкий трэш, совсем не агрессивный, но цепляющий, приправленный таким мелодизмом, что всегда было присуще группе. Фольк-оттенок придает скрипка, которая не звучит «приклеено» к основе музыке, а ненавязчиво сама является частью этой самой музыки. И также отмечу соло-гитары, придающие все ту же фольковую направленность. Первоначально песни кажутся уж очень простыми, но они моментально поселяются в твоей голове. В каждой композиции есть своя фишка, способствующая все тому же запоминанию песен. А последний трэк можно включать на метал-дискотеках, так и хочется плясать :) В общем, кто любил группу раньше - узнают и не разочаруются, всем остальным стоит в обязательном порядке ознакомиться. Послушайте разок, второй раз уговаривать уже не придется! |
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Итак, новый альбом Vicious Crusade, записанный спустя 7 лет после во многом спорного "Forbidden Tunes", знаменует собой возвращение группы на большую сцену. Синглы, вышедшие до него, лишь подогрели интерес к команде. Уверен, что я далеко не единственный, кто искренне ждал этого релиза, и кому было интересно, в каком творческом направлении двинутся музыканты. Эту группу, без сомнения, можно назвать королями белорусской метал-сцены, особенно, после развала легендарных Gods Tower. Но, ближе к рассматриваемому диску. Итак, музыкально это среднетемповый thrash metal со строго выверенной фолк-составляющей в виде партий скрипки в исполнении Баграта Вартаняна и женским вокалом Татьяны Лабода, который тут смотрится очень органично и как никогда к месту. Альбом слушается как единое целое, откровенно "проходные" песни отсутствуют напрочь. При этом, на диске хватает с лихвой как пробивных "боевиков" (та же вещь "Dress Me Black", открывающая альбом, крышесносящая "Hellbound" и "The Man with Heart of Gold"), так и песен почти балладного типа ("Another Hero", "A Day to Feel Alive", "My Cruel Mirror" - мой личный фаворит). О качестве записи, сведения и продюсирования говорить просто бессмысленно - всё сделано на высшем уровне и со знанием дела людьми, которые не первый год работают с группой. Также хотелось бы отметить оригинальное оформление обложки и буклета, выполненных в виде новостных вырезок о группе из старых выпусков газет и фотографий участников команды разного периода. В общем, те 50 с лишним минут, которые длится альбом, пролетают как одно мгновение и по завершении рука уже сама по себе тянется нажать кнопку "replay", для того чтобы еще раз услышать эти замечательные песни. Браво, Vicious Crusade! Отличная работа! |
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просмотров: 13590 |
I’m dressed to stand for my belief.
I’m dressed in black.
I’m not like you, not from your track.
And if you’re brave enough to hate me,
Wishing to exterminate me,
If you dare – you must know I’ll hit you back.
You tried to ruin all my life,
But gave me reason to survive.
You gave me strength I’d never had.
So, here I am not broken yet!
We get stronger,
We get stronger day by day.
We get stronger,
We will do it our way.
2. Bang The Drum
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
I had sex, I took drugs, I played rock’n roll.
Everything that grooves and rocks – I’ve had it all.
From paradise I was expelled – it was too calm for me.
And I refused to burn in hell for little was my fee.
It’s the beating of my heart, it’s the flowing of my blood,
It’s my soul I put at stake that let me rise when I fall
and give me strength the whole world to shake!
I fought with Che Guevara. With Lennon I rolled dice.
I’ve got the Holly Bible signed to me by Jesus Christ.
I’ve seen too much in too few years and now I die from bore.
I’ve had it all but still I ask for more.
And if the world blows up, it will not make me stop.
I want to walk my way.
The rebel I was born, the rebel I’ll be gone.
Be gone but not today!
Hey, come out to shake the world
Where faith is lost and souls are sold.
Hey come out to live your lives
Pushed to the limit, to never die.
To live and never die!
And if the world blows up, it will not make me stop.
I want to walk my way.
The rebel I was born, the rebel I’ll be gone.
With all the words I say and all the songs I play
I’ll die but not today!
3. Freedom Comes
(lyrics by Dm. Basik & Al. Vertel)
It came down like a hurricane,
Like an earthquake, freezing rain,
Like a flood, like a lava flow,
Like one crushing fatal blow.
Born by will chained,
Pride disdained,
Tears by misery drained
And the soul they slain.
With the moaning, with the growling,
With a taste of blood on broken lips,
In the clothing smell from a prison cell,
And with bruises from shackle clips,
With eyes looking straight at cruel fate,
With an open heart that resists their hate,
With the spirit that has been reborn,
Brought from exile it marches on.
Freedom comes! Freedom comes!
Ringing bells, banging drums.
With love shining from her eyes,
Making us arise,
The Freedom comes!
Did you see them young and old?
Those betrayed, forsaken, sold,
Those who came to change the world
Challenging despair?
Born by will chained,
Pride disdained,
Tears by misery drained
And the soul they slain.
Like a hurricane,
Like a freezing rain,
Like a lava flow,
Destroying you...
4. Another Hero
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
Forgive him father but he’s got to go.
He needs to tell you something you should know.
The time has come, he can no longer wait.
His friends they need him on the barricades.
Forgive him mother, but with all your love
You cannot stop him, you won’t stop him now.
The time has come and plans can’t be deranged.
Forgive him mother, nothing can be changed.
And his eyes were shining brighter than a hundred suns.
Life finally had sense. His life had just begun.
All he wanted was to be forgiven and understood.
So he left his home and off he went for good…
And friends on barricades… They were not there.
Somehow for something else they had to care.
But left alone the kid refused to run –
He learnt from books that all the brave die young.
To be forgiven… To be understood…
His friends, they said that soldiers wouldn’t shoot!
Force your way! Time is yours!
Streets are calling!
Triumph justifies the cost –
Leave guns roaring!
Ask the kid, young and brave,
To be another hero to feed the grave.
Doing all he can, he’ll die like real man
For his true friends.
And his eyes were shining
brighter than a hundred suns.
Life finally had sense.
His life had just begun.
All he wanted was to be
forgiven and understood.
[So he left his home and off…]
Shoot ‘em!
Aim! Fire! Aim! Fire!
Aim! Fire! Aim! Fire!…
And died like real man for his true friends.
5. The Man With Heart Of Gold
(lyrics by Dm. Basik & Al. Vertel)
Pleased we've met. You will never regret.
I'm the man with the heart of gold.
Trust in me, I will make you feel free.
I'm the man who will change your world.
Take my hand – it will feed and defend,
It will show what is to be done.
If you want me to stay, I will rule – you'll obey.
Let us play, sure it will be fun.
You are the one! You are the one! Teach me!
You are the one! The only one! Preach me!
What's to be done? What's to be done? Tell me!
And I will do, I'll die for you! Tell me to!
And rising fists come crashing,
Thoughtless fists come smashing,
Faceless fists come thrashing,
Everything that once was known as YOU!
Stand upright for the future is bright.
Close your eyes and you'll see it's real.
Sing a song – it will muffle the moan
Of dissent that will soon be healed.
Step inside. What a place to abide!
Prison walls make you feel secure.
Dream away from the thoughts of the day.
Sleep of thoughts is your ultimate cure.
You are the one! You are the one! Teach me!
You are the one! The only one! Preach me!
What's to be done? What's to be done? Tell me!
And I will do, I'll die for you! Tell me to!
Keep mouth shut or your tongue will be cut –
Simple rules for the simple game.
Don't step forth or the things go worse.
You look beautiful when all the same.
Why make noise? You should better rejoice!
You have never ever felt so free.
Young and proud, why don't you shout it loud
"I'm in love with my slavery!"
You are the one, the one – teach me!
You are the one, the one – preach me!
You are the one, the one – tell me!
The man with heart of gold…
I'll die for you! Just tell me to!
6. My Cruel Mirror
(lyrics by Dm. Basik & Al. Vertel)
Embraced by spotlights,
Met by the storms of wild applause
And crowds shouting my name,
I was admired, praised by the whole universe
That humbly spun around my fame.
The brightest visions,
The most delightful, thrilling sights -
Reality to dream about.
All that have vanished
In just the twinkling of an eye.
Just fell apart and faded out…
[I ask you]
Could you tell me, mirror on the wall,
The reason of my downfall?
But don’t you lie and don’t pretend,
Tell me the truth like my best friend!
The idol, I have turned to trash!
It’s not applause, it’s sound of crash!
And crowd shouting my name
To execute me has its aim!
So tell me who’s to blame?
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Again you play your vicious role!
So many hearts you break apart
Not telling truth from very start!
My cruel mirror! It must have been one big mistake.
How could things ever go so wrong? [Things gone so wrong]
It’s just nightmare! It will be gone when I awake
And crowds will cheer my return! [Things gone so wrong]
For so long being hypnotized
By visions so romanticized,
I have become too glamorized
To open eyes and realize
That mirror lied to me, just lied to me!
Which of these worlds is mine?
Which one to choose, which to deny?
Ask me to stay with you
Or I will change you for brand new!
My cruel mirror, won’t you tell me
The truth from very start?
My world is falling down apart!
Won’t you tell me, mirror on the wall,
That I’m the prettiest of them all?
But don’t you lie and don’t pretend,
Tell me the truth like my best friend.
But this time don’t you lie!
My Lord! Tell me! Which one of me is me?
Need to know this time which of these worlds is mine!
7. Dreaming
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
I can see you so real standing right by my side. I do.
And I swear I can feel every beat of your heart. I do.
I reach out to touch you, to catch, to embrace you,
To never let go, never miss, never chase you…
I try to drown, to get lost in your eyes.
As the years go by and the memories fade away,
No more tears to cry, no more words have been left to say.
And still I reach out to touch you, to catch, to embrace you,
To never let go, never miss, never chase you…
I try… Hating to think that you died.
And you whisper the words that can only be told by you.
I am losing control ‘cos you mean whole world. You do.
I reach out to touch you, to catch, to embrace you,
To never let go, never miss, never chase you…
And I scream: why is it only a dream?
Dreaming – it’s where I meet you since you’re gone.
Dreaming – the only place where we belong.
Dreaming – it’s where the time for us has stopped.
Dreaming – oh Lord, please don’t wake me up.
[Don’t wake me…]
8. Hellbound
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
Don’t look deep behind, deep behind my eyes.
It’s where it hides, it’s where the monster lies.
It’s in my blood, my veins, hiding in my smile,
My heart, my brain, my gentle style.
Don’t you meet my look — it stones cold.
Bite the bait — the hook becomes unfold.
You try to hide yourself but legs refuse to run.
It feels like Hell. It comes undone!
Tear my heart out – I am Hellbound!
Grip my hand and let me take you to a trip
For visions that will never let you sleep.
Don’t try to breathe you will reveal yourself.
That’s what it is to be in Hell!
I will cause you pain you’ll never ever ease.
I’ll drive insane, I’ll show you how it feels.
I’ll stain with dirt that can’t be washed away.
You’ll like a lot the games I play!
Come, blind my eyes. Burn tongue – stop cries.
Tear my heart out – I am Hellbound!
Come, blind my eyes. Burn tongue – stop cries.
I live in everyone. I sleep in every bed.
I load guns and point them to heads.
I am the one who makes you born anew.
Relax. Have fun. ‘Cos I am YOU!
Come, blind my eyes. Burn tongue – stop cries.
Tear my heart out – I am Hellbound!
Hold me, hold me tight!
Help me — I can't see the light!
Take me, set me free!
Save me, stand by me!
9. A Day To Feel Alive
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
What if I love you for one day?
Just close my eyes and slip away.
I have been waiting for so long –
Who cares if it’s wrong?
What if I love you for one day?
I need to fall in love with you.
It will be madness if I do.
But it will be the only way
To suffer through this day.
I need to fall in love with you.
To feel you by my side until the morning light,
With all my life to share and all my dreams to dare.
In need of no one else. So far away from hell
I’ve been to. Just me and you,
The one to challenge my despair…
…And me, I feel so lone, so goddamn lone.
I cried but nobody cared.
I ask just for one day, one single day.
I cried but nobody shared.
We will be parted with the dawn. [Lost and broken]
We will not try to carry on. [No words spoken]
Before it pains me to see how you start hating me.
Before I feel that love is gone…
It’s just one day for love. To love and off to go.
One day to feel alive and die till rest of life.
One day for newborn dawn when I won’t feel alone.
Just one day for life to live. But it’s enough, enough for me…
It’s just one day for love. To love and off to go.
One day to feel alive and die till rest of life.
One day for newborn dawn when I won’t feel alone.
Just one day for life to live. But it’s enough, enough for me…
Cutting veins with razor’s edge. Dancing on the burning ledge.
Suicide – it won’t change anything at all.
Just one day to feel alive. One more reason to survive.
One more day that won’t change anything at all.
10. For The Last Time
(lyrics by Dm. Basik)
Wish I could, had a chance
To die for one day just in pretence.
To see them cry and regret.
So I could say: I’m not dead yet!
Did you ever cut veins with a wreck of your hope?
Did you see how life trains to the collar of rope.
Did you look in the eyes of the abyss in front?
One step forward to fly, just the very last stunt.
Did you wish you could try?
Did you wish you could die?
Did you wish you had strength to commit suicide?
And to see them all cry
over you and your life that they’ve lost!
For the last time
Clench your fists for the final fight.
For the last time
Bare teeth for the final bite.
For the last time
Pull your strength, gather all your might.
For the last time
Challenge life and don’t die!
Make disposable love. Have disposable fun.
Sing disposable songs to disposable ones.
Dream disposable dreams that will never come true.
Live disposable life of disposable you.
Did you wish you could try? Did you wish you could die?
Did you wish you had strength to commit suicide?
And to see them all cry over you and your life that they’ve lost!
I want to see you cry [You want to see us cry]
Grieving that I died [Grieving that you died]
Regretting that you’ve lost [Regretting that we’ve lost]
The one you loved the most [The one we loved the most]
Wish I could, had a chance
To die for one day just in pretence.
To see them cry and regret.
So I could say: I’m not dead yet!
For the last time…
For the last…
11. Rock You Up!
(lyrics by Dm. Basik & Al. Vertel)
Don’t you have the feeling that it’s time to hit the lights
And let the amplifiers blow the silence of the night?
Feels like rocking – no more talking! Let us make it real.
Join the crowd, quake the ground, let me feel what you feel!
Gonna get hot. So, are you ready to get wet?
Let me see you getting wild, raising up the dead.
Let me see you moving to the riffs of my guitar
And you will see me grooving ‘cos we both know who we are.
Hey-ho, burn with the fever! Hey-ho, burn baby burn!
We’re gonna rock you up! Blow up your receiver!
Gonna rock you down to the bones!
It’s time to leave the party for the after party show.
This is where the fevered minds really start to blow.
We don't even think of resting till the party’s through.
Let’s make it clear: we are here just to do like you do.
Gonna get hot. So, we are ready to get wet.
You will see us getting wild, raising up the dead.
We’ll let you see your bodies rocking till the very end.
So be sure to be there when we feel like doing it again.
Raise your hands in the air, show me what I need.
Let me see the wild crowd rocking to the beat.
Raise your hands in the air, let me hear your yell.
Let me see the crowd not afraid to burn in Hell!
Keep on moving all night long.
Grooving till the break of dawn.
Raise your hands in the air, show me what I need.
Let me see the wild crowd rocking to the beat.
Raise your hands in the air, let me hear your yell.
Let me see the crowd not afraid to burn in Hell!
If you want to let it out,
if you want to scream and shout,
If you want to rock your body,
then get ready – you have got it!
Let me see all of you rocking to the beat.
Raise your hands in the air – that’s what I need.
Let me hear all of you singing along,
Let me hear you screaming out
“ROCK YOU UP” song!